
Chapter 720: Facing the World (I)

"Let's not talk about this for now." Xu Yangyi stopped talking and looked at Chu Zhaonan: "How is he?"

"Brother Chu helped me block the monster's attack. We didn't see his face, but... he must be at the Jindan level. And it's definitely not low! In fact, I even felt the same pressure from him as you, brother. He is very strong, very powerful! When he stood silently behind us, I felt my hair stand on end!"

Xu Yangyi continued to input spiritual energy for the two: "What did he say?"

"He said... what you are looking for will be nothing. What you disdain will eventually fall at his feet. He is waiting for you at the intersection of XY. He said... if you don't agree, this sentence will be conveyed to you."

Xu Yangyi frowned deeply.

This person... is too mysterious. Not only does he know D, he also knows the coordinates of XY!

Who is it?

Who can stay under the pressure of Quetzalcoatl? Is it really Taichu? Then how could he know the meaning of XYD and the spatial coordinates of XY? Could it be... it swallowed a certain old monster? This is totally unrealistic! The realm gap is too big!

This person... why does he want this ultimate magic weapon on Earth?

"It seems that I still underestimated this matter." He thought to himself: "I am afraid... this ultimate magic weapon is very different from what I expected."

He looked up at the sky, as if through the layers of clouds, he saw the moon in the well outside the Earth's atmosphere.

"Master Mi. Master Qi."

"I don't deserve it!" The two masters immediately half-knelt on the ground: "What does the real person want?"

"Prepare for the signing ceremony. Start the global live broadcast at 7 o'clock tonight."

Mi Fangjin was stunned and said cautiously: "But the real person..."

"No buts." Xu Yangyi's face was cold and his voice was indifferent: "I just want to hear if it can be done."

"Yes... Junior... Junior will communicate immediately."

Everyone left, and Xu Yangyi's deep eyes retracted from the sky. Very good... Dare to touch my people, don't you want to know D? If you do it secretly below, I will fight you openly.

No matter who you are, since you also know D, then... you should also know the basics of this war of all realms. No matter what you want to do, I don't believe that you can still sit still when this real person discloses the news of the Zhenwu world in front of the world.

If you hit the grass, you must scare the snake. Until... you scare the snake to reveal its true purpose.

It's not what I want. If possible, I don't want to be an enemy of such a strong cultivator. Those who dare to touch me are not only provoking the authority of Langdu, who has just been promoted to Jindan, but also touching his bottom line.

"Have a good rest." After arranging Zhao Ziqi, the unconscious Chu Zhaonan, Mi Fangjin, and Qi Jintang, he immediately flew towards the villa he arranged.

"Boy, what's going on?" Just after flying for a while, Misteding and Yuchang spoke almost at the same time: "Why can't your spiritual energy be replenished?" "The exhaustion of spiritual energy will make your realm fall! Do you know how serious this is? I'm afraid your middle stage will fall to the early stage soon!"

Xu Yangyi didn't speak, and his face was also extremely solemn.

Nanming Lihuo...

He roughly guessed why. Nanming Lihuo was not integrated into the Dan Ding meridians, and the fire could not be ignited. However, before, he was separated from the demon body and the human body by Xiaoqing, so he could practice alone and fight for life and death.

Foundation building, this is not a problem. But when it comes to Jindan, the long-hidden sharp contradictions burst out.

To form a pill, you must merge with the demon body. But after the fusion of the demon body, the Dan Ding meridians finally completely merged with him. He really can't absorb a trace of heaven and earth spirit energy now. In other words, he was incomplete before, and it was no problem to practice alone. Now the complete body, without Nanming Lihuo, is stuck here.

And... it is very likely to fall from the realm!

"The big realm should not, but... the small realm can no longer be improved. No... now I don't know if the big realm will fall!"

He gritted his teeth, the Thirteen Tombs, it is inevitable... He has ignored this point for a long time without the fire seed. He didn't expect... once it breaks out, the consequences will be so serious!

At five o'clock in the afternoon of that day, all the cultivation websites and magazines stationed in the imperial capital of major countries received a notice that was enough to attract global attention.

"Langdu Zhenren will hold a signing ceremony on the Huaxia News Network at 7 pm. He will officially become a member of the Huaxia Cultivation Alliance."

If there is no hope that major stations and major websites will broadcast it. As a major cultivation country, any Jindan is the top priority of global attention.

This notice made all the media dumbfounded.

"WHAT?!" The reporter of the Times Cultivation Network who received the notice was staring straight at the phone and shouted in fluent Chinese: "Isn't it tomorrow at 7 o'clock? Why did you suddenly change the time?!"

"No comment, this is a notice from the superior. It is also the wish of Zhenren Xu himself."

"What's going on?" "It is rumored that Zhenren Xu is the first person under the Yuanying stage in the contemporary era. May I ask if there are any photos from fifteen years ago?" "As a government, how can you change your orders every day?"

There are many complaints, but the first thing all reporters have to do is to immediately send the most elite team of reporters to the signing site.

However, the most shocked and excited ones were not them, but the huge number of low-level monks and those inferior cultivation families all over the world.

