
Chapter 702: Heart Seal

The more he thought about it, the faster his heart beat. He suddenly raised his head: "Ancestor, this thing is difficult to make, but if you are willing to wait for six hours, Duobao Pavilion will definitely cast a 100-meter tripod within six hours! Present it as scheduled!"

At the same time, he said calmly: "Ancestor... If you are willing, just say what you want, Duobao Pavilion will give you! I only ask... As the offering of Duobao Pavilion! Duobao Pavilion is willing to present one of the five major treasure houses in the southeast, northwest and central!"

Overstepping his authority.

This is a decision that only the deputy pavilion master can make, but his intuition tells him that it is absolutely worth the money!

"Six hours?" Xu Yangyi thought about it: "I will leave for a while, and wait for you here in six hours."


After speaking, he turned into a green light and flew towards the horizon.

Ten minutes after he left, everyone present stood up. Looking at the head of the Baili family with gloating.

The head of the Baili family had a complicated expression, sighed, and immediately contacted the elders of the clan.

"What is Master Xu going to do?" In Zhongnanhai, all the leaders have left. Only a few major military headquarters are left, watching the screen with interest.

They are determined to get this Wolf Poison Master! The cultivation corps was established only three years ago, and the Jindans have already had power. Where can they get the Jindan to support them? They must have a supreme combat power, so that they can stand up and speak in the competition of major interests.

So, they didn't leave. Moreover, they have read Xu Yangyi's information countless times. The more they read, the more satisfied they are. Jindan Master who is several decades old... It's hard to find such a person!

After all, even if they win him over, which department does he belong to? General Logistics Department? General Armament Department? General Political Department? General Staff Department? These still need to be fought for.

"I don't know." Li Zhengwei of the General Political Department looked at the blue line in the sky with burning eyes: "Is it going east? What's in the east?"

"I don't know. After all, he is a Jindan Zhenren. We mortals can't guess where he wants to go. However, it seems that he will soon enter the Shaanxi border. Is he going out of the province?"

"It seems so..." Minister Su of the General Assembly laughed: "Shaanxi, I am from Shaanxi. Let alone other things, Terracotta Warriors, Big Wild Goose Pagoda, Furong Garden, Huashan, Qinling, which one is not a scenic spot? Could it be that he is going to enjoy the scenery?"

As soon as the voice fell, the whole audience fell silent.

"What?" Minister Su raised his eyebrows in confusion.

Political Commissar Li made a stop gesture, and his voice was a little floating: "Comrade Su, you just said... After Huashan is..."

"Qinling?" Minister Su frowned.

As soon as these two words came out, everyone's face changed!

Qinling... That's where the Nangong family is!

The Jindan Patriarch is in charge!

As one of the highest authorities in China, they knew too well that this Wolf Poison Master and the Nangong family had a feud! And... and they agreed to the Nangong family's arrest!

"Could it be..." Everyone stood up and looked at the screen in disbelief: "Could it be... he... is going to the Nangong family to ask for someone now?"

Minister Su was stunned for a moment, then turned back suddenly: "Ask for someone?!"

"Do you believe it!?"

"This Wolf Poison Master annexed Nanzhou in anger! Is he going to Qinling to ask for someone?! Didn't he destroy the Nangong family?! Do you believe it?!"

Everyone was speechless.

This Wolf Poison Master... didn't care about the national laws at all, and didn't care about the international laws that Jindan couldn't attack each other. He just formed a pill and wanted to challenge the Nangong family!

No... not a challenge.

Fifty-three thousand spirits, if they remembered correctly, Nangong Wujiu only had 40,000 spirits! This is not a concept at all! If the other party wants to take action, the Nangong family will be annihilated and die!

They have never seen such a domineering Jindan Master!

Laws and regulations seemed to have no great constraints on him. He only saw whether he was willing to do it or not. He first chose the blockade of three provinces and fifty-one cities, and now he was going to take action against another Jindan Zhenren! No, it was very likely to take action against the entire Nangong family!

This is more than just a thorn!

This is simply the terminator of the program runaway!

After a few seconds of stunned, Li Zhengwei slapped the armrest and shouted at the secretary, assistant and bodyguard next to him: "What are you still looking at! Is it good! Go and inform the chairman immediately! Something big is going to happen!!"

Ten minutes later, the chairman and the prime minister came to this top-secret room again.

Everyone's face was extremely ugly, because... the line on the map was infinitely close to Xi'an!

The whole audience was silent.

"What should I do?" This time, even the chairman rubbed his temple and spoke. He really didn't know what to do.

Every Jindan is a guarantee of China's voice in the world. It was not easy to see more than a dozen Jindan. Seeing the momentum of Langdu Zhenren who was heading straight to Qinling, they all guessed what was going to happen next.

No one answered.

There is nothing we can do!

"Immediately ask Tiandao to contact Master Langdu." After a long while, Minister Su said, "No matter what, we must try. Try... to get Master Langdu to show mercy."

Xu Yangyi flew in the air.

Heart was burning like fire.

Nangong Family...Nangong Wujiu...

How dare you imprison Master Ben's brothers, subordinates, and siblings.

