
Chapter 716: The Heart of the Earth

The estrangement of hundreds of years was gradually dispelling. Xu Fangyuan sat down and poured him a cup of tea again: "This world is very big, very big, and boundless. You should also know, Nanzhan The existence of Buzhou and Xukunlun. Don't be obsessed with the glory of the past. Even if the earth was once powerful, it is still far weaker than the lower world of Xukunlun. In this universe, it is similar to the upper world of Nanzhan Buzhou. I don’t know how many.”

He raised his head and looked at the blue sky: "This is the moving part of practice, tearing apart and refuting the facts you once thought, allowing you to see a more real world, attracting and chasing the real world. In fact, , monks and scientists have a lot in common.”

Both of them were silent for a moment thoughtfully, and the old man suddenly said: "How many paths of cause and effect have you opened?"

Xu Yangyi looked inside his body, and his spiritual consciousness spread rapidly toward the triangular golden elixir, getting deeper and deeper. Finally, at the deepest point, he saw an ancient palace lantern condensed with golden light.

The carvings are exquisitely carved, with flying dragons and phoenixes, a candlestick in the center, and six lampstands around it. Among them, three have been lit.

"Causation is the first, and the result is the end. This first lamp is for me to understand my own life experience. The root of cause and effect." He looked at the brightest lamp, and he could clearly feel a kind of destiny. feeling.

"The second light... was when I fulfilled my promise and returned to Nanzhou. At that time, Nanzhou suffered countless casualties due to the thought of Master Gusong. My... hands were also stained with blood, and I used elixirs to eliminate the evil in Nanzhou. Fate, so that millions of people in Nanzhou can return to their homeland and rescue their former teammates. This is the second light."

The second lamp is also shining, but if you look carefully, the candle flame is weaker than the first one.

After all, his life experience is too special, and the first light is the cause and effect of the earth. The cause and effect of being a lampkeeper even overrides his Tao Heart Oath.

He continued to look at the third lamp. During the fifteen years of retreat, he had clearly understood these lampstands. The third one was darker than the second one. But also completely lit.

"This is the cause and effect of forging the golden elixir and merging it with the demon body."

"The golden elixir stage is very special." At this moment, Xu Fangyuan's voice appeared in his mind: "Not only does the spiritual energy have to reach a peak, but also...if the lamp of cause and effect does not light up, it will never be able to break through a small realm. "

"You returned to China and immediately broke through to the middle stage of the golden elixir. It's because your karma is too great. Lampkeeper, once the lantern lights up, I have heard that some of our ancestors broke through the Nascent Soul when they were about to die. It shows the karma. The six lamps are called the Liuhe Causation Lamp. When the Liuhe is fully lit, it is the time to hit the Nascent Soul."

Xu Yangyi frowned and looked at the last three lights. Now, he couldn't think of any unsolved cause and effect.

"And, your three stages of cause and effect have already begun."

"Has it started?" Xu Yangyi's brows really furrowed: "What on earth is it?"

"I don't know." Xu Fangyuan shook his head: "Everyone's cause and effect is different for everyone. Moreover, these three stages of cause and effect are extremely involved. I can only vaguely feel this."

He glanced at Xu Yangyi calmly: "However, I can be sure. The War of All Realms is definitely the biggest cause and effect."

"No cause and effect can be greater than the cause and effect of the plane."

Xu Yangyi smiled slightly and gently put down the tea cup: "No need to test me."

"I, in the name of the lampkeeper, swear that I will never take a step back."

He understood what Xu Fangyuan meant.

Don't run away.

Don't hold back.

The whole Zhenwu world is coming, the Star Destroyer Mothership, the Holy Land, the Blessed Land, the Cave Heaven, the Imperial Dynasty, lingering around the entire earth, comparable to the Earth's meteor belt! There is no way to escape, and the Earth monks must not escape either!

This is a war of races and there is no right or wrong. Those who are not from my ethnic group must have different minds!

Just as they finished speaking, the space around the two men suddenly shook, as if something in the void heard what they said and confirmed what they said.

"Tao Heart Oath?" An extremely vague admiration flashed in Xu Fangyuan's eyes.

"You don't have to be afraid that I am afraid of fighting." Xu Yangyi looked directly at Xu Fangyuan and said word by word: "A general will die in a hundred battles, and a strong man will return after ten years. Standing in the position of Master Jindan, I will never back down."

"Good." Xu Fangyuan really laughed: "A thousand people can point to one person, but it only takes one thought."

After the two of them finished speaking, they looked at each other with some excitement and looked at the sky in unison.

Outside the earth's atmosphere, Jing Zhongyue is transforming into a complete world-connecting lamp. There are still one hundred and eighty years before the Great War is about to break out. This time, it is their turn to stand in the killing field of the Zhenwu community holding the demon-killing order.

"How do you know so clearly?" Xu Yangyi murmured.

"When you arrive at Yuanying, you can naturally see the bloodline inheritance of the Xu family." Xu Fangyuan withdrew his gaze and his expression became solemn: "Okay, let's get down to business. Today, I only have one thing to tell you."

