
Chapter 723: Yuanying Zhenjun

On the Internet, after half a minute of fermentation, it has completely exploded!

"Star Wars!?" "It's a war of planes, but is it possible!" "Oh my God... I, I can't believe it at all. I, I'm still confused now!" "You won't lie to us, right? This is a war with another civilization!" "Star destroyer? Isn't that something that only exists in comics? I really can't believe it, but, but Master Xu made a Taoist oath!"

It's impossible to distinguish between true and false.

The Taoist oath is absolutely true from a rational point of view. However, emotionally, no one is willing to believe everything Xu Yangyi said.

One hundred and eighty years later, there will be a war with another more powerful civilization?

Does the government know? Did they hide it?

But... at this moment, the entire auditorium suddenly trembled with a "boom".

Jerusalem, Greece, Vatican, Northern Europe, four streams of light, slammed through the intercontinental, rushing towards the imperial capital at the speed of a meteor chasing the moon.

In an instant, Xu Yangyi only felt his body cold. Four extremely terrifying spiritual energies gathered from all over the earth and locked onto him.

"This is..." Several staff members of the Ministry of National Defense looked at the warning lights that suddenly turned red and then began to scream, and said in astonishment: "How is it possible... How is this possible?!"

In front of them, four magnificent spiritual energies formed a beam of light, a ball of sand, a piece of flowing water, and a cluster of flames. Each one... covered a range of tens of thousands of meters and rushed straight towards China without any concealment.

And on the screen, four numbers jumped wildly.

"Nine hundred thousand spiritual energies... one million spiritual energies... one and a half million, eight hundred thousand, two million... two and a half million!"

After a few seconds, the four numbers stabilized. The staff member only took a look and almost screamed.

"Five million three hundred and two hundred thousand spiritual energies." "Six million one hundred and seventeen thousand spiritual energies." "Five million nine hundred thousand spiritual energies." "Five million eight hundred thousand spiritual energies."

Yuanying Zhenjun!

They... couldn't sit down either.

The center of power in China, the politicians who were pondering at the conference table, immediately received this notice.

"Million spirits?" After answering the phone, the Minister of Defense took a deep breath: "This..."

"Chief, this, this should be the legendary Yuanying Zhenren! There are four spiritual energies overseas heading towards where Master Xu is! I'm afraid they will arrive in an hour at most!"

The Chairman and the Prime Minister did not look panicked. They knew more about Yuanying Zhenren, whom they had never seen before, than anyone else. They had even seen these living fossils of history.

"Comrade Gao, please give instructions."

Chairman Gao pondered for a moment: "No need to stop them, and they cannot be stopped."

"Chairman, this is letting them enter our borders. This is a provocation to our country." A hawkish minister looked normal, but he did not give in in his words: "If these people are allowed to enter the border at will, what will be the dignity of China as a great country of cultivation?"

"Old Ma, who said they can come in?" The Prime Minister took a sip of tea slowly, his eyes sharp: "Do you think that a country without Yuanying can still be called a great country of cultivation?"

As if to confirm his words, the next second, all the crazy alarms in the Ministry of Defense actually increased their decibels again!

This time, it was not just one room, but the entire corridor that rang out like a fire alarm.

"What's going on?" "Which department's problem?" "Air raid alarm? Red alarm?"

However, they were not surprised for too long.

In everyone's office, on the screen, three terrifying spiritual energies spread from Chengdu, the imperial capital, and Luoyang.

A Buddha's light, a Yin-Yang Bagua, and a bamboo leaf.

It was the same... three numbers climbed up quickly. 6.5 million spiritual energy, 6.72 million spiritual energy, 7.3 million spiritual energy!

A few seconds later, a researcher standing in front of the screen slipped his hand, and the teacup in his hand fell to the ground with a snap, but he didn't notice it at all.

After a long time, he trembled and said, "Oh my God..."

"This... is the arrival of the gods..."

"Boom boom..." At the border of China, four spiritual lights rushed in from different directions, bringing up four ten-thousand-meter streams of red, brown, white, and blue in the sky, like the arrival of the aurora.

In Urumqi, an old man was walking his dog. Suddenly, he felt a little itchy on his head. When he touched it, he found some sand between his fingers.

"Sandstorm?" He shook his hand unhappily and looked up, only to find that everyone around him was looking up at the sky and exclaiming, and even 90% of them took out their mobile phones to take pictures frantically.

"What's going on?" The old man looked up in astonishment. The next second, he gasped, covered his mouth, and fell to the ground with his legs weak.

Just above his head, the sky was filled with rolling sand and dust, covering the sky and the sun. The vast sand and dust seemed to move the desert, with a terrifying range of 30,000 to 40,000 meters, making the place where it passed a hell of sand. And these sand and dust condensed into a huge human face, rushing over Urumqi.

A long river of sand, a sky of sand.

"Pah..." The dog in his hand broke free from the leash and barked at the sky.

It took several minutes for tens of thousands of meters of desert to move across Urumqi. This ancient city seemed to be covered by a layer of yellow gauze.

However, just as the desert was about to cross Xinjiang Province, it suddenly stopped.

