
Chapter 738: Kill the Heart Demon

Spiritual world.

Before Lian Chen Xingjun finished speaking, Xu Yangyi had already stood up. The strange feeling just now disappeared, and everything returned to a situation that he could control.

He experienced the feeling of his body controlling his hands again. He did not move, but Lian Chen Xingjun, who was standing on the opposite side, spoke: "This king... will make a deal with you."

Xu Yangyi raised his eyes and stared coldly at the suddenly softened black mist face on the opposite side, raised his finger and shook it: "First, I want to tell you. Your negotiation is useless to this real person."

The black mist rolled slowly, and Lian Chen Xingjun's eyes had become slightly cold.

"Second, I also want to tell you, have you heard of the magical powers that can be used in spiritual consciousness?"

The black mist rolled silently and violently, and Lian Chen Xingjun looked at the young cultivator in front of him with some disbelief.

"You... have the inheritance of Taixu Realm?" He pondered for a few seconds, and tried.

"You are scared." Xu Yangyi did not answer, but laughed: "Just now, I have been testing you, it seems that you do not have this magical power? The only trick is the body projection."

"Can I think that Chi You, the Lord of Arms, is very much like a physical cultivator. In your lineage, you... are also a physical cultivator?"

The black fog was unusually quiet.

"This is just a guess." Xu Yangyi was already sure in his heart, and he was murderous: "It seems that the 'genius' you met in the past can be killed by you with this trick. However, that is because you have not met this real person."

Looking through the privacy that he treasured...

Touching the side of himself that he least wants to be seen...

Kill without mercy!

He raised his hand, and the green light in his hand shone: "Finally, I want to ask you, have you heard of the new quality three-combination?"


"This real person just heard about it not long ago." Xu Yangyi ignored him, raised his hand, restrained his smile, and black spiritual energy slowly spread out: "First, wait."

The words seemed to be a joke, but... the whole space was trembling because of these black air.

"Swish, swish, swish." A stream of white mist mixed into his hand, forming a black and white terrifying weapon, moving back and forth, like Tai Chi. And a stronger pressure than before, burst out!

Dan Ding Ben I Heart Sutra!

"You are so presumptuous!" Lian Chen Xingjun finally couldn't help shouting: "Ant, know your position. Don't think that you have a trace of spiritual consciousness of that lord, and this king can't do anything to you!"

"Second, don't listen."

When the second word was uttered, Lian Chen Xingjun's eyes suddenly shrank, and he felt... the other party's spiritual consciousness began to rise wildly!

One time, two times... a full three times!

Originally, he felt that this cultivator's spiritual consciousness was different from ordinary people, he didn't know that this was the result of the rootless nine-bend water. Now it suddenly rose three times...

Without saying a word, the black mist in the sky suddenly rolled back, and Lian Chen Xingjun, who was arrogant before, retreated wildly with his entire spiritual consciousness!

Kicked the iron plate!

There was only a cold regret in his heart. Actually... this kid has the mark of that gentleman on him. Actually... he also has spiritual consciousness!

"Want to run?" Xu Yangyi showed a cold smile on his face and clenched his hands fiercely: "Too late."

"This is my territory. No matter what kind of demon you are, as long as you find me, don't think of getting out intact."

"If you have the ability, let your real body come down, otherwise, I have the final say here!"

Wanling Town!

"Boom!" The white fog sea suddenly surged, swallowing up the black sea of ​​clouds in an instant with an overwhelming manner. With a heart-wrenching "sizzling" scream, even Chen Xingjun's unbelievable eyes were instantly drowned.

"By the way." Xu Yangyi seemed to remember something, and his figure faded: "And... the third one, goodbye."

"Take your conditions and get out of here!"

"Swish..." The white mist rolled back, and the river burst its banks. Xu Yangyi didn't look at it. Dan Ding Ben I Heart Sutra, Wan Ling Town, he used this trick to kill Zhuang Zhou's residual spirit. He was 100% sure about the battle of spiritual consciousness.

"Mortal!" Just as he was about to leave, a thunderous voice sounded in his ears, with suppressed anger: "Tell me... your name!"

In the white clouds, a black vortex spun extremely unwillingly. A red eyeball stared at Xu Yangyi, as if to imprint him in his heart.

"This king has traveled to countless upper realms, and this is the first time... the first time in the world that I have fallen. You are worth remembering by this king."

Xu Yangyi turned his head and looked at him, suddenly smiled, and raised a middle finger.

The red eyes suddenly tightened, and some bloodshot appeared.

A great shame...

As Lian Chenxingjun, a subordinate of the Lord of Arms, he was actually humiliated by a mere Jindan in a world that was unknown to him! If his original body was still there, he would not be able to relieve his hatred unless he cut him into pieces!

The black vortex slowly dissipated, and his sneer came slowly: "You'd better pray that this king doesn't encounter..."

"Boom boom" As his voice fell, the whole world began to tremble, and all the remaining black fog, the rivers and seas were upside down, and were all sucked into the black vortex.

They transformed into the appearances in Xu Yangyi's memory, his adoptive parents, Chu Zhaonan, Zhao Ziqi, Gu Song... Finally, they were fixed on Angel.

She stood in Xu Yangyi's black vortex, stretched out her hand, as if to touch his face, and said softly: "If you promised him, he promised to save me. I saved you once, you... can't bear to save me once?"


Xu Yangyi's heart suddenly twitched, and a sour feeling surged up. This woman... is the softest place in his heart.