Have you ever thought that one day Master Ben could form a golden elixir?

This Immortal has completed the formation of the elixir. If you, Nangong Wujiu, can kneel before this Immortal and kowtow and admit your mistakes, this Immortal may only kill you. But now, your entire Nangong family has never seen a single person since this Immortal came out of retreat, so don't blame this Immortal for the blood-stained Qinling Mountains!

In Jerusalem, when Chu Zhaonan said this, Nangong Wujiu must die no matter what!

As for the sixth young master of Nangong, just kill him, what's the point of talking nonsense.

"Boy, can you destroy a clan by yourself?" Yu Chang said leisurely: "Nangong Wujiu is a golden elixir after all."

Xu Yangyi smiled proudly: "This Immortal has killed a golden elixir before."

"Europe and America, this Immortal can kill Scoris when the magical power is sealed. Can he, Nangong Wujiu, be stronger than the master? Stronger than the Undead Ice Palace?"

Yu Chang did not object. He knew Xu Yangyi's current state very well. If he met Gu Song now, the victory or defeat would not be necessary.

"But..." It paused: "Your golden elixir... still has some problems."

Xu Yangyi frowned and looked at his chest.

Indeed... he himself didn't know if this was a golden elixir. .

"Green, it should be a golden elixir of pure wood spirit. But these talismans..." He frowned and looked at it. There was nothing wrong, nor any magic. However, he didn't look too carefully just now. Now he looked carefully. This strange triangle, the spiritual lines that make up it are all green.

Yu Chang pondered for a moment: "Your golden elixir... is more like a seal. And... I faintly feel a majestic and divine aura from it. Since it was given to you by Quetzalcoatl, it must not be an ordinary item."

Xu Yangyi didn't speak.

Quetzalcoatl hit this thing into his chest. If it weren't for Angel's life to save him, he would be dead now.


He couldn't help but turn his head and look to the west.

At this moment, there was a "boom" in his mind, and the sky was full of green light, and his spiritual consciousness suddenly entered an unspeakable place.

Lotus Sea!

In the lotus sea, auspicious clouds are dense, the blue waves are golden, the lotus leaves are endless and green, and the lotus flowers are red in the sun.

Just above the lotus sea, a familiar figure stood with his hands behind his back, proud and unrestrained, and gently glanced in the direction of Xu Yangyi: "You are here."

Xu Yangyi looked at his hands. He seemed to be a spirit now, unable to touch anything, and only had the right to speak.

"Senior Xiaoqing." He arched his hands: "Where is this?"

"This is the Heart Seal." Xiaoqing said lightly: "Once you think of another woman, this memory will be triggered. And... this memory of my palace will completely disappear after you have seen it once."

"From now on, we are on different sides of the world, and can only rely on the Heart Seal to feel each other's life and death. But... if we are in the same world, we can sense each other."

Separate sides of the world?

Xu Yangyi frowned: "You..."

"This palace... no, not only this palace, went to a place... you can't reach. At least you are not qualified now." Xiaoqing sat lightly in the void, countless auspicious clouds swirled into a throne, tilted her head, and looked at Xu Yangyi with interest: "This palace, there is something I want to tell you. And you must promise this palace."

"Senior, please speak."

Xiaoqing paused for a long time before sighing: "You... better be mentally prepared."

"Quetzalcoatl took away all the sealed old monsters on the earth." She looked at the sky as if she was a little complicated: "I don't understand why it does this. We... are the last line of defense of the Earth. In the battle with the Zhenwu Realm, Zhang Daoling, Laozi, Sun Bin... that is, Jiang Shang, these brilliant and talented cultivators ascended one after another. That battle was extremely tragic."

She lowered her head and looked at Xu Yangyi: "I can tell you responsibly that the Zhenwu Realm... is far more powerful than you think. The four dynasties, the thirty-six blessed places, the seventy-two caves, and the two holy places are not in vain. I don't want to recount the past, but you must remember that the Earth will never have peace unless the Zhenwu is destroyed."

Xu Yangyi nodded silently. The Zhenwu Realm has complete air supremacy and can cross light years. The Earth can never threaten their main body and can only passively accept the invasion of the realm again and again.

This... is the continuation of the battle between the two immortal realms more than 100,000 years ago. The gears of fate put the two strongest opponents together again after more than 100,000 years.

"But Quetzalcoatl took us away."

"What?" Xu Yangyi raised his head suddenly. His strongest confidence in the earth came from these old monsters. Cain, Covenus, the eight Jedi, and those divine families, now... they were all taken away by Quetzalcoatl?

Xiaoqing looked at him dimly: "Your chest."

Xu Yangyi touched it subconsciously.

"I can feel that there... there is a very scary thing. I don't know what it is... but... the feeling it gives me is far beyond that of Old Man Jiang, Little White Face Zhang, and Cripple Li. It's like a kind of... how to say it... a kind of thing close to the origin of the world... no, it's like it puts half of the world in your chest."

"It's scary, very scary, I have never seen such a scary thing. Carrying the will of the world. However, you are still too weak and it can't be solved. You... maybe you can go to Qingcheng Mountain and ask your ancestor. I seem to feel that it is related to your bloodline."

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