In a villa in Guizhou, a young girl was typing excitedly on the live broadcast channel, and barrages were flying across it. She didn’t care whether anyone saw it, but she typed "Another gold medalist" with a red face. Dan! Another ancestor! We already have thirteen golden elixirs! Now, we have another real person!”

"Haha! The number of real people in China should be the first in the world!" "Which real person is this? What is his title? Why is there no sign at all?" "SB, how can you and I know about the real person forming pills? Which one is this? Isn’t it true that the press conference will be held after you come out of seclusion?”

"What's the point of being honored! What's the point of being honored! Only when the country is strong can we, little monks, straighten our backs and speak in front of international friends!" "That's right! Think about how awesome European and American countries were a few decades ago? Look at it with colored glasses. Us. Hahaha, once the practice world is exposed, everyone is in trouble!" "I never knew that our country was so powerful!"

Barrage after barrage flew through the dark live broadcast room like bullets. No one knew that the imperial capital was already in a state of solemnity.

I don’t know how many eyes are watching TV. The dignitaries of several countries did not look away at all.

"Why did he suddenly ask for an advance?" a minister asked thoughtfully.

None of the other dignitaries sitting in the TV room spoke.

Everyone is worried, this Mr. Xu... won't make any trouble again... eyelids are twitching so much today...

"I always feel that something is going to happen tonight." The head of the General Logistics Department rubbed his eyebrows: "Every time Master Xu appears, something big happens... Fifteen years ago, he broke into 51 cities in three provinces, destroyed the Nangong family, and defeated Master Gusong. , Fifteen years later... this appearance will destroy us hundreds of millions... Chairman Gao, I still have reservations about his fiefdom in the Forbidden City. Are you sure he will not destroy the treasure of our Chinese nation? "

Chairman Gao also sighed, thinking that Xu Zhenren was acting on a whim. Today, I made a move without caring about anything else, let him understand...

This is not a whim at all...

This is a thorny elixir! It is also the most powerful thorn-headed golden elixir in the history of China!

Not wanting to talk about this topic, he changed the subject and said, "Have you found the demon cultivator?"

"No." "It's strange. It flew out of Beijing and disappeared immediately, as if it had never appeared before."

Everyone was a little silent.

A demon cultivator dares to show off his power in the capital of China, one of the four ancient countries of cultivation. This is a provocation to the whole of China. This is one of the reasons why they turned a blind eye to Master Xu's brazen attack this afternoon, regardless of the law. If we can't trace it now, the government is losing face.

"Don't talk about this, let's take a look at the signing ceremony first." The Prime Minister took a sip of tea with a headache: "My eyelids are twitching too much..."

At seven o'clock in the evening, in the auditorium, countless cameras, cameras, tripods, and reporters with red faces were all looking at the main stage.

There was nothing there, just a podium and a red carpet, very plain.

Everyone's breathing was a little rapid, but it was extremely suppressed. This is Jin Dan Zhenren, the most powerful Jin Dan Zhenren. World Supreme, it is said that there are certain realms beyond the golden elixir, but... I have never seen it before.

Golden elixir is the sky in everyone's eyes.

On major live broadcast websites, mortals watching the excitement and ordinary monks who were extremely excited gathered together. All Chinese families, no matter first, second or third-rate, were all staring at the computer screen.

This person will cause great changes in the Chinese power division. Every word he said would stir up a new force. Some people rise to great heights, while others fall off the altar. He can even tilt the world structure. The title of the first person under Nascent Soul is enough to bring China's strength to a higher level.

It's seven o'clock sharp.

The lights in the entire auditorium were softened. The auditorium, which could accommodate thousands of people, was now full of seats. Microphones and camera barrels were facing the main stage. Just as the news broadcast music started playing, a black light gathered on the main stage, and a man in a suit and leather shoes appeared on the main stage with a calm expression.

"Wolfsbane." Xu Yangyi waved his hand, not needing much explanation at all.

"Kaka Kaka!" Below, a wave of silver light instantly filled the air, and endless voices rang out. The scene was instantly ignited by these two words, and the film flashed for free.

They didn't dare to speak. In Jindan Zhenren's town hall and in the Chinese auditorium, they could only suppress their screams and press the shutter quickly.

However, on the Internet, it is completely different.

"This, is this real Wolfbane!?" "Oh my god! He's so young!" "You wouldn't know he's a real person when you're walking on the street!" "Holy shit! Just looking at him makes me feel so awesome! "

However, what is even crazier are the female nuns, especially the young female nuns.

"Oh! Zhenren is so handsome!" "So manly! My favorite!" "I wonder if Zhenren has a Taoist companion!" "No! Huaxia plus the fourteenth real person of Wolfbane, there is actually an idol-level one "Zhenren?" "I was wrong. I thought Huangdao was the most handsome, but Xu Zhenren is more handsome!"

In addition, there are some people who watched Xu Yangyi's signing ceremony decades ago. Most of them were around Qi Refining Dzogchen. In some second- and third-rate families, Dzogchen is enough to hold real power. The moment he saw Xu Yangyi, he exploded instantly.

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