
Chapter 732: Thunder Tribulation

The ordinary Dayang Village is now filled with gloomy winds. With the appearance of the finger, the sky was filled with dark clouds formed by yin energy, covering the entire sky over Dayang Village. This was no longer something that only monks could see. All the residents around the Ming Tombs saw this scene.

"What's going on?" "What is that? Is it haunted in broad daylight?" "Why do you feel a little cold...a hairy feeling?" "Isn't Dayang Village isolated? What happened inside?"

The moment Yin Feng appeared, the four real people took action and completely isolated the entire Dayang Village.

Even they can feel it, this sinister wind is... unusual. It was different from any yin energy they had ever experienced.

It is the pure evil that is supreme and supreme, standing at the apex of Hades, above all evil spirits.

"Interesting." The dark wind roared, mixed with screams and the neighing of horses. The blow caused everyone's clothes to fly around. Wei Chenyuan's eyes were hot, and he advanced instead of retreating. He looked at the golden coffin and said, "According to legend, zombies have black hair all over their bodies. The white color is the ancestor of all corpses."

He opened his mouth, and a golden light flashed instantly, turning into a bronze mirror: "The world of spiritual practice has never seen ghost cultivators, and zombies do not exist. Today, I have learned a lot."

"Brush!" Before he finished speaking, the bronze mirror emitted a hazy brilliance, divided into black and white, and shot toward the finger.

Just when the black and white brilliance was about to fall on the golden coffin, the next second, endless white hair spread from the severed finger, condensing into a pure white wave of hair around the golden coffin, and the black and white brilliance was actually bounced away layer by layer!

"What a monster." Wei Chenyuan laughed loudly, and his smile suddenly faded: "The Yin-Yang Son-Mother Mirror is alive!"

"Buzz!" The bronze mirror suddenly erupted into a bright brilliance, spinning on the spot, and a pure white light shot away, causing lotuses to grow thousands of meters away. However, all the rootless lotuses disappeared when they touched the white hair. Wei Chenyuan's face turned even colder, he snorted coldly, and pressed his backhand: "Destroy!!"

The birth is dazzling and unpretentious, and the destruction is earth-shattering.

The bronze mirror turned again, and a pitch-black light turned into a thousand-mile sword light. But, at this moment, his expression suddenly changed.

The rapidly rotating Yin-Yang Mirror was swatted into the air by his palm, and using his fingers as a sword, the sword energy criss-crossed, and he actually strangled the bronze mirror into pieces. A trace of black energy scattered as the fragments collapsed.

"What on earth is this?" Williams frowned: "I have traveled all over the world, but I have never seen such a supernatural monster. It is obviously a severed finger without any spiritual energy, but the magic weapon cannot hurt it? "

"What is this?" Xu Yangyi asked in a deep voice.

"Sinister possession." Mr. Zhao Wu bit his lip and said tremblingly: "The magic weapon was not touched, but it was able to contaminate the magic weapon along the spiritual light. A severed finger is so powerful that its body... I don't know if it has How terrible."

Layers of white hair wrap the golden coffin like a cocoon. Wei Chenyuan looked at the golden coffin in front of him coldly, and clasped his hands together. As he gradually pulled them apart, an indescribable majesty appeared from his hands.

Circles and circles of golden talismans appeared from both palms, turning into flying butterflies, actually lighting up this dark hell with the majesty of heaven. In an instant, with a crisp dragon roar, a one-meter-long handleless sword appeared in his hand.

"Boom!!" Just appeared, a circle of golden ripples, completely composed of talismans, spanned three thousand meters across the sky. All the trees, the ground, and even living creatures all bent their waists, as if to express their gratitude to Tianwei. Worship. Even the black clouds in the sky suddenly rolled up.

Master Zhao Wu turned pale and was about to kneel down. Xu Yangyi supported him with a spiritual energy and said lightly: "Tai'a Sword."

"One of the ten holy swords. The sword of majesty. In the whole world, is it the king's land, and on the shore of the land, is it the king's ministers. Fellow Daoist Wei wants to cut off the eternity with one sword, and he also feels that there is something extraordinary in it."

Wei Chenyuan was strolling in the courtyard, with willows dancing in the wind. In the howling wind, his clothes and skirts were blowing like old trees in the mountains, but his figure was like the green pine trees in Nanshan. The long sword pointed obliquely, and the sound was like a bell: "The mirror stops the water."

"Ding..." There seemed to be silence between heaven and earth. Then a crisp ding sounded throughout the audience.

Not from the ears, but from the heart. It's like listening to the spring falling in the mountains, like hearing the thunder at midnight.

A bit of golden light overflowed from the tip of the sword, and the space under everyone's feet spread out like a lake as the golden light fell.

Above the lake, below the lake, two worlds. The same figure.

Wei Chenyuan's sleeves and robes were blowing like a blower, and the Tai'a sword turned into a 100-meter golden dragon and moved around his body. He looked towards the lake, and when he was about to strike with his sword, he was completely stunned.

Not just him, but all the real people's eyes suddenly froze.

The bright mirror under your feet is like a lake, reflecting the black clouds above you. But... at this moment, among the hell-like black clouds in Hades, there is a pair of eyes!

It was a pair of eyes made entirely of thunder.

It shines for thousands of meters, as bright as the bright moon, and its majesty is unattainable.

Wei Chenyuan's downward sword suddenly changed direction, followed by an angry shout: "Who?!" Tai'a's sword shot out of the startling dragon and disappeared into the black clouds.

However, there was no sound.


There was dead silence.

