
Chapter 703: Secret Treasure of Counterattack

Xu Yangyi ignored this and asked anxiously: "Quetzalcoatl took you away, so..."

"So, the highest Yuanying on earth." Xiaoqing said calmly: "Now, you are the real backbone. I can tell you that in the war between the two worlds, the cornerstone is the foundation building and Qi refining cultivators. They are the ones who charge into any formation. It is almost difficult for Jindan to take action. You should know about atomic bombs. Jindan is like atom bombs. All countries must have them before they can stand up straight and speak. And atomic bombs... have you seen it explode?"

"It's a deterrent."

Xiaoqing sighed: "Qi refining, foundation building, Jindan, Yuanying, and Taoism are the four realms. After that, it is the three realms of cutting the heart. We don't know if they still have cultivators in the three realms of cutting the heart after the last fierce battle... If they do, you can only pray for your own good luck. If not..."

She paused, The voice was full of iron and steel: "If you dare to lose, once you ascend to heaven in the future, no matter where you are, I will take your head!"

"You have lost the face of the great monks on Earth, and you still dare to talk about ascending!"

Xu Yangyi nodded: "I promise you."

Xiao Qing looked at him deeply, and nodded after a long time: "Remember your promise. I know you are a man of your word."

"The second thing..." She pondered for a moment: "Do you know... why there are still so many of us on Earth?"

Without waiting for an answer, she continued: "Because we are jointly guarding a secret."

"After the last war of all realms, the air supremacy of the Zhenwu Realm was too strong. Several great monks proposed that the Earth... forge a super magic weapon that can completely break with the Zhenwu Realm!"

Xu Yangyi suddenly raised his head, his eyes blazing with fire.

That's right, the Earth should also have its own killer!

"Do you know why the remains of the last war cannot be found on Earth?"

"Because they were all made into this magic weapon." Xiao Qing stood up, with a cold murderous aura in her voice: "I don't know its name, not just me, no one knows, we only know that it exists and has been made! We don't know its power and function. This is the last gift that our group of old and young, the remnants of the last war between the two worlds, can give you."

"We...each of us has a fragment of it. Hidden in our bodies and souls. And Quetzalcoatl...pulled all these fragments out when he let us leave. I saw my fragment flying towards you, and I estimate that the other fragments will come to you within one or two years."

She walked in front of Xu Yangyi and looked him in the eyes: "Remember, failure is never allowed!"

"I believe that the ultimate magic weapon made by the cultivators of our generation with all their strength will definitely...completely defeat this venomous snake that is unknown how far away!"

Xu Yangyi nodded solemnly.

After a moment of comparison, Xiaoqing suddenly smiled: "Do you know? The Heart Seal has another use."

Xu Yangyi suddenly had a bad feeling and took a step back: "What?"

But, just as he stepped back, Xiaoqing's figure suddenly appeared in front of him. A finger poked his broad chest and slid down gently, making a seductive "rustling" sound on his shirt: "The Heart Seal can allow two people to enjoy a fierce lovemaking in their spirit. No matter where they are, how far away they are, and... unlimited times."

Damn? !

What weird thing did you put on me!

Xu Yangyi's face changed, and he was about to leave. Xiaoqing sneered: "You still want to leave in front of me? Don't you think you are too naive?"

"If you die, I will die too. If I die, you will die naturally." She showed an extremely rare smile on her face, as if a girl saw her lover, and her green jade fingers had already hooked his belt: "I have strong confidence in living. But as for you, I am really afraid of death."


"Shut up for me." Xiaoqing's lips suddenly touched his lips. Although she was a spirit, she felt a burning sensation.

Moreover, her hand had completely grasped Xu Yangyi's hard place.

"You say no, but your body is very honest." Xiaoqing smiled lightly, and the light gauze on her body was like a piece of cloud, turning into lotus flowers and dissipating. In an instant, an almost perfect body appeared in front of Xu Yangyi.

Wasp waist, plump buttocks, round and smooth chest, hot spring water washed the cream, the maid helped her up weakly.

Her black hair fluttered like a goddess of the clear sky.

"Come here." She opened her red lips slightly, gently grasped Xu Yangyi's swollen and painful part, gently stroked it to the bottom, immersed in the dense black forest and gently teased it, Xu Yangyi let out a low roar like a beast. With her other hand, she lifted up three thousand black hairs and gently teased them in front of her plump chest: "This palace, I allow you to touch me."

Xu Yangyi's Adam's apple trembled, and his body took a step involuntarily.

This is Xiaoqing...

The mythical person, the usually high-ranking Wushan goddess, the domineering and powerful monk who dared to make Savidian VI kneel down. Now, she was naked, exuding the charm of a mature woman, calling him softly.

The contrast of pushing the goddess, the instinctive desire, the expectation of making the cold and domineering green snake moan under him, all rushed to his brain.

But he didn't move.

It's just... Comrade Xiao Xu below spit a little too much saliva.

"What? You don't want to?" Xiaoqing smiled, gently touched Xiao Xu's mouth, put it on her own red lips to draw a seductive arc, and then gently tapped Xu Yangyi's Adam's apple, quietly Reaching towards his plump lips: "Huh?"

