
Chapter 724: One word regresses the Yuanying

This sentence started out calmly, but then suddenly turned into a thunderclap, causing the blood in the chests of the two True Lords to surge.

The woman and Saint Peter looked at each other, and both saw the retreat in each other's eyes.

They had rushed here immediately after hearing the news of the ascension, and found that there were other True Lords on the way. With four Yuanyings coming, how many Yuanyings could China have?

Never expected... China's Jindan has never been famous in the world, but its strength is so terrifying! I'm afraid... only India and Macbeth can match this old man.

Three Yuanyings stopped the four True Lords. The other party wanted to protect that young boy, and they had no choice.

"I, Saint Peter, will remember today's gift. The entire Catholic Church will remember it, too." Saint Peter snorted coldly, and turned into a golden light and floated away: "This Pope is waiting for China's reply."

The Yin-Yang Tai Chi slowly turned: "If you come uninvited next time, don't blame me for being ruthless. Don't take your sect too seriously. When I was alive, the iron hoofs stepped on Europe. At that time, your Pope was still playing in the mud."

"Hmph!!" Saint Peter of Light gritted his teeth and disappeared with a belly full of anger. The woman pursed her lips, said nothing, and turned into a blue tide and returned the same way.

How can I not be angry? How can I not be angry?

Any of them is a true emperor who has the final say in Europe and the United States. However, when they come to China, they can't even get in the door to get a golden elixir!

If you say no, it's no. The great country of cultivation is so arrogant.

In the Ministry of National Defense, the staff looked at the spiritual energy indication map on the screen in amazement. A middle-aged man pushed his glasses: "From foreign countries... four million-level spiritual energies... two retreated?"

"Yes! They retreated before entering the country!" The staff in front of the instrument pointed quickly: "No... wait! The two spiritual energies from Tibet and Xinjiang also retreated!"

Tibet, Fire Phoenix gritted his teeth and looked at the old monk in front of him with hatred: "You are really something."

"Amitabha." The old monk put his hands together, his face was neither sad nor happy, and there was no trace of scars on his body. In contrast, Phoenix's clothes were torn in several places.

These four words were light, but they rolled like thunder.

"Today, I will give you face and I will not go in. But if there is no conclusive news in two weeks, don't blame me for contacting other princes and coming to China again! Humph!" Phoenix was full of anger. In the Tira Song family... no, in the whole of Northern Europe, he is the king. I didn't expect that when I walked to the gate of China, an unknown old monk would stop me!

Ten minutes, thousands of fights. An expert can tell the difference with just one stretch of his hand. He knows very well that although they are both in the middle stage, this old stronger than himself!

Is this the strength of the Chinese cultivation world? The strength of the four ancient cultivation countries?

"Two weeks later, I will give the world an explanation." The old monk said this without raising his eyebrows, his eyes turned, and he looked deeply at the Phoenix of Fire: "But... if you dare to violate the Chinese border for no reason next time. If you dare to ask our country's Jindan Zhenren first and then report, the Buddha will smile at the flower, and the King Kong will be angry."

"By then, I would rather fall into hell, and I will definitely kill the offender outside the country."

"Jindan cannot be insulted, Yuanying cannot be insulted, and China cannot be insulted even more."

"Daoyou, remember."

Phoenix's rage in his heart almost swallowed the sky!

He was tough, and the old bald donkey in front of him was tougher than him! He directly said that if he did it again next time, he would see the truth under his hands.

Then your country's Jindan provoked world unrest, and you just pretended that you didn't see it? !

Are you blind!

If this newly promoted Jindan had not made a great vow, if he had not said such a shocking thing, would the four princes have come to China together? !

Now, no one can get in, and they are all blocked outside the country. The princes of China are so obviously protecting them, is there still justice in this world!

Is there still the law!

"If you do too much evil, you will die." He said this in Chinese through his teeth, and turned into flames and disappeared.

On the edge of Xinjiang, one of Sha Zhibai Samu's arms disappeared, but no blood flowed out, looking at Xu Fangyuan in front of him indifferently. Dust flew where the arm was broken, and it was reborn in the blink of an eye.

"Good sword." He said solemnly: "What's the name of that move just now?"

Xu Fangyuan didn't even look at him, and gently stroked the sword: "Nine turns into one, eight trigrams, seven stars, six directions, five elements, four images, three talents, two shapes, one cycle, and the elephant is invisible. I used ten swords just now. Which sword are you talking about?"

"By the way, these are just Taoist sword moves. It seems that you, the second in command of Islam, are not that good."

