
Chapter 728: The fetus is born, the corpse is raised on the ground (I)


"This is a top-secret case in the D file..." Feng Weimin took a shaky puff of cigarette and almost choked himself: "The Forbidden City... according to the positions of the twenty-eight constellations, twenty-eight wells were sealed... During the day, there are only stones and weeds there. But at night... well water will appear in the well. However... when you look down, you will not see yourself!"

"In 1993, the Forbidden City's photo-taking incident, you should have heard of it? That is also a top-secret case in the D file. In August 1993, at 9 o'clock in the evening, the Forbidden City On the screen wall outside the Yangxin Hall of the Palace, the afterimages of two hundred years ago were reflected, including palace maids, emperors, and concubines... This was the sensational 1993 Forbidden City supernatural event. Afterwards, Tianzai Zhenren personally went in once. At that time... I was still a small team leader, and I heard it with my own ears... At 2:30 in the morning, nine cat calls came from the Yangxin Hall. Afterwards, all personnel were silenced. "

"In 2014, in the middle of the night in the Ming Tombs, a group of children in ancient costumes released Kongming lanterns..."

"Enough." Xu Yangyi said lightly: "You I mean, the imperial capital has a lot of dragon energy and yin energy. Isn't that right?"

"Master!" Feng Weimin almost knelt down: "The imperial capital is too big. Some places and some things are simply beyond my ability to solve! I once wanted to take another step forward, but now I just want to retire quickly! After the new era, it has been quiet for so many years, as if all the supernatural can be solved by practice. But I know that this is different! This time must be completely different!"

He trembled and said: "This time... is something I have never seen and do not understand..."

"Twenty years... thousands of people disappeared... There are cultivators and mortals, but no one noticed... I am sure that something is hidden in Changping... This is what makes the cultivators silent. The lower the level of the cultivators, the more sensitive they are to the crisis of life and death, because they do not have a high life like you, Master. They don't know why, but they only know... they will die if they go there. They will... become one of the thousands of people. "

Silence, Xu Yangyi's eyes have become deep.

If it is just this kind of thing, it is not worth his worrying too much. But...

He noticed the time here.

The first murder happened twenty years ago. At that time, the Tower of Babel came out of nowhere and unveiled the curtain of a new era.

Then in the last few months of fifteen years ago... more than three thousand people suddenly disappeared overnight. And this time... was when the Tower of Babel collapsed.

If this timeline is not clear enough, then... there is a detail that he can't forget.

When the Tower of Babel collapsed, Quetzalcoatl woke up and ascended in an instant, but before ascending, he seriously injured a thing that was called a perfect life form.


"Its body is not in the Tower of Babel... It was seriously injured in the Tower of Babel. If I were it... I would definitely go on a killing spree and devour everything that can be devoured. Then..."

His eyes turned cold: "The Overlord's body is in Changping!"

This thought made him take a deep breath.

Darkness under the lamp.

No one could have imagined that the Overlord who was not yet in the Nascent Soul would dare to hide in front of the Nascent Soul True Person and hide under the national protection artifact!


He stood up, frowned and looked at the black night outside, the cold wind rolled up the floor-to-ceiling curtains, making people sober.

"If it is the master... why is it so fearless?"

"Not only that, it also knows the meaning of XYD, and clearly knows the exact coordinates of XY? He devoured an old monster? This is impossible!"

The judgment of the behavior pattern can completely lock the master's body. But... because of this, its behavior begins to be inexplicable.

Is it true?

He couldn't judge.

But he was sure that once the master dared to appear, before the war of all worlds, its body must be killed. This terrible monster... is a terrifying time bomb. It may cause all variables.

"The war of all worlds... cannot have any uncertain factors." He clenched his fists and turned away calmly: "What's going on with those things outside?"

Feng Weimin sat on the sofa with a pale face: "I don't know... since I drove here... after driving out of the fifth ring... they appeared. At least hundreds of them. It seems slow, but in fact they have extremely strong explosive power, even... even my car can't get rid of them."

Xu Yangyi glanced at him calmly.

This person... I'm afraid he found something during the investigation, so the other party had to take the risk to kill him.

Killing a police chief of the imperial capital is equivalent to provoking the whole of China, so... the other party did not dare to make a big fuss. It seems that the other party is not a Yuanying. That's right, after all, there are only a few Yuanying people in the world.

"You stay with me." As soon as he finished speaking, Feng Weimin almost burst into tears with excitement, and immediately said respectfully: "Thank you! Thank you for your help!"

"In addition, you ask someone you trust to bring all your information about this matter to me within a week. From today on, no one can touch this matter without the permission of this real person."

"Understood! Thank you so much." Feng Weimin was relieved: "Now it has developed to the Thirteen Tombs. If no measures are taken, once it spreads to the urban area, I will really be blamed for my death!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Yangyi turned around and looked at him.

"Real person?" Feng Weimin looked at himself in astonishment, not knowing what was going on.

Xu Yangyi said in a deep voice: "The Thirteen Tombs?"

"Yes." Feng Weimin was even more confused: "Changping District... Tianshou Mountain District, isn't it the Ming Tombs?"

Xu Yangyi lowered his head and his eyes flickered even more.

The giant monster that dares to run rampant in the imperial capital...if Zhao Ziqi takes care of it...the disappearances that have lasted for twenty years...the suspected master's intervention...the last words Zhao Ziqi told him...

