
Chapter 717: Sitting in the Imperial Capital

"So you know." Xu Fangyuan plucked the zither strings slowly and steadily: "I'll tell you what will happen. The most direct way to verify the authenticity of something is to extract the soul. Of course, you are a golden elixir, so they won't use the inferior soul-extracting method. Instead, they use the top-level method to try to ensure that you are not affected."

The sound of the zither stopped suddenly: "But, just try."

"Do you think other golden elixirs will help you? Do you think the government will intervene?"

"No." Xu Yangyi said lightly: "No one will help me."

"Zhenwu Realm, based on what I know, this time, they are likely to mobilize the entire world. The previous few times were just tests. They have been planning for so long at the other end of the Milky Way, do you think the earth has one minute to delay?"

Xu Fangyuan poured a cup of tea without moving his expression: "A newborn calf is not afraid of a tiger."

Xu Yangyi took the teacup with a faint smile: "Don't you have it?"

Xu Fangyuan smiled slightly, and after a few seconds, he actually laughed out loud.

"Good." After laughing, he pushed Guzheng and stood up: "Don't worry, I, Tianzai, will stand behind you."

"Just do it, I will support you." His expression turned calm, and he said slowly: "Yuanying, the breath is full of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. Every time you take action, the price is very high. If those foreign old ghosts ask calmly, it's fine. If they dare to make a move on the light keeper. Humph, the three-foot green sword in my hand never kills the nameless. The golden elixir of China, is it dared to be touched by a small European and American country?"

As soon as the voice fell, a terrifying spiritual energy suddenly enveloped the entire Qingcheng Mountain!

Like a deep abyss, like a mountain, like a god in person. The white clouds in the sky suddenly dissipated, the birds fell silent, and all the trees made a trembling "rustling" sound at the same time.

In Qingcheng Mountain, there was silence. A few seconds later, an extremely excited and even ecstatic voice came from the back mountain: "Ring the dragon chime bells 9981 times!! Welcome the arrival of the True Lord Patriarch!!"

Xu Fangyuan leisurely picked up the teacup and served the tea to the guest.

Xu Yangyi bowed to the ancestor and was about to leave when he suddenly remembered something and said in astonishment: "Tianzai?"

"Heh..." Xu Fangyuan put down the teacup, with a hint of pride in his eyes: "Huaxia is known as one of the four great cultivation countries in the world, and is as famous as India, the Vatican, and Greece. You don't think... that there is only one Yuanying in me, right?"

Tianzai is a Yuanying?

Xu Yangyi remembered that when he was about to destroy the entire Nangong family, the huge Yin-Yang Tai Chi appeared below. If the other party is a Yuanying, everything makes sense.

Xu Fangyuan gently stroked the teacup: "Now he is called Tianzai, but the name hundreds of years ago was very famous..."


Xu Fangyuan raised his eyes and said with a smile: "Have you heard of the name of Tai Chi Zhang Sanfeng in The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber?"

"Nine Yin Manual, Nine Yang Magic Art, this old man has been practicing for hundreds of years, and his strength is only above this old man."

"I want to see who dares to touch you."

Xu Yangyi bowed deeply and turned into a green light and flew down the mountain.

The entire Qingcheng Mountain, the ancestral home of Taoism, was mobilized behind him. He didn't care, but took a deep breath and looked at the clouds in the sky.

This time, he also made a temporary decision. To let all of China, and even the whole world, understand that the war will come to the earth in more than a hundred years. This is the simplest and crudest way.

But this matter is too big. It is so big that it will affect the future trend of the earth, so big that the golden elixir can't make a ripple in it, and so big that the Yuanying will not hesitate to sacrifice a promising golden elixir to verify the authenticity of every word. Guns and doves of peace, blood and roses, all in his mind.

He is not a hero, nor does he have any heroic plot. However, no one can do this except him, and no one else can do it.

No one will speak for him.

No one is his ally.

He can only fight alone, using the most decisive method to make the whole earth believe that a hundred years later, a war that will shake the world is coming.

By then, this starry sky will be dyed red by blood and fire.

After confirming that the ancestor is the Yuanying Zhenjun, he immediately decided on this most risky and direct method. Let him be alone... to open the prelude to this war of all worlds!

The earth will also be ready to welcome the arrival of the Zhenwu world!

Closing his eyes, taking several deep breaths, he flew at full speed towards the imperial capital.

Two hours later, he arrived at the headquarters of Tiandao in Beijing, the imperial capital. His file was still in the hands of Tiandao, and the moment he entered the imperial capital, the Tiandao mastermind discovered him and notified all departments. The imperial capital suddenly relaxed on the outside but tensed on the inside.

No one knew what this thorny Jindan, who was the first person under the Nascent Soul, would do.

The green light slowly landed outside the gate of the Tiandao General Alliance. As soon as it landed, all the members at the gate greeted him respectfully on both sides. At this moment, they all half-knelt on the ground and said in unison: "Welcome the ancestor!"

He nodded casually and walked straight into the Tiandao headquarters.

"Greetings to the real person." After entering the door, two white-haired cultivators immediately half-knelt on the ground: "The head of the Tiandao General Helmets, Mi Fangjin, and Qi Jintang welcome the real person's Dharma."

No one dared not to be respectful.

Although he had been in seclusion for fifteen years, fifteen years ago, he had entered three provinces and fifty-one cities, destroyed the Nangong family, and defeated the Gusong real person, which had made the name of the first person under the Nascent Soul of Xu Zhenren resound throughout China.

