
Chapter 713: Inheritance

He gently extended his hand, and the Ten-Direction Karma Flame, after the subtle level of spiritual energy manipulation, lingered on his fingertips. Unlike the silent and invisible palm just now, the Ten-Direction Karma Flame has a complete magical shape. However...

This time, the Ten-Direction Karma Flame has a different spiritual energy color.

The cyan representing life is getting lighter and lighter, and a colorless and tasteless black spiritual energy almost completely replaces the cyan, forming a strange black and purple.

"This is..." His eyes paused slightly, and his finger gently touched the ground. Suddenly, from the place where his finger touched the ground, a surging black and purple spiritual energy spread out like ink in the water, and it became thicker and thicker. In an instant, the whole room became a purple-black hell.

"Zizizizi..." Silent corrosion sounds rang in the fog, and there were some eye-catching plants in the training room, but they all withered in an instant. In less than three seconds, they turned yellow and black, and then turned into pieces of dry fragments and drifted away. Even the ground made of A-level spiritual materials began to corrode.

He suppressed his excitement and looked inside his body. Wherever he looked, the cyan spiritual energy almost disappeared, replaced by a black-purple spiritual energy that had never been seen on Earth.

Spiritual root mutation!

There must be people with natural spiritual roots on Earth, but he is the only one he has seen so far. In the sea of ​​qi, the flower in the mirror of the stargazer had long disappeared. In the first year of entering the practice room, as the stargazer said, he ushered in a sea of ​​changes. The flower in the mirror shattered without warning, and the spiritual energy of the upper realm poured into his body like a tide, and all the cyan spiritual energy was forced out. At that time, the whole room was like a sea of ​​cyan fog, and nothing could be seen clearly.

This mutation lasted for three years before all the cyan spiritual energy in his body was exhausted. Another three years, the current spiritual energy slowly grew in the blood. Unfortunately, because there was no assistance from the Nanming Lihuo, the furnace had not been lit. Until now, his spiritual energy village has not only not increased compared to when he went through the three provinces, but has decreased.

"When I reach the Jindan stage, the supplement of the foundation-building elixir is just a drop in the bucket. Every Jindan-level elixir is at least an SS-level natural treasure. I just formed a elixir and have been in seclusion for ten years. I don't have any connections or resources to harvest these things."

"However, looking back, I don't seem to need the assistance of the Nanming Lihuo. It's strange. The Eternal Pill Sutra clearly says that you can't practice without spiritual fire. But I don't have too many obstacles. The effectiveness of the elixir exceeds the spiritual fire?"

He thought about it and didn't think so. This is one of the spiritual fires of heaven and earth. Since this doesn't make sense, it should be a matter of his own opportunity.

Different foundations, different elixir formations, and once got the Marathon Holy Fire. He is not as eager for the Nanming Lihuo as before, but it is certain that once the Nanming Lihuo is incorporated into his practice system, it will definitely trigger the complete transformation of the Eternal Pill Sutra.

Being able to practice is different from practicing better.

Sighing with regret, he gathered his mind, and the black light on his fingers shone. The black mist that spread around like a tide rolled back in an instant and was absorbed into his body without resistance. And a sense of power came naturally.

Unlike other golden elixirs, now it is not only the spiritual root that has changed, but he can also feel... a kind of power from the upper realm brought by the flower in the mirror that is completely different from the earth... and more complicated.

He couldn't tell what it was specifically. It was just a feeling, just like the absolute suppression of the golden elixir on the foundation building, a kind of subtle pressure, although not heavy, but it does exist.

"With the Lin character formula, there should be unexpected gains." He pondered, "Although the current spiritual energy reserves are only about 50% of what they were when I just returned to China. But compared to that time... I should be of the same strength."

He punched in the air, feeling the subtle changes in the spiritual energy in the meridians, and the poisonous spiritual energy that was mutated from the wood spiritual energy rushed along the meridians. He smiled slightly and said, "The wood spiritual energy mutated into poison, this attribute is too overbearing. And... this is the poison of wolf poison. The most important thing..."

He took a deep breath, and with a long roar, he rushed out of the door.

Gongger Peak, more than 3,000 meters away, has several camps stationed here. This is all to confirm what Xu Yangyi said fifteen years ago. The troops left behind, as well as a large number of forces preparing to win over the wolf poison master, are not few, a full hundred people.

After fifteen years of waiting, they have been calm. They don't know when Master Xu will come out of retreat. Today, they drank coffee as usual, watching the snowflakes flying all over the sky of Gongger Peak outside the spiritual energy shield. However, at this moment, a loud noise suddenly came from the top of the mountain.

A middle-aged man was stunned. Their hearts had long changed from the initial enthusiasm to the current impatience. Unexpectedly, in this impatience, hope suddenly came.

Everyone's head suddenly looked up at the sky, where the black fog was like a tide, and the black fog dyed the white snow into a piece of ink. And a figure in the middle seemed to be a demon god descending.

"Greetings to the real person!!" "Welcome the ancestor out of retreat!!" "Director Zhao of the Special Office of Yulin Guard, three special officers, congratulate the ancestor on the completion of the golden elixir!" "Meet Master Xu!" "Wish Master Xu a great advancement in realm and a long life!"

Here is Gongger Peak.

