
Chapter 707: God will punish you for being such a bastard

The lower limit has reached the sky.

Xu Yangyi's lips cramped, and he suppressed the urge to cut the dog into pieces. He gritted his teeth and said, "After all, he was your former owner, and you just sold him like this?"

"Hahaha, the master's requirements are the highest. You don't know, he has never given me a penny! After working together for so many years, I know very well what kind of loser he is! If it weren't for seeing how good he looks, , I can sell myself to the Cowherd Pavilion in the future to pay off my debts, and I will abandon him long ago."

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath: "Very good."

The next second, Miss Nangong San's boudoir exploded with a bang, and a huge Pomeranian was kicked into the air. It let out a rough bark. After about two barks, it was noticed that something was wrong, and it was immediately changed to a delicate cry.

"Plop" the bitch fell into the dust, and stepped down with a foot in front of him. A familiar male voice sneered: "Gag? Whip? Vibrator? Huh?"

There is murderous intent!

Mao Baer rolled smartly and avoided Xu Yangyi's next kick.

Holy shit! How did this little bastard get here! Is the man dressing up as a woman trying to star in a self-inflicted attack?

"Listen to my explanation..."

"Explain X!" Xu Yangyi didn't know why, but he saw that all the energy-raising skills of this dog in the past were completely lost, and he raised it with a kick: "You still want to play with it? Huh? Are you discerning? Huh?"

"Little Langhoo! That's better than saying that you are tall, mighty and handsome! Where's your face! Did I eat it!" Cat Baer squeaked without showing any signs of weakness, and the dog's body drew various shapes in the air. Parabola, miraculously evading all Xu Yangyi's attacks.

Suddenly, it fell to the ground with a "thud" and did not speak again.

Xu Yangyi was stunned. He didn't hit the opponent?

"Get up." He frowned.

no response.

"I'm golden elixir." He sighed and said.

After a long time, Mao Baer's body became like a zombie, and he stood up on one leg.

"No, don't..." It pressed its head with its left paw, rolling on the ground as if in pain, pressing something that didn't exist, and screamed at the top of its lungs: "Don't... go back! This is my master! I am great The golden elixir master!”


After being slapped all over for a long time, it suddenly returned to its husky shape, panting on the spot: "I, I'm back..."

"Just now……"

"Don't say it!" Mao Baer looked serious, stretched out his paw and pressed Xu Yangyi's mouth: "Feel it with your heart."

"..." Xu Yangyi wiped the dog claw-shaped dust mark on his mouth.

"It was my second personality just now. In these long decades, I could only seduce myself in this way before I could succumb to Miss Nangong San's skirt. Just now I tried my best to drive it back. How hard I worked, you should feel it Here we are." It turned around, with a strange look of melancholy in its dog eyes, and its face was expressionless, as if the wind was blowing and the hair was brushing.

It shook its body, which was much fatter than when Xu Yangyi left, and said sadly: "Can you understand my heart? I have to make a living at the hands of this harried woman every day. I can only do this. So... the second personality It appears, its name is Luffy Sanji Uchiha. From time to time it will come out and please the third lady with the most despicable expression."

It turned its head solemnly, like a general on the battlefield delivering instructions for future generations, with a majestic and sacred expression. Walking to the ravine in front caused by the total eclipse of the apocalypse, he raised his head proudly and said: "My heart will always be yours. If you don't believe me, I will jump from here and die to prove my ambition."

"Brush..." The wind blew through the ravine, and the depth below was unfathomable.

Five minutes passed quickly.

Mao Baer still stood there, the dog's mouth trembled a little: "You don't believe me?"

"Never believed it."

"Then..." it sighed: "Goodbye, my king. MY KING."

Another five minutes.

It's still there.

"Aren't you going to pull me up?" it asked through gritted teeth.


"Don't open your mouth, feel it with your heart." Mao Baer raised his head: "No need to say anything, I know you still believe in me. I promise that the second personality will never appear again, and I will come back to you. Don't No matter how much you plead, I will be very sad.”

So, it came back.

In the next five minutes, a fat dog shadow roared and was kicked a hundred meters away again. This time, Yigulu rolled up with a fierce look, and the hair on his back stood up: "Potato! I'm warning you! You've gone too far! I've explained it to you! You don't believe it yourself! Don't take it out on me!"

"If you don't stop your aggressive behavior, be careful of me posting your naked/sleeping photos to some abnormal dating forums! Hard status, semi-soft status and life-or-death status! The worst is that we will be ruined!"

Xu Yangyi looked at it with a half-smile: "Look around you."

Mao Baer took a quick glance at it and was immediately startled.

After a few seconds, it turned back in shock: "Are you... really a golden elixir?"

Without waiting for an answer, it immediately ran over happily: "Great! My persistence is indeed right!"

Putting a hand on its nose, Mao Baer was furious: "So what if you hug it! Let me get a little bit of the golden elixir's immortal energy! Tsk, tsk, tsk, the living golden elixir..."

"You take care of the others, I have to go back to Nanzhou."

Mao Baer and the whole dog shrank into a dark corner, drawing circles on the ground: "Don't love me anymore... When I looked at the moon, I called her Xiao Tiantian... We know too little about love. After falling in love, I don’t think it’s reliable either…”

Start singing!

It’s also Karen Mok’s version of a radio love song.

Xu Yangyi ignored it. Seeing that most people were still alive, he felt relieved. Now... before he went into the Jindan period of seclusion, he had one last thing to do.

