
Chapter 710: China's First Furnace of Pills (Part 3)

"Unbelievable..." Her voice was filled with enthusiasm. It was a long-established appraiser who finally met the biggest prey in her life. The ecstasy and excitement even surpassed her fear of the real person. She trembled and said, "There was no obstacle. It was immediately integrated into the spiritual power. The degree of integration was extremely high. And... this spiritual energy seemed to be alive. It kept running in my body, and it also activated other spiritual energy..."

"I have been doing appraisal for more than a hundred years, and this is the first time I have encountered such a strong medicinal power! It is of great benefit to the great perfection of Qi Refining and even half-step foundation building! The important thing is that this is not the spiritual energy of the pill itself! The cultivators who have read ancient books should know that the difference between pills and pill liquids and capsules is that the shell of the pill can seal all the medicinal power! I suspect... what we felt just now was just the medicinal energy that has not dissipated. This pill... I think the grade can be taken by the foundation-building cultivators!"

"Preliminary calculations show that one pill can be equivalent to five years of hard practice in seclusion! And it is under the state of advanced spirit gathering array!"

"Wow!!" Before the voice fell, the whole audience was in an uproar!

What is the most precious thing for cultivators?



Magical weapon?


Time! Time is the most precious!

Only with time can we practice, improve our realm, and have the courage to explore the secret realm! Time is the foundation of everything. One day is too short, and now, one pill can resist five years of cultivation! This, this is simply a concept against the sky!

"I beg Master Xu to give me a pill!"

Before others finished sighing, Jun Ya's voice sounded again, and everyone looked at Jun Ya like they saw a ghost. Is she crazy? Looking for death, right?

Xu Yangyi looked at Jun Ya quietly, and the quiet time made everyone's heart beat wildly. After a long time, he said: "Are you not afraid?"

"I can meet such a top-notch product! I have no regrets even if my cultivation is abolished!!" Jun Ya's pale head fell to the ground, and although she was shaking, her voice was very firm.

"Good." No one expected that Xu Yangyi smiled slightly, flicked his finger, and a remaining pill in the alchemy cauldron flew to Jun Ya.

This was the first time that everyone saw the true appearance of the elixir.

It was crystal clear, as if transparent, with a green aura lingering inside and white elixir patterns on it. It was the size of a thumb, but comparable to the bright moon.

It was really an elixir.

The sound of rapid breathing resounded throughout the venue. Although they had confirmed it before, now that they saw the true appearance, the true appearance that had been lost for two hundred years, everyone couldn't help but look at it with burning eyes. If it weren't for Master Xu being present, even if Jun Ya was the chief appraiser in the West, it would be difficult for her to get out intact today.

"One... two, three... four!! It's really a Jun Dan!" The members of the Danding Sect pursed their lips tightly, and all the pores on their bodies were stretched out with excitement. As if they were electrified, their fingers trembled slightly.

The legend of the Danding Sect, the outer elixir, was lost for so many years, and it actually saw the light of day again! And the first thing that appeared was the top-level Jun Dan!

"Master Xu will definitely open a government office. Every Jindan Master has his own palace. He is short of manpower! For sure! No, don't worry, don't worry! After this is done, Master Xu will go into seclusion. I... must find out where he is in seclusion and wait for him at the door!"

"Ten years, twenty years, no more than twenty years! I, I must become a disciple of the Master! It would be best if I could become his Dan child!"

Jun Ya's hands trembled, and she took the pill that floated over with a burning gaze. It was the size of a thumb, but it seemed to weigh tens of millions of pounds. She held it in her hands more intimately than to her own grandson, feeling the scalding temperature, and put it in her arms with great solemnity.

Xu Yangyi watched all this calmly. In Europe and the United States, an auction allowed him to gain a foothold, and even two giants, Tagul and Covenus, extended olive branches to him at the same time. The Pope's will came in person, and he knew too well the magic of the pill. He also knew too well the desire of the cultivators to become stronger.

However, all this requires a big environment. He was not afraid of the spread of the alchemy, on the contrary, he hoped to spread it. Everyone knows how to do it, and everyone practices it. This is the general environment. Because... even if everyone knows how to do it, he is confident that no one can be better than him.

He waved his hand lightly, and the second batch of medicinal materials flew into the alchemy furnace. Then, the second formula was heard by the dumbfounded Baili family head beside him.

"I advise you to exhaust the Zhoutian number and reverse the yin and yang for three hundred breaths."

"Plop!" Baili family head knelt down on his knees as if waking up from a dream, and kowtowed his head three times.

The scene of the blue meteor rushing into every corner of Nanzhou just three minutes ago seemed to be frozen in his mind.

At first, when Master Xu saw him, he was extremely excited. But the next second he fell into the abyss of despair. As a result... I thought it was hell, but I didn't expect to ascend to heaven in an instant!

At the scene, he was the only one who heard a formula for the alchemy!

His heart was like a roller coaster, ups and downs, from excitement to disappointment, from disappointment to despair, from despair to hope. He almost saw the brilliant future of the Baili family!

"Thank you, thank you for your guidance!!!"

With his heart surging, his voice was so clear in the silent scene. So clear that all the family heads who had previously been ambitious to compete for the first spiritual plant family in the west gnashed their teeth.

What good luck...

