
Chapter 739: Usurping the Heavens and Earth, Reversing Yin and Yang (I)

In the underground cave, Xu Yangyi attacked with anger, and the Apocalypse Six Eclipses completely tore the space apart. The originally square room was completely blown apart, and all human bones were blown into the surrounding soil. The top of the head was directly blown off, and a huge hole with a radius of hundreds of meters appeared in the bloody color of death.

The ground, other places were flatly cut off, except for four deep gullies. It was as if something was dragged backwards. One stretched for dozens of meters, and the other stretched for ten meters. At the end, it was Williams with a solemn face, completely transformed into a demon, and bloodstains all over his body. And Wei Chenyuan, who pursed his lips, said nothing, and the golden dragon was slightly dimmed.

"Ka... Ka..." Williams didn't have time to breathe a sigh of relief. The next second, the four magic weapons all made a slight cracking sound. He took a breath of cold air and immediately retreated dozens of meters again: "Daoyou Langdu, let's talk! We know you are the real one! We already know!"

"Since we know..." Xu Yangyi slowly looked at his hand: "Why are you still holding this real person's sword?"

As soon as the voice fell, blood-red lotus flowers bloomed in the air, emitting terrifying karma, turning the area within a thousand meters into a hell of flames.

"Daoyou Langdu!!" Wei Chenyuan hurriedly said: "Don't do it, I have something to say!"

Xu Yangyi looked at him deeply and sighed in his heart, Xuanyuan Sword Master, I have repaid your kindness today.

The karma flame did not move, Wei Chenyuan breathed a sigh of relief, and just as he was about to speak, the next second, the sky-wide karma flames fell with a devastating momentum!

"Boom!!!" With a loud bang, a circle of red shock waves swept across the ground, and the trees within hundreds of meters turned into charcoal in an instant, and the remaining houses in Dayang Village were like flying ashes, and instantly dispersed.

After the fire, Wei Chenyuan and Williams stood in place. Wei Chenyuan was fine, but Williams' face was slightly pale, and his chest was heaving.

However, the right hands of the two were covered with bloodstains. The tiger's mouth was completely shattered, and the blood below the elbow felt blocked.

No one spoke, and it was not a lie that the golden elixir could not be insulted. If it was a cultivator with a lower cultivation than them who took their treasures, I'm afraid they would immediately kill them at the mountain gate. Langdu did this, and he actually had a trick up his sleeve.

Why did he have a trick up his sleeve?

Wei Chenyuan closed his eyes painfully, and he remembered that the Xuanyuan Sword Master left without saying goodbye.

An indescribable embarrassment flashed through his heart, and he actually fell to the point where he needed a junior to plead for him...

"Next time, it won't be so simple." Xu Yangyi slowly withdrew his hand and said coldly.

The two golden elixirs did not speak, but bowed with sincere admiration.

"Clang clang!" With two crisp sounds, they let go of the spiritual treasures in their hands at the same time. Yuchang and Mistedting immediately returned to Xu Yangyi, transformed into two runes, and imprinted on the back of his hand.

Without waiting for Xu Yangyi to speak, Wei Chenyuan gritted his teeth, wiped off the storage ring on his little finger and flew over: "This is just a small gift, not a respect. I apologize for this incident and promise that in the future, when my forces encounter the forces of Daoyou, they will retreat three steps."

Williams also sighed, took out a red storage ring, looked at it reluctantly for a few seconds, and flew over with a heart: "In the future, this Grand Duke promised to help you do one thing. Within the scope of my ability."

"In the storage ring, there is a treasure that this Grand Duke obtained in his early years, although I have never studied its function thoroughly. It is magical but indescribable. Today... as an apology, I hope Daoyou will not pursue this matter."

It was quite sincere.

Xu Yangyi took the storage ring and just took a look at it, his eyes lit up.

Inside, there was a drop of liquid the size of a thumb.

It is not quite appropriate to call it a liquid, it is in a transition between liquid and solid. Although I don't know what it is... but as long as I feel it, I feel a coolness in my spiritual consciousness.

"Huh?" At this moment, the voices of Yuchang and Misteding came into his mind at the same time, and both of them were surprised: "This..." "Could this be..."

"Two seniors, do you know each other?"

After a few seconds of silence, Misteding's voice came, and he sighed: "Boy... you are lucky."

"This is the advantage of spiritual treasures. Williams doesn't know what this thing is called, but we do. We have lived much longer than him. Many things are not in the books, but the spirits know them."

"This thing is called the Water of Life in the West. It is also called the Source of Ten Thousand Waters. According to the current ranking, the SSS level should be the highest, but the Source of Ten Thousand Waters cannot be included in the level at all. It... usually feels that it can only make the cultivator's spiritual consciousness stronger. But... if there is a chance to get the Source of Ten Thousand Trees, it may be possible to build a small world!"

Xu Yangyi was stunned, looking at the storage ring in astonishment, and then at Williams.

This gift... is too heavy.

"Boy, don't look at him, he can't possibly know the wonderful use of the source of ten thousand waters. Moreover, your source of ten thousand waters is not enough to build a small world. Unless you get the legendary cornucopia. But it can really improve your spiritual consciousness. What's more, there is a recipe for it, called 'Thousand Waters Condensed Ice', which can permanently increase spiritual consciousness by one level. This recipe, I just know."

