
Chapter 708: China's First Furnace of Pills (I)

"All golden elixirs must be in seclusion for more than ten years after becoming a real person. I didn't expect that this junior's karma was so serious and so complicated. He acted too suddenly. I..."

"If you want to take action, you can still guide him." Tianzai interrupted him in a deep voice: "Why?"

This time, the voice spoke after a minute: "Now is not the time for this real person to meet him."

"Are you afraid that he will bear the karma of your Xu family?" Tianzai slowly closed his eyes: "Of course, cultivation is the path of self-selection. Forcibly reminding the other party that the karma is not good, which is right and which is wrong?"

Xu Yangyi sat for a while, turned into a green light, and ran towards Nanzhou again.

When he returned to Nanzhou, none of the cultivators around him left, and they were more respectful than before.

Just a few dozen minutes ago, the entire cultivation world was in an uproar!

The Nangong family was destroyed!

No more than an hour before and after!

The reason? No one dared to say, but I believe it will surface soon. And the wolf poison real person, with the blood of the Nangong family, completely consolidated his name.

The cultivation network has not yet released this news. A Jindan Zhenren was killed, his foundation was destroyed, and the top family Nangong family was removed from China. This matter is too big! I dare not release it at all. But as the people on the scene leave, it will definitely spread throughout the country.

Therefore, no one dares to leave before this killing god comes back.

"What are you waiting for?" Xu Yangyi glanced at the whole scene. In the center, several high mountains of spiritual plants have been piled up, and a 100-meter-high Dan Ding has been located in it.


"Yes..." A faint answer, but no one left.

People are so mean. When Xu Yangyi didn't come back, he was nervous and wanted to leave immediately. After he came back, everything was put on the table, but no one wanted to leave.

A Jindan Zhenren without vassalage is fresh out of the oven, and everyone wants to see what he is going to do. So choose.

Jindan Zhenren will choose vassalage, and vassalage will also choose Jindan.

Xu Yangyi ignored them at all. He walked to the alchemy furnace, stretched out his hand and tapped it lightly. A dragon roar sounded, and he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and smiled at Wang Donglai beside him: "Not bad."

"Thank you for your favor, ancestor." Wang Donglai half-knelt on the ground respectfully: "The reason why Duobao Pavilion is popular all over the country is that it has all kinds of masters. At present, one-third of the top five masters of the three major branches, elixir, talisman, and refining, work for Duobao Pavilion. There are also some masters in other branches such as puppets, Danqing, etc."

Xu Yangyi responded casually, closed his eyes and began to feel the structure of the alchemy furnace.

Behind him, although the head of the Baili family was laughing, his lips were constantly cramping.

One hundred thousand kilograms of spiritual plants...all piled here, the hard work of the Baili family this year, and even for many years to come, will be affected. But Jindan Zhenren asked him to play, and he had to accompany him, especially...the Nangong family had just been destroyed. He only hoped that this Langdu Zhenren would show mercy and leave some fire for their Baili family.

As for whether he could remember the Baili family, he no longer had any extravagant hopes. Being able to spend the next few years in peace was the top priority.

"Master Baili." At this moment, Xu Yangyi's voice came faintly: "You don't look good?"

"Yes...ah! No! No! It's my honor to serve the real person! I am so honored!" Master Baili trembled all over, fearing that he would cause any misunderstanding in front of this killing god, and immediately half-knelt on the ground and said.

"Are you afraid that this real person would use your things for nothing?"


"Do you think this real person is talking nonsense?"

"I dare not! The real person misunderstood!"

In the crowd of foundation-building cultivators, several cultivators had already turned cold and looked at the Baili family calmly.

One hundred thousand enough to break the supply chain of the Baili family. For a Jindan real person, they will offend countless parties because of their inability to supply. The momentum in the simply too good!

"Huh..." An old man buried his pale head and smiled slightly: "The glory days of the Baili family will not last long."

"If you don't seize this God-given opportunity within ten years, you will be unworthy of the spiritual plant industry." "Are you proud? You think you are valued by Jindan Zhenren? You can't even cry now, right?" "Hehe... Facing Jindan Zhenren who doesn't know your roots, it's better not to jump too fast." "The higher you jump, the harder you fall."

I don't know how many people sneered in their hearts, looking at the forced smile of the head of the Baili family, the other party's old face was full of wrinkles, and the ravines were filled with helplessness, embarrassment and bitterness.

Xu Yangyi turned around: "I, Langdu, never use other people's things for free. Today, this Zhenren will teach you something that is enough to match your spiritual plants."

"Yes..." The head of the Baili family smiled bitterly silently. No matter how good the things he taught were, what was the use if he couldn't protect the family foundation? Isn't it just making wedding clothes for others?

"Watch this."

Xu Yangyi sat cross-legged in the air and closed his eyes. In an instant, a fierce spiritual consciousness surged across the entire venue like a tsunami!

If there were any Jindan Zhenren here, they would definitely stand up in surprise. Because Xu Yangyi's spiritual consciousness is greater than that of other Jindan Zhenren! The range is wider! After being forged by Wugen Jiuqu Water and Wanling Pill, his spiritual consciousness is now nearly one-tenth wider than that of others. In other words, the range of his "absolute defense" is one-tenth more than that of other Zhenren.

Unfortunately, the foundation-building cultivators cannot feel it.