Everyone was surprised by the sudden change. They broke open the golden coffin below, but there was someone snooping above them?

Xu Yangyi took a step back calmly. Zhao Wuye was fully focused, frowning at the sky, and saw Xu Yangyi's movements from the corner of his eye: "Xu Tuan, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay." Xu Yangyi clutched his chest, feeling inexplicably irritated. For some reason, he felt a natural dislike for Lei, which he had never felt before Jin Dan.

Zhao Wuye forced himself to look away and looked at Xu Yangyi worriedly for three seconds, then suddenly slapped his head: "That's right! Xu Tuan, you are a demon cultivator!"

"The demon cultivator is afraid of thunder. This is a fixed food chain! Especially when encountering lightning disaster, even if it is not directed at oneself, it will still..."

His voice suddenly got stuck. His eyes suddenly widened, his mouth opened wide, with a look of disbelief on his face. He looked at Xu Yangyi, and then looked at the two huge eyes of thunder in the sky covered with dark clouds. His lips trembled: "Thunder, thunder, thunder, thunder disaster!!!"

"This is thunder disaster!!"

His shocking scream resounded throughout the audience, and Xuanyuan Sword Master, Wei Chenyuan, and Williams' eyes suddenly shone.

"Thunder disaster?" Williams took a step forward and looked excitedly at the sky thunder above his head. Among the layers of black clouds, there were two rounds of thunder and lightning and the bright moon: "That's right... this thunder is only concentrated on our heads. It's been a long time." Moving, as if looking for something."

Wei Chenyuan took a deep breath with hot eyes and said: "It is not searching, but condensing. Legend has it that any calamity can be divided into two calamities: gathering and dispersing. Gathering, absorbing the power of heaven and earth in one hand. Dispersing, like a river rolling back, and mercury pouring down the ground." It won’t take more than a minute. If we have this opportunity today, we will definitely gain something.”

Xu Yangyi said calmly: "Everyone, let's think about how to deal with this opportunity. If I remember correctly, only things that are not tolerated by heaven and earth, or those above the Nascent Soul, will have thunder tribulations. What do you think... what will happen here?"

At this moment, there was suddenly silence in the sky.

No one was relieved, but all the real people took a step back. They all felt...a terrifying power of thunder, condensing crazily in the clouds.

"What's wrong?" Beside the car, Feng Weimin was so frightened that he hid behind the car. Now he stuck his head out and looked at the sky in confusion.

"Boom!!!" Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and thunder could be heard everywhere. This sound almost blew up the person's soul. All the surrounding clouds are illuminated. And around Thunder Moon, a majestic figure finally appeared.

It is hundreds of meters in diameter, has a thunderous mouth, a blue bird head, two wings on its back, and is covered in blue armor. Holding a hammer in one hand and a pestle in the other, the thunder light shone in the sky, and his eyes shot out hundreds of meters of spiritual light, which was majestic and majestic.

"Oh my God!!" Feng Weimin saw everything in the sky clearly, screamed in fright, and immediately hid in the car.

Xu Yangyi didn't have any nonsense. Mistertin and fish intestines were instantly held in his hands, and the dark spiritual energy burst out.

"Swish, swish, swish!" The other three were equally dissatisfied with their speed. Amid the golden light in the sky, a colorful umbrella rushed out from Wei Chen Yuan's Tianling Gai, shining in all directions with a roar of dragon. The red sky fills the sky like sunset, floating beside Xuanyuan Sword Master. Next to Williams, a bronze badge emitted hundreds of meters of blood, and a red mist rose up from the entire ground.

However, no thunder fell. Instead, with each thunder flash, Lei Zhenzi's shadow became slightly different, from left to right, as if... searching for something.

Searching for what?

"I, I know!!" At this moment, Zhao Wuye suddenly screamed: "Down below!!"

"Thunder Tribulation...must be evil spirits splitting the heavens and the earth! Under the golden coffin!! Corpses raised on earth are surviving the thunder calamity!! This golden coffin can hide the secrets of heaven! Thunder Tribulation cannot find it!!"

After saying one sentence, Wei Chenyuan glanced at him coldly: "Shut up for me."

"The ground raises corpses. I have read thousands of books and have never heard of such a creature. You are talking nonsense... Do you really think that I can't kill you?"

He snorted coldly: "What kind of master there is, there is what kind of slave."

Xu Yangyi pondered for a moment: "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure! I'm very sure! All the legends about raising corpses in the ground are only known to the Tufuzi! This is a record that can only be passed down by mouth! Zhenren Wei must have never been a Tufuzi, so even if he reads Tianxia Feng Shui, I definitely didn’t know that it was possible to reverse the yin and yang and raise two corpses naturally!”

Xu Yangyi still didn't move: "What will happen if... Lei Jie cannot find it?"

Mr. Zhao Wu's voice became hoarse: "The disaster is coming, and it will not be dispersed until it is killed. If... if there is no target within a cup of tea... it will turn the kilometer radius of the evil spirit into scorched earth."

He gritted his teeth: "When the time comes... not a single blade of grass will grow, and all living things will be destroyed..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Yangyi turned into a black light and shot straight away!

At the same time, on the other side, Wei Chenyuan, who was talking nonsense, joined forces with his sword and rushed towards the golden coffin with lightning speed.

"Get lost!!" With his beard and hair flying, his spiritual consciousness caught Xu Yangyi coming, and he finally could no longer suppress the anger in his heart: "Don't get in the way here...otherwise, I will kill you too!!"

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$The new January is here, I hope readers will count their votes~~Thank you for your support last month

Finally, happy 5.1 everyone!

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