
Chapter 726: Arrangement

The imperial capital, rain falls like snow.

The ancient capital is immersed in the drizzle, making this ancient capital stained with a layer of obscurity.

"Several major financial groups in the world have formed an alliance to form a new 'Ten Thousand Worlds War Alliance', with assets of more than 100 billion US dollars. Representatives of several major financial groups have confirmed that they will do their best to provide all logistical support for the Ten Thousand Worlds War..."

"This month, the Chinese government plans to first open up the information of the subordinate small worlds. And it plans to open up the channel between the small world and the main plane within five years, and reinforce it. The cost is as high as tens of billions of spiritual stones. This plan, called 'Yanhuang', has been responded to by countries around the world. In ten years, countries around the world will slowly open up the channel with the small world..."

"Ancestor?" Xu Yangyi was listening to the recent brainwashing broadcast with his eyes closed in the car, and the driver's voice came to his ears softly: "We are here."

Red Flag sedan, modified version. Specially equipped by the government, he did not choose the cool and dazzling Lamborghini and other luxury cars, but chose a red flag that represents status.

He did not open his eyes, but listened to the broadcast quietly.

The dust settled.

The self-proof of the Dao Heart Oath, and then the evidence was collected without stopping. It was a matter of life and death, and all the governments on Earth finally realized the seriousness of the situation.

A slight sense of pride. This was facing the world with his own strength, and in the end, the world believed him.

"No, it's not that I believe in Xu Yangyi." He opened his eyes and said lightly without any beginning or end: "But I believe in the Dao Heart Oath of Jindan Zhenren Xu Yangyi."

"If I were still a foundation-building cultivator, no one would believe me even if I made a great oath."

"This is strength."

"Zhenren?" The driver had already opened the door, and seeing Xu Yangyi's expression, he could only remind him softly: "We're here."

Xu Yangyi opened his eyes and looked at the villa in the drizzle. His heart was slightly hot, and he turned into a green light and rushed into it.

There were already a bunch of people in the room, all of whom had been through the battle in Nanzhou. His sudden appearance surprised many people, and then most of them hurried to bow down.

"What are you doing?" He raised his hand, and no one could bow down. However, everyone looked at him with a touch of heat in their eyes.

A living golden elixir...

How many cultivators dream of golden elixir. And now there is a golden elixir walking out from his side. It is too much to say that he is honored.

"Etiquette cannot be abolished." An old cultivator was excited and wanted to kneel down. Xu Yangyi remembered that this was a certain elder of the Zhao family: "Golden elixir is golden elixir. True people cannot be insulted, let alone despised..."

"No need to say it." Xu Yangyi walked to the sofa and sat down with a smile, but found that the huge villa was silent.

He was stunned and sighed slightly in his heart.

Golden elixir is the watershed of the cultivation world. The difference between the upper and the lower is extremely serious, and it is impossible for those people to drink and talk happily like that day.

"Where are Ziqi and Dachu?" He looked around and asked.

Several people from the Xingtian Army looked at each other. Jun Man bowed first and said, "Reply to the Immortal, the two are still in the training hospital. Li Zongyuan has fallen. His aptitude is not high, and he has been imprisoned for so long... more than ten years ago..."

Xu Yangyi looked up at the ceiling, feeling a little disappointed.

Jun Man thought he was in a bad mood because of Li Zongyuan's death, and smiled and said, "Reply to the Immortal, but the others are still fine. We still have twenty years of life. If we make a good effort, we may reach the foundation."

Xu Yangyi did not speak.

What he lost was the scene of him refining Qi and building the foundation in the past, helping each other and giving his back to each other.

He originally planned to have a good chat with everyone, and he, who rarely drinks, planned to have a good drink, but now his mood has calmed down a little.

Some things are different, and the two words "Jindan" are like a natural barrier between everyone. Except for Chu Zhaonan, who has a strong background, and Zhao Ziqi, who has been in the same boat with him in Europe and America, in the eyes of the former members, he is no longer the leader of the Xingtian Corps, but the Wolf Poison Master.

Oh, yes, there is also that bitch.

"The Xingtian Corps will be reorganized." He retracted his gaze and looked at everyone: "I will use it as the cornerstone of the real person realm. I have no one under me now, only you. So, no matter what position you want, I will give you absolute trust."

"No need." Suddenly someone spoke: "I want to follow you."

"Maybe... I can't build a foundation in this life, but I want to see the scenery of the golden elixir."

It was Zhan Twelve.

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed extremely obscurely, and sure enough, there were still people whose blood was still hot.

After decades of imprisonment, the Nangong family almost ruined the members he carefully selected that day. Most of them are now in the middle and late stages of Qi training, and their meridians have been damaged in long-term imprisonment. How easy is it to impact the foundation in twenty years? However, as long as the other party still recognizes him as the leader and not a Jindan Zhenren, he will do his best to let the other party step onto the ladder that he thought he could not step onto.

As for others who regard themselves as Jindan Zhenren, then use the laws of the cultivation world to repay them...themselves, and their families.

"The state of mind is changing." He thought secretly in his heart: "Sometimes, the so-called original intention is only maintained by oneself. But I find that the other party already has someone in his heart."

"Are there others?" He asked lightly.

No one answered.

"Okay." After waiting for five minutes, he smiled and clapped his hands: "Everyone have a good rest, I will provide all the elixirs, and I will leave all matters concerning the establishment of the legion to Mao Baer."

"Hahaha... you are the one who just remembered me, you heartless man."

As soon as he finished speaking, a plump figure stood up strangely from the sofa behind Xu Yangyi, looking at Xu Yangyi with a resentful look: "Say, it was that foxy girl who stole your soul again!"