"Who?" All the yellow sand, flying all over the sky, instantly condensed into an old figure within a range of tens of thousands of meters. It was the White Sam of the Sands of Jerusalem, the holy city of the three religions.

No answer.

At the same time, in Tibet Province, above the Potala Palace, the endless sea of ​​fire that swept here suddenly stopped. In the sky full of flames, the Fire Phoenix in a suit and leather shoes also stopped. In front of him, an old man with a Zen stick looked at him with a smile.

"Who are you?" Phoenix gently shook the red wine glass in his hand and raised his eyebrows.

"Donor, please stay." The old monk put his hands together, like a stone Buddha: "The 382nd abbot of the Chinese Buddhist sect, Yuanjue."

"You want to stop me." Phoenix drank the wine in his hand gently, and the whole glass turned into a pillar of fire. He threw it casually: "Are you sure you can stop it?"

The skinny old monk who seemed to fall down with a gust of wind smiled and said: "I want to try."

Phoenix also smiled, and then the surrounding ten thousand meters turned into an endless sea of ​​fire in an instant, and a fire phoenix with a radius of several thousand meters roared towards the old man!

At the same time, the old monk groaned, and his body suddenly grew a thousand meters tall, standing tall like a giant, with a Buddha wheel shining behind his head, and the whole person was like an arhat descending to the earth. His whole body was filled with golden light, and he grabbed the fire phoenix.

"Body cultivation! Law of heaven and earth!!" Phoenix exclaimed, resounding through the red clouds.

"Which Taoist friend is waiting for me here?" At the same time, Bai Samu spoke leisurely, looking around slowly.

"Haha, what a bad guy who complained first, I didn't ask you about your unprovoked invasion of the Chinese border, but you actually asked me why I stopped you. Taoist friend is really a big face." Another voice floated out from the clouds, and then a figure appeared three hundred meters in front of him like a ghost.

"Sand Domain. I have heard that the defender of Jerusalem is extremely powerful. Today, I see that he is indeed extraordinary." Xu Fangyuan carried a peach wood sword and stepped into the void. The pressure on his body was no weaker than that of the other party. He took a step and lotuses bloomed. Green lotuses slowly bloomed and disappeared, which was magnificent.

"Withering and flourishing domain?" Facing Xu Yangyi's arrogant Sand Bai Samu, his eyes suddenly became solemn and he looked deeply at the Taoist in front of him: "Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am." Xu Fangyuan said lightly: "But the person you are looking for is my descendant."

Bai Samu said indifferently: "Since he is a descendant of the Nascent Soul, you should discipline him well. Some things can be said, and some things cannot be said. Since you have said it, you have to take responsibility."

Xu Fangyuan slowly drew out the sword: "There is a saying in China, it is called shameless."

Sand Bai Samu's face suddenly became gloomy.

"I told you to leave, but you refused and insisted on staying. I gave you face, but you are pushing me too far. Do you really think I can't do anything to you?"

"Can you touch the descendants of this True Lord?" He flicked the peach wood sword lightly, and countless branches and leaves grew out of the dark sword body, which drifted away layer by layer, and a three-foot green blade appeared in his hand: "If I were in the imperial capital, it would be a big joke to be caught and questioned by you foreign True Lords."

"Come on, let me try, is Bai Samu of the Sand, who is said to be second only to Macbeth in the Holy City, really a man of honor?"

"Looking for death!" Bai Samu snorted coldly, and the next second, layers of tens of thousands of meters of yellow sand surged from the ground, forming a terrifying kingdom of sand.

On the other side, on the outskirts of the three northeastern provinces, Saint Peter of Light and a woman in an evening dress with pale hair and a luxurious face were standing on the outskirts of the Chinese border with an ugly face.

In front of them, a 60,000-meter-long Yin-Yang Tai Chi rotated in the sky, making it impossible for them to take a step forward.

"I've heard that China is one of the four ancient countries of cultivation, but I didn't expect that there is a Taoist friend with such a deep realm." The woman snorted coldly: "You, what's your name."

In the Tai Chi, an old man's voice sounded: "The president of the Chinese Cultivation Court, Tianzai."

Saint Peter's eyes flickered slightly, and he said nothing, turning back thousands of meters.

"Two Taoist friends, are you going to ask questions about our country's golden elixir?"

"No..." Saint Peter's face was as ugly as if he had eaten a rat. He felt that the pressure from the opposite side... was from the late Nascent Soul stage! How long has this old monster lived! How can he reach the late stage of cultivation when the Nascent Soul is restricted by the world?

"We...were just passing by."

Tian Zai's voice smiled: "That's a coincidence."

"Yeah..." The woman's face was also extremely ugly: "It's a coincidence."

"What are you doing here? Everyone knows it." Tian Zai ignored her and continued: "I advise you, my Chinese golden elixir, who dares to move unless I and a few others let you?"

His voice was not loud, and when the last word fell, the whole Tai Chi slowly rotated, and an indescribable sense of life and death permeated from it.

"The prototype of the field of life and death..." The woman and Saint Peter gritted their teeth and retreated hundreds of meters again.

"What he said in my China is what we Chinese promised. What happened afterwards, we will naturally have an explanation. We haven't even opened our mouths yet, and you dare to rush to the door? Do you really think there is no one in China!"

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