
Chapter 705: I didn’t hear it

Not only that, all the people standing below - all the elders and core personnel of Nangong's family - were instantly turned into ashes under the red light of death, without even screaming.

"Bitch!! I want your life!!" Nangong Wujiu has gone crazy. The defensive formations below seem to have never existed. Those top-notch formations that cost huge sums of money and can withstand the early stage of the golden elixir for half an hour are in Wolfsbane's minions are no different than being made of paper.

These are all his hard work! The foundation of the Nangong family!

The death of a Sixth Young Master actually attracted such a devil! Now he just wants to eat the flesh of the person opposite him and sleep on his skin!

"Boom!" Thunderbolts entered his body, and his shirt was completely torn. Blue and white talismans spread all over his body. Thunder burst out from his eyes, and he rushed towards Xu Yangyi crazily.

"You know what." Xu Yangyi slapped the half-mad Nangong Wujiu a hundred meters away with a backhand, without even looking at him, and said calmly: "When I was overseas, my only regret was that I didn't give anything to the people in the legion." A good home.”

"I hope they can live well all the time. Because... the day I come back will definitely be the time when the Xingtian Army rises again."

"Then..." He turned his head and slapped Nangong Wujiu a hundred meters away with another slap: "One of my brothers told me... that all the people in the legion, as well as irrelevant people, were actually imprisoned by this old dog like you. In the Qinling Mountains, I had no time to cultivate and could not sleep at night... I was killed every five years... At that time, I wanted to tear out your muscles and bones. "

"Finally... I'm back. For this reason, I didn't destroy your entire Nangong clan. You should be thankful."

Below, everyone was stunned and did not dare to say a word.

Patriarch Nangong, who was usually aloof and regarded as a god... was actually being slapped around like a rag doll at this moment. There is no way to fight back.

And the other party is strolling around, like swatting mosquitoes, rushing up, slapping back, rushing again, slapping again, endless cycle.

Ancestor Nangong couldn’t even get closer than a hundred meters to the other party!

"Is this really Ancestor Nangong..." Many monks were so frightened that they burst into tears. The brutality of this kind of face-to-face killing far exceeded their short-term psychological cultivation. Someone cried and said: "Ancestor Nangong, why offend such a powerful Jindan imprison his companions, this, this is not..."

More people did not speak.

Because the red light above his head is like the sickle of death, Xu Yangyi faithfully fulfills his promise, whoever stands will die.

Don’t let anyone go.

There were tens of thousands of people, but no one dared to stand up.

Shaking and shivering, sweating profusely. Trembling, not daring to sweat.

"I'm going to kill you!!!" Nangong Wujiu rushed forward again. This time, he suddenly felt that he had rushed within a hundred meters. He was slightly stunned and laughed loudly: "Suffer death!!"

However, the next second, his throat was pinched into Xu Yangyi's hands.

Light and delicate, as if I had sent it to you.

The two looked at each other, and Nangong Wujiu suddenly felt a fear of death.

"He treats me like this, and I treat him like this." Xu Yangyi's face showed no expression at all, reading the fear that suddenly surged in Nangong Wujiu's eyes, his voice was calm: "Even if there are thousands of people, I will go."

"Spare...spare...spare my life..." Nangong Wujiu finally felt scared, the other party was really a desperado! No matter what the law is! He wants to die by himself. If he can't defeat him, he will have no choice but to die!

Moreover...this is not a problem that cannot be overcome, it is impossible to even touch the corners of clothes!

"Do you realize you are wrong?" Xu Yangyi said calmly.

Nangong Wujiu's lips were trembling, he didn't want to die! He finally reached the golden elixir, how could he die here!

As long long as the other party lets him go, he will definitely unite with other fellow Taoists to kill him! You were the one who broke the order first, so don't blame me for being cruel! You are just a golden elixir who came back from overseas, but you still want to compete with me for connections! ?

"I know I was wrong..." Nangong Wujiu lowered his head to prevent Xu Yangyi from seeing the viciousness in his eyes. But even so, in such a humiliating posture, being caught in the air like a chicken, nodding my nose and asking myself if I was wrong, this feeling...

He wanted to bite the other person's throat in one bite!

"Where are my people?"

"...under the main palace..."

At this moment, a voice suddenly rang out in the sky. The voice was so loud that it resounded throughout the world: "Master Wolf Venom! Keep people under your command! Please..."

Xu Yangyi's hand suddenly exerted force, and Nangong Wujiu let out a "stuck" sound in his throat, and his head immediately tilted down. Xu Yangyi said calmly: "If you realize your mistake, go to hell and repent."

Nangong Wu Jiu's pale head was filled with deep disbelief and regret. He never dreamed that Wolfsbane would actually dare to kill him.

A mere new golden elixir...

A monk who has practiced for less than a hundred years...

A Jindan Patriarch like himself... actually died in his hands?

His lips moved, and the figure of the other party was reflected in his pupils. His eyelids became heavier and heavier, and with hatred and unfulfilled murderous intent, he completely closed Yi Nengjing's eyes.

Finally, he wanted to say: Kill everyone under the main hall, leaving no one behind! Dismember the body with ten thousand knives! If I won't even think about peace!

However, he didn't have the strength anymore.

There was dead silence.

Everyone couldn't believe their eyes.


Really killed Patriarch Nangong! ?