Bai Samu sneered: "What a big bullshit . For hundreds of years, this is the first time that someone dares to speak out in front of this Pope. I can still tell whether a sword move is exquisite or not. "

"Don't worry, I have no intention of fighting you to the death. But... the next one to come will be our prophet. Alam Khan of the Holy City Macbeth. China is protecting the instigator, and the more than one billion believers of Islam will do a good job of promoting you. "

Xu Fangyuan sneered: "Propaganda is propaganda, wait until your believers in China can surpass those of Taoism and Buddhism, then come and talk to this True Lord."

"You! ! "

"Finally, I'll give you a piece of advice. You should have heard of the name Xuanyuan Sword Master. The old Sword Master from five generations ago has not come out yet, hehe... I hope you know what you are. Don't come here arrogantly and leave with your tail between your legs like you did today."

Bai Samu's whole body turned into a piece of yellow sand and slowly disappeared: "Very good... I look forward to it..."

In the auditorium, Xu Yangyi breathed a sigh of relief.

This time, he didn't even have the opportunity to contact the crisis.

Once again, he realized the benefits of a big country for cultivation. If he was a cultivator from South Korea or Japan, which Yuanying would buy it now? Just pick him up and search his soul.

That is, in China, there can be a stronger Yuanying to protect him, and let other Yuanying return empty-handed. He doesn't even need to show up.

Looking at the noisy group of reporters, he turned into a green light and disappeared at the scene. He didn't have time to deal with these reporters.

As soon as he appeared outside the auditorium, a man in a Zhongshan suit came over and bowed respectfully: "Master Xu, Master Tianzai invites you. The chairman and the prime minister are also here."

Xu Yangyi nodded. The next and last step was to make everyone believe him and issue this official notice to the world in the name of China.

The ultimatum to fight to the death with the Zhenwu world.

He followed the man into the car and soon arrived at the entrance of the cultivation court. When he was led into a large room, the lights were already on.

The room was surrounded by monks and agents in the light and dark for a hundred meters. The interior was very simple, without flowers, only a soft scarlet carpet, and a large conference table, about fifteen meters long.

The large conference table was filled with ten people on both sides. No matter which one, they were all familiar on TV, the top power in China. In the center, the contemporary chairman, known as the Iron-blooded Chairman, and the contemporary prime minister sat in the center. On both sides, more than a dozen of China's top leaders were lined up in a line. This kind of formation would be treated with caution by everyone.

Just on the left, sat an old man with a blurred face, an incarnation of white light.

"Master Xu, please." Chairman Gao made a gesture of invitation, without any other nonsense. At this time, everyone was on fire, so how could there be time for courtesy?

Xu Yangyi bowed slightly to the old man's light and shadow. Just as he sat down, the prime minister who was so calm on TV had already spoken first.

"Evidence." Go straight to the point.

"Master Xu, your words put us in a very passive position. Just over ten minutes ago, we received calls from almost all the heads of state and presidents in the world. We need a conclusive evidence. If it is true, we can't delay for a day. This is not a matter of one country. The world must be mobilized to survive this disaster."

Xu Yangyi said in a deep voice: "This Master used my life to swear a great oath of Dao Heart. Is this not enough?"

Tianzai's clone looked deeply at Xu Yangyi: "It is one thing for us to believe, and it is another thing for the masses to believe. Fellow Daoist Xu, this is not a world war, this is... a plane war. Billions of people are involved in a bloody battle that exhausts all the manpower and material resources of a plane. With your words, the consequence is a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, without a decisive evidence. Do you think you can mobilize billions of people just by saying it?"

Xu Yangyi nodded and raised his eyes. All the Chinese high-level officials who were once out of reach focused their eyes on him like torches.

His words will determine the direction of the earth.

Is it heading towards the torrent of war, or is it developing slowly as always?

"I have evidence."

When the first sentence came out, everyone's eyes flashed.

Xu Yangyi pursed his lips and took a deep breath. Even he felt the pressure at this moment.

There was no spiritual power, but a huge sense of responsibility.


"Huh?" Chairman Gao asked immediately.

"Below Jerusalem, there is a prison cell that is two thousand years old. There... there is a remnant of the Zhenwu Realm who has not died yet."

Everyone's eyes became hot. Even some ministers, the second-in-command at the vice-state level, were holding hot tea cups in their hands, but they were completely unaware.

"His name is Sima Tuo. He is one of the several great dynasties in the Zhenwu Realm, the seventh prince of the Great Jin Dynasty. People in the Zhenwu Realm seem to be difficult to die and have a long life span..."

"Is he still alive?" The Minister of Defense immediately asked keenly and impatiently.

Xu Yangyi nodded: "He has been deprived of all his spiritual energy, and he is very cunning and guarded by a spiritual treasure. You will find everything you want to know in him."

In the room, you can hear a pin drop.

Having evidence is a good thing. However, the result of this good thing is that the Earth will face the Zhenwu Realm head-on! And throw itself into the war of all realms!

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