
Chapter 734: Hanging the Spirit (Part 2)

Underground, it is magnificent.

A black energy came through the air. Wherever the black energy came, the palace maids, eunuchs, and imperial guards all screamed in surprise, but wherever it passed, these people all evaporated.

Black energy submerged into Andre's body, and Zhu Changluo sat in front of him.

"What is this?" Zhu Changluo's face was calm, as if he didn't see anything, and he said casually: "Ai Qing actually has such a plaything, why don't you play with it with me."

Andre took a sip of wine and smiled: "Ming Guangzong..."

Then his voice suddenly turned cold: "It's best to stay out of my business."


Zhu Changluo was not annoyed at all. He still had the basic qualities of a former emperor. Youyou put down his wine glass and said, "I don't understand, why do you have to let him in? This guy is very powerful, but coming in will only increase trouble."

"Even if I don't let him, he will definitely come in." Andre crossed his legs and sat leisurely in the wheelchair: "You have forgotten that you tried every means to suppress the thing with the Queen's Jade Seal. He is determined to get this thing."

The luxurious robe gently brushed against the table: "I'll give it to him."

"No." Andre sneered: "How long have you lived? Do you understand the loneliness of being locked in an endless cage as soon as you were born?"

"There is nothing there, only dead people, only myths. Oh... and there is a monster chasing you all over the mountains and plains."

"Under this situation, I have lived for two thousand years and finally waited for the day of awakening. However...this lowly lower life..."

Even Andre, remembering what happened in the Tower of Babel, his hand holding the wine glass rattled. Make cracks in the cup.

Thousands of years of planning... were destroyed in one fell swoop by an inferior being! would be fine as long as he died there. Obviously...just let yourself be swallowed up. He promised to keep his will and give him eternal life, but he... dared not to accept it!

Not only did he not accept it... he also ruined everything about himself! Quetzalcoatl just glanced at him, and he fell to a small level. If he doesn't take can he be called a perfect living being?

Zhu Changluo watched silently as Andre, who was usually quiet, squeezed the cup until it deformed, without saying a word.

"I want to be quiet." The wheelchair turned, and Andre disappeared into the darkness again.

The body turned into a stream of light and flew for who knows how far, going down and down, passing through some places that even Zhu Changluo didn't know, and finally came to a huge space full of lava, at least several kilometers long.

There, a huge corpse covered with white hair was slowly suspended in the air.

He is already dead, but... his whole body is covered with city walls, and there are many towering trees. The original appearance is completely unrecognizable.

And in his chest, a hot flame, about the size of a fist, was burning crazily.

The shapes of living creatures dance and annihilate as it burns, as if it will never be extinguished and will live forever in the flames.

"Have you considered it?" After a while, Andre said calmly.

"Get out!" In the flames, an old voice shouted angrily: "How dare you, the evil heretic, trade with me!"

Andre was not annoyed at all and said with a smile: "I have to remind you, you should know where this corpse came from and what it is. It...comes from the same place as me and is both an innate spiritual treasure. It is fully qualified. Imprison you."

no answer.

Andre pushed up his glasses and continued: "If you don't agree, given your status, will you commit yourself to a mere mortal?"

Still no answer.

"Whenever I'm in a bad mood, I'll look at my former innate spiritual treasure. Seeing you in such trouble makes me happy." Andre disapprovingly turned into black energy and disappeared: "This is the third One hundred and forty-two times, I believe that when that lowly ant stands in front of you, you will definitely choose me."

"Only by working with me can I take you to find your former master. I have endless life and boundless manpower to help you."

"Remember, your time is running out. The last hundred years. This is all you have."

No one will know what happened here. Xu Yangyi, Wei Chenyuan, and Williams stood in front of the whirlpool, making final preparations.

After adjusting their breath for a moment, the three of them took a deep breath and entered the vortex without saying a word. Zhao Wuye did not go down, his cultivation had completely stopped here.

Inside, it was pitch black, and the cries of endless resentful spirits could be heard in my ears. I don’t know how long it took, but finally a little light appeared in front of me.

"Da da da" made three landing sounds, and the three of them landed at the same time. Everyone in sight couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"This..." Williams looked around in surprise: "I have been to every place in the world... I have never seen such a mysterious and unpredictable place."

"Even the Pyramid of Khufu and Chichen Itza are far less chilling than this place."

This is a huge space.

About two thousand meters or so. However... this space is entirely made of human bones!

All bones are crystal white. In all directions, there are people who have disappeared over the years. The white jade-like color of the bones gives this place a brilliance.

Brilliance on human bones.

It's so brilliant that it sends chills down one's spine.

All the bones were engraved with countless talismans. Xu Yangyi walked to the wall, carefully identified them, and frowned: "Scriptures?"

"Diamond Sutra, Taiyi Golden Light Mantra." Wei Chenyuan no longer had a condescending attitude at this moment, but truly accepted the young monk, and said in a deep voice: "These are the two most powerful demon-suppressing scriptures in Buddhism and Taoism. ”

The three of them slowly looked around. Where they saw it, there was a bright golden light, and all the bones, many of them, were carved with scriptures.

"Has anyone come in?" Xu Yangyi said, rubbing his chin.

"No...this was not carved by humans..." Williams carefully identified the marks on it with his fingers. After a long time, he sneered: " the Taoist text of heaven and earth."

