
Chapter 731: The fetus is born, the corpse is raised on the ground (IV)

"Thank you." Wanli Canxue finally put his mind at ease, and he was extremely displeased with Wei Chenyuan. It is better to help someone in need than to add icing on the cake. He had done a great favor that day, but today he was completely defeated by the hermitage, and he had not even had time to collect the interest. How could he not feel distressed.

At this moment, the peach wood nails below them suddenly shook three times.

"Interesting, at noon, the yang energy is so strong, and there are also evil spirits at work? The things below seem to be extraordinary." Wei Chenyuan retracted his gaze and regarded Xu Yangyi as nothing, and he didn't even care whether the other party accepted his tiger eye gold. He nodded to Williams: "Do it."

For him, it was enough to express his meaning. It didn't matter whether the other party knew it or not. If he didn't know how to advance or retreat, it would be easy to deal with it when he took action.

He would let the other party clearly realize that there was a circle of golden elixir. In this circle, there were also different levels.

As soon as he finished speaking, Williams turned into a bloody light and rushed towards the peach wood nail. His figure turned into two, two into three, and three into nine. Nine figures brought up a bloody whirlwind and slapped the peach wood nail together.

"Buzz..." The first palm fell, and thunder was heard in the silence. The palm that seemed to have no power made a loud noise when it hit the peach wood nail. It was like a storm hitting the shore. The next second, an endless black tide rushed out from under the peach wood nail!

"The evil spirit turned into evil?!" Master Zhao Wu took a breath of cold air. In front of them, a black tide was like a tsunami, and countless blurred faces were hidden in it, screaming, crying, and roaring. Even at noon, it was terrifying.

And where Williams' palm passed, a bloody talisman appeared on the peach wood nail.

In the blink of an eye, nine palms fell, and the blood shadows in the sky seemed to have never appeared. Williams floated in the air and then gently snapped his fingers.

"Swish..." Nine talismans were nailed on the peach wood nail, and the one at the bottom ignited without wind. It turned into black ash and drifted away. Almost at the same time, the whole ground jumped!

"Roar!!!" A roar full of resentment suddenly rushed out from below, with endless resentment, startling the crows in the village.

Then, one talisman after another burned like sesame seeds blooming. Until the last talisman, this time, it actually formed a flame more than ten meters high, pitch black, with a heart-shaking wailing inside, as if opening a crack in hell.

"Boom!" The whole peach wood nail suddenly exploded. The spider web-like ground trembled slightly.

Although Xu Yangyi couldn't understand it, he also felt that the nine palms just now were mysterious. It seemed ordinary, but it had an indescribable trajectory.

"Hua La La" The peach wood nail seemed to nail the ground ten meters around it. As it collapsed, the spider web patterns around it, which had already been shattered, shattered layer by layer, and fell down like a shriveled pie.

In a moment, a dark hole appeared in front of everyone.

Just 20 meters below the hole, there is a round bronze door with a Yin-Yang fish carved on it. Surrounding it are the Five Elements and Eight Diagrams.

"The hook tail burial method... cannot be used by people who are not extremely vicious. It makes people connected head to tail and never reincarnate... What on earth is underneath this?" Williams's expression became solemn, and pieces of bloody light gathered in his palm, which was thicker than the scarlet Duke that day. The bloody aura that covered the sky and the sun actually made the crows that were frightened away just now return again. Surrounding him were like the wings of the god of death.

He slapped it with his palm, and at the moment of contact, a hexagram on the Eight Diagrams lit up silently, and then a fine blue light jumped up without warning, and the blood mist around the mountains and mountains disappeared almost instantly. Williams screamed and flew backwards a hundred meters!

"What is this?" Xu Yangyi looked at Williams a hundred meters away in confusion. The other party covered his arm with lightning flashing on it, his face was ashen, and even a cold sweat appeared. Obviously, the blue light just now was very heavy.

"Demon-killing Heavenly Thunder?" In the sky, in the sky, Wei Chenyuan was also startled, and looked at the Tai Chi Gate solemnly for several times: "Daoyou, this is the Thirteen Tombs, the place where the Chinese dragon vein is located. There are some things that the Chinese touch, but you can't touch."

A stream of blood-colored spiritual energy wandered around Williams. After a long time, he breathed a sigh of relief: "Interesting."

"This Grand Duke just touched it lightly, and half of my hand was paralyzed for a minute. I'm afraid that if non-Chinese people insist on opening this thing, even you, Daoyou, will probably die."

"Of course." Wei Chenyuan's attitude towards this vampire is much better than that towards Xu Yangyi of the same country. He turned around and looked at Xu Yangyi coldly: "It's not too late to leave now."

"This is not something you can control. Be your prosecutor well, and this real person will naturally give you the credit for this time. Forced to show up when you shouldn't show up It is unwise to save face. "

Xu Yangyi smiled slightly: "The third time."

"You'd better not take other people's kindness for granted." He brushed his fingers across his lips and said inexplicably: "I also advise you to hurry up... This real person... I can't help it anymore..."

Wei Chenyuan squinted and looked over. After a long time, he sneered: "A frog in the well doesn't know how big the river is."

