
Chapter 701: Struggle (Part 2)

As soon as he finished speaking, Qin Minglang, the branch leader of the Yulin Guards, took the lead and raised his hands. A storage ring was placed in a crimson box and placed in his hand.

"I hope the ancestor will accept Yu Linwei's little thought." He didn't dare to raise his head and said enthusiastically: "SSS-level heavenly materials and earthly treasures, fifty pieces. SS-level heavenly materials and earthly treasures, one hundred pieces. S Three hundred pieces of super heavenly materials and earthly treasures!”

"A small gift is not a sign of respect. I can only raise so much in a hurry. I hope our ancestors will show their kindness."

Xu Yangyi smiled slightly and did not refuse. He waved his hand and accepted it.

Before the monks of Tiandao spoke, Wang Donglai, the area president of Duobao Pavilion, also picked up a jade box: "SSS-level heavenly materials and earthly treasures... fifty kilograms! SS-level heavenly materials and earthly treasures, one hundred kilograms! S-level heavenly materials and earthly treasures, one hundred kilograms! Treasure...five hundred pounds!"

Everyone present at the foundation building felt like they were pricked by needles. They almost raised their heads and looked at Duobao Pavilion as if they were seeing ghosts. They all knew that Duobao Pavilion was rich and powerful, but... this was already based on weight! Would that be too much?

Have you considered our feelings? !

In terms of it really good to show off your wealth so nakedly?

Xu Yangyi looked at the three respectful branch leaders with some surprise. SSS-level treasures were never recorded. Their production locations were almost always top secret and few were made public. And...the annual production quantity of many SSS-level natural materials and treasures can only be calculated in kilograms. I have never heard that SSS-level natural materials and earthly treasures are calculated in tons.

And all the treasures of heaven and earth, except spiritual plants, have only one purpose - to cast magic weapons. Or to be more precise, for the golden elixir, it is the magic weapon that creates the life.

The natal magic weapon is closely related to the golden elixir. It is placed in the golden elixir and nourished with the purest spiritual energy. If there is a problem with the magic weapon, the owner will also be seriously injured. Therefore, the quality of the magic weapon is the most important thing.

Duobao Pavilion's luxurious move this time is a bit surprising.

Of course Xu Yangyi is not the kind of person who refuses to change his past. If you dare to give it away, are you afraid that I won't take it?

"Get up." He waved to take back the box and nodded: "Before I left China, I had some friendship with the three parties. It can be regarded as meeting old friends."

"Thank you for the honor, ancestor." Wang Donglai of Duobao Pavilion wiped off cold sweat and said with a smile: "If ancestor needs anything else, please let me know directly. Forgive me for speaking frankly, among the major forces in China, in terms of financial resources, , our Duobao Pavilion ranks first. The price we are willing to pay for a real Jindan is definitely not comparable to that of Yu Linwei, Tiandao, or even the government."

Qin Minglang, Zhou Song, and the woman all looked at him like a cannibal.

He hasn't even finished speaking yet, and this guy has already started stepping on people?

Is this a big deal? !

"Go back to our ancestors!" The woman immediately touched her forehead to the ground and whispered anxiously: "Although our government and military are not as financial as Duobao Pavilion, we can give you some unexpected rights! For example, every time the Jedi changes, Information about the spiritual circles of major countries will never be detailed except from the government!”

Want to fight with a bayonet? Um?

We are people with a background behind us! How can you, a mere businessman, compare with us?

"Reporting to the Master, our Yulin Guard's financial resources are not as good as those of Duobao Pavilion, but Duobao Pavilion only has financial resources. We have access to secret realms around the world, the latest information, and our bounty monks are all over the world. We have secret treasures anywhere. There are evaluations. Please believe in Yu Linwei’s sincerity!”

Haha, a government department that can’t help itself? A businessman who loves money as much as his life? How can it compare with the feeling of our Yulinwei, with the sea wide and the fish jumping, and the sky high, letting the birds fly? Do you have a global network of treasure-hunting monks?

"Junior heard that... last month's 'Sun Roulette' ruins in Azerbaijan were led by Yu Linwei, but no one came out?" Wang Donglai took a sneak look at Xu Yangyi's face and said bravely.

There was no way, a special order suddenly came down from above, he must win over the real Wolfbane, or die. Even if you can't win over, you can't leave a bad impression.

As for the reason, he only said "530,000 souls."

One sentence is enough to explain everything.

"Master, please forgive me for speaking frankly... The famous incident of Duobao Pavilion being refunded 3 million by Patriarch Fuyun two years ago may not be known to Master yet." "In addition, the salary of the government troops is only one-third of that of the three major forces. "Haha, our government can provide corresponding compensation, but you only have money. Don't you think it is too vulgar to talk about yellow and white things when Master Jin Dan is not short of money at all?"

"That's enough." Xu Yangyi frowned slightly. The three of them fell silent, and then they realized that if they wanted to attack their opponent too much, they might have left a bad impression on the upstart.

Below, all the monks were stunned.


why why?

Such a generous gesture... If I remember correctly, Mie Ri, who was known as the number one genius, only gave away ten kilograms back then, right?

How come the Wolf Venom Ancestor’s shot here is only fifty pounds? Why did the other party rush over as soon as he finished forming the elixir? And he didn't shy away from his purpose of robbing people from the beginning, and directly started fighting on the spot?

