
Chapter 718: Four Evil Corpses

As soon as the words fell, a violent spiritual energy burst out. The two people screamed and were blown to the edge unprepared. They immediately knelt down and worshiped on the ground.

"Surely calm down!"

"Who dares to touch them?" Xu Yangyi's expression at this moment was full of killing intent. Mi Fangjin's heart was beating wildly. He thought of the Nangong family fifteen years ago, a top family that was destroyed in less than a few hours. matter.

"Say." Xu Yangyi looked down at the trembling two people: "It's none of your business, don't be afraid."

Qi Jintang's lips turned white and he said softly: " one touched them. Just a few days ago, you received a courier and it was named to you. Mr. Zhao opened it...after that..."

He gritted his teeth and said, "You'd better go and see for yourself."

"Where are they?"

"It has been moved to the top of the General Alliance, but, ancestor, forgive me for speaking frankly...the situation there is too weird, you..."

Before he finished speaking, Xu Yangyi's figure turned into a stream of light and disappeared.

The two of them were stunned for a moment, and then immediately caught up.

The green light was like lightning. As soon as he stepped onto the top floor, he was as powerful as Xu Yangyi, and he couldn't help but his eyes flashed.

The entire top floor does not look like the Tiandao General Alliance at all. At this moment, yellow talismans with blood-red runes on them are plastered all over the walls, and on the ground, an unusual and strange rune is drawn with unknown paint. Continue to the innermost room.

All the windows in the entire passage were sealed with talisman paper, and no light could penetrate.

And just when his spiritual energy swept over, a wail from the abyss seemed to resound from the closed door, heart-breaking, like the crack of hell.

"Brush..." At the same time, Qi Jintang and Mi Fangjin appeared behind him at the same time, gritted their teeth and said: "Master, please be extremely careful. This is a ban imposed by fellow Taoist Taoist Vice-President Bi Xiaozi. The things inside... He can't take it."

"Scary ghost?" Xu Yangyi said with narrowed eyes as he looked at the terrifying scene around him.

Mi Fangjin and Qi Jintang did not dare to speak this time.

According to records, ghost cultivators existed, but their time was extremely short. Not to mention things in novels like Li Gui.

"I would like to see who the evildoer is who dares to touch my people." Xu Yangyi sneered and took a step forward: "Clear the place."


The two people who were granted amnesty immediately disappeared from the spot. Five minutes later, all the monks of the Tiandao General Alliance retreated two thousand meters away.

Xu Yangyi walked step by step towards the closed door. On the door, there was a lock with shining light. With every step he took, all the talismans on the wall rustled, like a requiem from hell. Knowing that it was daytime, it made people's hair stand on end.

"Interesting." He snorted and rushed towards the door at full speed.

The entire room shook with each step, and the last few steps made the passage feel like an earthquake. And with the continuous rustling sound, all the talismans around were flying, and hands composed of black spiritual energy were grabbed hoarsely from underneath the captives from all directions. Each hand had a golden hand in the palm. s eyes.

"The mantis's arms are like a chariot." He sneered, and the spiritual energy all over his body exploded. The poisonous spiritual energy that was deeper than darkness instantly made all his arms scream strangely, and then turned into ashes.

In just a blink of an eye, his hand was already on the door lock. With a slight click, Bi Xiaozi's ban collapsed.

"Squeak..." The door opened with a pleading voice, and countless cries rushed out of the room with a tornado-like wind. Xu Yangyi's expression finally became more cautious.

These dark winds... were almost exactly the same as the "world" that Zhao Ziqi took him to.

The difference was that the dark wind in front of him was full of despair, blood, and all kinds of negative factors. These emotions formed a terrifying whirlpool, and the pressure was so great that he even felt a little alert.

In the room, the same talismans were plastered all over the room. But there is nothing to hide from spiritual consciousness.

In the house, everything remains the same, with ancient Chinese-style decoration. In front of a mirror, Zhao Ziqi sat there quietly. However, there was no shadow of him in the mirror!

"Brother, don't come over here." Zhao Ziqi said coldly: "I didn't expect that such a thing is still circulating now, because of my lack of experience. I never expected that... such a long-standing inheritance can still be passed down..."

"Are you okay?" Xu Yangyi asked.

"It's something, something big." Zhao Ziqi smiled bitterly, and then the clothes on his upper body fell to the ground. On his back, a ferocious beast figure suddenly appeared.

Completely composed of aura, looming.

"Four evil corpses." He gritted his teeth, as if he was enduring some pain: "But don't worry, he found the descendant of Tong Youtong, he found the wrong person."

It is said that people with high skills are bold, so Xu Yangyi simply sat on the sofa covered with talisman papers: "Since it's okay, why are you locked up here? Also, what on earth is this?"

"It happens every night at midnight, and now is not the time." Zhao Ziqi took out something from the storage ring and threw it over: "A week ago, an unnamed jade box was mailed to you. The contents inside are your most important. Nice to see.”

Xu Yangyi raised his hand to pick it up: "Do you still remember that I said I would pick you up in five years?"

Zhao Ziqi was a little confused: "Of course I remember, what's wrong?"

