
Chapter 709: China's First Furnace of Pills (Part 2)

No one spoke, and everyone's eyes were focused on the alchemy cauldron. The sound of heavy breathing and the pounding of fiercely beating hearts revealed their mentality at the moment, no matter how suppressed they were.

An alchemy furnace was started on site. This was the first elixir furnace in China! The first furnace with reliable evidence! If...if Old Ancestor Xu is so kind and gives one to everyone...

Thinking of this, their hearts couldn't help but beat wildly.

Everyone's eyes were focused on an old woman wearing an evening gown. Her old face was covered with wrinkles, but her hands were as delicate as a baby's.

The first appraiser in the west, and the first person to be enshrined in Duobao Pavilion, Ms. Junya.

In the later stage of foundation building, she entered the industry in the late stage of Qi refining. It has been 107 years now. She has presided over ten auctions of Duobao Pavilion and has seen countless Tiancai Dibao Dan liquid capsules. No one has ever said anything about the things she has appraised. No word.

Whether Xu Zhenren's elixir is appraised or not, it will definitely not be Duobao Pavilion's turn to speak. However, a trace of Niduan can be seen in the aura emanating from it.

Everyone was breathing heavily waiting for the moment when the elixir was ready, and Junya herself even had a glaring look in her eyes. She knew very well that this might be the most important appraisal in her life. It is related to the changes in the spiritual world in the next few decades or even a hundred years.

The scene was completely silent, and another hour passed. Xu Yangyi's heart stopped, "Buzz..." a magic formula was played, and the spiritual consciousness controlled all the wrapped spiritual energy groups, and they moved towards the center in twos and threes.

"Brush!" Thousands of green clouds instantly illuminated the world into a green, full of vitality that lasted for a long time. It’s like a solitary lamp lighting up the dark night in Nanzhou.

"This is this?" All the monks stared blankly for a few seconds. Suddenly, a soft "rustling" sound appeared in their ears. Junya looked around and couldn't help but gasped.

Nanzhou has been covered by wolfsbane for decades, and the ground has long been barren of grass. But with the stimulation of this burst of spiritual energy, a little bit of stubborn new green slowly sprouted up within a radius of three kilometers.

Originally, Jin Dan was present and did not let anyone stand up or raise his head. Anyone who dared to raise his head would be disrespectful to the real person. A real person cannot be insulted, this matter can be big or small. However, upon seeing this scene, at least half of the monks let out a suppressed exclamation, and many people suddenly raised their heads in shock.

"A spiritual creature?"

The people of the Danding Sect worshiped him almost devoutly. At this moment, he couldn't bear it anymore and exclaimed in a low voice: "It is recorded in the ancient books of the Danding Sect that there are four levels of monarchs, ministers, and envoys. Only those who reach the monarch level can have the possibility of living creatures with spiritual energy! Master Xu can already reach such a high level grade?"

Junya's eyes were also as bright as fire, and she had secretly unfolded a jade slip, carefully describing the data on the changes in the aura around her. These are all necessary conditions for the final step of identification.

"What is a spiritual creature?" Someone heard it and asked immediately.

The members of the Danding sect did not speak at all, looking at Danding with burning eyes. If he was still 1% unsure before, now he is 100% sure! This is the way of alchemy. It is exactly the same as the records in all ancient books. At this time, where can I find the time to answer other people's questions?

When he didn't get an answer, the man next to him who was extremely anxious due to waiting snorted coldly, and the feeling that every second seemed like years was burning his heart all the time. A furnace of elixirs caused slight strange phenomena in the world. Who can still sit still now?

"Are you so crazy?" A woman on the other side was also extremely dissatisfied: "It's just waiting to be practiced. Can you understand it?"

"Buzz..." Just as they were talking, the green light slowly converged, and everyone's eyes jumped again. They saw that inside the alchemy cauldron, wrapped in balls of green energy, thousands of pearl-like elixirs were beating. , exuding an intoxicating aura.

In the crowd, several Danye and Capsule Group owners all changed their expressions.


Far beyond the essence of elixir! Alchemy is an ancient cultivation inheritance, and everyone in these side sects is always thinking about its revival, and they have also done research on it. The biggest disadvantage of capsule elixirs compared with elixirs is that elixirs can completely encapsulate spiritual energy and are extremely pure. However, liquid elixirs and capsules can never do this!

"Such pure spiritual energy..." Many of the group leaders in this area exchanged glances calmly, feeling extremely panicked. The elixir that allowed them to rise up was completely uncompetitive in comparison.

"Brush!" Before they could finish thinking, a three-hundred-meter vortex suddenly opened in the sky, and a tornado-like spiritual energy poured into the alchemy cauldron. In an instant, along with a drizzle of light, With the sound of rustling, the entire alchemy cauldron actually transformed into an ancient green pine, with mountains and mountains of branches and leaves. The old branches were full of vitality and lush, sweeping away the dead air of a hundred meters around!

"Condensing Pill!!" The tribesmen of the Alchemy Sect just woke up from a dream, with a feeling of intoxication on their faces, and a look of enlightenment. Then they immediately stopped talking and looked at each other with blazing eyes. Circle the scene.

