
Chapter 712: Shadow

The bottom floor of the Hidden Dragon Base was in a dead silence.

The World-Connecting Lamp, the Seven Realms, the True Martial Realm, the Ten Thousand Realms War... each name shocked everyone's heart.

It was unknown how long it had been, but even if Qian Yifu was well-mannered, he couldn't help but tremble in his voice: "He... what the Wolf Poison Master said... is it true?"

Before he finished speaking, the light screen flashed, and all of Xu Yangyi's information, including his itinerary, appeared on the light screen.

"Langdu Zhenren, whose real name is Xu Yangyi, was the leader of a province in Tiandao in 2016. After that, he entered Danxia Palace and fought in Nanzhou. After that, he disappeared from Nanzhou and blocked Nanzhou with a huge plant. He was listed as an S-level wanted criminal. In 2043, Zhenren Gusong appealed to the Cultivation Court, believing that it was inappropriate for a Qi-refining cultivator to be listed on the S-level wanted criminal list. Zhenren Tianzai agreed and downgraded it to A-level."

"In 2093, that is, this year, seven days ago, he broke through the formation of three provinces and fifty-one cities, defeated the master of Xuanyuan Sword, the master of Guomen Zhenren, and entered Nanzhou to form a golden elixir. The peak spiritual energy reached 530,000 spirits, and was tacitly regarded as the first person under Yuanying. At present, the number of people who know this news does not exceed 50. It is unknown to Zhenren Jindan unless it is a vice-state-level leader."

"Within six hours after the formation of the golden elixir, the Nangong family was destroyed and the Nangong family's golden elixir, Zhenren Nangong Wujiu, was killed. According to investigations, he did enter before the Tower of Babel appeared. The above situation is true."

No one spoke. A minute later, Qian Yifu turned to everyone: "Do you think... he is telling the truth?"

"I don't know, but I personally think it is very true." Shao Kun pondered: "He is already a golden elixir, I can't find out his motive for saying this. If this is false, even if he is the first person under the Nascent Soul, he will definitely be killed. This is against the cultivation civilization of the entire earth."

"I also think that although it is indeed incredible, I can't find out his motive for lying." A researcher next to him also said: "Chief, I think we should report to the chairman immediately. This matter is too big and we can't hide it!"

"If the plane war in the science fiction film really appears on the earth, and the opponent is such a powerful's good to prepare one day earlier!"

Qian Yifu's face was gloomy, and he slammed the table hard after a long time: "At this time! Where is Master Xu?"

" Retreat." Tiandao said calmly, "Jindan Zhenren is no longer the same as before. His spiritual power is completely different from before. He has entered the Kunlun Mountains for retreat."

"How long will it take? !"

"At least ten years, at most twenty years, and it's a deadly retreat."

"Damn it! !" Qian Yifu couldn't help but curse, "At this critical moment, he actually went into retreat! Why didn't he tell us!"

"What should we do now?"

"What else can we do? Take all the information and go to the State Council immediately! No matter how late it is, we must report to the Chairman immediately!" Qian Yifu gritted his teeth and sighed, "Also, cancel your vacation, notify Xiao Gao immediately, and let him come back immediately! No one is allowed to take a vacation before the decision is made by the higher-ups!"


Just when the Yinlong base was getting nervous, in Changping, the Ming Tombs, a middle-aged man was standing at the Ming Tombs tourist attraction with his wife, happily looking at the towering imperial tombs in front of him.

"Research, you only know how to research. How long have you been out? You didn't tell me what you were researching or where you were, which made me worry every day." The woman pinched the man unhappily: "Lao Gao, can't you quit? I know there must be a confidentiality agreement where you stay, can't we just not do it?"

Lao Gao smiled and shook his head. Can you enter and exit the Hidden Dragon Base at will? I had discussed it before I went in. I was not allowed to leave until I retired, and vacations were hard-earned.

"I'm going to smoke a cigarette." He didn't talk about this issue anymore, lit a cigarette, and walked around the Ming Tombs casually.

It's been too long since I came out. There were clusters of flowers and palace walls, and everything was new to me. Although he knew the surroundings of the Ming Tombs well.

He turned a corner and came to a secluded place. This was his favorite place. It was quiet, and the towering ancient trees around made it very difficult to be discovered. There was a bluestone bench that had been there for who knows how many years, and it was surrounded by a dense forest, which made people feel relaxed and happy.

He didn't worry about any robbers at all. This is the imperial capital, Changping, the foot of the emperor. How could robbers come to the Ming Tombs?

After smoking a cigarette comfortably, he was about to leave, when suddenly, a slight "rustling" sound came from behind him.

"Who?" He frowned and turned around. As soon as he turned around, he took a breath of cold air and sat down on the ground in fear.

"You, you, you, who are you?!" He held the bluestone bench and was almost scared to death. There was no one here just now, but now, there was one more person in a blink of an eye.

