
Chapter 730: The fetus is born, the corpse is raised on the ground (Part 3)

Xu Yangyi looked coldly at the Dayang Village in front of him. There were old trees with dead vines, and groups of black crows landed on the tree trunks, croaking. Above their heads, there was a black mist that was like black clouds. There were mountains and mountains, a hundred meters away. He couldn't even see clearly with his eyes.

This was not black mist, but rich Yin Qi. This was the first time he saw a group of Yin Qi that was thicker than clouds and denser than dense fog.

He looked down at all the residents. The same bloody talisman as shown in the video continued to appear at the door, but the peach wood nail in the center remained in place.

Underneath the peach wood nails, a faint blood-red color can be seen.

The entire village is extremely weird, with no trace of anyone ever living there, like a wild ghost land.

Even the wind carried an inaudible scream and moan.

"The four evil corpses haven't left yet." Mr. Zhao Wu said with certainty: "If it has left, it is impossible for the evil spirit to be so strong. It... must be hidden somewhere here!"

Xu Yangyi raised his hand and flicked the peach wood nail in the center of the village.

"Buzz..." In an instant, a black ripple suddenly spread, and the peach wood nail that seemed to be broken by a bullet actually made a chime sound! The whole village seemed to be shaken by this sound.

"Dong...dong..." The melodious sound of bells and chimes flew out to an unknown distance and filled the Tianshou Mountains.

"When..." At the same time, somewhere in Tianshou Mountain, under a gorgeous robe, he gently held up a wine glass with five fingers and said lightly: "The person you are looking for has arrived."

"I have fulfilled my promise, what about you? A visitor from outside?"

Opposite him, a European and American young man in a suit and leather shoes sat.

"Don't worry, my promise will be fulfilled soon." He pushed up his glasses, sat in the wheelchair, and said with a smile: "We have the same goal. Cheers to a common victory?"

The man did not drink.

"What? Do you regret it?" The European and American man drank the whole drink. The eyes behind his glasses seemed to be able to see people's thoughts clearly. He slowly stretched out his hand and gently held the other person's hand holding the wine glass. The other person was shocked all over, but Didn't dodge.

The hand held by the European and American young man was pale and transparent, not a human hand at all. Completely devoid of substance.

Pure spirit!

"As worthy of being an emperor of China, it is really enviable that such a rare thing as the Soul-fixing Pearl can be found by a mortal like you who is not a monk..." He smiled and retracted his hand: "It's a pity that even if you are an emperor, Now I can only survive in the mausoleum, unable to escape for hundreds of years. The beautiful country outside should belong to you. You can only return to the throne with the help of the two corpses of heaven and earth."

"You can't do it alive. This is not your dynasty. Apart from this method, what other methods do you have to restore it?"

The man seemed to be extremely troubled as he shook the wine glass and hissed: "But this... this is the yang dragon vein of China for thousands of years. In my hands, it turns yang into yin... How can I... see my ancestors?" Zong?”

He took a deep look at the young man: "I didn't know that there was such an evil monster like you in the world...Andre."

Andre smiled slightly: "So, with your current posture, you are qualified to meet the ancestors?"

" you think you're not a monster?"

"Dear...Mingguangzong, His Majesty Zhu Changluo?"

The monster and the ghost looked at each other for a long time. Ming Guangzong drank the wine in his hand and looked at Andre with a twinkling look: "I have a question."

"What do you want? How do you know about things like giving birth to a baby and raising corpses on the ground, which I don't even know about?"

"This doesn't seem to be within the scope of our deal." Andre pushed the wheelchair away and disappeared into the darkness: "Remember... don't betray me..."

"Idiot." When he was completely hidden in the darkness, a trace of bloodthirsty killing intent appeared on his face.

"Ignorance." At the same time, a playful sneer appeared on Zhu Changluo's face.

In Dayang Village, Xu Yangyi and Zhao Wuye solemnly listened to the sound of bells disappearing one after another. Then, Xu Yangyi landed on the peach wood nail.

"According to records, what is nailed with peach wood nails is the heart of one of the four evil spirits. The four evil spirits, Taotie, Qiongqi, Taotie, and Chaos, are above the two corpses of heaven and earth. This... is the yin and yang of chaos in Feng Shui. . Originally, the two rites gave rise to the four images, and the four phases gave rise to the eight trigrams. But now... it is the heaven and the earth that give rise to the four evil spirits. I only hope that... the corpse of the earth has not appeared yet..."

Xu Yangyi nodded, and swept the black light from the sky toward the peach wood nails.

However, at the same time, there was an angry shout of "Stop!" His black light hand was actually separated by a small cyan sword!

"This is this?" Mr. Zhao Wu was stunned. The next second, the whole sky suddenly trembled!

"Buzz buzz..." All the Yin Qi was squeezed by a majestic spiritual pressure and flew in all directions. A cloud cave with a radius of 500 meters suddenly appeared in it. In the cloud cave, countless colorful lights emerged. .

At the same time, on the other side of the sky, a terrifying bloody spiritual energy burst out, and countless blood-red bats tore through the clouds, forming a huge cloud hole as well. The blood-red light covered the sky and blocked out the sun. In less than five seconds, two figures shrouded in extremely powerful spiritual pressure appeared in the void.

"Jin Dan...Jin Dan Zhenren?!" Mr. Zhao Wu took a breath, and then half-knelt on the ground like a conditioned reflex, and said loudly: "Welcome ancestor!"

