
Main text Chapter 727: Ghost of the Night

On a rainy night, the drizzle is like a needle, pricking people's skin and sending out a special chill. Xu Yangyi stood on the balcony and said calmly: "Since you are here, why not come over?"

The first-level police inspector was stunned. Xu Yangyi's voice accurately reached his ears. He immediately said with great joy: "Okay, yes, Mr. Xu, I'll come in right now."

"You'd better hurry up." Xu Yangyi said calmly: "If you are a few seconds late, you may not be able to come in as a living person."

The first-level police inspector was stunned, and then he seemed to remember something and suddenly ran inside.

Xu Yangyi ignored him, but looked at the horizon not far away, where a black tide loomed, slowly walking like zombies.

"How bold." He sneered and flew into the air: "I have just come out of seclusion. It seems that some people can't see what I am doing. Can't wait to step on me and get the upper hand?"

"Dingling...Dingling..." The sound of copper bells was floating in the rain, but he did not make a move, and the black shadow in the distance was getting closer and closer. He gradually saw clearly that they were a group of stiff-moving people dressed in black.

Under a bamboo hat, there was a circle of black gauze covering it. The whole body was black, but the exposed hands were frighteningly pale. In front of the bamboo hat, a blood-red talisman rustled.

Although he was stiff, his movements were neat and tidy, and he moved towards the villa silently as the bell rang.

"Roar!!" Just when a group of strange puppets were lying on the edge of the villa, a black sea of ​​​​fire burst out with a dragon roar. However, it was not a fire dragon. Wherever it passed, black fire lotus ignited spontaneously without wind. The surrounding area suddenly burned into a red ground.

"Which fellow Taoist are we meeting late at night?" He controlled the fire lotus with his hand to prevent it from erupting, causing the sound to shock everyone. However, there was no reply.

He smiled, shook his hand gently, and black flames covering hundreds of meters in radius instantly shot out! Dye the sky into pitch black.

"Swipe!" Black flames raged, and hundreds of puppets burned even in the rain. However, they didn't scream at all, and even their movements didn't change. They still crawled towards Xu Yangyi's location.

"Real people! Real people!" The police inspector had already run downstairs and shouted anxiously: "They are not human beings! They are not human beings at all! You don't have to hold back!"

Before he finished speaking, all the black flames condensed on each person, burning them into a pitch-black fire ball. This time, in less than a minute, all the puppets were reduced to ashes.

"Haha..." A chuckle sounded in the darkness. Xu Yangyi's eyes moved slightly. The voice was exactly the same as that of the huge demon cultivator that day.

"who are you?"

There was silence for a long time before the voice sounded again: "Who am I? Can't you guess?"

Xu Yangyi gently flicked the railing and muttered: "Master?"

"Haha..." There was no answer, and the night sky fell into silence again, with only the drizzle remaining.

A few minutes later, Xu Yangyi turned around. The other party had left silently, and he didn't even notice it.

In the living room downstairs, the inspector's face was pale. He made a cup of tea by himself, but he didn't notice that the water he made was cold water. His hands were trembling, like a sheep frightened by wolves.

"Look at your appearance." Xu Yangyi sat down opposite him, waved, and a cup of hot tea flew over: "Can you be responsible for the safety of the imperial capital like this?"

The police inspector then glanced at Xu Yangyi as if he had come back to his senses, his teeth chattering.

"Whether you can take responsibility or not is none of my business, but if you can't do these things well, I will be required to step in for everything, which is inevitable..." He put down the tea cup gently, and the rest of the words were self-explanatory.

"Master!!" The police inspector stood up suddenly, bowed to the end, and his rain-wet back hair was spread in front of him: "Please save me, Master!"

Without speaking, Xu Yangyi took a sip of tea, put it on the table with a clang, and then said to the uneasy man in front of him: "Let's talk about it."

"Feng Weimin, Chief of the Imperial City Police." The man gritted his teeth and handed over the cowhide bag he had been carrying solemnly under his arm: "This matter... we have to start with the 'New Era'..."

Xu Yangyi raised his chin to the other party and motioned for the other party to sit down. The other party did not sit down. Instead, he took out a packet of Zhonghua, lit one and took several puffs before his expression calmed down a little: "The new era... refers to The perfect combination of the spiritual world and the world of ordinary people. Since the appearance of the Tower of Babel a few years ago, the spiritual world has begun to open various selection institutions in the civilized world. According to the data, the number of monks has increased from five years ago. The number of people has increased from 700,000 to 920,000, although most of them are Qi Refining monks.”

"In the military, armed police, and police systems, monks have emerged as directors. Major companies and wealthy people have begun to need the cooperation of monks. The whole world is changing rapidly..."

"I know all this. Let's get to the point."

Feng Weimin pursed his lips and said after careful consideration: "Master... you are about to take over as the Prosecutor General of the Imperial Capital. There are some things... I think it's better to know first..."

