
Chapter 733: Hanging the Spirit (I)

Xu Yangyi turned into black light, calm and calm: "Oh"


"Tai Ah, is that enough?" Two rays of light rushed toward the golden coffin from two angles. Wei Chenyuan's eyes flashed with cold light as he gritted his teeth and smiled.

"not enough."

The two figures rushed into the kilometer range almost at the same time. As Xu Yangyi fell down with a sound, an extremely powerful demonic aura burst out from him. Even the space with a radius of two to three kilometers was shocked.

Countless talismans have appeared all over his body, and even green leaves have grown in some places on his arms and head. In his hand, a dagger no less powerful than Tai'a made a buzzing sound.

fish intestines


The moment Yuchang appeared, the three holy swords Tai'a, Yuchang, and Chixiao vibrated together. Wei Chenyuan's expression dramatically changed from dull, to shock, to disbelief, and finally his eyes slowly widened. , looking at the dagger in Xu Yangyi's hand.

"You actually have fish intestines"

However, before he finished speaking, the black waves emptied out. The mutated poisonous aura made the ground dark, and all the living trees withered almost instantly. The god-killing poison left Xu Yangyi with no living creature in his life. Thousands of meters above the ground, Xu Yangyi turned into a black arrow representing death, piercing the golden coffin.

"Boom" rocks collapsed and clouds crashed, stormy waves crashed onto the shore, and the extremely violent black spiritual tide brought up tsunami-like spiritual energy barriers on both sides of him. It was like a top-notch Hummer driving across the water at full speed. Wei Chenyuan subconsciously dodged, His eyes were still looking at the figure of Yiqi Juechen in disbelief.

Can't believe it, can't believe it.

A few dozen minutes ago, he and Williams were jokingly calling each other the King of Ants. The other party never spoke back, let alone took action. In his mind, he was not at the top of the Golden Pill, but at least the first thirty were absolute. A dignified golden elixir in the late stage, close to the Great Perfection, but for a new golden elixir in the early stage, he would have told the other party to get out long ago, had it not been for the sake of the Xuanyuan Sword Master's veiled plea.

There are also three, six or nine levels in the Jindan circle.

But now he seems to understand a little better. Some are so powerful that they don’t need words at all, but Xuanyuan Sword Master is not interceding for the other party.

He actually begged for mercy on their behalf

"The number one person under the Nascent Soul." He looked at the spiritual energy with complex eyes. The Tai'a in his hand was still buzzing. When the other party rushed over, he had the momentum that one man could hold back, and that kind of sudden explosion, The overwhelming aura made him unwilling or unwilling to brush his hair.

He had an intuition that if he stopped there again, the end would be very ugly.

"How is that possible?" On the other side, Williams, who was rushing over behind Wei Chenyuan, exclaimed. His eyes suddenly widened and his body suddenly stopped. Xu Yangyi's spiritual power exploded just now, and he completely felt the pressure of Mount Tai.

It was the middle stage and his first reaction was to retreat.

He was so strong that cold sweat fell quietly on his forehead. The black light caused them to be invincible, and they took a step back silently. The two people, who acted in unison, glanced at each other, and both saw a hint of unspeakable embarrassment in each other's eyes. There is also a burning feeling on the face. What I said before seemed like a joke. The other party didn't answer, but gave them the loudest slap in the face with practical actions.

Regardless of whether he is the first person under Yuanying, the strength shown by the other party is definitely not inferior to Wei Chenyuan.

In Xu Yangyi's eyes, the golden coffin was getting closer and closer. At this moment, the golden coffin seemed to come to life, and all the white hairs danced wildly, like silver snakes in the wind. Seal the surrounding 100 meters into an absolute area.

Five hundred meters to go.

He slowly raised his right hand, and the spiritual energy from his whole body poured into his hand like a tide, seemingly slowly but actually quickly. Wherever he passed, water rippled in the space, and afterimages of his right hand remained in the air. Immediately under his feet, a bright pool of golden light suddenly appeared.

The brilliance of thousands of miles is opened, and the skylight, clouds and shadows linger together. A statue hundreds of meters tall quietly rises from the pool of golden light. His eyes were open, neither happy nor sad. However, his right hand made the same movement as Xu Yangyi.


There was a loud noise, and there was only a bright golden thread left between heaven and earth.

However, this golden thread is not aimed at the golden coffin. but for the ground

"Kakakakakaka" there was a sour cracking sound, and the ground with a radius of one kilometer was instantly filled with countless spider web patterns, and then they all shattered

And around the golden coffin, the white hair was waving feebly so that it could not reach such a far range. Then there was a rumbling sound, and the golden coffin collapsed.

At the same moment, a white thunderbolt in the sky silenced everything in the world. It even stops the heartbeat. With an indescribable chill, he hit the place where the golden coffin collapsed.

This thunder actually turned into a swimming dragon when it fell, and rushed towards the place where the golden coffin collapsed with a dragon roar. But not together

Just when the first thunderbolt fell, seven or forty-nine stars shone around the shadow of Lei Zhenzi in the sky. In less than ten seconds, forty-nine thunderbolts were like the tide of Qiantang, or like thousands of horses galloping, pouring from the sky. And down, straight to the bottom of the golden coffin.

