
Chapter 725: Earth Prepares for War

A heavy feeling weighed on everyone's heart. Chairman Gao stood up first: "Originally, I planned to ask Master Xu to take up his post in the imperial capital immediately, but now please wait for two months. Mr. Tianzai."

"Yes." Master Tianzai also stood up and bowed: "But do you want me to prepare to mobilize the cultivation world. Order the major families to open their secrets and communicate with the whole world without leaving any secrets?"

"Thank you, sir." The chairman shook hands with him, and then turned to Xu Yangyi: "Mr. Xu, you took a great risk in this matter."

Xu Yangyi did not comment. As the head of a country, the other party must know that the four Yuanyings came uninvited when it seemed calm just now.

All aimed at him.

"The government has clear rewards and punishments. As a reward for Mr. Xu's kindness, we have specially prepared some small gifts. When Mr. Xu and we finish the investigation together, we will give it to Mr. Xu as a supplementary agreement."

Xu Yangyi nodded, but still couldn't help asking: "If you confirm it, what are you going to do?"


A few seconds later, the chairman said in a deep voice: "Inform the world immediately."

"We don't have a second to waste!"

"So, please." He made a gesture of invitation to the door: "Now, the helicopter is outside, I will go to Jerusalem with you personally. And I will immediately notify the world's leaders."

The plane took off and disappeared into the night.

A week passed quickly.

The government did not make any statement, and strangely, global public opinion did not guide it. The entire network has exploded.

"Wanjie War! Monks! Take up your swords! Prepare to fight for life!" "Never allow the Zhenwu Realm to invade our territory!" "Are you sick? Who knows whether it's true or false? The government has not made a clear statement. Jindan Zhenren didn't say a word, what are you doing?" "I don't think it's fake, it must be that Zhenren Xu used the Heavenly Dao oath to prove himself. But... but I don't want to believe it's true!"

The existence of the Heavenly Dao oath makes Xu Yangyi's words impeccable. It's no more than this to pry the earth with one person's power. It's not that people don't believe it, but they just can't believe it in concept.

Monks call it a war of planes. Movie fans and science fiction fans call it Star Wars. There are some passionate people, but more are confused. There is also a large part waiting for the statements of the Jindan Zhenren and the government of various countries.

No one wants war, everyone hopes to prove that what Master Xu said is false in the end.

It seems to be a peaceful week, but in fact, dark clouds are pressing down on the city. The storm is coming.

On Thursday of the second week, China held a summit meeting, and the heads of state of various countries were happy to visit. Xu Yangyi participated in the whole week of the meeting. No details of this meeting were disclosed in any media. However, the most important agreement was signed during the meeting.

Technology, cultivation technology intercommunication agreement.

Europe, America, Asia, the three continents will realize the intercommunication of cultivation databases and technology databases within one quarter from the date of signing. In addition, a global network will be built within five years to include other continents.

"Ancestor, what does this mean?" In Scandinavia, an ancient castle by the lake, late at night, the lights were on.

Phoenix sat on one of the several-meter-long soft sofas, watching the TV with an extremely solemn expression. Behind him, several Qi-refining monks were massaging him.

Before he finished speaking, everyone screamed and flew out. Phoenix had already stood up, staring at the front with a fiery gaze.

"The War of Ten Thousand Worlds... Zhenwu World..."

"Snap!" He crushed the glass in his hand.

"What a big dog guts!"

The attitude of the government is enough to explain everything.

The world-famous, the final holy place of Islam, the holy city of Mecca, which is even higher than Jerusalem in status, is crowded with people in the world's largest mosque, the Grand Mosque of Mecca, where countless Muslims kneel down.

They have been kneeling for a month without eating or drinking. In front, above the endless flow of people, two old men sat cross-legged in the air.

Pope Sha Baisamu, Prophet Kong Alam Khan

"Believers, prepare to sharpen your swords."

"The apostles of Muhammad never fear the provocation of pagans."

Some things can be seen from the government's actions.

The strong smell of gunpowder, seemingly unconcealed this week, but also erupted without obstruction.

Especially... Sima Tuo is just below Jerusalem, they know what happened here better than anyone else.

In the Vatican, Pope Saint Peter of Light put on the crown and took up the scepter for the first time. At this moment, countless Catholics knelt all over the Vatican.

The sapphire blue scepter was shining, and he personally took the stage and prayed under the Holy Light Dome.

"We are the apostles of the Lord." "We walk on earth on behalf of the Lord." "All heresies will disappear under the wrath of the Lord." "Amen."


The entire Vatican responded with a landslide and tsunami.

Islam and Catholicism, these two super sects with more than one billion people, have taken the lead in action.

Even though they did not deny that they had wanted to search the soul of the Jindan Zhenren, they knew better where their foundation was.

