
Chapter 721: Facing the World (Part 2)

"Hey! Isn't this the former commander of the Xingtian Army!" "666!! My CP has finally appeared! Where is the original Commander Chu of the Hidden Dragon Army? They are the contemporary Shuangcao!" "Xu Chuwangdao! Attack! It's irreversible!" "Isn't it? You are so sad to see him on the wanted list!" "Sisters, look where we were! Is it there? Is it abandoned?”

Suddenly, a burst of subtitles of "Potato Army" flew by, making all the male monks' mouths sore.

"Vulgar!" "Men can't just look at the surface!" "Are you female cultivators all nymphomaniacs! Master Xu is at least two hundred years old now, okay!" "Two hundred years old, hahaha, domineering grandpa falls in love with me?" "Women, your word of mouth is vulgarity." "A bunch of wild bees and butterflies, no shame at all!"

What greeted us was the merciless female cultivator's counterattack: "Fart!" "You don't even have the appearance! All you have left is the sole of your shoe!" "Two hundred years old? Hahaha, others were leaders at the age of 21 or 2, but now they are just cultivating. Less than a hundred years later!" "Wait a minute..."

This barrage in bold and red was posted by a high-V female cultivator. When this sentence came out, the barrage fell silent for a moment.

Everyone suddenly realized a problem.

Really... less than a hundred years old? !

A golden elixir that is less than a hundred years old? !

The next second, the barrage appeared in a way that was ten times more explosive. "Fuck! I'm really not a hundred years old!" "Although I am a male, can real Taoist monks consider me! I study gymnastics! I am very soft. "Get out of here! Anyone who dares to stand in my way as a Taoist will be killed without mercy!" "

All the mortals remained silent, gnawing potato chips and watching the male and female monks fight with interest.

All the hustle and bustle fell into solemn silence in the auditorium.

Director Bai of the Central Group/Department walked onto the stage and nodded to everyone. Suddenly, the flashlight dimmed. He smiled and said a set of official words, then cleared his throat and said solemnly: "Master Wolf Venom, whose real name is Xu Yangyi , was born in Yuyang City in 1994. Both his parents were killed by demon cultivators. He entered the Heavenly Dao at the age of 22. "

"Wow!!" Before he finished speaking, there was a gasp from below.

Not even a hundred years old...

After decades of practice, the golden elixir was forged, and at this speed... all the reporters looked at the calm Xu Yangyi as if they were ghosts. How long... can he continue to protect China?

Will he...will enter that legendary realm that no mortal has ever seen?

"...In 2023, the Nanzhou incident occurred that shocked China and foreign countries. It has been found that the Nanzhou incident has nothing to do with Xu Zhenren..."

"The following year, Xu Zhenren went overseas..."

The five-minute speech was concise but rich in content. Five minutes later, he finally said: "Xu Zhenren is determined to serve the country with his fists. China will treat all Jindan Zhenren equally. Here, on behalf of the central government, I announce that Xu Zhenren will be given the following treatment."

"First, the three major banks, plus the Cultivation Bank, have allocated a total of 5 billion yuan and 1.2 billion medium-grade spiritual stones as start-up capital for Master Xu."

"Holy shit!!" "Proposing to marry! Proposing to marry!" "The domineering real person fell in love with me!" "Oh my god... this, I can't spend all this money in my lifetime!!" "Is this how real people are treated?! "Zhenren Mieri and Zhenren Huangdao were also the leaders of miracles! They only had 3 billion yuan and 700 million middle-grade spiritual stones." "I heard that Zhenren Xu is Yuan Ying?" The first person below, is this true?”

The Internet has exploded again. Although China and Xu Yang have produced four golden elixirs in the past few decades, too many people have never seen a signing ceremony at the golden elixir level. And...these are all measured in units of hundreds of millions! For those of them who live on their fingers during the qi training period and the foundation building period which is not generous, instead of being amazed, they...

Not much feeling.

Yes, the number is so huge that it is unreal. They don't dare to dream about it.

In the imperial capital, Xu Yangyi listened attentively.

