
Chapter 735: Raising Corpses on the Ground

Born to be raised on the ground, born to be unable to go to the sky, and raised to the ground cannot enter the ground, so the dead body was hung in the air. However, with Feng Weimin's knife, the dead body was falling like a meteor, and the whole room trembled slightly.

"Accept this great gift I give you...hehehe...don't worry, our game has just begun." Feng Weimin sneered and disappeared on the roof.

"Ugh..." A series of shrill screams suddenly resounded through the room. As the talisman flew around, the light refracted, making the place flicker. Like hell under the sun.

In the juncture of light and darkness, the corpse lay quietly on the ground, like a broken rag doll.

There was no trace of spiritual energy and no Yin energy coming out. Three full minutes later, there was a slight movement in the sleeves.

Then, he put his hand on the ground with a click. It was obviously the action of an ordinary person getting up from the ground, but he did it in a ghostly and stiff manner. The movements are not human at all, but like a spider lying on the ground.

The crystal-clear jade room was filled with weird people with disheveled hair, blue clothes and red shoes. It was silent and indescribably weird.

Just as he was raising his body, suddenly, as if there was a thread pulling it from behind, it flew into the air like a zombie.

"Kerala..." A sound of twisting bones rang out on the body of the corpse. It turned its neck slightly, and it still had long hair and a face. The expression could not be seen clearly. Its head moved stiffly from left to right, as if it was examining Everyone.

Quiet, deadly quiet.

"Is this how corpses are raised on the ground?" Williams finally broke the silence and said with a smile: "It doesn't look too bad."

As if hearing his voice, the corpse suspended in mid-air turned his head to look at him. A quiet "rustling" sound sounded strangely in his body.

"Facing three real people, you must be a Nascent Soul?" Williams sneered: "Come, come here and try, let me see what effect your master's efforts to get you out have... "

Before he finished speaking, his head had already flown into the air. He still maintained his speaking posture and even uttered the last few words. Then he was caught.

That ethereal ghost-like body was already holding his head, standing behind him at some point.

So fast!

Xu Yangyi's eyes narrowed slightly, Wei Chenyuan took a deep breath, and his spiritual energy surged.

Williams, who had lost his head, fell back a few steps, then exploded, turning into a bloody bat that filled the sky, and condensed into a body at the other end. He touched his neck and looked at the dead body in astonishment.

"Kakaka..." Di Yangshi's head turned 180 degrees and looked at him like a puppet.

"Interesting." Williams cracked his neck, making a crackling sound, and sneered: "Then let me see... which one is stronger, vampires or wraiths."

Before he finished speaking, his whole body suddenly expanded, layers of blood-red hair covering his skin. In an instant, a two-hundred-meter-tall blood-red bat appeared on the scene.

"Zizzizi!!" With an earth-shattering roar, the entire human bone room buzzed. However, at this moment, Di Yangzhi mechanically turned his head.

The head was facing Xu Yangyi, as if he had discovered something, it rotated clockwise, making a sound like the joints of an old machine. The next second, before Williams could take action, its figure had turned into lightning and rushed towards Xu Yangyi.

"Looking for death." Xu Yangyi sneered. He discovered that the earthly corpse does not have spiritual energy. It uses...

It's taijutsu!

The body is harder than the magic weapon, as if it has no joints, and the speed is extremely fast. Without blinking, I felt a strong wind blowing in front of my eyes.

"Boom!!!" Immediately afterwards, a white glow illuminated the entire room, and with a scream, a cyan figure suddenly retreated.

Xu Yangyi stood on the same spot, the suit on his body shattered into pieces, but he was not injured at all. There was a corpse lying on the ground not far across the way, lying on the wall like a spider, with a kind of miserable green saliva flowing out of its mouth, and it made a "clucking" sound like a dove.

The shadow of the white tiger lingered around his arms. Xu Yangyi looked at the broken suit calmly: "Not bad."

"After Jin Dan, no one has been able to come close to me. You are the first."

Williams' eyes were downcast, and his confidence dropped again.


Really strong!

His eyes could not catch the action of raising corpses, but vampires were also nearly immortal. This was a duel between monsters and monsters. He was confident of defeating his opponent in the demon body, but...

In his human form, he couldn't see the opponent's movements clearly!

And this Wolfsbane not only did it, he didn't even have a single scratch on his body. His broken suit looked ugly, but he was actually infinitely smarter than him!

What he thought of, Wei Chenyuan also thought of, and looked at Xu Yangyi with a touch of surprise. This person... really pushed up his estimates time and time again. When did China produce such an amazing and talented monk?

I'm afraid only Tianzai Zhenren can keep pace with the other party, right?

"Let's take action together." Xu Yangyi pulled off the cloth-like suit and threw it on the ground. The white tiger's shadow lingered, and the spiritual energy was drawn out like water. This time, he clearly felt that the mid-term realm was already loosening.

This is why he had to let people take action together.

"Giggle..." Just as he said this, Di Yangzhi turned into an afterimage. No... there was no shadow at all. His broad blue robe was fluttering, and his nails as black as ink suddenly grabbed it.

Fast as lightning. However, he was fast, and Xu Yangyi was even faster. At the moment when the claw appeared, the white tiger phantom suddenly appeared in the sky. One person and one corpse turned into black and white light balls in an instant. The spiritual light suddenly rang, and the burst of spiritual energy made the whole space buzz!

