
Chapter 696: Dan Formation (I)

Now, only they know, but they know very well that when the Dan begins, too many people in China will know.

And... this is the first Dan-forming picture that can be photographed after the advent of the "new era". The preciousness of the data is simply beyond words!

"One more minute."

I don't know who said it, and even the sound of flipping through the data stopped at the scene. The core center of power in the whole China is all concentrating on watching the picture.

Closer... Closer...

Xu Yangyi felt the strong blood call in front of him. At this moment, he and Langdu, both of them turned into spiritual lines, blending in the air, and suddenly let out a long roar and rushed forward with all their strength.

"Boom!!!" A brilliant green light engulfed the entire Lanzhou in an instant!

"Swish" "Swish swish swish" At this moment, Sichuan, Chongqing, Qinghai, Ningxia, Shanxi, Mongolia, and the six major provinces around Longsu, all the monks who were meditating opened their eyes together.

A little green light burst out from Longsu Nanzhou, and then swept across the surrounding six provinces like an overwhelming force!

"This, this, this, this is..." In a cave, a white-haired monk was meditating in seclusion. Suddenly, the aura in the air could not be ignored. The strong pressure suddenly made him open his eyes.

"Ka La La La..." After opening his eyes, all the stones and objects in his cave were shaking. The gathering array that was originally arranged for meditation could not feel the aura at this moment!

"Could it be... Could it be!" He took a breath, and the blood in his body rushed to the top of his head. He only felt his lips dry and cold sweat flowing. With a scream, he rushed out of the cave frantically!

At the moment he rushed out, three streams of light also rushed out of this mountain.

The three monks had been in seclusion for twenty years. They knew each other's location, but they had never visited each other. The funny thing is that after more than 20 years, it was the first time they met in this way.

No, it was not a meeting.

At this moment, none of them looked at each other, but all of them looked at Longsu Province, Nanzhou City with burning eyes.

There, a green light shot up to the sky, illuminating the entire Nanzhou!

It was majestic and magnificent, like the power of heaven!

"Jiedan..." The old man's eyes were red. Yes, it had nothing to do with him, but... but this was the pinnacle of cultivators! The world's supreme!

Now, someone has formed a dan in Nanzhou! And the power is so great!

"Jiedan... Jiedan!! Someone has formed a dan!!" Another cultivator was also like crazy. These were three half-step Jindan. In the outside world, they were the ancestors of one side. They hid here in a dead-end retreat just to impact the Jindan realm. Now, they didn't impact it. In Nanzhou, more than a thousand kilometers away, a cultivator was announcing that he was starting to impact the door of the supreme!

"Heh..." "Unbelievable! Jindan! Jindan realm! True ancestor! It's happening right in front of us!"

After three extremely envious screams, the three people knelt down towards Nanzhou with bloodshot eyes and extremely pious.

Kneel down to worship the image of heaven.

"Swish!" The green ripples instantly spread to six provinces! Western China, before six o'clock this morning, was completely boiling!

On the grassland, in a large golden tent, a man with a full beard was sleeping with a beautiful woman in his arms. There were hundreds of people sleeping in the huge tent. At this moment, the man suddenly opened his eyes, shouted loudly, and jumped out of the tent.

Then, dozens of figures rushed out like crazy, with their mouths wide open, looking at the sky in disbelief.

There, a green ripple, with supreme power, swept over the grassland.


Deathly silence.

Within a few seconds, the bearded man trembled all over, covering his mouth and screaming: "Golden Core! An ancestor is reaching the Golden Core Realm!!"

The people around them were all in a frenzy at this moment. "Oh my God... China will have another Golden Core ancestor!!" "Golden Core Realm! When will I be able to reach this point!!" "Oh my God! This is the first time I've seen a Golden Core vision! Is this really someone reaching the Golden Core Realm?!" "No! He is reaching the Golden Core Realm! Who is this ancestor!!"

Sichuan, Baili Family, at this moment, all the cultivators in the skyscraper opened their eyes, the Qi Refining cultivators had a kind of fanaticism in their eyes, and the Foundation Building cultivators rushed to the roof like crazy, flew to the highest place, and looked into the distance.

"Jindan realm! Impacting Jindan!!" "Oh my god, another new ancestor is about to appear?!" "So close to us?!"

"Let's go! What are you waiting for?!" The head of the Baili family appeared at some point, with his white hair standing up. He shouted hoarsely and his face flushed: "Go to the center immediately!!! The Jindan is so close to us! It's a once-in-a-century opportunity! A great opportunity to observe the Jindan! What are you waiting for!"

"Bai Li family! All foundation-building cultivators! Follow me now!!"

"Swish, swish, swish..." In one province, thousands of spiritual lights rose from the ground. This was the full mobilization of all cultivators after the "new era". From Sichuan, Chongqing, Qinghai, Ningxia, Shaanxi, Mongolia, six provinces, thousands of spiritual lights rushed straight to Nanzhou.

"Pah..." A cleaning lady dropped the broom in her hand to the ground. The dim sky, hundreds of spiritual lights shot rapidly. This scene made the concept of the "new era" deeply rooted in people's hearts, but it still felt extremely shocking.

"What's going on?" I don't know how many young people, uncles and aunts who got up early for morning jogging looked up at the sky at this moment, and then all shouted in shock.

The scene of countless cultivators rushing straight to Nanzhou is enough to make all mortals unforgettable!

"It's started..." All the Jindan Zhenren sighed silently. They knew too well what this meant.

Integrating the weather spirit, taking a crucial step, condensing the golden elixir!