He looked directly at Xu Yangyi, who was also quiet. With a wave of his hand, green light rose up around him, completely sealing off the surrounding area.

As if adjusting his mood, this was the biggest secret in his heart, he took several deep breaths, and after a few seconds, he said in a deep voice: "Lampkeeper, there is a legend that is passed down orally. It is only passed down by mouth, and is not allowed to be recorded. Pen, now I will tell you."

Xu Yangyi nodded solemnly.

For a Nascent Soul Master to convey it so solemnly and not hesitate to entrust Xiao Qing to convey it, it must be a big deal for the lampkeepers to pass it on from generation to generation.

Xu Fangyuan took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "This sentence only has three words. You marked it."

"D, for the next one."

Xu Yangyi was stunned for a moment, then stood up suddenly.

D is for down...D is for down!

XYD...the answer to D that he couldn't answer was actually answered here!

"If I remember correctly... the data of D... is 4,200 kilometers." His breathing was slightly rapid, and his mind was spinning: "The diameter of the earth is 12,000 kilometers... D means down, which is the coordinate of the downward direction. , this is not a plane coordinate, but a three-dimensional coordinate! D, should be DOWN. Wait... Doesn't this mean that this extremely mysterious magic weapon is hidden in the center of the earth? "

Who has such a big hand?

What on earth is it that needs to be sealed in such a weird way?

"The core is the core part of the earth. It is mainly composed of iron and nickel elements. It has a radius of several kilometers and a temperature of more than 6,000 degrees. There are also three bold hypotheses: liquid geocentric theory, dual-material geocentric theory, and crystal geocentric theory. Currently, there are no monks. Any device can reveal the true face of the earth... You..." He turned around hesitantly: "Really?"

"Impossible." Xu Fangyuan looked at him thoughtfully: "Do you know what this is?"

Xu Yangyi pondered for a moment and then asked tentatively: "What if...I said there is a super magic weapon forged by ancient cultivators and targeted at the Zhenwu world hidden there?"

"It's an exaggeration." Xu Fangyuan shook his head affirmatively: "This is a war, not an individual, and it cannot be targeted at all. Don't place your hopes on this illusory thing. Moreover, even if there is one, you can't bring it out at all. Jin Dan's The strength is far from reaching the center of the earth, not even Nascent Soul can do it.”

Xu Yangyi did not speak.

He had reservations about Xu Fangyuan's understanding. If this magic weapon is not of great significance, why spend so much manpower and material resources to cast this invisible monster? And passed it down in such a complicated way? Still sealed in a place where almost no one can reach?

No matter what it is, no matter whether its effect is exaggerated or not, it can seal the amazing monks such as Zhuzi Baijia, Jiang Taigong, and Lao Tzu in the center of the earth. It... is absolutely extraordinary.

After a long time, Xu Yangyi stood up. "Ready to leave?" Xu Fangyuan didn't show any interest: "What are you going to do?"

He didn't say anything, but Xu Yangyi knew that he must be talking about the war of all realms.

Only two people knew that the earth was unsuspecting, and the opponent... had been planning for two thousand years from an unknown number of light-years away.

"Inform the world." He pondered for a moment, and a look of determination flashed across his face.

Xu Fangyuan played the guzheng lightly: "Who would believe it?"

"You are just talking nonsense. There is no 100% evidence. Who will believe your words?" He raised his head and looked deeply at Xu Yangyi: "One hundred and eighty years later, Xu Kunlun gave an order, and all the hanging lanterns in the world were lit. . The war of all realms begins. How serious is this? The earth will investigate and observe, and will not be gullible. "

Xu Yangyi didn't speak. After a few minutes, he said calmly: "Signing ceremony."

"Oh?" Xu Fangyuan didn't raise his eyebrows. I gently played the guzheng, this time, it was a song of Ambush from All Sides.

"China's new golden elixir, there will be a signing ceremony and a press conference." Xu Yangyi carefully considered each word, and his heart was filled with murderous intent, not against anyone, but against the Zhenwu community. The opponent who was imprisoned under Jerusalem, died in the Tower of Babel, and destroyed all the gods on the earth tens of thousands of years ago.

"The world will definitely pay attention to my press conference and signing ceremony. I..." he said calmly but firmly: "I will make a great oath in front of the world and tell them all the truth. I will reveal it to the world. Open this veil."

"Boom!" The guzheng suddenly stopped, Xu Fangyuan pressed his hands on the guzheng, his eyes were like swords, looking deeply at the man in front of him.

Leave no escape route for yourself!

He wants to use himself to force the earth into a decisive battle with the real martial arts world!

This is not a sudden attack. According to the technological level of the earth, once the overwhelming Star Destroyer Mothership appears in the Zhenwu world, what is waiting for him is atomic bombs! ICBM! And... countless monks have made alliances with their blood!

"Do you know what this means?" After a while, the sound of the kite started again.

"Of course." Xu Yangyi said with a smile: "I dare to say this at the golden elixir signing ceremony that attracts global attention. The next consequence will be that the Nascent Soul monk comes to me directly for verification."

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