In my heart, I felt anxious and uneasy, rising almost at the same time.

Three minutes left...

The Xinwen Network gave him ten minutes, which was the highest treatment for a real person, even slightly less than the Chairman's twenty-minute meeting. But... he had to say those words three minutes ago.

Some things are beyond ordinary people’s thoughts. No matter who says it, people’s first reaction is not to believe it, but to question it.

The Great War of All Realms is on this list.

You must say it, but how to say it and when to say it require methods.

He looked at his watch calmly.


Minister Bai is still talking about his treatment. But now, he doesn't care too much.

"As Master Jin Dan, I am qualified to choose two small worlds. The resource type and the manpower type."

"After signing the contract, all SSS-level secrets in the country will be open to Zhenren Xu. All forbidden areas will be opened to Zhenren Xu. And Zhenren Xu is obliged to open his files to China. And he will be responsible for the defense of the place."

"After the central government has finalized, Xu Zhenren's fiefdom is located in the imperial capital. All cultivation-related defenses in the imperial capital must be signed by Xu Zhenren before they take effect. In addition: fifty years later, except for huge contributions, the three major banks and the practice bank will jointly contribute 100,000 yuan. Five billion spirit stones, Xu Zhenren personally invested 10 billion spirit stones to build the palace, and the design was drawn up by the Cultivation Department of the General Administration of Construction."

"Finally, Master Xu will open an online course on Alchemy...Xu, Master Xu?"

As soon as I said the sentence "Open Alchemy Online Course", the entire network went silent for a few seconds. Immediately afterwards, an earth-shattering scream broke out.

"Did I hear that right?! Did I hear that right!?" "Oh my God! I'm impressed by Master Xu's big-heartedness!" "Please beg Master Xu for his mobile phone! QQ, WeChat ID! Momo account is also available!" "This , this is truly a lasting legacy that benefits the people!”

Even the reporters on Chinese cultivation at the scene couldn't help but exclaimed.

However, this crazy barrage instantly fell silent, because in the next second, Minister Bai obviously had not finished speaking, and on his desk, a piece of paper with shining golden light had already flown up and floated towards Xu Yangyi.

Xu Yangyi didn't even look at the crowd, only looked at his watch.

Seven points, nine minutes and eighteen seconds.

Can't wait any longer.

No one wants to believe that a plane war will begin, just like this morning when a certain president suddenly said on the radio that a world war would begin. This is a joke. Someone must stand up and tell everyone in the world with an attitude of no hesitation that this is true. Only then will someone try to believe it.

If someone has to face the world, he will never choose to be independent from it. If this responsibility must be resisted by one person, he is willing to resist it himself.

Everyone was stunned.

Reporters on the scene, you look at me and I look at you. What's the matter?

Not giving Minister Bai face? Not giving face to the Chinese government? Even if you are the first person under the golden elixir, you still have to live in China, right?

Minister Bai was stunned, and everyone in Zhongnanhai who was observing all this was stunned.

"Don't turn off the camera and continue broadcasting around the world." Xu Yangyi's voice broke the tranquility of the scene.

After a dull, awkward three seconds, the whole place erupted into excitement. Each reporter maintained their last courtesy, and countless microphones and cannons were pointed at Xu Yangyi, "Master Xu! Are you dissatisfied with the handling of the Chinese government?" "Master Xu, I heard that you invaded three provinces and fifty-one cities fifteen years ago. Is it because the Chinese training force is not strong enough, or is your strength too strong? "In what respect?" "Mr. Xu, how do you plan to explain what happened today?"

Xu Yangyi quickly signed his name on the golden paper, and the contract flew back to Minister Bai, who had a pale face but had to maintain a calm smile. He bowed slightly: "Minister Bai, I'm disrespectful."

On the Internet, countless people watched this scene in stunned silence.

The mortal's hand holding the snack paused, and his mouth stopped chewing. The monks were even more stunned. Even the overwhelming barrage just now was cleared up in an instant.

Tens of millions of people watched, but there was not a single barrage on the major live broadcast platforms for several seconds. Everyone looked at Xu Zhenren's bold move in astonishment.