The Kunlun Mountains with an altitude of more than 7,000 meters. These people are at an altitude of more than 3,000 meters. There is still a distance of 4,000 meters from the top of 7,000 meters, but they have no worries at all. Regardless of whether Xu Yangyi can hear it or not, they all kneel on the ground and congratulate with all their strength.

This is power, the shock of strength.

No need to say a word, just one gesture or one look will make 90% of the people in the world tremble.

Xu Yangyi looked down calmly, with infinite emotion in his heart. Once upon a time, he also knelt down to the golden elixir like these people. Once upon a time, foundation building was heaven to him. But today, foundation building can be destroyed with a backhand, and he doesn't even need to do it. As long as he hums, there are a lot of people willing to complete the task for him.

Awake to hold the power of the world, drunken lying on the knees of a beauty, this state can only be understood, not described.


He heard the other party's voice, but didn't care. The golden elixir must have the power of the golden elixir, and it's not that he asked them to wait for him. If he is too approachable, it will make these people tremble. Any circle has its own unspoken rules.

He took a deep breath, and the spiritual energy in his body burst out, and the whole Gongger Peak began to rumble.

"This, this is..." Below, a foundation building cultivator's eyes suddenly tightened. Not only him, but everyone gasped.

As they watched, the snow was all over the sky, rolling back, and the whole mountain was shaking, as if an earthquake was coming.

This was not the most terrifying thing. The most terrifying thing was... the overwhelming golden elixir spirit, and the Gongger Peak... was like a mountain of snow avalanches with thousands of troops galloping down!

Like thunder, like a tsunami, from where they could see, the mountains collapsed and the ground cracked, the rocks collapsed, the waves hit the shore, and thousands of piles of snow were rolled up.

They wanted to move, but no one dared to move. Everyone had cold sweat on their heads. This scene was too terrible. Snow waves of more than ten meters high and dozens of meters high rushed from all directions. If they didn't hide, they would be submerged in an instant. They wouldn't die, but it would be very difficult to get out. Hide? Jindan Zhenren was in the sky, and no one dared to hide until he spoke.

"Forget it... Master Xu just came out of retreat, and his heart is surging... Being buried in the snow... It's no big deal." "Being buried by the avalanche will only cause minor injuries at most. If Master Xu is unhappy, you will die."

A faint aura shield condensed outside everyone's body, but no one left half a step.

However, just when the avalanche reached them, a black aura shield suddenly opened, protecting everyone inside.

The personnel stationed below wiped off their cold sweat and then looked up at the sky with fiery eyes.

Amid the flying snowflakes, the black aura had already converged. A tall figure stood there. But at first sight, no one could believe it.

Xu Yangyi was wearing a piece of armor, no, it was tree armor, which was almost exactly the same as when he met his ancestor in the Tower of Babel!

Complex patterns, head, chest, double swords, hips, five dragon claws. The only difference is that these dragons are not too clear, and there is still a distance from his ancestors.

The whole armor stretched his body to a size of two and a half meters. Behind him, the vortex of the virtual immortal body spun loudly. It looked awe-inspiring and majestic, a little ancient, a little...magical style, 70% Chinese style, and 30% similar to ancient totems. The whole texture looked like a tree split in the opposite direction, wrapping him up.

"What kind of magic is this?" "Defense magic?"

The people below looked at each other, and Xu Yangyi looked at his hand with satisfaction.

This is not a magic.

He waved his hand gently, and leaves and branches suddenly opened on his thick arms, spreading from his arms like flowers, making his arms in a form between humans and plants.

Demon body!

He moved casually without any special feeling. For a real demon, the demon body is his greatest reliance. Only in the demon body form can the strength be fully exerted. He could feel that once he began to call on the demon body, the triangular spiritual line golden pill in his chest would send out an unspeakable throbbing. And as if a seal had been opened, a force of landslide and tsunami spread to his limbs along this strange golden elixir.

He looked down and gently pressed his palm towards the blank space.

"Boom!!!" The snow was flying all over the sky, and in full view of everyone below, a huge palm print of more than a thousand meters appeared on the crystal snow! More than ten meters thick snow was flying layer by layer, revealing the true appearance of the dark mountains below. Moreover, these mountains... were actually surrounded by a layer of black mist, corroding rapidly!

Nothing is not rotten!

Xu Yangyi licked his lips excitedly. His demon body was too weird, but his power was 20% stronger than that of a human! Not only that, he could feel that his speed, reaction, dynamic capture, and spiritual awareness range were all rising! No wonder all demons regard demon bodies as the final killer.

Unfortunately, there were too many people watching now, so he couldn't make too many attempts, and withdrew his hand with a touch of regret. The whole body was like a flower, and the branches and leaves were retracted into the body layer by layer. Reply as before.

Below, after a few seconds of being stunned, there was an extremely shocking congratulation, and he was too lazy to listen.

"No need to wait for me. I have something important to do now. What I said back then is true, and I will convey it to the Chinese government."

A foundation-building cultivator dared to speak respectfully: "I... the State Council, the Ministry of National Defense... are all waiting for you, I hope you..."

"Tell them that I will go to the imperial capital in a week." After saying this, he turned into a black light and flew towards Sichuan.

Yes, there is indeed a crucial thing to do.

The ancestor in Qingcheng Mountain, they... finally came to meet.

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