Xu Yangyi stopped looking at them and glanced at the entire Nanzhou.

Sadness and emotion all came to my mind in an instant.

He walked out like that back then, and now everyone treats him as a supreme guest.

Wherever you see it, there is a vast expanse. Wolfsbane has dominated Nanzhou for decades, and the spiritual energy that blocked the Cave Heaven Blessed Land has never been released. Although I have formed too many pills, it is still an excellent place to practice.

However, things have changed and there is no one left in Nanzhou. Back then, Master Gusong and Master Juling moved most people away, but there must have been some who were too late. These people... I am afraid they will die in his hands.

He did not speak, and everyone at the scene did not dare to say a word. They could feel that the power of the golden elixir, which was vague but enough to make people's hair stand on end, became a little melancholy and sighed. They could only crawl on the ground with sweat on their faces.

"Is there a spiritual plant family?"

After a pause, a foundation-building cultivator raised his head in fear: "The Baili family is the largest spiritual plant family in the west. I am willing to serve the master."

Xu Yangyi retracted his gaze and looked at the Baili family: "Are you the head of the family?"

"I dare not trouble the master's eyes." The head of the Baili family immediately bowed his head, his heart pounding, his mouth curled up, but his voice became more panicked. The eyes of the people around him were full of sourness.

A real person who has not yet raised his own banner...

A real person who has made several major forces show their goodwill in front of him...

There is no idiot here, everyone can guess that the wolf poison real person must be different! To be noticed by such a real person, the Baili family is simply lucky for eight lifetimes!

"Look at this scumbag..." A family head in the late stage of foundation building snorted coldly, and his eyes were like knives and kept scanning the Baili family: "The tail is so high! You dare to say no trouble!"

"Yes, no trouble, you should step down!" "Hmph, pretentious." "The ancestral graves are smoking..."

The complaints in his heart could not stop the smug smile hanging on the pale heads of the Baili family. Xu Yangyi smiled and said, "Back then, I met a young master of the Baili family in a secret realm."

"It's an honor!" The head of the Baili family was ecstatic and even more respectful: "I wonder what the real person wants! Since the Baili family and the real person have a previous relationship, I am more willing to go through fire and water for the ancestor, and I will do anything!"

"Okay." Xu Yangyi thought for a while: "I want 100,000 kilograms of spiritual plants, now, here."

"Ah?" The head of the Baili family was stunned, 100,000 kilograms... this, this number...

Xu Yangyi didn't care about him at all. After saying a string of spiritual plant names, his eyes turned slightly cold: "Can't do it?"

The head of the Baili family didn't speak in a heartache.

100,000 kilograms... The headquarters of the Baili family is in Chengdu, and the clan land is also in Chengdu. In the surrounding Longquan, Luodai, and Wenjiang areas, there are spiritual plant fields all over the mountains. But... these 100,000 kilograms are all some rare medicinal materials! It's not that they can't take them out, but once they take them out, it will inevitably have a huge impact on the Baili family's transactions this year. A real person...if you want it, you can take it. If others can't remember it later, who can you tell?

Moreover, the other party is going to retreat for ten years! Ten years! This is a long-term investment! Is it worth it to drain all the spiritual plant fields in Chengdu and its surrounding areas?

Now he just wants to slap himself a few times. Who told you to jump out so quickly?

The eyes of other foundation-building cultivators around him have begun to gloat over his misfortune.

Hurry up?

Do it?

Now the real person is asking for a lot, do you agree?

No, well, you think you are a kind-hearted person who can cultivate to the level of a real person? Agree? Hehehe... Your Baili family's ability can rank among the top ten in the country. Now you want 100,000 kilograms, which is enough to drain the inventory of your foundation!

As long as there are some problems online, hehe... Then I'm afraid that you are the first in the west, and there will be challengers who will not agree.

"Hmm?" Xu Yangyi said lightly.

"Yes... Yes!" The head of the Baili family gritted his teeth, and there was no smile on his face. This mouth was too big, and the return was not obvious. No! There is no return at all in ten years! I'm afraid... I'm afraid he will be impeached by the elders when he returns.

A wave of disillusionment surged in his heart. If he had known this... why did he jump out?

Wolf Poison Master... you really bit too hard.

Xu Yangyi ignored him and looked at everyone: "In addition, this master needs a 100-meter-long cauldron. Who can do it?"

No one answered. Cauldron? What is it used for? Who has this?

The district president of Duobao Pavilion had originally lowered his head to watch the excitement. Hearing this, he frowned, and a few seconds later, his eyes suddenly lit up!

He remembered something.

Decades ago... once, Dan Dao came out of nowhere, and then disappeared like a flash in the pan. The agent... seems to be the commander of the Xingtian Legion back then, Wolf Poison Master?

Dan Dao... Cauldron...

The more he thought about it, the faster his heart beat!

If, if this is really the case, then... it fits the terrifying number of 530,000 spirits that Wolf Poison Master just sent...

This ancestor must be taken down even if Duobao Pavilion uses all its strength! ! !

Dan Dao... If it was as he thought, the other party back then did not have the ability to break through the entire Dan liquid market, nor could they compete with the enterprises under the command of the Golden Dan Ancestor, but now...

Five hundred and thirty thousand spirits are the other party's confidence!

Who dares to say anything?

The combat power of the first person under the Nascent Soul, the other party can create it however he wants!

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