"What is Master Xu doing? Minister Bai obviously didn't finish what he said, right?" A monk put down the drink in his hand in surprise and said blankly: "Didn't he listen to his rights? Didn't he listen to his obligations? "

"This is a challenge to the government's authority..." "What will the government do? Interrupt the live broadcast?" "News Network's live broadcast has never been interrupted, right? Xu Zhenren, this is touching the butt of a tiger."

In the auditorium, Xu Yangyi snapped his fingers, and everyone except Minister Bai was silenced.

In Zhongnanhai, in that small room, all the dignitaries stood up together. Even Chairman Gao had a complicated look in his eyes.

problem occurs!

Something really happened!

Xu Zhenren, who never takes the ordinary path, actually caused trouble!

"Minister Meng from the Central Propaganda Department is immediately prepared to deal with the international impact of this incident."

"No." Minister Meng stood up with a grimace and said, "This is a global live broadcast, how can we stop it? Stopping it now would be trying to hide it. My opinion is, listen to what Xu Zhenren has to say."

He didn't know that this sentence changed the whole world.

At the scene, Xu Yangyi walked leisurely to the rostrum. He placed the microphone and glanced at everyone present: "I want to tell you something."

"A thing that changed the planet."

"Do you want to stop?" Zhongnanhai, the Prime Minister asked in a deep voice.

Chairman Gao had already raised his hand, but now he hesitated: "Wait a moment."

On set, all cameras, cameras, working at full capacity. The Internet was in a state of silence, everyone watching this unexpected scene.

"Today, I didn't have time to speak. However, if I do, if I don't say it today, I'm afraid I won't have the chance again in the future. So, everyone, please listen carefully to the following words and keep them in mind."

"I know that less than one tenth of the people may believe it. Because it is too unbelievable. Therefore, I chose a rather special method."

After saying that, he took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He said in a deep voice: "I, Xu Yangyi, am in the middle stage of Golden Core. I hereby swear that all the words below are true."

"If there is even half a sentence that is false, heaven and earth will destroy you, and five thunders will strike your head. You will die on the spot."

"Heaven and earth can be used as lessons."

As soon as he finished speaking, something mysterious in the void glanced at Xu Yangyi. A slight tremor. Countless golden ripples appeared around his body.

Everyone looked at each other in silence, and countless monks on the Internet covered their mouths.

Daoxin Daoxin!

Heaven's oath!

Never violate it, once violated, all conditions will be honored!

These are the rules of the earth!

What exactly is he going to say?

Not only them, but also all the politicians in Zhongnanhai, as if they had a premonition, their eyes all sparkled.

Whatever it is, the following words must be extremely important. So important that the first person below the Nascent Soul is willing to use his life to prove it.


A little off topic, recently, I downloaded the Zongheng APP. I didn’t use the APP before. I usually only use my phone to make calls and send text messages, as well as Alipay.

Only then did I find that there are many messages on the APP...

Some messages are very pertinent, and some are very one-sided. I have read them all and considered them all. Again, I write about people born in the city. I may only write this fantasy book to satisfy a wish I had back then. There are definitely problems. But I feel that the progress is obvious. Since returning to Earth, I feel that the plot of this book from 400 to now is still quite satisfactory.

Some friends mentioned the problem of dragging. You may also know my style, and old readers also know that it is not a fast-paced and brainless face-slapping article. I like to depict some details. But recently - around chapter 730, I also felt that some parts were dragged, and I am correcting them.

In addition, chapter 701, 3,000 words were added. Some readers said that the excitement of forming a pill was not enough? In fact, I was writing a cycle of excitement, maybe I didn't master it well? But at that time I thought it was enough. I discussed it with my friends last night and added another 3,000 words. Readers who have read it may not feel it, but I want to leave a good impression on future readers.

As for the 600,000 words in the middle that were broken... the battle of Nanzhou and the small world... I really can't change it. It's the tuition I paid for fantasy.

It's not broken, it's just that there is no excitement. There I entered a period of confusion about new types of writing.

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