"Learn how to make a golden elixir, and then learn how to make harsh words."

The Xuanyuan Sword Master stepped forward calmly and bowed: "Uncle, let's take a look at what this is first? I'm also very curious. What can make you rush back from the headquarters of the Greek Hermitage? And bring Mr. Williams with you. "

Wei Chenyuan nodded: "Plead for him? Well, otherwise Uncle really wants to clean up the door for Jindan today. "

"Heh..." Xu Yangyi smiled and said nothing.

Wei Chenyuan ignored him and stretched out his right hand, looking solemn. Mysterious spiritual energy gathered on his fingers.

"Haotian Finger."

As the voice fell, a strong wind suddenly blew around, and thousands of golden lights emanated from the fingertips. Then, eight yellow dragons roared and rushed towards the several-meter-long Tai Chi.

"Swish!" This time, there was no obstruction. The yellow dragon accurately sank into the Bagua, and a golden light shone. Eight golden lotuses swayed and came into being. Zhao Wuye blinked his eyes and looked at Wei Chenyuan as if he had seen a ghost: "Three Ground Covering Styles?!"

"What is this?" Xu Yangyi asked calmly.

"Legend has it that... the tomb raider has two strange moves, the Heaven-turning Seal and the Earth-covering Hand. They can cut off the earth veins and sever the yin and yang, but unfortunately... unfortunately they have long been lost in the long river of history! Even our Zhao family doesn't have them! He, he actually knows how to do it?" After being stunned for a few seconds, he smiled bitterly: "I am not as good as him... This man... is only better than me in the theory and technique of Feng Shui and finding dragon points. I am afraid... he should be ranked in the top five in the world of yin and yang. No wonder the other party has the confidence to solve the four evil corpses even if he doesn't know what this is."

The golden lotus swayed, and the eight trigrams lit up one after another, and then the Pisces Tai Chi opened silently.

At this moment, a sharp roar rushed out from the Tai Chi that had just cracked a crack! And... condensed into a dead white sound wave, rushing into the air!

"Ka Ka Ka..." A pure gold coffin, engraved with countless pictures, slowly rose in this continuous cry.

Inch after inch, the expressions of the four Jindan became solemn. Every time they rose an inch, the ground of the entire Dayang Village within a radius of several thousand meters trembled. The scream that made people's hearts shudder continued from beginning to end. Even though it was noon, it made people's backs cold.

Xu Yangyi looked carefully, in his eyes... that was not a coffin...

That... was a painting of hell!

Countless ominous, terrifying, and bloody feelings lingered on the coffin. He couldn't even see the true face of the coffin. The red, black, and white three-color yin aura was so thick that the coffin itself was hazy. He saw cannibalism, killing, dismemberment, and countless crimes.

"No..." Master Zhao Wu was stunned for a few seconds and screamed: "How could it be? How could it be like this?"

"Shut up, Master." Williams' eyes flashed coldly: "The object resembles the master, and you have the right to speak here? You have no respect for your elders, what did your master teach you! Or does he not know it?"

Master Zhao Wu shut his mouth obediently and whispered to Xu Yangyi: "There is something strange here... I, I don't know what it is... But... There is definitely something wrong here!"

"This... This dead air is far beyond the four evil corpses! I, I don't know how to describe it, the inside The thing has almost no spiritual power, but... that quality... I feel... it is not inferior to the two corpses of heaven and earth!"

"Dayang Village can't accommodate such a thing! This is simply the corpse king! Even if the villagers don't disappear, it will only take a week for all of them to die!" He looked at Xu Yangyi nervously: "Captain, this thing can't be opened! It must not be opened! There are indescribable things in it! I, I feel that once it is opened, I am afraid there will be unimaginable consequences!"

Xu Yangyi pursed his lips, and in the sky, Wei Chenyuan's hand flashed with golden light, brushing towards the coffin.

The next second, a dark big hand directly dispersed his green light.

"Wolfsbane." His eyes were as cold as ice: "Are you...looking for death?"

"This thing can't be opened." Xu Yangyi said in a deep voice: "My opinion is to put it down, don't open it."

Wei Chenyuan looked at him for a few seconds, and his voice was already filled with murderous intent: "Who is your master?"


As soon as the voice fell, a dazzling sword light, like a fairy from the sky, pointed directly at his shoulder: "No wonder you don't know how to advance or retreat. Today, I will be your teacher for a day!"

Using his finger as a sword, Wei Chenyuan's swordsmanship is much higher than Xuanyuan Sword Master.

The sword tip brushed his face, and Xu Yangyi's clothes moved without wind. A sword light made him feel like he was facing thousands of sword rains. However, before he could make a move, the entire sword light exploded in the air.

Everyone was stunned.

The golden coffin had actually been opened silently.

Inside... was a finger.

A two-meter-long finger!

It was covered with white hair and black nails, which made people shudder.

At this moment, the white hair on it spread for dozens of meters, and it dispersed Wei Chenyuan's sword light like tentacles.

At the foot of Tianshou Mountain, with a "dang..." sound, Andre gently put down the wine glass and licked his lips bloodthirstily: "Took the bait..."

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