It has not been disclosed to the public yet, because it only lacks the official appointment after the seclusion and the signing ceremony broadcast live worldwide. However, who in the cultivation world does not know the name of Xu Zhenren?

Some people are no longer in the world, but there are still legends about them in the world.

As they walked, the two chief and deputy chief leaders, one on the left and one on the right, were just half a step behind, flipping through the documents in their hands: "Master Xu, you are finally here. If nothing unexpected happens, your signing ceremony for global broadcast will be scheduled at 7 o'clock tomorrow night, the time of the news broadcast. May I ask what instructions the ancestor has?"

Xu Yangyi nodded casually: "Continue."

"Yes, the government will allocate 1.2 billion spiritual stones as start-up funds. The funds are ready. You just need to deposit them immediately after opening an account."

"In the past fifteen years, the cultivation court has received a total of 231 photo jade slips, all of which are invitations from major spiritual plant families, top families, and ten Jindan masters in China. You..."

"No see for the time being."

In the empty corridor, the sound of the three people's leather shoes was the only sound. The soft conversation made this long corridor more solemn. Occasionally, staff members who passed by would immediately half-kneel on the ground, not daring to breathe.

Mi Fangjin and Qi Jintang looked at each other, and Mi Fangjin coughed lightly: "In addition, your fiefdom is planned to be in the imperial capital. This is your appointment document and congratulation document, may I ask the real person..."

"Answer..." The sound of leather shoes stopped suddenly, Xu Yangyi stopped, and the two people behind him immediately held their breath and waited.

"Swish" the documents in their hands automatically flew to Xu Yangyi's hands, he took it and looked at it, and his eyebrows couldn't help but raise.

The fiefdom is actually in the imperial capital.

And it is in the Forbidden City.

He turned his head and glanced at the two people half-kneeling behind him: "Who made the appointment?"

Mi Fangjin and Qi Jintang lowered their heads, but their expressions were extremely nervous. This appointment is of great significance, representing the recognition of Xu Zhenren by the whole of China. But this fiefdom... is very worth pondering.

Forbidden City... The most fundamental person in Nanzhou back then was not Gusong Zhenren, but Anxiang Zhenren hidden in the Forbidden City. Such a great demon fiefdom is now given to the next demon cultivator Jindan. And... the imperial capital is under the power of the "Imperial Seal", the sacred artifact of China's national defense. It is called a fiefdom, but in fact it is more like a tentative compromise by the government.

Given such a high position, don't go out and cause trouble for China, okay?

"Yes... Tianzai Zhenren..."

"What else?"


Xu Yangyi snorted softly: "Hmm?"

Qi Jintang bit his lip: "And... and... the State Council has decided..."

In the corridor, you can hear a pin drop. After a long time, Xu Yangyi said lightly: "Responsibility?"

Qi Jintang immediately replied respectfully and softly: "Only the ancestor needs to take over all the practice and defense of the imperial capital. Ancestor Tianzai said personally that Xu Zhenren does not need to bear any other responsibilities."

Xu Yangyi nodded, a ray of spiritual light emerged from his fingertips, and he signed his name on the document. The two chief and deputy helmsmen breathed a sigh of relief. Full of cold sweat.

The document flew back to the two people, and the crisp sound of leather shoes rang again. At the end of the corridor, an antique door slowly opened, and Xu Yangyi walked in directly.

The classical Chinese decoration is all Nanhai Huanghuali wood, and a faint fragrance lingers in it. It seems inconspicuous, but in fact, the details are extremely luxurious.

He sat unceremoniously on the central armchair, tapping his fingers lightly on the armrest: "Two things."

"First, fifteen years ago, were my people arranged?"

"Of course. Please rest assured, ancestor." The two chief and deputy chief leaders of the Half-Step Golden Pill said cautiously at this moment: "The Xingtian Legion is still in place, and we have never disbanded it. The younger generation does not dare to disband it on their own initiative. Now, all the members of the ancestor's group have been arranged in the best retreat place. Among them, Miss Qin, Mr. Jun, Mr. Zhao and others have broken through the foundation-building stage. The younger generation really admires the immortal's miraculous alchemy. "

Xu Yangyi nodded slightly.

"Second, I am going to start an online course on alchemy. Let the person in charge of the Danye Association come and talk to me. I will disclose this matter at the signing ceremony broadcast live worldwide. Finally, please help me contact a master of refining equipment, the better."


The two just nodded respectfully, and the next second, they exclaimed in surprise.

Did I hear it?

Alchemy...this is the hen that lays golden eggs! Master Xu actually wants to teach it? Tolerate others to compete with him for food?

"Xu Xu Xu!" Mi Fangjin was stunned for three seconds, and suddenly knelt down on his knees: "Master is so noble, it is really admirable!"

"Yes! Master has a lot of ideas in his heart, and the younger generation is ashamed!"

They knew too well that Master Xu's move would usher in a strong storm-like baptism for the entire Danye market!

But, but they never thought that Master Xu would teach his own special skills to the public!

"Get up." Xu Yangyi picked up the teacup and took a sip. It was good tea, but it was far inferior to Xu Fangyuan's spiritual tea.

"Master Xu." Looking at Xu Yangyi's face, Qi Jintang hesitated for a moment and said carefully: "In addition, Mr. Chu Zhaonan wants to see you, and there is also a gentleman named Zhao Ziqi..."

"Oh?" Xu Yangyi put down the teacup, his eyes lit up: "Please ask them to come in."

"No..." Qi Jintang gritted his teeth: "They...they...seem...something went wrong..."

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