
Chapter 711: Nine Stars in a Row

"Feather Guard." He said solemnly.

"Here!" Immediately, the Yulin Guards came out with great respect and neatly knelt on the ground: "What are your orders, ancestor?"

"Find a place for Jindan retreat where no one can disturb you."

Qin Minglang of the Yulin Guard suddenly turned red with excitement: "Ancestor, don't worry! We will make all preparations! Half a day, no! Within three hours, Ancestor can move."

The other three forces around him opened their lips, extremely unwilling, but they did not dare to say anything.

Three hours later, Xu Yangyi received the report and turned around and flew towards Kunlun Mountain. This is the best retreat that Habayashi Wei has come up with.

But before leaving, he remembered something and said to the woman from the government army: "By the way, there is something, please immediately report it to the highest level you can. As for what I said, I must convey it word for word." No, I’ll leave you a jade slip of sound transmission.”


In the imperial capital, Tianshou Mountain in Changping District, there is a small mountain in an inaccessible mountain range.

The mountain is not high, about a hundred meters or so. Lush and lush, but no one knows that just below this mountain, an ultra-modern underground research institute is working around the clock.

Among them, there are monks and mortals. This is the most hidden "Hidden Dragon Base" in China. Perhaps the generals carrying the Venus have heard of it, but except for the three Venus and the deputy national leader, no one knows its location.

Today, it has been listed as "the eleventh largest restricted area in the world."

RAF Menwith Hill, Catastrophic Emergency Operation Center, Ise Shrine, Room 39, Area 51, USA, White Gentlemen's Club, Moscow Metro Line 2, Club 33, Vatican Secret Archives, Meizhi, Russia Town of Gorye. Then there is China’s newly emerged “Hidden Dragon Base.”

Countless instruments are flashing inside. This is the most perfect combination of modern science and spiritual civilization in China, and even in the world. Tiandao's branch brains can be found everywhere in the underground base with as many as eleven floors and more than fifty meters into the ground. is rumored that the mastermind of Tiandao is also here.

The room on the bottom floor is only fifty meters in size, which is completely different from the ninety-meter room on the top. Moreover, this is the only room on this floor.

Above the head is a huge puppet face, and there are LCD walls in all directions that look like science fiction. At this moment, more than a dozen people gathered around a twenty-meter-wide table in the center, and the leader was a three-star general.

"Has it been detected?" the admiral asked in a deep voice, "What's going on?"

At this moment, the surrounding pictures are all one image. This is the top secret that is completely kept secret from everyone on earth, except for the head of a country. After the Tower of Babel fell, the crystal-like ball dozens of meters in size did not disappear in the sky above the earth. Instead, it radiates bright light every day and every night.

On the shield, around the ball, there are countless data strips, rising and falling.

"Chief, this weird thing has been emitting spiritual light. And the spiritual energy is slowly increasing." Below, a man in a white coat pushed up his glasses and frowned: "After we calculated its area and the range that can accommodate the spiritual energy, we believe that, In at most one hundred and eighty years, this thing will reach its peak moment, and in fifty years, its aura will break through the atmosphere and can no longer be concealed.”

The admiral stood up and paced around with his hands behind his back. After a long while, he turned around and said: "Now, the United States, Japan, Britain, Germany, and France have all detected this extraterrestrial visitor, and they have all chosen to erase the satellite images. Now, everyone in the satellite sector around the world is under government surveillance. "We have to find out what this is when we can't hide it."

"Where's Xiao Gao? Where has he been? Isn't he in charge of this area?"

The world-wide lamp is as bright as this. And... getting brighter and brighter.

"Xiao Gao is on vacation today. He is from Changping and went home to be with his wife. Chief, there is another discovery." A woman in a white coat hesitated for a moment and said: "This spherical object will always be on the central axis of the earth and the moon. On. Very weird. And..."

"This result has not been confirmed yet, so don't talk about it yet." Before she could finish speaking, a gray-haired old man, Shao Kun, chief engineer of the Hidden Dragon Base, interrupted him.

The woman nodded and was about to sit down when the admiral said dissatisfiedly: "Is fifty years a lot? Nowadays, elixirs and capsules are based on a low-end and high-end approach. In the past five years, our average life expectancy has been as high as eighty Years old. Life-extending capsules are everywhere. We can’t finish this generation. Lao Shao, you can’t hide your assumptions. After all, I, Qian Yifu, am the commander-in-chief of Yinlong Base.”

Shao Kun said nothing.

Qian Yifu frowned and said to the woman: "Old Li, you tell me. No one is allowed to interrupt."

The woman sighed, walked to a row of ring-shaped machines, and quickly pressed the button. In less than three seconds, the image of the moon appeared on the screen.

She adjusted the angle, and after another three seconds, Qian Yifu gasped!

Just on the far side of the moon, a strange round hole about ten meters is spinning.