Also watch the gods show their magical powers, and be bombarded by thousands of cannons from the sky. As bright as the day, I admire the mother of lightning, and I admire the thunder god who shakes the universe.

Amidst the thunder, Wei Chenyuan and Williams' faces turned pale and pale. They didn't know whether to marvel at the power of the thunder tribulation they had never seen before, or whether they should marvel at the Guanyin Shadow move just now.

Ten seconds later, the smoke dissipated, the dark clouds in the sky disappeared layer by layer, the gloomy energy also disappeared, and the world returned to a bright world again.

"It's over," Williams asked with mixed emotions.

"No." Xu Yangyi spoke for the first time, without mentioning the two's previous attitude, which made the two people feel more complicated: "The real monster is below."

Wei Chenyuan's face changed, and after a few seconds, he flew to Xu Yangyi's side, probably wanting to maintain a calm and real attitude, but in the end, he didn't know why he pulled out a far-fetched smile: "Daoyou know what this is."

Xu Yangyi glanced at him calmly, although it was very light, it made Wei Chenyuan's face a little hot.

"Four evil corpses."

The second time he mentioned this word, when he said it for the first time, Wei Chenyuan scolded Zhao Wuye without any hesitation, but this time when Xu Yangyi said it, he coughed lightly: "What is this?"

Williams also flew over, without saying a word, but looked at Xu Yangyi from head to toe with an unbelievable look.

How can you explode just by saying it?

This is unreasonable.

At least you give us a psychological construction process to pave the way for us. How can you let us get off this step?

This step is not easy to get off, so he decided to freeze on the step. It was too embarrassing to come down.

Xu Yangyi did not answer Wei Chenyuan, and Wei Chenyuan did not ask. It was just that Xu Yangyi was throwing something in his hand, which made him feel his eyelids twitching.

Tiger Eye Gold.

"Daoyou." His mind was racing. After all, he was still a Chinese. He bowed without hesitation: "Today's matter was a mistake of mine. I will give you an explanation within a month."

"No need to explain." Xu Yangyi returned the Tiger Eye Gold to Wei Chenyuan: "Thank you, Daoyou Wanli. If he hadn't been so kind to me that day. Today, the golden elixir cannot be insulted. You Daoyou should know that."

Wei Chenyuan's face was hot, and he didn't speak again. He sent a spiritual consciousness to Xuanyuan Sword Master: "Why didn't you say it earlier?"

"I told you that he was the first person under Yuanying, uncle." Xuanyuan Sword Master was also full of ghost fire in his heart. He was the first to open the country back then. What a courage it is, seeing that Xu Yangyi could definitely form a golden elixir. But today, it's good, and it's back to the time before liberation. He was still full of resentment and couldn't say it.

"But you should at least tell your uncle why."

"Would you listen if I told you at that time? You really don't think that your nephew was just talking nonsense?"

The awkward atmosphere seemed to dispel the depression at the moment. Xu Yangyi slowly walked to the place where the golden coffin fell, and a spiritual energy spread out, as if he wanted to touch the broken finger in the golden coffin.

At this moment, a piece of Yin light suddenly came out from the broken finger, and the whole broken finger quickly vaporized, becoming a black spiritual energy tens of meters long, disappearing into the sky with a scream.

And under the golden coffin, there was a three-meter-wide bottomless hole.

The Yin energy inside almost turned into substance, screaming, crying, gathering into the source of resentment, twisting into the abyss of hell.

"Corpse evil turns into Yin." Wei Chenyuan's face was extremely solemn, and he opened his mouth and spit out a white jade Ruyi, with seven treasures shining on it, turning into white light and flying several circles above the vortex of resentful spirits, but the pure white Ruyi turned black inch by inch.

A look of heartache appeared on his face, and he took back Ruyi: "It can actually make the Seven Treasures Ruyi infected with corpse evil, the things below are not ordinary."

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed with envy. This is the old golden elixir, and he is just a multi-treasure boy. And he has nothing except Mistedin and Yuchang.

"This is the four evil corpses," Williams took a look and said in a deep voice. But Xuanyuan Sword Master had no interest and didn't want to stay here, so he left.

Xu Yangyi asked Zhao Wuye to come over. For the first time, he expressed his position in front of the three golden elixirs, and he stuttered when he spoke. This habitual awe even overwhelmed his fear. He bowed with sweat all over his head, and didn't dare to stand up at all. He said respectfully: "Reply, reply, reply, this is no longer the four evil corpses."

"The four evil corpses are in this coffin. This is the method of Tufuzi's Li Dai Tao Jiang. The four evils are replaced with something more terrifying. The one below is the one below..."

Fear spread from his heart again. That is Tufuzi's legend for thousands of years, a secret that can only be passed on by word of mouth. Even for a moment, it overwhelmed the awe of the real person.

"There are corpses raised by the earth below"

"Legend has it that if a corpse is raised by the earth, it will bring about a great change in the cultivation world once it appears" Baidu "The Strongest Demon" latest chapters to read for free at the first time.

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