Before he finished speaking, when he was about to catch the jade box, he turned his hand, and the jade box was instantly slapped directly in the face by a big spiritual hand. Xu Yangyi looked at him with cold eyes: "But, how come I remember that it is one year?"

"Sha..." The jade box opened silently, and a heart-shaking silent scream came from inside, and then it turned into a complex rune imprinted on Zhao Ziqi's face in an instant.


After a long time, Zhao Ziqi smiled slightly: "Hehe..."

"Master Xu... You really interest me."

"Zhao Ziqi" stood up, and the runes on his face twisted wildly, spreading all over his body in an instant. His joints began to bend backwards, and the whole person climbed onto the roof like a spider. A series of dark, gloomy, and deadly auras surrounded him. It was obviously a living thing, but it felt... as if I saw a twisted corpse.

"Sha..." The talisman paper was rolled up by the gloomy wind, and a ray of sunlight from outside was cast in, illuminating the dark house. Xu Yangyi squinted his eyes, and at this moment, he saw the projection of Zhao Ziqi on the ground.

A kind of... unspeakable... twisted shadow

"You are quite courageous." He put his hands behind his back and looked at the monster in front of him that looked like Zhao Ziqi: "Come, tell me who you are. How did you get here? What do you want to do? Where did you take my brother?"

"Hehehe..." "Zhao Ziqi" laughed twistedly: "Do you want to know? I have a deal. If you nod, I will offer that boy with the eyes of the nether world to you."

Xu Yangyi also smiled slightly. The next second, ten dark fire dragons roared out, bringing up poisonous fog.

"Boom!!!" In the outside world, all the cultivators of the Tiandao General Alliance were shocked to see the top of the general alliance explode! One after another, dark auras were like the arrival of demons, instantly covering the two thousand meters of sky. After everyone was stunned for three seconds, they finally understood one thing.

Xu Zhenren...I am afraid he will start a massacre again.

"Quick! Form a forbidden magic circle!" "Evacuate the crowd!" "Xu, Patriarch Xu, why... did you do it again?"

"Trade with this Immortal?" In the black spiritual light, Xu Yangyi's voice slowly sounded: "That depends on whether you are qualified."

"Boom boom!" Before the voice fell, ten black dragons circled up, and the huge spiritual pressure was like a storm, making all the cultivators around half-kneel on the ground, only feeling the knife scraping on their backs.

However, what shocked them was still to come. A figure, with huge gray-white butterfly wings spread out behind him, burst out from the gap between the ten fire dragons. Straight through the clouds.

Above the imperial capital, ten dragons played with a pearl. The sky-high black light made the sunlight pale in comparison.

Then, a magnificent voice came from the clouds, and it was hard to tell whether it was a man or a woman: "Praise of the King."

"Swish swish swish..." A black light shone down from the clouds, and everyone in the imperial capital looked at the sky around them two thousand meters in shock, and all the cultivators had their eyes straight.

Jindan Immortal!

And it was two Jindan!

Who was so bold as to fight in the imperial capital? !

The Minister of National Defense got the news at the first time, and looked at the transmitted images in astonishment. After a while, he pressed his temple with a headache: "Why... Master Xu again?"

"Boom!" The black waves were surging, and the black light and ten black dragons turned into a surging spiritual tide and spread at the same time, sweeping away the white clouds within two thousand meters. The voice that could not be distinguished between male and female came again: "Master Xu, maybe we have some misunderstandings, but I only ask for one thing."

"D, what is it?"

"Where is it!"

"Tell me!!"

The last three words were like rolling thunder, and the ground around Xu Yangyi was like an eight-level gale, with flying sand and rocks, and even some trees were uprooted, and the surrounding three hundred meters were cleared!

The power of a roar, even like this.

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed. Just now, he understood three things in a fight.

This person is very strong, very strong, no worse than him. After returning to China, the will of the continents dissipated, and his magical powers were completely unlocked. At present, no one can take his move head-on. Even Gusong Zhenren can't do it. However, this person did it.

Second... this person actually knows D's information, who is it?

Third... He discovered for the first time that his spiritual power could not be condensed after it dissipated!

"Go to the underworld to ask." With the killing intention determined, Misty Ting appeared in his hand with a sneer, buzzing, and countless figures in the void. Each one represents a rune.

"Who gave you the confidence?" A sneer came from the sky. The next second, the clouds cracked, and a huge hand suddenly pressed towards Xu Yangyi.

"A frog at the bottom of the well doesn't know how big the river is. I call you the first person under the Nascent Soul, and you dare to respond? Short-sighted and rude people!"

It's already very reluctant to say it's a hand. It is composed of tentacles that cover the sky and the sun. It is hundreds of meters long. When it falls, the stones on the ground are jumping wildly!

Circles of white ripples spread along the sky, with heart-shaking screams all over the sky, making all the foundation-building monks who were sealed around the perimeter turn pale.

Dark clouds pressed down, and the pressure of the golden elixir raged throughout the venue. Everyone was dumbfounded, and Xu Yangyi gently lifted up Misteding. From all directions, Nordic divine shadows poured down like mercury, and the overwhelming spiritual energy and rune power caused the ground to shatter in an instant, and then rushed back like a meteor piercing the sun!


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