
Chapter 736: Inner Demon

"Hehehe!!!" Sharp laughter filled the room. Williams and Wei Chenyuan stared at everything in front of them in astonishment, unable to say a word.

That kind of extreme evil.

That feeling of the source of all evil...

"Any cultivator... the stronger he is, the stronger his inner demon is... his inner demon is not ordinary." Williams took a step back. Even though he was not a pure justice camp, he felt the gathering of all evil.

Wei Chenyuan's face was cold: "Appearance is determined by the heart. The inner demon is so strong... he is definitely not a good person."

Before they finished speaking, Yuchang and Mistydin had already attacked at the same time.

"Morning bells and evening drums, awaken the fame and fortune seekers in the world!" Yuchang let out a long roar, and his hands brought up black and white auras, forming a mixed Tai Chi in front of him. Between breaths, the law grew. The upper hand is on the forehead, and the lower hand is on the Dantian: "Morning chanting and evening reciting, calling back the enchanting dreams of the dust ring."

"Swish!" The black and white light illuminated the entire room. In the Tai Chi, a misty old man appeared, exuding an indescribable Taoism. He gently extended a finger and pointed at Xu Yangyi's eyebrows.

"I, in the name of the God King, all evil retreat!" Mistedin's knight put his hands together, and a holy white rune, two meters tall, appeared behind him, like a god's wheel.

"Odin protects me, Frigga blesses me, I decree in the name of the God King and God Queen."

"Swish!" The cross emitted thousands of white lights, illuminating every corner, as if auspicious clouds were floating away, colorful clouds filled the sky, and the sound of holy singing was looming. A crystal scepter pointed out a bit of holiness and sank into Xu Yangyi's heart.

"This is!!" As soon as Yuchang and Mistedin appeared, Wei Chenyuan and Williams took a breath of cold air at the same time, and then their eyes turned red.


True Man Langdu has two magic treasures!

They are all old Jindan masters, and they know what magic treasures mean to Jindan. However... even they, the world supremes, have never had magic treasures. This new Jindan... actually has two magic treasures!

"There are actually two magic treasures..." Williams was stunned, and a flash of heat flashed in his eyes.

He was rarely entangled in his heart.

In this world, there are only five known magic treasures. Now two suddenly appear. It would be a lie to say that he is not tempted. But... this person is also a Jindan True Man.

He pursed his lips and looked at Wei Chenyuan, just in time to meet the other party's gaze.

"You want to take the sword?" Wei Chenyuan's eyes also had a trace of struggle, but then he shook his head firmly: "No!"

"He is the Chinese Golden Core, and also the Human Golden Core. It is not a gentleman to add insult to injury when the other party is in danger."

Williams pursed his lips deeply, and his nasolabial lines became deep, and he said in a deep voice: "What if... he is possessed by the inner demon?"

Wei Chenyuan did not speak, and the breath that covered the sky and the sun in his eyes was simply enough to make people's hair stand on end. Gritting his teeth, he said: "A cultivator should cultivate his mind first, then his body, and then his law. If the heart of Tao is not solid, the inner demon will enter randomly. If he is possessed, he is naturally not one of us."

His eyes flickered, staring at Yuchang: "But now, no."

Williams breathed rapidly, and no one said the rest of the words.

They could all feel that the inner demon in front of them was so strong that it almost surpassed all the inner demons they had seen. To call himself a lord is a standard that only exists above the Nascent Soul. Langdu was distracted in an instant, causing the inner demon above the Nascent Soul to enter his body. He... definitely couldn't hold on!

Even Chen Xingjun, a monster that has never appeared in any mythology, did not even choose to approach the corpse of the earth. As soon as he appeared, he filled the whole place like a tsunami. Endless black air entangled in it, outlining a three-meter-tall figure in the center.

"It's really... a long-lost feeling..." The dark clouds pressed down, and three eyes condensed in the clouds glanced at the whole place indifferently: "Hehe... two holy weapons, it's a pity that your master is only in the Jindan realm, and the spirit master is connected. Can you exert one percent of your strength? Overestimating your own ability... How dare you act wild in front of this king now?"

"Break it for this king!"

The four words were like thunder in the ears. In the rumbling sound, Yuchang and Misteding's figures faded, and they were rushed out dozens of meters with a muffled groan, and the two magical powers collapsed together.

"You are trying to stop a chariot with a mantis arm, and you are overestimating your own strength." A dark hand with only four fingers and blood-red lines stretched out from the black fog: "You two remnants of the previous dynasty, do you dare to stop me?"

As soon as the voice fell, the black fog in the sky gathered in an instant, and with a soul-shaking scream, it sank into Xu Yangyi's seven orifices.

Wei Chenyuan and Williams took a step forward calmly.

No one can participate in the battle of the inner demon taking over the body and the spiritual consciousness. They are 100% sure that Xu Yangyi will be taken over, and now, they are just seeking peace of mind. At least they did not add insult to injury and take advantage of this time to severely injure the opponent.

Just wait quietly... wait for the winner to appear, but... according to the pressure from Chen Xingjun, it seems that Langdu has no chance of winning.