"I won't listen!" This mad dog pressed his triangular ears like crazy, buried his head on the sofa, and said like a grudge: "When I looked at the moon back then, I called her Xiao Tiantian, but now I call her Niu. Madam! I’ve been back for so long, it’s been fifteen years! It took me twenty-three minutes and seventeen seconds to think about our children!”

Xu Yangyi asked in a low voice: "What has it been watching recently?"

Zhan Twelve replied with a stupefied face: "A big story about Journey to the West, the Legend of Zhen Huan, a deep love in the rain, and a return to the princess."

"Okay, aren't we going to arrange a lucrative job for you?" He smiled and flicked a pill over, disappearing into the dog's mouth in an instant. Mao Baer's eyes were full of anger, and he waved the handkerchief with an extremely expressive expression: "Wouldn't it be over if I said this earlier? You bitch is just hypocritical."

Before it finished speaking, it suddenly raised its head and glanced at Xu Yangyi in astonishment, only to see the other party gently shake his head.

Just now, a piece of spiritual consciousness from Xu Yangyi came into its mind. It lay on the sofa calmly and continued to lie down, quietly replying: "Do you have three things you want me to do?"

"Yes, I can't leave it to anyone else. I originally wanted to ask Da Chu for help, but it's a pity." Xu Yangyi said solemnly: "You must remember it clearly, and you must not forget it."

"First, contact the Tagule family. I want to talk to their patriarch. This matter... no matter there is any progress, you must notify me immediately, no matter where I am."

"Oh." Mao Ba Er flicked his tail boredly: "It's a bit difficult. Don't you know that almost all Europe and the United States have blacklisted you? If you don't unblock you for three years, what exactly did you do in the Tower of Babel? What's wrong with you? Did you rape someone's dog? Damn it! You're a beast! No! You're worse than a beast!"

"Second, settle these people. Check the families behind them. If necessary, try to satisfy them."

Mao Baer simply turned over and said in an extremely impatient tone: "Them? How many of them are there that can be admired now? One or two of them have lost their strength. By the time they recover, they will have been buried long ago. You are the only one who is soft-hearted. Remember, you are a golden elixir now, you don’t want to lose money! Do you know how expensive their wages are!”

When he mentioned money, his words were full of murderous intent.


"Let's talk about it first. With these chicken bitch things happening again, I'm going to bed."

"Third, I have a small world that no one has ever discovered. It is rich in materials. You..."

"Diaoyou~~Zhenren Xu~~~" Before he finished his sentence, Mao Baer rushed to his feet like lightning, his fat body arched his legs, and his face was full of flattery: "That's me, I'm like this I will follow you unwaveringly, I knew you were the one I was destined to be the first time I saw you!”


"Stop talking! I understand!" Mao Baer's eyes flashed with indescribable excitement, and the dog's paw pressed on his mouth: "Rejecting your kindness is just pretentious. I have never been a pretentious person... No, Husky!”

"What a small world! How did you get it! Stop talking, I understand!"

Xu Yangyi nodded: "You account for 100%..."

"What kind of relationship do we have? Talking about money hurts feelings." Mao Baer simply activated the interruption skill.

Xu Yangyi put down the dog's paw with a half-smile: "I believe you."

"Don't... talk about relationships and hurt money... I don't even believe in myself... you must not believe me..." Mao Baer turned around gracefully, the sofa suddenly sunk, and his fat ass faced Xu Yangyi: "Down there, I don't know anything. I can’t hear you anymore, the topic ends here. I’m asleep, Ann.”

Feeling better.

Xu Yangyi smiled at everyone, walked outside the villa alone, stood on the railing and looked at the moonlight.

The so-called feeling cold at high places is probably what it feels like...

However, in places where it is extremely cold, there are always a few green pines and grass to accompany you.

Cat Baer's face suddenly flashed across his mind, and he couldn't help but laugh: "It just looks a little twisted."

At this moment, his eyes suddenly saw an extremely low-key car driving in the rain outside this quiet villa.

The car is not strange, but intriguing. This car is also supplied by Hongqi.

He watched the other party park and get out of the car. A middle-aged man with a nervous face and a brown paper bag came out. He stared at the villa in the rainy night, obviously wanting to come in, but he wandered around in the rain. Not moving forward, wanting to go in but not daring to go in. He didn't even notice that the drizzle had wet his police uniform.

"Two bars and three flowers..." Xu Yangyi rubbed his chin with interest: "First-class police inspector... this person... is either the chief of the Imperial City Public Security Bureau or the deputy chief. Come here in the rain, drive the car yourself, without an entourage?"

At the same time, in the rainy night, a melodious ringing sound came.

“Dingling bell…Dingling bell…”

It was looming, but the first-level police inspector was not aware of it at all.

This is a sound that only monks can hear.

Not just Xu Yangyi, everyone in the room heard it. At first, no one cared. After a few seconds, the ancestor of the Zhao family suddenly jumped up.

"What?" Qin Xueluan asked, raising his eyebrows.

The old man's eyes were solemn, his eyebrows twitched slightly, and he lay on the ground, smelling like a dog.

"What's wrong?" "What's going on?" "Uncle Zhao, what are you doing?"

"Shut up!" Uncle Zhao's voice was extremely cautious. After a few seconds, not only him, but all the Zhao family members took a breath and looked out the window in amazement.

"A spirit, with a soldier's head, the left side is the Southern Dipper, the right side is the Seven Stars..." He stood up with his hands and feet a little weak: "Who... who is so bold..."

"I actually drove a corpse in front of the real person!"

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