
Chapter 704: Destroy Nangong


The sound of the dragon chime resounded throughout the sky in an instant. Under the mountain protection formation, countless people ran out of the room and looked at the sky in shock: "Highest alarm? Dragon chime? What's going on?!" "Someone invaded?" "Impossible! We are the Nangong family! Elder Nangong Wujiu is in charge!" "How dare someone invade the Nangong family! Are you looking for death!"

Before the voice fell, a piece of "fluttering" sound flew over their heads.

That was an endless stream of birds.

Covering the sky and the earth, blocking out the sun. The surrounding mountains of more than 2,000 meters and the birds on the trees all strangely retreated in a certain direction. There were so many of them that they formed a black ocean. Occasionally, a few rays of sunlight shone through the gaps.

"What... happened?" A Qi-refining cultivator looked at the sky in astonishment, and then turned his head stiffly. The next second, his pupils widened instantly.

"Plop!" He fell to the ground, pointing behind everyone like he had a stroke, in the direction of the entrance to the mountain protection formation, his two feet desperately scratching the ground. His lips trembled as he retreated.

"What's wrong with you?" "Did you have a stroke?" "Are you sick?"

Several monks who were close to him wanted to help him up, but as soon as they turned their heads, they were also stunned.

Everyone was confused and looked in the direction of his gaze. This time, when he turned his head like hell, they saw the real hell.

At the entrance of the mountain protection formation, thousands of green air formed huge dragon heads, all aimed at the mountain protection formation! Standing at the head of the dragon head was a man wearing a white shirt and trousers.

Around him, the vast green mist had completely surrounded them.

"Jin, Jindan Zhenren?" A monk said tremblingly, and then knelt down with a "plop".

He was the first one, and then all the monks knelt down.

"Welcome the ancestor!" "Welcome the ancestor!"

Shouts one after another resounded throughout the formation.

Xu Yangyi looked at the magic circle with an expressionless face. Outside, he could only feel the magic circle here, but could not see the situation inside. He said lightly: "I'll give you five minutes."

"Leave the Nangong family, kneel down, and this real person will spare your life."

"After five minutes, whoever is still standing, whoever is still in the Nangong family, will be killed without mercy!"

Everyone's pupils suddenly widened, their mouths suddenly opened, and they looked ahead in disbelief.

What on earth is going on!

This Jindan real person... he wants to destroy the Nangong family?

Can't Jindan real people not want to attack each other?

Even if he can, he has such great confidence? This, here is the ancestor Nangong Wujiu in person! This is the clan land of the Nangong family!

Xu Yangyi didn't care about their doubts at all, and said calmly: "Now, start the countdown."

"Ancestor! Ancestor!!!" In the big formation, several old men rushed madly to a magnificent palace, stumbling and almost crawling in. As soon as he entered, he kowtowed: "No, it's not good!"

"Langdu Zhenren! Langdu Zhenren is coming to kill us!!" "Please ask the ancestor to take charge of the situation!" "Ancestor! Please save us!"

In the palace, there are dragon pillars everywhere, magnificent and magnificent. In the center, Nangong Wujiu, dressed in ancient costumes and with white hair, looked at everything in front of him in astonishment. It was simply unbelievable!

Is this person crazy? !

Not caring about the laws of China at all? Just killing him directly? !

"He..." He opened his mouth and felt that his voice was a little weak. He had been looking at the name of Langdu Zhenren for a whole day. It was like a nightmare to him.

The blockade of three provinces and fifty-one cities, the earth-shaking momentum when the elixir was formed, all expressed: This Zhenren is very strong, very strong! He, Nangong Wujiu, is probably not his opponent.

However...the other party actually rushed up just after the elixir was formed?

Not caring at all that he was not familiar with the golden elixir rules?

"He... is coming?"

"He is coming! He is coming! Right outside the door!" An old man kowtowed desperately. In extreme panic, he didn't care about etiquette and trembled, saying: "You still said, five minutes, five minutes later, those who kneel will live, and those who stand will die!"

"How dare you!!!" Nangong Wujiu slapped the armrest, and suddenly turned into a purple light and rushed out, covering the sky and the earth.

He hated it very much.

Even if you are strong! Even if you can break through the blockade of three provinces and fifty-one cities, but, you have just entered the Jindan!

If you want to come and ask me for someone, I will recognize you! But you dare to provoke the Nangong family! Who do you think you are!

You just entered the Jindan, the rules are not clear, and you don't even have your own magic weapon, and you dare to come to your door? Do you really think that I, Nangong Wujiu, entered the Jindan by luck? ! I am also the ancestor of the Jindan!

"One more minute." Xu Yangyi looked at the kneeling man on the ground and said indifferently: "Very good..."

"Fellow Daoist, you are so presumptuous!!" Before he finished speaking, a thunderous roar appeared in the air. Some people below stood up excitedly as if they had been injected with hormones.

"Greetings to the ancestor!" "Welcome to the ancestor Nangong!" "The ancestor's magical power is invincible! The magic car is unparalleled!"

Xu Yangyi sneered, and in front of him, a purple light flashed, and a loud "boom" sounded, and the air was like a tide spraying, also covering a radius of one kilometer, like a tsunami in the sky. In the tsunami, an old man in a black robe stared at him intently.