Feng Weimin was also shocked by the vision in the sky. He was stunned and immediately bowed deeply: "Welcome Master Jin Dan to come!!"

Before he finished speaking, two golden lights appeared in front of him.

Those are two jade tokens. The background above is of floating clouds and tsunamis. One has a sword engraved in the center, and the other has a bat engraved in the center.

"This is..." He was stunned, and then his face turned pale and he said carelessly: "Welcome...Welcome to the Hermitage...the two real people are here..."

However, before he could finish speaking, another figure appeared from the colorful cloud cave.

The pressure is surging, and it is also a golden elixir!

"This..." He stood there dumbfounded.

What's going on?

The Priory didn't reply for a month, but they actually agreed to it? And also sent three golden elixirs?

"I am the master of the fifteenth Xuanyuan Sword, Wei Chenyuan." In the colorful cloud cave, a god-like voice sounded. The sound waves passed by, and all the trees below were pushed down, like countless fine swords. He was so angry that he actually brought up a storm of green leaves: "He is one of the ten elders of the Hermitage."

"This is the Archduke's 'Elegy of the Soul' Williams Tagule. Preparatory Elder of the Monastery." In the blood-colored cloud cave, a man with a pale face and long hair shawl looked down indifferently and said in fluent Chinese: "Hidden The monastery is doing business, and the rest are staying away."

The sound shook hundreds of miles.

Xu Yangyi looked at the sky calmly.

In the late stage of Jindan, the middle stage of Jindan is approaching the late stage, he is not afraid at all. If he wants to intervene in this matter, just relying on these two people is not enough.

However, there was another person beside Wei Chenyuan.

The contemporary Xuanyuan Sword Master Wanli Canxue was quietly looking at him.

In mid-air, he was the only one looking at each other with three people. It was obvious that the other party also noticed him.

"Mid-stage Golden Core?" Wei Chenyuan swept his eyes casually and tried to keep his voice calm: "Who are you?"

"Wolfsbane." Xu Yangyi said calmly.

"It's you!" As soon as he finished speaking, Williams glanced over suddenly: "Great Spiritualist X... You really deceived us! But don't worry, what happened in the Tower of Babel? Let’s settle this account slowly.”

Wei Chenyuan's eyes were like the white snow on Tianshan Mountain, as if he was looking at Xu Yangyi, but at the same time he seemed not to be looking. He flipped his hand casually, and a golden light shot in front of Xu Yangyi: "You can go."

The golden light settled, it was an S-level spiritual treasure, tiger eye gold, the size of a fist, indispensable for forging the natal magic weapon. At this moment, it was so dazzling in front of Xu Yangyi.

Xu Yangyi did not move.

After a long while, he asked calmly: "What do you mean?"

"Literal meaning." Wei Chenyuan's voice was ethereal: "Calling you a Taoist friend means respecting you. If it weren't for the fact that you are also a golden elixir, you wouldn't even be able to get the Tiger Eye Gold today."

His eyes fell, showing no joy or sadness: "Don't try to live up to your expectations... People must be content, so they can always be happy."

Williams sneered: "It may not be that you are a man of wealth. Grand Duke Wolfsbane is known as the number one person under the Nascent Soul, but he looks down on your tiger-eye gold."

"The first person under Yuanying?" Wei Chenyuan was stunned: "Who gave him the title?"

“I don’t know how high the sky is!”

"I don't know. Maybe he is an ant who is eager to flatter himself. King of Ants, this title suits him very well." Williams looked at Xu Yangyi coldly and said.

Xu Yangyi felt a chill in his heart. He took a step forward with the same smile on his face. The hands behind him were already densely covered with dark spiritual energy. At this moment, Xuanyuan Sword Master's voice reached his ears anxiously: "Fellow Daoist Xu, please give me some thin noodles, and don't argue with these two."

There was no answer. After a long time, Xu Yangyi said in a deep voice: "Golden elixir cannot be insulted. If they dare to speak out, they will have to pay the price. But... I, Xu Yangyi, repay kindness and revenge. Fellow Taoist Wanli, your kindness, I am the real person today. Back to you."

"I don't care what they say today."

"Thank you, fellow Taoist." Sword Master Xuanyuan still felt that something was wrong, and continued: "Fellow Taoist Wolf Venom, maybe you don't know much about the Hermitage. Every country has its own small world, and the golden elixir on paper is In the main world, the golden elixirs that guard the Xiaoqian world are often the strongest golden elixirs, such as Qingyue, Liuhuo, and Tuoba in China."

"Uncle Wei Chenyuan...the fifteenth generation sword master, wields the Tai'a Sword. He sits alone in one area, and there are fifty-eight small thousand worlds in total. Even among the golden elixirs, he is still a strong one. And..." He hesitated for a moment. : "The Hermitage opposes all external help. Someone may have told you that the Hermitage advocates self-cultivation. It is very specific to the golden elixir and the three major side sects in the world that have not been influenced by the blood and fire below. …”

He said with profound meaning: "China is completely closed to your images of that day. After all, your continuous invasion of 51 cities in three provinces does not look good to the Chinese government. The outside world does not recognize your identity as the first person under the Nascent Soul. , and it’s not just the Priory... In fact, several major organizations in the world, including the Priory, the Elite Council, and Atlantis, also don’t recognize it.”

Xu Yangyi dispersed the spiritual energy behind him: "I don't need them to acknowledge me."

"As long as they dare to come, I will kill them."

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