But the next second, all the foundation-building cultivators took a breath of cold air.

From Xu Yangyi's body, visible spiritual energy turned into thin threads and sank into the piles of spiritual plants. The next second, thousands of spiritual plants flew into the air.

"The exchange of yin and yang is the external medicine. The convergence of Kan and Li is the internal medicine."

At this moment, a gentle voice entered the ears of the head of the Baili family. He was shocked and looked at Xu Yangyi inexplicably.

Xu Yangyi was as still as a mountain. He cast a spell. Suddenly, the fire in the alchemy furnace shot up to the sky. Several red flames were pulled out from the holes of the alchemy furnace, illuminating the surroundings with a red cloud.

Immediately afterwards, all the spiritual plants were immersed in the alchemy furnace. However, there was no imagined scene of the flames rising up and burning all the spiritual plants. Instead...

A green spiritual light enveloped the spiritual plants, and the surface of each spiritual plant was all curled up and turned into ashes. But... inside, a little bit of crystal spiritual light appeared.

"Dan, Dan Dao?!" Suddenly, a foundation-building cultivator from the Danye family exclaimed, looking at the Dan Ding in disbelief.

If it weren't for the real person's pressure, he would probably scream and stand up!

Dan Dao, two words, like a stone thrown into the lake, stirring up a spring water.

In an instant, the eyes of the government women, Yulin Guards, Duobao Pavilion, Tiandao, all the representatives, instantly became hot.

The cultivators below were still looking at the Dan Ding in a dreamy way. They couldn't believe that the Dan Dao, which had been lost for nearly two hundred years, had appeared again.

Is this really Dan Dao?

The legendary... the best prescription of ancient cultivators? Condensed the pharmacological essence of China for thousands of years?

They didn't dare to recognize it.

If it was... the shock was too great! The effect of the Jindan real person taking it out and the little Qi refining cultivator taking it out was completely different! The Jindan real person would not be afraid of the Danye companies of other real people at all, and under the impact of Dan Dao, all Danye would most likely collapse within ten years!

"Is it really Dan Dao?!" The cultivators around the Danye tribe member who just shouted out had red eyes and gritted their teeth and said, "Are you sure?"

Thousands of people's eyes were focused on him.

How much he wanted to hear a yes.

"I, I'm not sure." The Danye tribe member was sweating profusely. He was not afraid, but obsessed with pharmacology. He looked at Xu Yangyi dreamily: "But, but, now all Dan liquids are processed by machines. There are very few manual ones! And, and Dan liquids never use Dan Ding! It is definitely not roasted with a strong fire."

No one spoke, everyone's eyes were surging with a light called desire, looking at Xu Yangyi was like seeing a diamond mine.

The head of the Baili family softened his legs and almost knelt down.

Dan Dao?

He had never seen Dan Dao! Before that person shouted, he had never thought about it.

It has been lost for too long and cannot be verified. However, once the other party brought it up, he compared it with the ancient books in his mind and found...

It is exactly the same!

The techniques and tools are exactly the same!

"That is to say... just now, what Langdu Zhenren passed on to me was the formula of the Dao of Alchemy?!"

Once he thought of this possibility, his eyes turned red.

Fuck the 100,000 jin of spiritual plants!

If it is really the Dao of Alchemy, it doesn't matter if the Baili family gives away all the spiritual plant fields!

The scene was silent, with only heavy breathing and pounding heartbeats.

Half an hour later, Xu Yangyi raised his hand, and his hand was like a swimming fish, and he gently pressed it into the fire. It left a residual image.

"Dividing flowers and brushing willows?!" The Danye tribe member was like crazy at this moment, standing up suddenly, his voice was hoarse: "Alchemy! It must be the alchemy! The alchemy that has been lost for two hundred years!"

Xu Yangyi raised his eyes leisurely: "You are quite knowledgeable. Did your ancestors learn it?"

"Reporting to the ancestor!!" If this man was just shocked by Xu Yangyi's strength just now, at this moment, his heart was completely devoted to him. He knocked his head and said loudly: "Junior, junior is a disciple of the Taoist Danding School! I am familiar with Zhouyi Cantongqi. And the major alchemy fragments! This move of yours must be used when you have mastered the alchemy? It is the supreme alchemy formula that breaks up the pharmacology and re-integrates it!"

Everyone looked over, and sure enough, all the spiritual plants were all wrapped in a ball of green spiritual light, and each plant was separated by several centimeters in a regular manner.

Maybe they didn't understand what the alchemy formula was, but... everyone could see that now, the purest spiritual energy in these spiritual plants was not only not refined, but became more and more solidified! Slowly changing from gas to liquid, this is impossible for any precision instrument to do!

Not to mention other things, even controlling the spiritual consciousness of thousands of spiritual plants alone is not something that the master of Danye can do!

Dan Dao... It's really Dan Dao!

Everyone was holding the ground tightly at this moment, and they were so shocked that they couldn't speak. Dan Dao reappeared, and in the hands of Jindan Zhenren, the way of practice in this world is probably about to change!

All the people from the four major forces looked at each other, even Duobao Pavilion, who had already guessed it, had a solemn face. All of them quietly connected to the conversation with the top leader.

"Chief... You'd better give me higher authority immediately. Nanzhou... Something big happened in Nanzhou!"

"No, it's not, it's bigger than Jindan! This time... I'm afraid it will change the entire practice world!"

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