
Chapter 714: Linjiangxian (I)

Transformed into a stream of light, his speed is comparable to that of an airplane, shooting straight at Qingcheng Mountain.

My heart has accelerated. The other person may be the only relative in this world. I once regarded the other party as my enemy because the other party planted the God-Sealing Knot in my body without any indifference. What does such a cold-blooded relative want to do if he doesn't care about the life or death of his adoptive parents?

But he already had an explanation for this problem after coming out of the Tower of Babel.


Since the other party is also a lantern keeper, he must know about the Boundary Lamp. He also knew that when the Xu family's bloodline reached his generation, it was just the time to light up the world-connecting lamp, and he also knew that the war of all realms was about to come. The other party planted the God-Sealing Knot for only one purpose.

That was to prevent his impure blood from lighting up the world-opening lamp and avoid a world-wide war, but also saved his life.

Why is he so sure?

It's very simple, because he planted the God-Sealing Knot of the Nanhua Butterfly Mother, he had the phantom. And the Nanhua Butterfly Mother should be the only one of the eight demon kings sealed by the Eight Great Jedi who can coexist with the Wolfsbane bloodline. He I still remember that the last thing that appeared in Nanzhou was Cordyceps Sinensis. The only magical creature that combines plants and animals.

If he continues at the pace of the other party, then... will he still go to the Tower of Babel?

Probably not...

He looked at the endless night sky and sighed. He should be like other monks, build the foundation, attack the golden elixir, hide this blood in the body, and never wake up. And if the world-connecting lamp is not on, the channel between the earth and the Zhenwu world will not be opened. Nothing will happen.

"However, fate always likes to play tricks on people." He put away his melancholy about the past and smiled: "Unfortunately, I woke up in the wrong place, and my ancestors seemed to be unable to appear for some reason. In fact, the Nascent Soul on earth is No one came out except Pope St. Peter of Light.”

"In Jerusalem, I saw the Holy King of the Nascent Soul of Islam, Shazhibai Samu. There should be another Nascent Soul in Macbeth, the holy city of Islam? Or not? In the Strait of Gibraltar, I saw the Tirason family, a divine family. The Nascent Soul Lord of Fire, Phoenix. According to Xiao Qing, only my ancestors are mentioned. I suspect that all Nascent Souls cannot appear in this world due to some special factors."

"The law of the world? It's very possible. Nascent Soul is no longer afraid of atomic/bombs, and the existence of destroying countries. If they walk freely, the impact will be too great, and the cultivation civilization will be destroyed in one thought because of them."

No matter what, you will know it when you see your ancestors.

"The next thing is this." He took a deep breath, mobilized his spiritual energy, and a string of golden numbers appeared around him.

"Does the ancestor know about this thing?" He calmed down all his expressions and looked at the series of numbers with great solemnity. XY, longitude and latitude, geographical coordinate system, it is a spherical coordinate system that uses the spherical surface of three-dimensional space to define the space on the earth, and can mark any position on the earth.

X40, Y120, he didn't know this number clearly. But... there's another sign on it.


"Geographical coordinates can mark all locations on the earth. It is not difficult to find out by looking up XY, but this D..." He mused: "Xiao Qing told me before leaving that all the old monsters who have been sealed on the earth are carrying Fragments of this set of data. In my third year of retreat, all these data came together and condensed into this piece of information.”

"This is what Xiao Qing said is the last resort for the earth to face the Zhenwu Realm. There are still more than one hundred and eighty years, and the Zhenwu Realm is very likely to come to the Earth. The formation of a space channel should have started now. It does not take a hundred years In eighty years... I'm afraid in about one hundred and fifty years, the advance troops from the Zhenwu world will arrive..."

There is not much time left for the start of the War of All Realms. What is this thing and where does it exist? What effect? You must find it before, after all... From what I learned from the stargazers and myself, those who dare to cross over from the real martial arts world are definitely stronger than those on Earth!

The winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit. In the last hundred years or so, more than six hundred thousand worlds below have been ready for disaster from the moment the world-connecting lamp is lit.

"My strength must also be improved. In this flesh-and-blood millstone of the World War, the more trump cards I have, the more chance I have of winning."

His heart was extremely looking forward to Nanming Lihuo coming.

In the golden elixir stage, he had already felt the spiritual energy of heaven and earth pouring into him with every breath he took. During the foundation building stage, you can still rely on elixirs to replenish spiritual energy, but golden elixirs...

The treasures of heaven and earth suitable for golden elixirs are too scarce, and the war of all realms is imminent. The Ming Tombs have been his first target.

Time passed quickly, and not long after, he had entered the city of Chengdu. He couldn't help but feel a little sad when he recalled that he had visited 51 cities in three provinces fifteen years ago.

"Dad." As soon as it flew here, the phantom floated out. After fifteen years of seclusion, the phantom had not improved. It told Xu Yangyi that in order to advance, it had to swallow dreams at the golden elixir level. This left Xu Yangyi at a loss what to do. How can any golden elixir be willing to let people enter their dreams? And Jin Dan still needs to sleep? Do you always dream when you sleep?

But the good thing is that Phantom has gone from babbling at first to answering questions fluently now.

"Why did you remember it?" Xu Yangyi smiled.

"Boring." Phantoms flew around him happily: "Kunlun Mountain is too cold."

"Your body was once there." Xu Yangyi did not forget that the body of Nanhua Butterfly Mother was in Death Valley of Kunlun Mountain: "According to what Xiaoqing said, she should have been taken away by Quetzalcoatl. When I finish everything in hand, Well, let me take you to Death Valley. Now that the Butterfly Mother is gone, Death Valley is no longer Death Valley."