Xu Yangyi felt a war between heaven and man in his heart. After a few seconds, he took a step away and pulled up his pants: "No."

Xiao Qing was slightly surprised: "Why?"

An Qier's face appeared in Xu Yangyi's mind, and the other party finally bit his neck...

He gently reached out and touched the teeth marks on his neck. This time, he was completely awake: "I have someone."

Before he finished speaking, his whole body suddenly fell onto the lotus leaf, and all his clothes and pants disappeared strangely. Before he could speak, a fiery body was covered in his body.


Not a delicate body.

Xiaoqing's hand pinched his cheek, her face was cold, she sat astride his waist, condescendingly, thousands of green hairs were flying, her voice was colder than ice: "Who touched you?"

Xu Yangyi didn't speak.


Xiaoqing suddenly exerted force, but he still didn't speak.

"You won't tell me, right?" Xiao Qing sneered and withdrew his hand: "Who dares to touch the thing that I like? I don't know how to live or die."


"Me?" Xiaoqing smiled again: "What do I want?"

"Not so good. I will put all the things you like by my side, and let them watch us singing every night. And..." Her jade hand touched Xu Yangyi's face, The snow-white face came closer to him, and an ecstatic voice whispered in his ear: "Cut her tongue."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Yangyi gasped, and Xiao Xu suddenly entered a warm and comfortable place, making him almost moan.

"Get down!"

Just as he was about to stand up, Xiaoqing poked him on the lotus leaf with a finger and said calmly: "Don't worry, no one will come if you scream. This is my territory. If I don't let you, no one will come." Who died."

She smiled leisurely, took Xu Yangyi's hand, and placed it on her head: "This is also my domain. However, today, I am extraordinarily merciful and allow you to touch it."


Xu Yangyi's eyes were on fire. He had no aura at all here. This was rape!

"Good boy, don't make trouble." Xiao Qing lightly snapped her fingers, and suddenly, Xu Yangyi couldn't even move or speak.

The spring night in Furong's warm tent was short. More than an hour later, Xiaoqing straightened up leisurely, stepping over the lotus leaves as if nothing had happened. Pieces of clothes flew out of nowhere and were draped on her body again.

"It tastes pretty good, but unfortunately, it's a little too tender. It will probably be more delicious in the future." She wiped her mouth figuratively and looked at Xiao Xu, who was trembling but not erupting: "It's a pity that I don't have much time left. But it doesn't matter, in the future If you ascend, I can consider letting you be my chief minister."

After saying that, she ignored Xu Yangyi, stepped past him gently with her jade feet, and her body turned into a blue light and disappeared into the lotus sea.

Xu Yangyi was able to move.

The first thing I did was to jump down and clean myself.

"Damn it!" He grabbed a lotus tightly and rubbed it until it was pulpy.

This is not even fucking rape! It’s just unilateral rape!

I still have no resistance at all!

A feeling of humiliation... However, this feeling is a little twisted.

Why is there such a small pleasure...

He grabbed his cheeks with both hands and rubbed them, no, no, no, Angel is still waiting for him, and he is definitely not a half-hearted person.

He closed his eyes, took a few deep breaths, and kept thinking about Angel's face, and then he calmed down the area that almost erupted.

The space began to slowly collapse. A few seconds later, he opened his eyes suddenly and found that he had returned to the Qinling range.

The first thing he did was search his memory, and finally, he found a strange symbol in a very inconspicuous place.

Dull golden color, very short, about one centimeter long. Can't tell what it is.

"Is this the symbol hidden by those old monsters? Where is the super magic weapon of the earth?" He looked at it for a while and shook his head. There were too few clues. Randomly, he looked at his lower body.

Fortunately... I'm still wearing clothes.

"What's wrong with you?" Yuchang said softly: "Just now, there seemed to be a wave of space fluctuations?"

"It's nothing." Xu Yangyi's face turned slightly red. He couldn't say that he had just been dragged into the spiritual consciousness space by a snake and raped, right?

Yuchang looked at him doubtfully for a moment: "Then pay attention. There are still ten kilometers ahead. We will enter the territory of the Nangong family."

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath, suppressed all the beauty in his heart, and rushed over without hesitation with murderous intent.

In front of him was a blank area, seemingly empty of anything. He knew very well that it was because of the mountain-protecting formation.

A mountain-protecting formation?

He raised a cruel smile, then, let me show you how I conquered fifty-one cities in three provinces and how I broke through the so-called mountain-protecting formation!

Ten kilometers away, the monks of the Nangong family had all stood up vigilantly.

Right on the opposite side...a tidal wave of blue spiritual energy, rushing towards the Nangong family like a landslide and tsunami!

Not in the sky, but in the same color as heaven and earth! The major mountains in the Qinling Mountains were instantly shrouded in terrifying blue mist. The vast sea of ​​fog, with only the tops of the mountains visible, surrounded them all!

Right in the center, a terrifying aura that even scared all the birds around it flew away. The vast spiritual energy that had wiped out all the birds and people in the Qinling Mountains rushed straight into the formation without any hesitation.

The sudden scene stunned the two Nangong family cultivators in front of the mountain gate. Then they looked at each other and screamed desperately: "Gold, gold, gold, Jindan Patriarch!!!"

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