He... doesn't care about Chinese laws at all? !

In the dead silence, Xu Yangyi turned around and looked at the sky: "What did you just say? Didn't I hear it?"

Still dead silence.

In Zhongnanhai, in a top-secret room, all the senior executives gathered again, staring at the scene in front of them in astonishment.

Dead... Nangong Wujiu is really dead!

After being played around like a chicken, he was killed directly.

"He... did he take us seriously!" A minister was really angry and slapped his chair: "Too bold! The first person under Yuanying! There is also Yuanying, right! How hard it is to get the combat power of Jindan! He actually killed him directly!"

"What did you say you didn't hear it?!"

If the previous Jindan was an invisible slap, this time killing Nangong Wujiu was a direct provocation.

I am not afraid of you.

At this point, revenge is needed and complaints are made. If Jindan is still timid and does not follow his heart, what kind of practice is there and what kind of Dan is there? It is better to do Qi refining with the tail between your legs and enjoy the prosperity of the world.

"Quiet!" The chairman and the prime minister spoke at the same time, and the minister finally held back.

The two top leaders looked at each other and saw what the other meant.


This Wolf Poison Master... is simply too much of a headache!

Even if I had seen the most thorny students in my school days, I had never had such a headache!

He was completely arbitrary. You said he was wrong, right? He was kind and righteous, right? He didn't consider it from the standpoint of the country at all.

As for the punishment...

Ah ha? The first person under the Nascent Soul is going to be punished? What did you just say? I didn't hear it.

"Hold an additional emergency meeting to arrange for Wolf Poison Master... Well, I think it is necessary to consider it again."

Xu Yangyi didn't care what others thought of him. After the battle in Nanzhou, he had understood too much. In this world, when strength stands up and speaks, all truths have to kneel down. Moreover, he didn't think he was wrong.

A person who took advantage of his loneliness and wandering overseas to attack his brothers and subordinates.

An old dog who killed every five years and tortured everyone waiting to be killed.

There was nothing wrong with killing him himself.

Golden Dan can't attack each other?

Ridiculous, he never does the kind of person who slaps someone and then extends his right cheek. If that's the case, what's the difference between him cultivating to the Golden Core and refining Qi?

Glancing at the crowd below, no one dared to stand at this moment.

Do what you say, stand up and wait for death. The huge Nangong family, except for the nearly 100 people who stood up before, is now suppressed by Xu Yangyi and silenced. The Nangong clan land, which was still auspicious a moment ago, is now like a little girl ravaged by thugs. Scarred and unbearable to look at.

He ignored these trembling cultivators who touched the ground with their foreheads. Turned into a green light and fell below the highest main hall.

Slowly stretched out his hand, with a touch of excitement in his heart, I'm back... I will definitely do what I promised back then.

"Boom!!" With a loud bang, the main hall of the Nangong family collapsed, and the tall and majestic palace instantly became smoke and dust. Just under the main hall, a dark hole was revealed, with light coming out of it, obviously a prison.

Taking a deep breath, suppressing the fluctuations in his heart, he immediately rushed in.

The violent aura surrounded his body, and there were indeed prison cells inside. With a series of crisp "dangdangdang" sounds, all the prison doors were opened.

Everyone in the prison was stunned.

Not long after, the prison door opened, and haggard figures walked out one by one, with their hands and feet tied together, and disbelief on their faces, looking at this long corridor as if they were in another world.

As if... this corridor was a brand new world.

Xu Yangyi did not speak, and no one looked at him at this moment. He felt a little sour in his heart. Who was not a cultivator with a burning mood back then? Decades of imprisonment, living a life worse than death... Nangong Wujiu could do it!

One figure after another, he saw Luo Sanfeng, Zhao Wuye, Zhan Twelve, Li Zongyuan, and Jun Man... Those who used to refine qi are now all in the early stage of refining qi. This is the Nangong family hanging on to their lives. After all, once the sea of ​​qi is broken and becomes a mortal, it can't withstand inhuman torture.

Many people are still there, and many people have disappeared. Xu Yangyi pursed his lips lightly, and his fists made a crackling sound.


Too light...

Nangong family, he will break his promise today. Even if you kneel down, you can't live alone!

You don't care whether my brothers are innocent, so why should I care whether your people are innocent?

If you want to blame someone, blame Nangong Wujiu for seeking death and dragging you into it.

"Everyone." He finally spoke, and everyone was still a little dazed, and then they saw Xu Yangyi.

His voice was a little trembling, but no one heard it. He said in a deep voice: "I'm back."

"I'm back to save you."

"I'm sorry." He bowed deeply: "I made you endure torture for so long."


Everyone felt a little out of their wits and in a trance. With a rustling sound, Luo Sanfeng dragged a long iron chain and walked in front of Xu Yangyi. He looked at him for a long time and finally trembled, "Xu... Captain Xu?"

"It's me."

In the crowd, Zhao Wuye suddenly rushed over as if he had taken stimulants. The iron chain was dragged and made a "crackling" sound. He rushed to Xu Yangyi, grabbed his shoulders, stared at him for more than ten seconds, and suddenly hugged him and cried bitterly.

Decades of imprisonment without light.

Killing every five years.

It’s finally over… When he saw this person, he knew that everything was over.

They no longer had to live in fear and like zombies. The person they once trusted finally came back!

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