It is so tiny, at least compared to the moon, that it is barely noticeable and cannot be captured by satellites. Unless there is a special satellite like Yinlong Base.

On the other screen, there is a straight line, the earth, the ball, the moon, and the round hole, all on the same straight line!

Moreover, on the third screen, all the planets in the solar system are moving slowly.

Feeling cold in his heart, he said in a deep voice: "This..."

"A week ago... the spiritual energy capacity of this crystal officially reached one percent." The woman surnamed Li looked extremely serious: "Since then, a gap has 'cracked' here, which is very small. According to our Adjustment..."

She took a deep breath, her lips trembled slightly, and she couldn't speak any more.

Shao Kun looked above his head in a daze, and said calmly: "This... I'm afraid it's a space passage."

"Space passage?" Qian Yifu was stunned, and then the hair on his back stood up: "Where does it lead?"

"I don't know. But... I immediately ordered the Yinlong No. 1 manned space station to investigate and used the Tiandao brain. The conclusion reached..." He withdrew his gaze and looked at everyone present solemnly: "Inside , there are spiritual energy fluctuations that are no less powerful than the earth, or even more powerful than the earth!”

No one spoke.

Everyone understands what this means. The other side is probably connected to a more powerful cultivation civilization.

"That's not all." Now that Shao Kun had said it, he decided to go to the end. He walked to the edge of the screen and compared the screen: "The solar system, nine planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, the Sun , all moving towards a line, the gap opens a little bit."

"What does this mean?" Qian Yifu asked anxiously, unable to sit still at all.

"Nine stars in a row." Old Li's face was ashen: "Just over one hundred and eighty years later, we predict that this space channel will expand to half the size of the moon, and at the same time, all the galaxies in the solar system will form a line. In history, there have been several "seven-star continuations," but nine-star continuations are almost never seen and..."

She paused: "This time... due to the pull of the space channel, the time for the nine stars to connect... is likely to be extremely long."

"It's extremely long, isn't it?"

"The worst result will last for more than a hundred years. If the current condensation speed of this crystal is followed."

Everyone was silent.

If the nine stars in a row last for a week, the biological chain will be completely broken. There will be no sun, no moon, and the natural balance will disappear. If it lasts for a hundred years...

That was the second ice age!

The whole earth will be destroyed!

However, they have no idea about the real threat posed by the space channel opened by the Nine Stars Lianzhu. They don't know what's behind the space channel.

Dead silence.

Deathly silence.

No one spoke. At this moment, Tiandao above his head suddenly opened his eyes and said in a formulaic tone: "Urgent news, the first-line intelligence just obtained from Nanzhou."

"Who sent it?"

"The newly promoted golden elixir, the first person under the Nascent Soul, Wolf Venom Zhenren's oral instructions, was forwarded by the government army monks. The request must be conveyed to the highest level no matter what. The content is too unbelievable, and the military cannot make a decision. We especially ask Commander Yinlong to make a decision. "

"Take it immediately."

A screen of light suddenly shone in the "brush" space, and Xu Yangyi's person and voice completely appeared.

"I know you can't believe what's going on below. But it's true."

"All the mutations came from the Tower of Babel five years ago. After more than a dozen golden elixirs entered, only the real person came out alive. The things inside cannot be expressed in a few words. I just want to tell you one thing now."

"I don't know if you have detected the crystal above the earth. It has two names. Now, it is called the Moon in the Well. When it is filled with spiritual energy, it will become a lamp that connects the world. What is the connection between the world and the heavens? Ten Thousand Realms. Our world is located under another big world called "Seven Realms", and the connected world is called Xukunlun. And the Seven Realms will cause a great war every two thousand years. world war."

"There is a terrible enemy in the seven realms. The war of all realms is to open the bridge to ascension. Replenish the fresh blood of the seven realms. After more than 180 years, the moon in the well will be filled with spiritual energy and become a real lamp that connects the realms. At that time, the war of all realms will begin at the same time. Believe me, there are not only intelligent life forms in this world, but the earth, and I have even killed highly intelligent life forms in other planes."

"Their cultivation civilization is far more advanced than that of the earth. I don't know who is watching this photo. I want to tell everyone. If we don't start preparing from now, and mortals and monks work together, in more than 180 years, the earth will usher in A devastating blow."

"Our opponent is called the Zhenwu Realm. It is a plane where the cultivation civilization is far more advanced than that of the earth. And this time... the opponent is likely to send out his entire army. I have seen the opponent's Star Destroyer Mothership in the Tower of Babel. , cannot be created by the current civilization of the earth. I reiterate that no matter who is watching this video, this matter must be kept top secret, but preparations must start now..."


The video ends.

Everyone at the scene was stunned.


There will be an update on Sunday. As I said before, there have been a lot of submissions recently, so there will be a small burst. I wish everyone a happy weekend.

It will end before 9:30 pm. As for how many updates there will be, you can watch it tomorrow.

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