"The source of ten thousand waters, China is called the Blue Sky Yellow Spring, which is only produced in the deepest ocean on earth. And there must be a big demon above the Nascent Soul level who dies in it. Over a long period of time, the essence will be scattered and gathered, gathered and scattered, and repeated countless times before it is possible to gather this drop. Even in the ancient cultivation era, it is definitely a treasure that can be ranked in the top 100."

Xu Yangyi was a little fascinated: "What about building a small world?"

"Haha..." Two sneers shattered his thoughts: "Wait until you have a pool of Five Elements Innate Spiritual Treasures."

"Where's the cornucopia?"

"...Go get some rest, go get some rest." "Boy, curiosity will kill the cat."

Xu Yangyi turned to look at Williams and suddenly no longer wanted to hold him responsible.

Don’t reach out and hit the smiling person...

Blessed General...

Moreover, the other party's action of getting rid of the storage ring was indeed sincere. Any monk, once he reaches the Golden Core, will quickly form his own power within a few decades. What will other families choose to rely on the Golden Core?


This fame is your own face.

As a late-stage Golden Elixir, Wei Chenyuan backed away when he saw Xu Yangyi's strength. This was already a loss of his own face. This sentence was simple, but in fact it carried a lot of weight. It was also his one-time compensation for offending Xu Yangyi twice.

In that storage ring, there are countless spiritual stones, various magical weapons, techniques, and secret scriptures piled up like mountains. No wonder the other party feels distressed.

As the saying goes, if you become attached, you can’t help but give benefits, right? The rewards of magical weapons and skills are extremely important aspects. In short, Wei Chenyuan has given him enough face this time.

As for Williams, haha... let’s not talk about it.

"Mr. Williams, I want a solution to all the curses of the Tagule family. Remember, it's all of them. This matter is over." Xu Yangyi withdrew his gaze with satisfaction, and suddenly thought of something: "Where are the corpses raised on the ground?"

"I don't know." Wei Chenyuan and Williams were stunned. If not necessary, they would definitely not want to go against such a powerful golden elixir with unlimited room for improvement: "After the inner demon outside the territory appeared, it disappeared."

Xu Yangyi nodded and looked around. Dayang Village was in a mess. I'm afraid that this debt... the government will deduct from him again at the end of the year...

At this moment, he calmly narrowed his eyes and looked solemnly at the cave he had just dug.

He hadn't noticed it before, but now...he actually found a grayish patch in the center of the cave!

Following his gaze, Wei Chenyuan and Williams also noticed it, and looked at the grayish color with confusion: "Fellow Taoist Wolfsbane? What's wrong?"

Xu Yangyi didn't speak, and flew straight down, looking at the gray patch inch by inch.

So familiar...

In his mind, the corrosive gray-white color of the third step flashed across the world's hanging lights.

In the beginning...


Sure enough, there is its shadow behind all this!

"It's been less than two hundred years since the World War, and it finally can't bear it any longer?" He raised his head and looked at the horizon: "Is this... preparing to end things with this real person?"

At one point, Andre also squinted his eyes and looked at the sky. The splendor was like passing clouds in his eyes, and there was only a cold murderous intention in his eyes.

"Come on..." the two of them said almost in unison: "Let's make a break..."

"It's your turn." Zhu Changluo's voice pulled Andre back. On the golden table in front of them, there was a piece of Chinese chess.

"Reverse Chaos Yin and Yang, you have been preparing for hundreds of years, are you ready?" Andre picked up a piece, but did not drop it, and asked casually: "By then, China will definitely make big moves. Changes in the world cannot be concealed from Jin Dan. real person.”

"General." He smiled slightly, picked up the car and put it on the bottom line: "It's time to end."

"Not necessarily." Zhu Changluo divided the order with deep meaning, gently waving the gold folding fan in his hand: "It is not yet known who will win."

The two looked at each other and smiled at each other. Zhu Changluo suddenly leaned forward and said, "Aiqing, you...really don't hide anything from me?"

Andre's eyes were as calm as water behind his glasses: "MAYBE?"

After a long time, Zhu Changluo straightened up and waved his sleeves: "It's a sad autumn for people to grow old, and there is no good time at all. Let's go."

Outside, Xu Yangyi and Wei Chenyuan took a complete step back at the same time.

Right before their eyes, the gray area grew larger and larger, and at the same time, it turned into a fluid-like object, and the entire ground began to vibrate slightly.

"Kakakakak..." The ground beneath my feet became wavy in less than a minute, as if something huge was about to emerge from the ground!

The three people's eyes moved, and they all flew into the air. Almost at the same time, there was a roar, and a pillar that was more than ten meters tall slowly emerged from the ground.

It was made of pure gold, with a nine-clawed golden dragon engraved on it. Black chains locked the golden dragon to the pillar as if it was about to flutter its wings. However, this dragon pillar is filled with Yin Qi. As soon as it appeared, a radius of a hundred meters was like ink in the water, and layers of eerie black quickly spread from the ground.

"This is... the Dragon Locking Nail?!" Yuchang appeared next to Xu Yangyi with a whoosh, looking at the ground in shock: "This... the Emperor of Hades came out? Reverse Yin and Yang?!"

"What on earth is this?" Wei Chenyuan and Williams also felt how extraordinary this thing was. As soon as he appeared, he felt that something was disrupted in the space. Trying to feel, but feeling nothing.

It seemed like... something very important was locked to the ground.


Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! I'm a pig! ! ! ! !

already edited……

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