When Wei Chenyuan thought that Yuchang would be in his hand in a few minutes, his hands trembled slightly.

“Boy!!” Yu Chang’s spirit body shouted dimly from dozens of meters away: “Don’t give up! Hold on to the Yuan and stay in the One! Your spirit consciousness is your territory, you have a chance to defeat him!”

"Little guy... all inner demons and demons come from different planes, and they themselves are restricted by the laws of the earth. They can only come down through the passage. No matter how powerful his body is... he can only be in the same realm as you at this moment! You have to remember...if you are taken away, everyone you know will die with you! The spiritual world will never let go of any inner demons!"

Xu Yangyi couldn't hear anything.

Just at that moment, endless murderous intent arose in his heart, and all his obsessions disappeared in an instant, leaving only the most primitive violence and blood of human beings.

It seems as if it wants to tear apart the sky, break apart the earth, and burn all living things to the ground.

The surroundings were dark, and his heart seemed to be beating in his ears. When he opened his eyes, he tried his best to suppress the evil thoughts in his heart.

"The inner demon has entered the body..." He gritted his teeth. He did not expect that his fourth lamp of karma would be on Su Lianyue, and he did not expect that the momentary loss of his mind would actually lead to Lian Chen Xingjun's arrival.

"Oh?" At this moment, in the darkness from all directions, a deep voice sounded: "Interesting."

Before Xu Yangyi could speak, he smiled indifferently and said: "An ant is struggling hard, but still being crushed to death by one finger. This kind of pleasure is difficult to understand with your IQ."

"Who are you?" Xu Yangyi suppressed the evil thoughts surging in his heart and asked.

"You should kneel down and speak, and call yourself a slave, an ant." Lian Chen Xingjun's voice was emotionless: "Now, I'll give you a chance to accept the gift."

"Kneel down and kowtow. Sincerely welcome this king's seizure of your body. You should be grateful that you can bear my spiritual consciousness. If you hear the truth in the morning, you will die in the evening. If you can become my king's slave, you... will die without regrets. "

"You are not ashamed to speak!" The raging negative emotions in Xu Yangyi's heart have completely calmed down. Strangely, the golden elixir in his chest actually exudes an isolating power. The influence of the external demon only caused him to sink at first, and then it completely Not a trace of feeling.

This... is the power of Quetzalcoatl's seed? Or something else?

"Haha..." A mocking voice sounded in the black mist: "I actually expected a reptile to understand the language of intelligent creatures. Then, in line with your identity, disappear like an ant, humble and humble."

Before he finished speaking, all the surrounding darkness turned into a crazy sea tide, condensing into an extremely huge face, covering the sky and the sun, and wrapping around Xu Yangyi!

Outside, Xu Yangyi suddenly lost all strength and fell down. Wei Chenyuan and Williams' eyes flashed and they flew up!

"Qiang!" Tai'a sword came out and turned into a golden dragon, coiling around his side. On the other side, Williams flapped his huge wings and flew in front of Xu Yangyi almost in the blink of an eye.

"What do you want to do?" Yuchang took a step forward, turned into reality, and looked at the two Jindan Masters and asked in a deep voice.

"Seize the sword?" Mistertin stood on the other side, facing Williams: "Do you still know how to write the word shame?"

Wei Chenyuan and Williams looked slightly embarrassed, and then Wei Chenyuan said lightly: "Seize? I think this word is inappropriate."

Yuchang responded tit-for-tat: "The winner has not yet been determined, fellow Taoist Wolf Venom, and the two of them want to seize the sword. Is it still called taking?"

"He is about to become an extraterrestrial inner demon. Are the two spiritual treasures going to accompany him to become a demon?!" Williams was worried. The spiritual treasures... Xu Yangyi has probably seen several spiritual treasures, especially the Holy Spirit Treasure from the Tower of Babel. On the Sword Platform, ten swords come out at once, but to other Jindan Daoist, Lingbao, they are just legends!

However, what he is afraid of is that Wolfsbane's fragile soul cannot withstand the impact! Defeated with one blow, the inner demon awakens in an instant! With Wolfsbane's body... it can use part of its own strength. Likewise, it... will never tolerate people who know the existence of inner demons.

It might be an hour, it might be just a few minutes. How could he not be in a hurry!

Wei Chenyuan waved his hand, bowed down and knelt on his knees: "Two seniors, I am Wei Chenyuan, the Master of Xuanyuan Sword. He has wielded famous swords in the world since ancient times. Now I invite you two seniors to follow me. There are two reasons.”

"First, Taoist friend Wolf Poison's Taoist mind is unstable. After the golden elixir, his Taoist mind is idle, which leads to the entry of external demons into his body. I believe that his path of cultivation will not be smooth sailing. Instead, his future will be bleak."

"Secondly, Lian Chen Xingjun, named after you, is above Nascent Soul..."

"Do you think...this kid can't beat him?" Mistertin suddenly spoke.

Wei Chenyuan was stunned for a moment, but even though he was equally anxious, he suppressed it and glanced at Mistertin calmly.

Isn't this obvious?

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