Just now I thought that the Baili family's supply chain would be broken, but I didn't expect that the other party would get a blessing in disguise and actually got the guidance of the real person himself.

The guidance was nothing else, but a side door secret method that has been lost for nearly two hundred years!

"Congratulations to the Baili family master." A family master who had looked at him coldly before suppressed the sour taste in his heart and sent a spiritual message with a smile, congratulating: "Jindan master personally took action, the alchemy path must be within ten years." It is gratifying that Bailijia, as the pioneer of Xu Zhenren’s preaching, will hit the original elixir and capsule market.”

What a piece of shit luck!

A brand new market is about to open up. Whoever takes the first step may be a hundred or a thousand steps ahead. Perhaps one hundred thousand kilograms of spiritual plants are a waste of blood to leave an impression on other real people, but to leave an impression on real people Xu—Dandao real people, this is not something that can be bought with one hundred thousand kilograms of spiritual plants!

"I would like to congratulate the Baili family for reaching a higher level." An old man cupped his hands and said something through his teeth: "If this man is lucky, there is nothing he can do to stop him, right? "

The sour smell simply filled the whole place.

Of course, all communication is done using spiritual knowledge. No one dares to say weird things in front of a real person.

The Cao family, the second largest spiritual plant dealer in the west, has always been competing with the Baili family for first place. Seeing that Bailijia was about to fall off the altar this time, I never expected that the dramatic turn would come so quickly. Bailijia would probably be relegated to the second line just one step away. Xu Zhenren actually put Bailijia down with just one sentence. Pulled up again.

This is the energy of a real person, a word can determine life or death.

An eight or nine-year-old boy who looked like a boy but spoke in an old-fashioned manner, cupped his pink fists and gritted his teeth and said through his spiritual consciousness: "Haha... Head of the Baili family, I am here to congratulate you first. Your Baili family, how can you It’s really… auspicious.”

"Master Baili, your luck protects you." "I'm so happy. Alchemy is reborn. Master Xu will definitely retreat. Ten years later, it will be another world. The Baili family has a lot to do." "Fellow Baili, Wolf What did Mr. Du just say? It’s better to have fun alone than to have fun with everyone, why not share it?”

The head of the Baili family couldn't hear what they were saying at all, and he memorized every formula from Xu Yangyi with burning eyes. Nothing is more important now than remembering the formula. He even sneered at those congratulations that forced a smile.

Don't think you don't know. Didn't you just wait to see your own joke?

The Cao family, the Su family, you two have competed with our Baili family for the position of the number one spiritual planter in the west for so long, why don't you grit your teeth and congratulate us now?

Hahaha... Didn't you say a few hours ago that I jumped too high and fell too hard?

Tit for tat does not mean not to retaliate, the time has not yet come.

time flies.

The second furnace, the third furnace, a total of five furnaces of elixirs were all released one after another. Six to seven thousand pills were confiscated throughout Nanzhou. The surface that was once covered by wolfsbane is once again filled with aura. Soon, people will be able to move back.

Xu Yangyi looked at Nanzhou with a hint of emotion in his heart.

What I can do, I have already done.

Nanzhou will completely recover from the effects of wolfsbane within ten years. This is his atonement.

Although Master Gu Song transferred countless mortals back then, some mortals must have died in his hands. He must do something for Nanzhou, otherwise, his heart and mind will be uneasy.

He stood up and bowed deeply towards the end of Nanzhou. Just as he bowed, a feeling of enlightenment suddenly appeared in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, all the spiritual energy in the whole body was mobilized.

This kind of fluctuation occurred three times. The first time was when it merged with Wolfsbane. The second time was when he killed Nangong Wujiu, and the third time was now. The first time he pressed it down, but this time, he felt the waves in his body surge, and the waves that he had suppressed the first time were about to surge up.

This surge was so terrifying that it was enough to cause his spiritual energy to riot and his cultivation level to drop.

"Boy." Mistertin's voice suddenly appeared: "You must retreat immediately. Your situation is very special. The first thing any Grand Duke does after being promoted is to retreat. One of them is to fully grasp the changes in the Grand Duke period. I I believe you have also felt that in the Grand Duke period, the spiritual energy is completely different from before, and it is extremely clear. This is not something that a monk who just came from the Marquis can understand."

Yuchang's voice also murmured: "However, this is only one aspect. On the other hand, I once said that the golden elixir stage is about tracing back to the source. The path of cause and effect, the Nascent Soul stage, is the solidification of cause and effect and becoming a realm. Lingcheng The lifespan of an infant is eight hundred. However, the path of cause and effect is extremely dangerous. Once something goes wrong, it will take more effort to make up for it."

"You have just become a golden elixir, and you still don't know the cause and effect of your own. You have touched the big cause and effect at least twice with your actions. If the karma of cause and effect does not disappear, it will be difficult for you to improve your cultivation. Especially now that you don't understand your own cause and effect at all. I suggest you You must retreat within half a day, otherwise the consequences will be very serious.”

He said deeply: "It is very likely... that you will always be the first person under the Yuanying. You will never be able to climb the Yuanying. As the last realm of the four realms of asking questions. After the Yuanying, you will see a completely different scenery. "

Xu Yangyi nodded.

Of course it's a different scenery... The War of All Realms, Taichu, Seven Realms, Emperor Senluo, he can't wait to see the so-called upper realm.

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