The other party turned into stone, sleeping in the Tower of Babel, waiting for him...

Everything is because of Taichu...

If it weren't for it, how could he enter Lingshu? If it weren't for it... How could he see this scene today?

"Get lost." He closed his eyes and waved his hand fiercely. Angel in front of him turned into ashes and dissipated in astonishment.

"Master..." He clenched his fists: "The two women I met, one turned into a corpse because of you, and the other... was imprisoned in the Tower of Babel because of you..."

"If I don't kill you, I'm unworthy of being a Jindan."

Almost at the same time, Andre paused somewhere, looking deeply into the distance.

This didn't break his Tao heart?

"The stronger the body, the stronger the inner demon. I thought that attracting the outer demon would completely end him. It seems... I still underestimated him..."

"Lightkeeper, once you don't die, you will complete the great cause and effect of the war of all realms, and that will be the day of your advancement to the Nascent Soul stage. It is also due to luck. The woman you slept with happens to have the Nine Yin Dead Veins, which is simply the best material for raising corpses on the ground. I really don't know how you will feel when you face her... Hehe, I am really looking forward to it."

After a long time, he retracted his gaze and looked at the magnificent palace around him, which was extremely cold.

"Come on..."

"I'm waiting for you here, let's...completely put an end to the unfinished Tower of Babel...I declare war on you in the name of Emperor Senluo. You...don't let me down."

Underground, Xu Yangyi slowly opened his eyes.

His eyes were still a little hazy, but the moment he opened them, he clearly felt two hostile eyes, piercing him like a sword.

As his vision gradually became clear, he saw a picture that made him murderous.

Wei Chenyuan and Williams, the two of them formed a horn shape and sandwiched him in the middle. A yellow dragon was flying around Wei Chenyuan, and the dragon roared. Next to Williams, a green badge was slowly circling.

This is not important, he can understand the murderous intent of the other party towards him.

But what he can't understand is...

"Why... do you have Yuchang and Misteding in your hands?"

His voice was like ice, and he walked slowly with his hands behind his back, looking at the two people like a knife: "Both are Jindan, taking advantage of the invasion of the real person by the outer demon?"

"Who are you?" Williams gritted his teeth and looked at the man in front of him. He was not sure who this was.

Instinctively, he thought it was Lian Chen Xingjun. According to the momentum of the other party's appearance, Xu Yangyi had no chance of defeating the other party. He... also didn't want to put down Misteding in his hand. This is a real spiritual treasure! Although it is still resisting him. But he believes that with the influence of the Taguler family in Europe and the United States, this spiritual treasure will bow sooner or later.

However, the few words the other party said did not sound like Lian Chen Xingjun.

He couldn't believe it, nor did he want to believe it.

Such a powerful inner demon was defeated? How is this possible!

"Answer our questions." The more than 20-meter-long yellow dragon was majestic, and Wei Chenyuan's Tai'a pointed directly at Xu Yangyi: "Otherwise, don't blame me for killing you on the spot."

Before the voice fell, a powerful spiritual power burst out!

The black dragon roared, breaking through the layers of clouds and sea and stretching out a claw, shocking the world. With two muffled groans, a piece of blood light, a piece of golden light, entangled with the black dragon, turned into a terrifying spiritual shock wave, and the whole room was buzzing.

"The golden elixir cannot be insulted, this real person has reminded you once." In the endless black fog, Xu Yangyi was suspended in the air, not concealing his fighting spirit: "Do you think this real person is too easy to talk to?"

Wei Chenyuan and Williams' faces flashed with shock. Just now, Williams was directly shocked back a hundred meters! Wei Chenyuan also retreated several meters. Moreover, this is the opponent fighting one against two!

"This... is the true strength of Langdu Daoist Fellow?" Wei Chenyuan was shocked. He had already thought highly of Langdu, but he never expected that there was no limit!

One against two, both repelled two people, this strength... calculated based on one spirit per person, at least 500,000 spirits!

And he... knew his statistics too well.

420,000 spirits.

Williams, 200,000 spirits.

Before he could finish thinking, layers of black fog split apart. If the spiritual energy just now was just a deterrent, this time the spiritual energy had already brought the taste of killing.

A blood moon unfolded behind Xu Yangyi, making him look like the god of death on a moonlit night. The blood light pierced through the space, and it even hurt his skin!

"Do you still think that this real person is tolerant enough for you to do whatever you want?!"

The sixth eclipse of the apocalypse exploded, and the blood light in the sky turned into a sea tide. Wherever it passed, the space was torn apart, revealing a deep darkness. And Williams, who was under the blood light, screamed and roared to reveal his original form of a bat. Four magic weapons flew out at the same time, shield, helmet, emblem, arrow, forming a hazy star belt to protect him.

Wei Chenyuan's eyes suddenly shrank, the yellow dragon coiled around him layer by layer, and the stars in the sky flashed.

"Boom!" The sword array of Yuehua, the waltz of death, sounded in the whole venue, the terrifying blood moon tore everything apart, and the circles of spiritual energy completely shattered the room!

"Bang... Boom!!!" On the surface, people within a hundred miles saw it. In the direction of Dayang Village, a blood-colored light column shot straight into the sky!

"Oh my God..." Several students who were eating snacks dropped their snacks on the ground with a "pop": "Am I seeing a ghost..."


The previous one has been modified~ Sorry for posting it by mistake, the one that was ordered in the previous chapter should not be ordered anymore

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