Any alchemy path has its own most unique techniques. How to condense the elixir and how to make the elixir are all secrets that are not taught. From Xu Zhenren's two or three moves just now, he, who has a long history of learning from his master, has already seen traces of two moves from different sects. Unlike most monks who were waiting for the results.

Waiting to be refined? No...this is entering the treasure mountain and returning empty-handed! Every action of the real person is a key to open this door. The elixir is far inferior to the process of refining it! This process is truly priceless!

Things that I had only seen in books before now appeared in front of me. The excitement and desire, and the extreme excitement of remembering every move of the ancestor in my heart while suppressing myself from sharing with others, made him seem calm, but the veins of his hands behind his back were throbbing.

He was arrogant, suppressing the excitement in his heart, and looking at everyone in front of him as if they were ordinary people. Here, only he could interpret the true meaning of Master Xu. A group of idiots who only see the surface and not the truth, you... just wait for the elixir that Master Xu will give you in the end...

"The elixir is condensed! The elixir is condensed!"

"Dragon flying in the sky, it should be this move. I have read in ancient books that this move can completely control the temperature of the furnace. No, it is to let your spiritual energy control the furnace fire 100%. The fire follows the heart, it turns out... it turns out that this move can really be used?"

Who! !

The Danding clan member turned his head with his eyes wide open, and the excitement and unbearable excitement in his heart just now suddenly turned into ten thousand grass mud horses running wildly. He looked at the person who spoke with red eyes.

Which idiot is this? !

This kind of thing, I have suppressed it in my heart, I dare not say it out loud, I just learn it secretly, he... this idiot who deserves to die ten thousand times actually said it excitedly!

Wherever I look, a young man in casual clothes with a flame on his vest looks at Xu Yangyi with a dark face full of longing, and his mouth is already talking without thinking, and everyone around him is looking at him with shining eyes. Some people have already started to use jade slips to record.

Damn it! Damn it!

"Why didn't I see it?" He gritted his teeth and reminded, hoping that this sentence would wake up this living pig.

As soon as the voice fell, the green ancient pine shattered in an instant, and all the green spiritual light rushed straight into the alchemy cauldron like rivers rolling back.

"The pill is done! The pill is done! The last step of alchemy! If our records of 'Huoyunmen' are correct, this is the fire control method of the Henan Fang family eight hundred years ago: attracting dragons. Awesome... Too awesome! Alchemy requires profound knowledge in three aspects: pill, fire, and medicine. From the beginning to now, Master Xu has used four tricks to divide the power of medicine and control fire! He is a scholar."

After the young man finished speaking with a fiery look, he snorted and looked at the Danding clan members: "You don't understand, just because you are not talented and learned, you don't understand the deep meaning of Master Xu's move."

"What deep meaning." The Danding clan member almost gritted his teeth and said.

The young man's face flushed with excitement: "I think Master Xu is telling everyone that this is the real new era! It's not a combination, but a revival! Just like the way of alchemy!"

It's over.

The Danding clan member's face turned pale, and he understood what kind of creature this was.

A magical creature called a brain-dead fan, it's useless to reason with him. As long as he thinks of it, there is nothing he can't do.

He could no longer care about this magical creature. He only hoped that Master Xu could finish faster and these people would see less. Only in this way could he seize the opportunity in the next wave of national alchemy.

As if hearing his voice, a strong medicinal fragrance that even made the monks present feel relaxed and happy floated out of the alchemy furnace.

These pills were very low-level, and Xu Yangyi just practiced casually. However, although they were low-level, the effect was very good.

"Swish..." In the huge alchemy furnace, green light filled the sky, and then, chaotic jade, thumb-sized, light pearls wrapped in green light, flew out of the alchemy furnace and scattered like fountains to various places in Nanzhou.

Each pearl carried a fragrant fragrance, dozens, hundreds, hundreds, thousands, and sank into every corner of Nanzhou. When each pearl passed over the heads of the monks on the scene, although they did not dare to reach out to grab it, they tried their best to take a deep breath, as if to keep the aura of the pearl in their stomachs.

Only Jun Ya gritted her teeth and quietly used a magical power. In a place where no one else could see, a trace of green spiritual energy on several ejected pills penetrated her body imperceptibly. She felt it carefully, her body shook violently, and then opened her eyes in disbelief.

Xu Yangyi glanced at her calmly. Nothing was said.

Jun Ya thought she was very secretive, but she couldn't hold back her feelings at this moment. She was like being struck by lightning. Among all the kneeling people, she was the only one who stood up and stared at her body in a daze.

"What's wrong with you?" "Kneel down quickly... Do you want to anger Master Xu?" "Ms. Jun Ya, you... You are looking for death!" "The golden pill cannot be insulted. If Master Xu gets angry, no one can protect you!"

Jun Ya acted as if she didn't hear it. After a few seconds, she raised her head and knelt down on both knees in the direction of Xu Yangyi.

Not half-kneeling.

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