"Dangdangdang!" The two had attacked each other hundreds of times in the blink of an eye. The duel between physical skills and physical skills was evenly matched.

Xu Yangyi's face was as gloomy as water. Such a battle was too disadvantageous for him. If it was in his prime, he would be sure to defeat the opponent within an hour, but now, with each swing of the air-breaking, the opponent's offensive was like a river bursting its banks, and his spiritual energy... was getting less and less.

"The opponent seemed to have no fear at all, and..." In the battle that was at a critical moment, Xu Yangyi's eyes were slightly cold: "And... every claw of the opponent grabbed his throat. Is this intentional? Or is it for some other reason?"

"Shua La La" As the white claw shadow flashed suddenly, the light in the space shone, and the next second, countless red lotuses rose in the sky.

Xu Yangyi flew backwards a hundred meters with the grab just now. As he retreated, he clenched his right hand, and the Ten Directions Karma Flame exploded.

The raging flames were like a tide, illuminating the entire room in red. One after another, the Karma Flame Lotus exploded in the air, roaring blood-red waves of fire. In an instant, it engulfed the earth-raising corpse, but within three seconds, with a deafening roar, the earth-raising corpse actually jumped out of the sea of ​​fire with flames all over the sky.

However, just in front of it, countless black spiritual energy filled the air, and two huge eyeballs suddenly opened from the sea of ​​black fog.

"Roar!!!!" What greeted it was a huge black dragon, surrounded by black clouds and fierce dragons. This attack caused the spiritual energy in this space to begin to distort.

Although the highly toxic spiritual energy was ineffective against corpses,... the surging spiritual power was enough to tear everything apart!

"Thump, thump, thump" The violent wind pressure brought by the black dragon made Williams retreat several steps, and then he looked at the center of the fight in astonishment. Too strong... This kind of pressure is even comparable to Wei Chenyuan, no... It is very likely to be stronger than the other party!

"How did he... practice?" He murmured in great disappointment.

Wei Chenyuan's face was cold, and his face was illuminated by the black light, showing mottled traces. Suddenly, he said without thinking: "His realm is declining."

"Hmm?" Williams responded, and suddenly took a breath of cold air: "You mean..."

"The realm is unstable, and he has only made a few moves? Could it be... He has improved his golden elixir in an abnormal way?"

At this moment, there was a loud noise that shook the earth, and an endless black tide spread. The Shenlong stepped on the mountain and hit the screaming earth-raising corpse head-on. The opponent's body, which was as hard as a magic weapon, finally showed scars. The violent spiritual power and the terrifying wind pressure tore a series of broken cracks on its body, and countless black air poured out of the opponent's wounds like a tide.

However... the opponent has not stopped yet!

He didn't even slow down.

Xu Yangyi's eyes were slightly cold. He saw clearly that the opponent was still aiming at his throat. No matter what it is, as long as it has life, it will be crippled if it is hit directly by this attack even if it does not die. But the other party did not.

This is obsession.

It is like... there is something in Xu Yangyi's throat that the other party must get.

Xu Yangyi's mind was racing, and he suddenly stretched out his hand and pulled on his neck. A slender crystal light flew out casually, and then his left hand blew a gust of wind towards the earth-raising corpse.

It was a necklace.

Once... a woman named Su Lianyue asked him to find her sister's necklace. Unfortunately, due to various coincidences, he did not find it. He even forgot it a little.

"Zi!!!" The earth-raising corpse screamed and even forgot to defend. At the same time, the wind pressure blew away its hair, revealing a face that had been buried in memory for a long time.

That was Su Lianyue more than 80 years ago.

At this moment, Xu Yangyi felt his heart shaking wildly. Two feelings, like a tsunami, rose in his heart.

The first... the fourth causal lamp, lit up.

It was a very faint light, but it was really lit. A small orchid flame rose. It seemed to be extinguished by a blow. But it was real and shining in his golden elixir.

The second... was an extremely complicated emotion.

This was his first woman.

She asked him to do something, but he didn't do it, and... he almost forgot about it. But he always carried her pendant.

It was a kind of guilt.

He remembered that he had been running around for decades, refining qi to build a foundation, and building a foundation to build a golden elixir. After he got the golden elixir, he immediately closed himself off for fifteen years and didn't do it immediately.

The other party was just a mortal, she couldn't wait for him so long...

A sour and regretful feeling hit his heart sharply, from Su Lianyue, to Angel, to more people... There was a constant buzzing in his ears, a sharp pain hit his mind, and his heart started beating wildly.

Then, black air suddenly exploded in his seven orifices!

"Boom!" As if the devil was reborn, an extremely powerful feeling twisted and generated in the black air, forming a strange human face.

A sea of ​​negative emotions gathered above Xu Yangyi's head. The human face in the black air was extremely distorted, with three eyes, and a face that seemed to be a bit like a sheep, slender, narrow, and the voice was extremely harsh: "The formless demon Lian Chen Xingjun under Chi You's seat has arrived. Who found such a wonderful passage for this king! Hehehehe!! This king thanks you in advance!"

The next second, two figures, one black and one blue, suddenly appeared beside Xu Yangyi. Yu Chang and Mistydin looked at the black face in shock and cried out in unison: "Inner demon?!"

"How could it be! His heart is firm and he has been in seclusion for a long time without any inner demons. How come they appear now!" "What the hell is going on!"

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