"Yes, yes!" Phantom flew around in circles excitedly: "I also want to go to my mother's place for a visit."

Xu Yangyi nodded, and then suddenly felt something was wrong.

It seems like...something strange has gotten in?


"Of course! I am the child of both of you!" Phantom said happily: "I heard that my mother is gone. Is she divorced?"

You've never been married, okay?

Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth: "She is not your mother... don't mention this word in the future, it may easily cause misunderstanding..."

"Who is the mother? I can feel that the mother is very powerful, much more powerful than the father. Hundreds of times more."


"Dad, tell me, don't fool me with incompetent monks. I'm very smart."



"Your mother's name is Xiaoqing, remember clearly..."


It felt bad to lie, but now in order to fool this seemingly smart butterfly, he decided to give Xiaoqing a hat.

Since...that's all, then...there's nothing wrong with this title...right?

I wonder if Xiaoqing will kill herself if she knows...

"Phew." Before he could finish his thoughts, Mistertin's teasing voice came out unabashedly: "Boy, you really dare to say that you are getting married to a monk in the Taixu Realm. Even back then, Prometheus These are just one level higher than Taixu Realm.”

"Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers." The figures of Yuchang and Mistertin both floated out, looking around with interest: "I'm afraid he doesn't know what the Taixu Realm represents... But having said that, Sichuan is worthy of being In the land of abundance, the air is much fresher and the surrounding scenery is not bad.”

Ahead, a big mountain has appeared, the famous Qingcheng Mountain.

In Qingcheng Mountain, a pair of old eyes opened, and then closed again.

"It's Zhenren Xu. Is he out of confinement?"

"Why do you come to Qingcheng Mountain?"

"Do you want to greet me?"

"That's all, not for now. Let's see what he wants to do first."

Xu Yangyi stopped in the clouds, overlooking the Qingcheng Mountain at his feet, the ancestral home of Taoism, the place where Sima Tuo was killed in the Great War of All Realms. He cupped his hands and said through his spiritual consciousness: "I came here just to meet a senior. I'm disrespectful."

There must be a golden elixir in Qingcheng Mountain. This is an affirmation. Even if we don't meet each other in the future, in the war of all realms, no Nascent Soul golden elixir on earth will be spared. In this case, the relationship must be established well.

A few seconds later, a profound spiritual consciousness rang out on Qingcheng Mountain, spreading throughout the mountain: "Fellow Taoist Xu came to visit, and the flowers were shining brightly. Open the mountain gate, ring the 7749 Enlightenment Bell, tie the bell, and welcome the guests. This real person is in retreat. , we cannot accept you.”

"It doesn't matter."

Not long after, at the back of Qingcheng Mountain, under the mountain road, a door that was ten meters tall opened with only the frame. Beside the door, there is a five or six meter large pond with the words "Forgotten Sword Pond" written on it. Monks entering the Back Mountain are not allowed to carry an inch of weapons with them. This is a thousand-year iron rule of Qingcheng Mountain. Xu Yangyi has seen it in Tiandao. It is said that the Forgotten Sword Pond is a very terrifying magic weapon, but no one has confirmed it.

"Dang...dang..." A dragon-like bell resounded throughout the mountain. The mortal Taoist priests in Qianshan listened to the sound of the bell in astonishment, and no one knew what was going on.

Before the clock stopped, Xu Yangyi frowned and looked at the mountain peak.

There is no aura...

No, there is no trace of Nascent Soul spiritual energy. He could feel that there was a very strong golden elixir level spiritual energy in the belly of the mountain. Approximately between the later stages and Dzogchen. However... the kind of spiritual energy that surpasses the golden elixir cannot be felt at all.

Forty-nine cries stopped, and strips of red silk were laid down from the back mountain like auspicious clouds. Xu Yangyi fell to the ground and was about to walk in. Suddenly, there was a person standing respectfully in front of the Forgotten Sword Pond.

"I've seen a real person." The person who came was a middle-aged man, very respectful. Xu Yangyi was filled with emotions at the first glance.

Xuan Chengzi.

A former member of the Xingtian Legion. No wonder he can't be seen in the Nangong family's dungeon. With Qingcheng Mountain as its backer, the Nangong family really doesn't dare to do anything to him.

"are you alright?"

"Everything is fine, junior, but... I feel uneasy that I can no longer serve the real master." Xuan Chengzi bowed to the end: "Junior has seen the real master's body and Tao in harmony, but he has not explained it to the sect, so please rest assured, the real master. The lineage of Zhenren Taoism is deeply connected. As long as you nod your head, I can guarantee that Taoism will welcome Zhenren as a Taoist disciple."

Xu Yangyi was stunned for a moment, and then remembered the moment when the living emperor weapon at the bottom of Danxia Palace was activated. The Eight Diagrams of Yin and Yang of Heaven and Earth, it seemed like... I was really awesome at that time?

However, what is fake is always fake. He smiled: "Is something wrong?"

"Yes." Xuanchengzi suddenly straightened up, but his voice suddenly changed, and a mysterious and terrifying majesty suddenly descended. It looks like Xuan Chengzi, but in fact, he has changed.

"Spiritual consciousness has arrived?" Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed, and spiritual energy spread throughout his body.

There was no attack. Xuan Chengzi looked at him deeply for several seconds: "You are finally here."

"Come on...come with me...let me see...what my dozens of generations of descendants look like."

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