"The Imperial Capital is the political center of China and the location of the ancient capital. The dragon veins of the last few dynasties of China are condensed here. The aura is the richest in all of China, so... everything is mixed here."

Xu Yangyi interrupted him: "I didn't see any demon clan."

"Of course, the sixth ring of the imperial capital is under the protection of the country-protecting artifact. But...I'm afraid you haven't gone to the suburbs to take a look, such as Miyun and Huairou...there are almost all monks and demon cultivators of the 'Practice Beipiao Clan' gathered there. In this place, countless foundation-building demons from all over the world, as well as all kinds of unsuccessful casual cultivators, have gathered there. Ever since Anxiang Master disappeared decades ago, there has been no real master in the imperial capital, and the public security has been deteriorating. "

"Zhenzai Tianzai has a lot of affairs. Huairou, Miyun, and Tongzhou have a situation where the number of monks and mortals is evenly divided."

"But... only Changping, no."

His lips began to tremble: "There is not a single monk... not a demon cultivator... so clean that it is unbelievable."

"I know... I have also read the D file. I know that the monster clan has a division of prey areas. However, we have applied for a total of seven times in Changping for ministerial departments to investigate, but found nothing. No matter Huairou, Miyun, Tongzhou, etc. The monks in this district, no matter how the population of the demon clan expands, they have made an agreement to never go towards Changping..."

Xu Yangyi's face became slightly solemn: "Has Master Tianzai seen it?"

A real Nascent Soul, if there is really something weird inside, it must be obvious at a glance.

"I have seen it." Unexpectedly, Feng Weimin's answer was beyond his expectation: "Master Tianzai has visited twice in person... However, I still can't see any problems!"

"Then there is no problem." Xu Yangyi said. Master Yuanying couldn't see the problem, but he could?

"That's what I thought..." Feng Weimin's lips began to tremble, as if he remembered something terrible, and he said in a trembling voice: "Please... please read the information in person."

Xu Yangyi pulled out the information and looked at it a few times, his eyes suddenly shining.

Twenty years ago, a pregnant woman was brutally killed by caesarean section in Caojia Village, Tianshou Mountain, Changping District. but……

Death is different!

The area around her belly seemed to have been bitten open by something huge, but the inside was very complete, and none of the internal organs were damaged, but...

The part holding the child is gone!

"We didn't find it before. This is the first case we found after I issued a top-secret order to investigate a month ago..." Feng Weimin said with a lingering fear in his voice.

Xu Yangyi continued to flip through it, and the more he read, the more solemn he became.

Sixteen years ago, four people died in the Hongliugou group, all of whom were adolescent students, and... all of them were definitely virgins.

By fifteen years ago, the number of deaths had reached a shocking number of more than 300 people!

However, this was not scary enough. In the last few months of fifteen years, three villages, Liu Village, Dayang Village, and Li Village in Tianshou Mountain District, disappeared out of thin air!

All living people have disappeared! And, it was overnight!

The photos in the report showed no blood or any signs of fighting. There are even people making instant noodles. All the people and animals in the village disappeared in this strange way.

Fifteen years ago, 3,600 people disappeared overnight!

However, the report is not over yet!

He continued to read, and for the next fifteen years, the number of deaths per year was fixed at one hundred and twenty.

"Brush..." He closed the file. He had many years of demon-slaying experience. This was definitely a supernatural phenomenon! And the other party's realm... I'm afraid even if it's not a golden elixir, it's not far from the golden elixir!

However, Tianzai didn't see the problem?

"In my recent work report, I thoroughly investigated things in Changping, and found out... that the number of people who have mysteriously disappeared in Changping in the past few years is as high as several thousand! Although it seems insignificant in a district-level unit with millions of people... this number is also Too shocking.”

Xu Yangyi tapped the table lightly; "Have you reported it?"

Feng Weimin shook his head in embarrassment.

Xu Yang's lightning-like eyes immediately shot over: "You didn't report such a big thing?"

"I can't report it, Mr. Xu. You haven't really been exposed to this new era. I'm afraid you still don't know. The monks come and go without a trace. There is great mobility. Many times they are not the same group of people in one or two years. If he brings a few people with him, Personally, these numbers are totally fine. I can't report missing persons at all." Feng Weimin looked bitter: "It's only been twenty years since the new era began, and most of the rules and regulations have only been implemented more than twenty years ago. , we simply can’t do it.”

"Then why did you continue to investigate?" Xu Yangyi said thoughtfully: "Since you think the monk may have taken away the person, why did you investigate so clearly?"

Feng Weimin jumped up suddenly as if he had been pricked by a needle. There were layers of cold sweat on his head, and his face turned pale: "Because... just the second day after I started investigating this matter... someone showed up in my office. A coffin... a coffin locked with chains and covered with talismans. "

"Master, I'm afraid you don't know that the Imperial Capital has countless supernatural legends from ancient times to the present..." He gritted his teeth and said, "Do you know... the well in the Forbidden City?"

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