"Legend has it that once an evil thing that is condemned by heaven appears, the world will naturally generate Taoism to suppress it. I have never heard of anyone who can have this honor."

"Not only are the Taoist scriptures born, but there are also thunder disasters coming from the sky." Wei Chenyuan carefully observed everything around him: "In addition, this kind of arrangement is called the Human Bone Buddhist Hall. It is also called the Mandala of the Underworld, and it is located thousands of miles away. , will become a dead place within ten years, all to support this guy.”

He pointed to his head. The three of them had seen that thing a long time ago, but no one took the initiative to mention it.

Right above them, in the center of the entire room of bones, was a person.

He couldn't see the gender clearly, or even the face. Wearing a blue dress, red cloth shoes, tattered. The long hair hangs down to the top of the feet and is spread down, covering all the features.

However... this man was hung in the air alive!

The upper part does not touch the sky, the lower part does not touch the ground. What hung him was a red cloth strip. Extraordinarily ordinary.

"Is this the corpse raised on the ground?" Williams carefully looked at the corpse that had no aura and looked like an ordinary person, and pondered: "It hasn't been resurrected yet?"

"No, it should have been blocked by the demon-suppressing formation naturally generated by the world. It should have been it, killing thousands of people around it." Wei Chenyuan flicked his finger, and shot a sword energy like a dragon's roar. However, the moment they approached the corpse, countless black hairs came to life and crushed the sword energy into pieces.

He retracted his finger: "Fellow Taoist, I heard that this is your jurisdiction. What are you going to do?"

Xu Yangyi did not answer immediately.

Originally, he thought it was a murderous place. However, there is nothing, there is only an earthly corpse sealed by heaven and earth. Then the explanation that the other party wanted to use the land to raise corpses and kill them disappeared.

So...why did the invisible opponent specially lure them here?

Why is this necessary?

From the moment he entered this room, he felt like a light was on his back. It's so quiet here, it's so quiet that it makes people mad, there's no murderous intention at all, and the other party has no reason to do this. It was as if they were notified specifically.

He pondered and closed his eyes. Start reminiscing from beginning to end.

If... I want to reverse the yin and yang and learn the method of naturally raising twin corpses, I will definitely not let anyone know about it. Do it quietly.

So... is there any reason why people must know?


Suddenly a picture flashed in his mind.

When Ru opened Tai Chi Pisces, Williams was suddenly hit a hundred meters away by the Demon-Slaying God's Thunder. The power was so powerful that he was a little surprised.

He suddenly opened his eyes, looked at Wei Chenyuan, gritted his teeth and said, "Fellow Daoist Wei, what is the name of the Yin-Yang Pisces that seals this place?"

"I have never seen this object, but according to ancient records, it should be a magic circle called the Eight Diagrams of Destruction. It is also naturally generated by heaven and earth, and is only used to seal extremely evil things."

"Then...can no one except Chinese people get in?"

"That's right, things that can be sealed by heaven and earth are often directly related to a country's national destiny, and if they are released, there will be great changes. Wait..." Wei Chenyuan seemed to have thought of something, and took a breath: "Fellow Taoist is saying …We were all taken advantage of?”

Williams was stunned for a moment, and then Jin Dan's spiritual energy was scraped across the whole place like a knife, and he looked at every place with evil eyes: "You mean...someone knows about this thing, but can't take it out. So...we instead Become his vanguard?"

Before he finished speaking, the three people's golden elixir spiritual consciousness blocked the entrance at the same time.

"Who is it?" Wei Chenyuan also sneered: "Interesting, I have been walking in the spiritual world for hundreds of years, and no one has ever dared to play this trick in front of me."

Xu Yangyi did not speak.

After getting through this, he already had a terrible guess in his mind.


This time, the other party should take action personally!

He will not forget that he swallowed Andre in the beginning, and only the other party's monster-like IQ can guide several Jindan masters to this step. was also the other party who induced me first!

A good technique... He kept his secrets secret and thought he had discovered a big conspiracy. However, the real sharp knife did not appear until the last second. This approach is almost exactly the same as the original approach at the Tower of Babel. At that time, the other party wanted to enter the spiritual hub, but Taichu was unable to enter and had to find a carrier.

Borrow some seemingly unrelated people and finally connect them together. Only then will you discover the other party's true purpose.

"No need to guess, it must let this thing out, and the other party is absolutely sure to catch it." Xu Yangyi sneered: "Its people have probably entered here long ago."


From above, an elegant voice came: "Master Wolfbane, we say goodbye to you at the Tower of Babel. It's been fifteen years, and you are still as charming as ever."

"Pure power is not scary. I think that is a stupid method. The scariest thing, I think, is not me, but people like you who have power, are extremely intelligent, and have a tough life - lowly, lowly, life!"

"Swish!" Before the words fell, the cloth strip on the head of the earth-raising corpse was gently cut by a Swiss Army knife.

With a muffled "thump", the earth-raising corpse fell to the ground. The next second, the whole house was filled with a heart-shaking ghost cry.

Pieces of talismans turned into golden butterflies and flew away.

"It's you..." Xu Yangyi's eyes were full of murderous intent, looking at Feng Weimin, who was half exposed like liquid on his head: "When did you die? I understand, you know my vigilance, so... you hid here from the beginning. When the thunder tribulation appeared, did you swallow the other party?"

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