He suddenly had a hunch that this matter was not as simple as it seemed.

And... I'm afraid it goes much deeper than he thought.



"Immediately, ask someone you trust to pass the information over! Immediately!"

Feng Weimin did it, and Xu Yangyi used his spiritual consciousness to send a message upstairs: "Master Zhao Wu, come here, I have something to ask you."

After Feng Weimin called, Zhao Wuye had already walked down. His attitude towards Xu Yangyi was not bad and he was not too awed. This was exactly what Xu Yangyi expected.

There was no idea for the two of them to introduce each other.

In less than three minutes, Feng Weimin's cell phone rang. A piece of data worth several gigabytes was transferred.

It's all video, and it's live video. Also mixed with various information records.

"Huh?" The video was connected to the big TV, and the three of them started watching it. However, just after watching it for a few seconds, Mr. Zhao Wu suddenly jumped up and looked at the screen in disbelief.

On the screen is the missing Dayang Village pattern. It was different from what Feng Weimin said, or maybe... He didn't dare to say it until Xu Yangyi nodded.

On the ground... in every house, every missing person had a trace of blood, suddenly appearing from the door.

And these bloodstains were drawn into complicated runes, and every household...all gathered in the center of the village.

There was a wooden stake there, as if it was nailing something, and there were some cracks in the ground around it. It seemed like... something underground was trying to break out.

The spider web pattern is soaked with countless blood stains.

"This...this is..." Mr. Zhao Wu's face was livid. Without saying a word, he closed his hands and opened them. A golden light as big as a grain of rice appeared. Then, the golden light became bigger and bigger, becoming a one-foot-sized ball. Solid gold compass.

"Kakaka..." The compass bloomed like a lotus, with twelve zodiac signs, four elephants, and eight trigrams inside. Zhao Wuye bit the gap solemnly, and a drop of blood flew up: "The three wonders of the sky, the sun, the moon, and the stars, the ghosts and gods are all over the sky. "

As soon as he finished speaking, the pointer on the compass slowly turned. And strangely, the entire villa had a power outage, but the TV was still playing.

However, the scene has been frozen.

It is fixed on the peach wood pile in the center. There are more than a dozen talismans on it.

"All the gods bowed their heads in obeisance, and the evil spirits kept coming." Zhao Wuye's face became more and more solemn, and the magic formula in his hands became faster and faster. A spiritual energy that was very similar to Zhao Ziqi and belonged to that world suddenly emerged from the compass. It broke out, but it was far less pure than Zhao Ziqi.

"When..." At this moment, twelve o'clock struck midnight, and the compass pointer was fixed on Haizhu. Like a clock.

"What do you want?" An old woman's voice sounded softly in the compass.

"Ask about the corpse, ask about the evil spirit, ask about yin and yang. Please also ask Xuannv for advice." Mr. Zhao Wu breathed a long sigh of relief, took the compass from the void with both hands, and looked at the TV.

On the compass, the black and white spiritual energy condensed into an old face. It was calm and the ancient well was not rippled. Feng Weimin did not dare to show his anger, but Xu Yangyi nodded deeply.

Zhao Wuye's kung fu is indeed deeper than that of Zhao Ziqi. After all, Zhao Ziqi has his own qualifications, but Zhao Wuye has accumulated them over many years.

"Huh?" The black and white face was stunned: "Get closer."

Zhao Wuye took the compass and cautiously took two steps forward.

The black and white face stared at it for five seconds. Suddenly, he took a deep breath, and with a sound of "swiping, la la la," the entire compass pointer suddenly jumped!

"This is... this is!!" The face screamed without warning, and then Zhao Wuye's whole body of black and white spiritual energy flashed randomly, and the face was already shouting crazily: "Go! Go quickly! Get out of here!! This is four …”

However, the next second, there was a crisp sound of "Boom!" and the entire compass exploded violently. The pointer that was still swinging around had no idea where it had landed. Xu Yangyi snorted coldly, raised his hand, and all the fragments stopped in mid-air.

There was silence in the room.

"Paz... paz..." After several sounds, the light flickered several times and turned on again.

Feng Weimin had been so frightened that he sat tight on the back of his chair at the moment when the vision suddenly appeared, and his face turned pale. Mr. Zhao Wu stood there blankly, looking at the floating and solidified compass fragments around him in astonishment, as if he still couldn't believe it.

"Have you ever heard of the Four Evil Corpses?" After a long time, Xu Yangyi spoke first.

Mr. Zhao Wu's head turned around like a machine, and his eyes were a little hollow: "As expected..."

"Throughout the ages...only recorded by Tufuzi...the most ferocious and evil things...the corpses of the Four Evils...never appear in the world...I, I'm still a little unsure...I didn't expect it to be true..."

"Feng Shui, metaphysics, and national martial arts are all not recorded. The existence that is listed as forbidden words... actually... is still being circulated now..."

Xu Yangyi said in a deep voice: "What on earth is this?"

Is this really the beginning?

Before he could say this, a slight "click" sound suddenly came from the TV.

Everyone looked over, even Xu Yangyi's eyes narrowed, while Feng Weimin and Zhao Wuye covered their mouths and fell back behind the sofa. The two of them were close to each other.

In the still picture, the half-meter-tall mahogany nail stuck in the ground actually... began to shake slightly.

"How is this possible..." Feng Weimin's teeth chattered a little: "I, I've seen it countless times... There is no such part at all..."

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