He stepped on the void, and his body was also surrounded by the extremely strong golden elixir spiritual pressure. His beard and hair were all flying, and purple lightning rushed all over his body.

However, after seeing the terrifying vortex of the void behind Xu Yangyi, his eyes shrank and he suppressed his fury. He snorted coldly: "Daoyou came from afar, why didn't you inform me?"

Xu Yangyi smiled and glanced at him, but what he said made Nangong Wujiu furious.

"What's there to inform a dead person?"

"Hahaha!" Nangong Wujiu laughed in anger, narrowed his eyes, and looked at Xu Yangyi deeply: "You killed my sixth son, I was going to sacrifice you, since you are now promoted to Jindan, the same realm as me, both in the early stage. Let's not talk about this matter, I will return you. But if you dare to continue to provoke..."

Before he finished speaking, ten red fire dragons in Xu Yangyi's hand roared out, even the air was scorched. Suddenly crashed into the Nangong family's mountain protection formation.


Nangong Wujiu opened his mouth slightly and looked down in disbelief. This person... really doesn't make sense at all! Extremely arrogant! Arrogant to the extreme!

"Boom!!!" Then, there was a loud noise, and countless golden lights floated in the air. Below, there was an endless palace, more than 3,000 meters long, magnificent, majestic, and standing on the Qinling Mountains.

"This real person is provoking." Xu Yangyi calmly withdrew his hand and looked at Nangong Wujiu with interest: "What do you want?"

Nangong Wujiu closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

It's time to take action...

This bastard... There is no room for compromise! Then... Let you see the real fighting method of Jindan Zhenren! Let you know the difference between having a life magic weapon and not having a life magic weapon!

The next second, with a "boom!", the sky was surrounded by black clouds, thunders surged, and Nangong Wujiu's hair and beard stood up, and lightning lingered all over his body.

He opened his mouth, and a purple bell flew out. Facing such an opponent, he was angry, but he didn't dare to despise him at all.

"Five Thunders Righteousness!" As he roared, the bells rang densely, and a huge ancient beast appeared and disappeared, galloping in the sea of ​​thunder. All the lightning rays gathered on the bell, and three seconds later, with a long roar, a thunder dragon floated out of the bell!

"Roar!" The thunder dragon soared into the sky, but just as it was about to rush up, ten fire dragons flew from the sky and entangled the body of the thunder dragon crazily. The thunder dragon, who was still showing off his might just now, let out a whine in an instant.

"Ten directions..." Xu Yangyi didn't even look at it, and clenched his five fingers fiercely: "Karma Flame!"

"Boom!" The boundless sea of ​​fire spread from mid-air and exploded at the junction of the thunder dragon and the fire dragon, and this time... it was not a sky full of flames. But... a sky full of red lotus!

Karma Fire Red Lotus!

"Hua La La..." A series of terrifying flames lingered, and even the sky was reflected in red. The black clouds just now rolled, as if they had never appeared.


Everyone was stunned.

The monks below looked at the sky in astonishment. What was going on? The "Weituo Bell", the life magic weapon of the Nangong Patriarch, did not even hold up after a single encounter? The sky turned into a sea of ​​fire in an instant?

"Roar!!" Ten dragon roars resounded through the sky. The next second, the Thunder Dragon collapsed immediately, and the bell dimmed instantly. Nangong Wujiu's shocked face immediately twisted, and he spit out a mouthful of blood and retreated countless meters.

So strong!

While retreating, he stared at the figure getting farther and farther away with dull eyes. How could he be so strong!

No, he already knew that this person was strong after the brilliant record of breaking through three provinces and fifty-one cities, but at that time, he still had a hint of fighting spirit. After all, the other party did not understand the laws of the Golden Core at all, let alone the magical uses of magic weapons... No, he didn't even have a magic weapon!

He still had the strength to fight.

However, when he actually came into contact with him, he knew that the other party did not have a life magic weapon and was indeed a newcomer to the Golden Core. However... the other party could defeat him.

Break all laws with one force.

The huge gap between 530,000 spirits and 40,000 spirits is not something that can be filled by the life-saving magic weapon or the golden elixir law.

Xu Yangyi looked at Nangong Wujiu who was being beaten back quickly, sneered, raised his legs, and chased after him at full speed.

Nangong Wujiu's eyes suddenly widened, and the figure in his pupils became bigger and bigger! So fast!

"Thunder Dragon Stepping on the Sea!!!" He quickly condensed several seals with his hands and slapped the ground with all his strength. A circle of silver-white lightning spread in all directions, covering the sky and the earth. All the surrounding mountains seemed to be hit by thunder, reflecting the whiteness of the thunder.

"Apocalypse... Total Eclipse!"


The sky was originally dark again, but this time, the black clouds collapsed layer by layer, and a blood-red moonlight shone from behind the clouds, and then...

"No!!!!" Nangong Wujiu screamed hoarsely. This move directly drowned his thunder, but this was not the most important thing. The most important thing was... below! These pervasive red lights, like plowing the land, cut lines on the Nangong family land 3,000 meters below like sharp swords!

Long... endless, deep... bottomless.

The entire Nangong family was completely wiped out at this moment! He saw the alchemy room, the Yangxin Palace, the weapon refining pavilion, the scripture storage pavilion... All the buildings, under this red light, were shattered layer by layer like withered trees and rotten wood! Not a single foundation was left!

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