
Chapter 722: Facing the World (Part 3)

"Chief, it's been more than ten minutes!" The Minister of the Central Propaganda Department said in a deep voice.

The Chairman and the Prime Minister shook their heads at the same time.

"Push it back." Those who can reach this point are definitely not pedantic people, nor are they people without courage. They understand cultivation much more clearly than others. The words that can make a Jindan Zhenren swear a Taoist oath, and must be said in front of the world, must be very important. They also want to see what they are going to say.

In the auditorium, Xu Yangyi calmed down instead, and the previous trace of uneasiness and anxiety disappeared. He said in a deep voice: "Perhaps, some cultivators already know. There are countless small worlds under the earth."

"I have been to a small world. It is a lost small world with rich products and manpower. But do you know that the earth itself is also under another world?"

"Above the earth, there are seven big worlds, called the Seven Realms. And the big world that the earth directly connects to is called Xu Kunlun. To this day, they still have people staying on the earth."

"Its name is called Stargazer."

"From more than 100,000 years ago, he has been observing the earth bit by bit. Execute all the orders of Xu Kunlun to the earth."

A stone stirs up a thousand waves!

Clatter! The entire network, whether at home or abroad, watching this scene, was blown up!

"What?" Japan, the cabinet, the prime minister and several elders all stood up at this moment, looking at the Chinese Golden Elixir Ceremony across the water in disbelief. No one thought that such a thing would happen at the Golden Elixir Ceremony, and the newly promoted Master Xu actually said such a thing!

"Is this the right thing to do?" "Is this the case?" The Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister spoke almost at the same time, and their first reaction was that the other party was hiding the truth. It is impossible that there is no information about this matter.

Not only them, but also the ministers below, no one can believe this earth-shattering statement.

In the United States, the White House, several politicians and the president looked at each other, and all read disbelief in each other's eyes.

"Is there any news about this?" The president immediately asked the cabinet, but everyone looked at each other blankly.

"Never heard of it." "Xu Kunlun? I swear, even the top-secret area of ​​​​Zone 51 does not have this name." "Does he mean that alien cultivation civilizations have infiltrated the earth?"

The top figures of each country were all shocked by this sentence and stood up. Just when the earth thought it was the upper world, someone suddenly told them that it was not the case. Above the earth, there is a more powerful civilization.

Everyone guessed that Master Xu would say something shocking, otherwise he would not have made such an important oath, but they did not expect it to be so serious.

There was silence on the Internet. No one could tell whether this sentence was true or false. Even if Xu Yangyi made a great oath of Dao Heart, no one dared to believe it was true.

All the Jindan, the supremes who were originally watching the excitement, at this moment, slammed everyone in front of the light curtain and stood in front of the light curtain himself.

"I guess you must be very surprised now." Xu Yangyi didn't care at all. Since it has been said, let's say it to the end! Tell the earth that in 180 years, the diamond above the earth will become a terrifying fuse: "Of course, this is just the beginning."

At the scene, there were bursts of heavy breathing, and everyone except Minister Bai was silenced by him. The iron blue on Minister Bai's face had long disappeared. Even the deputy state-level cadres looked at this young man who was talking with a shocked look at this moment.

"Next, I want to tell you. Not just the people watching online, not just the heads of state. But... the entire earth. Every person. Because, as earthlings, you have the obligation and the right to fight for your own survival, for your own glory, for your home planet, for your territory, and for the dignity of your existence."

Across the world, pairs of eyes, some humble, some noble, all watched together.

In Zhongnanhai, no one mentioned the end of the matter, and their breathing was a little hurried. They... had already had some bad premonitions.

"Just outside the Earth's atmosphere, all the major governments around the world should have sealed off these videos. I tell you, there is a huge crystal of several hundred meters. It appeared after the Tower of Babel. I won't talk about the experience in the tower for now. But I want to tell you. Its name is the Moon in the Well."

"It is absorbing the spiritual energy of this plane. After 180 years, it will be fully restored. Become another thing-the Light of the World."

"The moment the Light of the World is lit, under the order of Xu Kunlun, more than 600 worlds below them, which are at the same level as the Earth, and all the small worlds under the worlds, will start a war of the worlds that will last for more than 400 years!"

"In this battle, there is no victory or defeat, only life and death. Each world will choose their opponent and fight a life-and-death battle for hundreds of years. Only for the victorious world, Xu Kunlun will open the way to ascension for them. After the Golden Core and the Nascent Soul, there are other ways to go."

A pair of eyes opened in some famous mountains and rivers around the world. Another pair of eyes opened in some ancient ruins.