To be able to reach the Yuanying stage, one must be an ordinary person.

There are things to do and things not to do. When faced with major issues, as long as one is an earthling, there is no second choice.

They are not the Jie faction.

"Young man..." Saint Peter looked towards the distant China: "The earth owes you a favor."

"You are good."

In response to the rumors that were all over the Internet, one month later, the heads of 15 countries including China, the United States, Russia, and France, together with 120 traceable Jindan Zhenren, read out the United Nations emergency special statement by Xu Yangyi.

"My fellow countrymen on Earth, no matter where you are now, whether you are poor or rich, whether you are young or old, at this moment, as a part of the Earth, men, women, old and young, please be prepared. Take up your weapons. Defend our right to live."

"This month, governments have worked together to obtain decisive evidence. In addition, space channels have begun to appear behind the moon. The specific news will be broadcast globally at 12 noon and 6 pm today."

"On the other side of the Milky Way, a world called Zhenwu Realm will launch an attack on the Earth in a hundred years. Their strength is far superior to that of the Earth, and they have been planning for a thousand years... Everything on Earth will be changed by us now, at this sacred moment."

"My fellow countrymen, this is a war without borders, this is an annexation between two civilizations. After research and decision by the United Nations, three fifty-year plans have been formulated. In the first fifty years..."

At the end of the half-hour speech, Xu Yangyi took a deep breath and shouted: "Starting today, Earth, the whole world is ready for war!!"

After the world-wide lights were lit, the Earth finally made its own voice!

"Swish!" At the same time, all the believers in the Grand Mosque of Mecca drew their sabers in unison. Above their heads, Sha Zhibai Samu cut his arm and said firmly: "Islam, prepare for war!"

"My friends, put down your hatred. One hundred and eighty years later, let the wrath of Allah fall on those damned pagans!"

"Prepare for war!!!"

Boom! The crazy power of faith made Mecca a dazzling gem in the world. Under the leadership of the Yuanying monks, the swords of all believers shone brightly in the sun. The response was like a landslide.

But there was more than one gem.

After hearing this, St. Peter in the Vatican closed his old eyes.

The words "prepare for war" were spoken by this young man, and he did not feel uncomfortable at all, but took it for granted.

"Maybe... I am really old... I don't have this kind of momentum anymore?"

"This honor... he announced it, which is the earth's recognition of his great oath of Taoism. He... deserves this honor."

But now is not the time to hesitate.

He raised his staff, and a pure white light directly enveloped the entire Vatican!

Divine Blessing!

"Everyone, believers of the Lord, sinners of the Lord."

"Did you hear it? The Lord's call."

"From now on, all Catholic paladins in the world will return to the Vatican. All demon hunters will return to the Vatican. All ascetics will return to the Vatican. No matter where you are on the earth. In the name of this generation of pope, I issue a holy war call to all believers in the world."

"Catholicism, from now on, the whole church is ready for war!"

"Herod!!!" On the edge of the Vatican, countless paladins wearing golden armor all raised their horses. I don't know how many miles or hundreds of miles it spread out! In the center of each legion, there is an ancient flag.

"We will always follow the footsteps of the Lord!!" Countless believers roared with passion.

India, Greece, Northern Europe, all families, at this moment, all swore an oath of blood!

This is not a battle, not a fight, not a small family's fight for territory.

This is a violent collision between the two worlds, the annexation of civilizations, and the continuation of mankind!

"From now on, there are no borders for monks. There are no borders for science and technology."

"From now on, put down your hatred, and let us face the terrifying enemy one hundred and eighty years later together."

Xu Yangyi's young voice spread from television and radio to all parts of the world. Entering the ears of every mortal, monk, scientist, rich man, and politician. Spreading into their hearts.

However, the broadcast was not over.

Some people, some status, knew about this earlier than others. They also knew that no egg would be left intact under an overturned nest.

"The Qin Dynasty donated $5 billion as the first installment. It is also responsible for building the defense line in the China Sea and the Indian Ocean." "Microsoft Corporation donated $5 billion as the first installment." "The Morgan family donated $4.7 billion as the first installment. There is no upper limit in the future." "The DuPont family donated $12 billion in a lump sum." "The Mitsui Group donated $2 billion and provided all the venues, equipment, and scientific research personnel for the Asian region's 'Cultivation Alliance.'" "The Rockefeller family donated $5.5 billion as the first installment. It is also responsible for building the Pacific Rim Defense Line."

One by one, the hidden rich people all appeared on the donation list. For example, the oil tycoons in the Middle East, such as more unknown industry giants. All the people on Earth could not stay out of it at this moment, and all expressed their support with their actual actions.

Although they are mortals, mortals also have mortal power!

Fifteen years after the world-wide lamp was lit, the earth finally prepared for war!

Although it was late, it was determined.

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