"Quiet." The foreign man in front of him was a foreign man. It was hard to tell which European or American country he belonged to. He wore glasses, a suit, and had a blank expression on his face. He was not very old, and looked about 23 or 24 years old.

Lao Gao did not dare to speak. The young man looked around leisurely: "It's hard to get out... But the breath of the origin really disgusts me..."

"What, what?" Lao Gao asked tremblingly.

The young man glanced at him and smiled leisurely: "Nothing."

"The dead don't need to know why. Remember my name, I'm Andre."

The next second, a strange rustling sound came from behind the man. He turned his head slowly in fear, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

Behind him was a picture of hell.

A scream, but it seemed to be blocked by something and could not be heard. After a long time, Andre wiped his fingers and squinted his eyes to look at the sky.


"Very good... Not only did it break my long-cherished wish, but it also made me be killed by Quetzalcoatl in a small realm... It doesn't matter, there are still more than 180 years, I will make you never forget me."

Time passed very quickly.

In the second year of Xu Yangyi's retreat, the global government suddenly issued an order to vigorously develop aviation and military technology. All countries temporarily put military spending first. However, the borders of countries such as North Korea and some closed countries have not been opened, and technical exchanges are only between developed countries such as China, the United States, Britain, Germany and France.

Without Xu Yangyi's affirmation, the world is skeptical.

Three years, four years, five years... Ten years passed quickly.

Outside the atmosphere, in ten years, the brightness of the moon in the well has increased significantly, and behind it, the space channel has expanded to more than 200 meters!

However, Xu Yangyi did not come out of retreat.

Twelve years, thirteen years... Every day, there were government officials with solemn faces at the foot of the mountain, and the monks were waiting until the fifteenth year. At the peak of Kunlun Mountain Gongger Peak, which is 7,000 meters above sea level, where the snow is falling, a pair of eyes finally opened slowly in the darkness.

This is a luxurious cave.

The ground is an extremely soft carpet, and Xu Yangyi is sitting cross-legged on it. The entire cave is not natural. The top is full of carvings of Chinese charm, and these carvings are magically condensed into magic arrays, each of which contains a top-grade spirit stone.

Top-grade spirit gathering array.

Moreover, if the stone slabs of the whole room are pried open, you will see circles of talismans, attack, defense, and even air-changing magic arrays. The cost of this 100-meter room alone is definitely not cheap.

The night-shining pearls illuminate the inside with bright lights. After a long period of seclusion, Xu Yangyi's face actually showed a touch of vicissitudes. However, his spirit was not depressed at all. Instead, he raised his hand and slammed a palm towards the sky.

Within one palm, the whole room was like a landslide and tsunami, and all the spiritual power was boiling in an instant. If it hit the top, the entire top of Gongger Peak would explode.

However, just before it was about to hit, the spiritual power palm disappeared into a cloud of light.

It was free to send and receive, coming like thunder and rage, and ending like the clear light of the sea and the river.

The embodiment of spiritual power in detail is a realm that any Jindan Zhenren, and only Jindan Zhenren can achieve.

Xu Yangyi looked at his hands with satisfaction. In the past fifteen years, the first eight years have been carefully experiencing the difference between Jindan and foundation building. This difference is not reflected in the size of the power of the magical power. It is reflected in the understanding of oneself.

Before Jindan, it was a copycat, step by step, one magical power, one technique, knowing the result but not the reason. And Jindan has begun to touch the foundation of these techniques and began to vaguely understand how they are operated.

Perhaps, the power will not be greater, but it will definitely be more exquisite, and it will cooperate with your body, and you can use it freely wherever there is more or less.

This is a foundation. The higher the cultivation level, the more you will know whether any technique is left by the predecessors and whether it is consistent with you? The things of the predecessors are good, but what are the contradictions with you? These foundations are completely invisible. Only the golden elixir can start to optimize the technique. In other words, the golden elixir is not yet able to optimize the technique, but has optimized how to adapt to this technique.

This is the foundation for long-term cultivation.

"This is the realm of Jindan..." He smiled with some emotion: "No wonder Jindan Zhenren disdains those below Jindan. In the eyes of Jindan, no matter how strong the foundation is, it is still a child who does not understand himself."

"And I also understand why Jindan stage attaches importance to magic weapons. The power of Jindan stage is too great, and the spiritual power of heaven and earth consumed is also great. A good magic weapon can increase and magnify the spiritual power. In other words, if you can fight for an hour with magical powers, the magic weapon can increase it to three or four hours. This is the continuation of combat power. It is very important at any time."

As for his own life magic weapon, he already has some ideas.

"I am not good at long-distance bombing with magical powers. I prefer close combat from the bottom of my heart. I can continue to break through with Qianlibuxing. My magic weapon will start from strengthening the physical body."

He smiled slightly. Soon, he will visit the major weapon refining masters in China.

He continued to close his eyes and felt his fifteen years of gains.

The second gain is the blood inheritance of wolf poison!

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