All pairs of eyes looked at the light screen in front of them. The calm eyes that had lived for hundreds of years finally showed a touch of excitement, even... blood red.


These two short words caused a silent uproar around the world.

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath: "Our opponent is called Zhenwu Realm."

"It's a pity. I want to tell you that the Zhenwu Realm is stronger than the Earth, much stronger! I have seen their star destroyer carriers in the Tower of Babel. Compared with them, the Earth has no air superiority at all."

"In addition, the Zhenwu Realm has invaded the Earth countless times in the long river of history. However, they have never attacked with the whole world. Their classes, including holy places, dynasties, blessed places, and caves, have several times more practitioners than us! There are countless golden elixirs and even elusive Yuanyings."

"The Ten Thousand Realms War happens every two thousand years. In the last two thousand years, when the Zhenwu Realm was not in person, we won a miserable victory. But this time..." He closed his eyes: "The other side is likely to be in person with the whole world."

"The moment the light of the world is lit, the passage between the two worlds will be completed. All open. There is no time for us to wait. We only have 180 years, while the other side has been planning and testing for 2,000 years. If the world does not take it seriously and thinks I am joking, 180 years later, the earth...may disappear from the star map. "

"As for the evidence, it has disappeared with the fall of the Tower of Babel. However, there is still a living evidence. I can't tell you the specific location. It was a prince of the Zhenwu Realm who was captured more than 2,000 years ago. I can tell you responsibly that he is still there and alive. He was imprisoned somewhere by the ancient cultivator with a magic weapon. And I know where it is. "

"I understand that the above words are like a fairy tale. But you must believe it. "

At this point, he snapped his fingers, and the reporters at the scene were able to speak again.

"I'm done. "

There was a dead silence at the scene.

Although they could speak, no one knew what to say. No one knew whether to ask questions.

Just now, in just a few minutes, Master Xu's words overturned the entire human worldview!

Is there an upper world above the earth?

The once-in-two-thousand-year war of all worlds is about to begin in 180 years?

A Zhenwu world that is more powerful than the Earth? A star destroyer?

"MY GOD..." A white reporter was shaking all over. He tried to pick up the microphone several times, but he was powerless to do so.

He didn't know what to ask. Finally, out of professional instinct, he finally raised his hand and trembled, "Is this, this, is this true?"

The whole world seemed to be silent at this moment.

In the top-secret room in Zhongnanhai, all the leaders stood up.

Chairman Gao pursed his lips tightly. After many years of political career, he had long been calm even when the earth collapsed. But... he still couldn't do it even when the earth collapsed.

Around him and behind him, politicians stood up like him and even looked at the screen in a daze.

"Is this true?" Chairman Gao suppressed his shock, but his voice was still a little floating. However, there was no answer.

"Really... in one hundred and eighty years, the Zhenwu Realm will attack?"

"Really... there is also the Upper Realm Ruins Kunlun?"

"Is this really not a novel?"

Everyone's lips were dry and they couldn't say a word.

The worldview was completely overturned.

In the top-secret Area 51 in the United States, a modified luxury car stopped outside an ordinary villa. Several men in black walked down and showed their credentials to the man standing at the door.

"CIA. Dr. Androv, please..."

Before he finished speaking, the elderly white man raised a finger. Indicating silence, in front of him, a live news broadcast was playing.

In a hidden valley in France, a gate appeared on the mountain. A car stopped and made a call: "Sir, the Parliament building is calling urgently. Please put down your work immediately and come with us."

In Europe, America, Asia, the Middle East... the power pyramids of all countries were silent. One by one, the hidden scientists, doctors, and great monks set out from their own territories immediately and must rush to the top of the pyramid within an hour. And here, the House of Commons, the House of Commons, the members of Congress, the ministers, the politicians, the think tanks, etc., are ready.

Silence, I don't know how long it has been. However, there will be an outbreak after silence.

In Zhongnanhai, Chairman Gao turned his head and looked at everyone: "Immediately, arrange a meeting between me and Master Xu tonight! All other things are rejected! In addition, from now on, check all suspicious people at the border, in the country, and especially around the Forbidden City. The imperial capital is loose outside and tight inside, and exclude all people from having single contact with Master Xu!"

"Second, immediately order the Hidden Dragon Base to submit a report! Let the commander come to the meeting immediately!"

A minister nodded, and then immediately understood: "Chairman Gao, could it be..."

Chairman Gao's face was as dark as water, and he snorted coldly: "Now that things have come to this, I will also tell you something. A week ago, a space crack appeared on the back of the moon. On the other side... there is a very strong breath of life. Even... it is on the earth."

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