He flew to the middle of the sky and looked coldly at the broken Nangong family below. Killing intent surged in his heart. In the sky, the green spiritual energy surrounding the Nangong family once again broke through the clouds and waves, and the sound of dragon roars resounded through it.

There was a murderous aura between heaven and earth. Even an idiot could feel the surging murderous aura of the figure in the air.

"Ancestor, spare my life!" "Ancestor! I, I just joined the Nangong family! I don't know what happened at all!" "Master, please show mercy!"

Suddenly, there was a cry below. I don't know how many people shed tears. No one wanted to die, but Xu Yangyi was not moved at all.

"If you want to blame, blame your ancestor Nangong Wujiu."

"Boom!" As soon as the voice fell, ten fire dragons turned into a sky-wide flame and enveloped the bottom.

Before the flames arrived, the terrifying high temperature had already caused the ground to begin to melt. However, at this moment, thousands of black and white lights suddenly burst out from below, and then a huge Tai Chi of more than 5,000 meters appeared in the air, and the sky was full of flames, but there was no reaction at all, and it was annihilated.

Xu Yangyi's eyes became solemn.

A range of 5,000 meters...

Xu Ying realm?

But... his magical power could not even waver, and was completely destroyed?

Between heaven and earth, there was no sound, only the black and white Tai Chi slowly flowed. After a few seconds, a calm voice sounded: "You killed Nangong Wujiu, and this real person does not care. But you still want to kill innocent people, and this real person has to take action."


Xu Yangyi's eyes flickered slightly, and he was known as the strongest golden elixir in China, and it really lived up to its reputation.


He looked at Tai Chi and said calmly: "Fellow Daoist, you are in the imperial capital, and you made a move thousands of miles away. You can completely annihilate me with one move, and your magical power lasts for a long time. Fellow Daoist... or should I call you senior?"

He had seen Bai Samu of the Sand make a move himself, chasing him for hundreds of miles. The earth-shaking power, the waves of tens of thousands of meters, and the desert was controlled by it, is still unforgettable. Tianzai, who was thousands of kilometers away, made a move, but he actually took his move, and Tai Chi was not broken, and the waves did not rise, and it directly reached a radius of 5,000 meters. He had a feeling... Tianzai, I'm afraid he is on par with that madman in Jerusalem!

Tian Zai said calmly: "The title is just determined by people. Whether I am a real person or a real lord is irrelevant. This real person just wants to tell you..."

"The sea embraces all rivers, and tolerance makes it great. The wall stands thousands of feet high, and without desire, it is strong."

"Just now, just now..." One voice after another turned into a big bell, constantly running around in Xu Yangyi's mind, making his surging murderous intent disappear without a trace.

Thinking about it carefully, it was indeed impulsive. Although the whole incident in Nanzhou was caused by Gu Song Zhenren, in the end, his hands were also stained with blood. It's a bit too much to kill the entire Nangong family now.

He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and all his magical powers disappeared. But his eyes were still cold, looking at the people below and said coldly: "Get out immediately while this real person hasn't changed his mind."

"In the future, if you dare to use the banner of the Nangong family again, don't blame this real person for being cruel."

There was no answer. After the people below knelt three times and kowtowed nine times, they immediately scattered. No one dared to stay in such a terrifying killing field for a moment.

At this moment, Xu Yangyi suddenly had a glimmer of enlightenment. He couldn't tell what it was, as if... something was perfected by himself.

"The sea embraces all rivers, and tolerance makes it great. This is to persuade me not to kill innocent people. As a golden elixir, my status is completely different. I can't be as free as before. Only when I have responsibilities can I be a cultivator. Is this what Tianzai meant?"

"A thousand-foot-high wall stands tall, and without desire, one is strong. This refers to my current state. I have no desires for China, and everything I have learned overseas, but I was born in China and laid a foundation in China. It seems that without desire, one is strong, but in fact, there are thousands of threads."

Several thoughts surged in his mind, and he closed his eyes and thought for a long time. When he opened his eyes again, five hours had passed.

To his surprise, the black and white Tai Chi did not dissipate. Tianzai's breath did not leave either.

"Remember, although you are strong now, you may be the best person under the Nascent Soul stage. But you are not invincible. Moreover, I know at least two cultivators with the same talent as you in the same realm."

"People with lofty ambitions often have a life as fragile as paper. It is not a bad thing to hide your strength in a clumsy way."

Xu Yangyi nodded thoughtfully.

"Very good." In the void, it seemed as if a pair of eyes looked at Xu Yangyi, and then floated away.

The Imperial Capital, the Training Court. In the two doors with the word "天" that had never been opened, a pair of old eyes opened: "Daoyou, you owe me a favor this time."

"Yes." In the darkness, another voice said leisurely: "Jindan, the pursuit of cause and effect, the intersection of cause and effect, many inner demons. One wrong step, all wrong steps. How many Jindan, one step off the road of pursuing cause and effect, and then have to use countless water grinding work to make up for it. More mistakes are bred, forming a vicious cycle, and finally becoming a completely unbreakable cause and effect lock. To reach our level, you must never enter the cause and effect door by mistake."

"If he had killed the entire Nangong family just now, he might have completed a cause and effect, but it would definitely be a wrong cause and effect. Maybe it would breed inner demons. Thanks to Daoyou for helping."

Tianzai was silent for a while, and slowly said: "Why don't you do it yourself?"

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