"Ding ding ding!" At this moment, in the top-secret room in the imperial capital, the voice of Tiandao sounded calmly: "The prediction is wrong, repeat, the prediction is wrong."

"Mr. Xu's spirit is much more than that of ordinary golden elixirs. It has now enveloped the entire Nanzhou City and is spreading to the periphery."

In the front, a man with a big back hair, gray hair, and very well maintained, said in a deep voice: "Count Mr. Xu's spiritual power as one person per spirit."

In other words, judging by a cultivator in the middle stage of Qi Refining, the number of spirits represents how many cultivators in the middle stage of Qi Refining and their formations can be annihilated by the other party.

Another beeping sound sounded, and a minute later, a piece of writing appeared.

"True Man Floating Cloud, 25,000 spirits." "True Man Mie Ri, 32,000 spirits." "True Man Huang Dao, 31,000 spirits." "True Man Tian Zai, ??? spirits." "True Man Liang Jiu Gong, 83,000 spirits." "Master Xuan Yuan Sword, 98,000 spirits." "True Man Qing Yue, 100,000 spirits." "True Man Liu Huo, 100,000 spirits." "True Man Tuo Ba, 110,000 spirits." "True Man Black Mountain, 180,000 spirits." "True Man Shan Jun, 95,300 spirits." "True Man Gu Song, 177,000 spirits."

Finally, a line of small characters: "Mr. Xu, True Man Lang Du... 88,400 spirits."

As soon as this line of words came out, a small discussion instantly broke out at the scene.

Although small, it was very urgent.

"Eighty-eight thousand?" An old man with three stars on his shoulders and a dignified face suddenly brightened his eyes: "In the early stage of Jindan, it is about 25,000 to 35,000. In other words, unless more than 30,000 Qi-refining cultivators are dispatched, Jindan Zhenren can come and go freely. And this Mr. Xu... has not yet been promoted... but has 88,000 spirits?"

Beside him, a thin and long-faced man with a calm expression also pursed his lips deeply at this moment: "Unbelievable... In the middle stage, the current statistics are 70,000 to 100,000 spirits, and in the late stage, more than 100,000 spirits. He... is the combat power of the middle stage of Jindan?"

"Ding!" At this moment, Tiandao made a light sound again, and everyone immediately quieted down. Then, another voice sounded.

"Spiritual power fluctuation changes, 92,800 spirits."

"Zizi..." At the scene, no matter how prepared the Chinese politicians were, they couldn't help but gasp at this moment.

In recent years, it is called the New Era, and it is not in vain.

All major countries have their own research. There are about 200 people in the world in the Jindan stage, the real world top. There will never be more than 210 people.

Among them, 80% are in the early stage, 15% are in the middle stage, 4% are in the late stage, and 1% are like a dragon that can only be seen from head to tail, and are truly impacting that unspeakable realm. And there are only three people in the world who are in the realm after the Golden Core!

The Vatican, the Pope of Light, Saint Peter. There is one in China, who once appeared, but is missing. The Indian National Master. Just these three people!

The major divine families should have them, Taoism should also have them, Buddhism should still have them, and Islam must have them, but they will not exceed ten people in total! Moreover, the Yuanying can't find them at all! Except for Saint Peter of Light who must come forward, the other Yuanyings are all idle clouds and wild cranes. Even their clansmen, except for the clan leader, can't be found!

In this case, the Golden Core is the real world supreme! No one dares to disobey the order!

In this case, a combat power comparable to the late Golden Core 100,000 spirits suddenly appears. What a concept!

Let alone erasing the guilt... Even if the crime he committed was a little bigger, the government would definitely be shaken now!

From 80% of the Supremes to 4%... They couldn't help but look squarely at this future Master Xu.

"As Mr. Xu begins to merge the golden elixir, I speculate that his spiritual energy will surge three times, or even four times more. The split brain can no longer bear the burden, and I hope you can mobilize the main brain in time."

The room was dead silent.

Only the sound of heartbeats remained.

Three or four times... That is...

"Close to 300,000 spiritual energy..." The chairman took a sip of coffee and said in a deep voice: "Mobilize the main brain immediately!"

"Today, we want Mr. Xu's most accurate number! How much is 300,000? Or even 400,000? Accurate to the decimal point, it must be!"

"In addition, contact Mr. Tianzai immediately and erase Mr. Xu's wanted order immediately. Even if he can't form the elixir, it must be erased!"

No one objected.

"Chief, I have one more thing to say." A voice sounded from the back: "It can't just be erased, but also sealed. Have you noticed Mr. Xu's age?"


Everyone's eyes lit up, and then the sound of flipping papers was heard throughout the venue.

"Practicing... less than eighty years?!" Finally, a general exclaimed: "This... is impossible?"

"Nothing is impossible, this is the information of the Heavenly Dao Mastermind." The chairman's eyes also became hot. He couldn't even imagine how much contribution a golden elixir less than eighty years old could make to China!

Which golden elixir is not two or three hundred years old? That's already called a genius! Now, a more talented person jumped out!


PS, I don't know why, as soon as I reply in the book review area, I will reply to a comment here

Regarding the issue of Nanming Lihuo, you can practice without fire, and there will be an answer later, about after the formation of Dan

In addition, today's updates are at 11 o'clock, 3 o'clock, 6 o'clock, and 9 o'clock

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Please cultivate the awareness of genuine products. After all, the less than 50 cents you spend on reading condenses the author's energy for four or even six hours a day. It is very sad to work without corresponding recognition. I think you have the same understanding

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