
Chapter 740: Usurping the Heavens and Earth, Reversing Yin and Yang (Part 2)

"Buzz buzz..." As the dragon-locking nails appeared, circles of extremely mysterious talismans began to spread from the roots. Each one that appeared made them feel...

"What on earth is this?" Wei Chenyuan looked at himself thoughtfully. He may not have felt it under the golden elixir, but any golden elixir can feel it... They have... a feeling in his heart that keeps telling him that it is very important, but he is not. Things that cannot be felt are slowly disappearing.

"Luck." Yuchang's face was extremely cold, and he stared at the pillar that seemed to be shattered with one blow: "The dragon-locking nail... locks the world's general trend. It... not only uses the most precious materials from heaven and earth. The treasure must be cast. In particular, it must be poured with the blood of ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine Yin people. It will take more than five hundred years to form. It can lock the stars in the sky and the destiny of a country."

His face was extremely solemn, and he looked into the distance: "Nine is the number of extremes, and there are nine dragon-locking nails. This one...should be the Rahu nail on the head. The imperial capital is where the dragon head of China is located. From here to the west, There must be eight nails of Yuebo, Ziqi, Jidu, Taiyin, Yinghuo, Huangban, and Tianshou, which are tightly locked in the ground. "

"Who is this? How brave! You dare to touch the dragon veins of China. Do you really think that the names of the four ancient countries of cultivation are in vain?"

Wei Chenyuan's eyes flashed slightly, and he pulled out Tai'a: "Behead?"

"No!" Yuchang said almost at the same time: "It can't be cut! The opponent can lay down the dragon-locking nails, which means that the earth dragon is imprisoned. If you act rashly at this moment, once the Chinese dragon vein is hurt, no one can bear the responsibility!"

They didn't know that while they were talking, two pairs of eyes opened almost at the same time in the practice court on Qingcheng Mountain.

"This is..." "What a strong Yin Qi."

The next second, Qingcheng Mountain was covered with a green light. At the same time, in the practice court, the black and white light was not concealed at all, and two rays of light with a radius of 10,000 meters rushed into the air almost at the same time.

"Pa da..." Qingcheng Mountain, the practice court, countless monks who came to worship were completely dumbfounded.

Shine brightly!

"This is... this is..." At the back of Qingcheng Mountain, a young Taoist priest stared blankly at the sky. After the green light rose, bamboo leaves floated down all over the sky. After thinking "this is" for several seconds, he screamed: "Zhenjun Nascent Soul!!"

"Master!! Look!" "Is this a vision of the Nascent Soul?! Is this a vision of the Nascent Soul?!" "Oh my God... I, I actually saw a living Nascent Soul... No! This is Is there really a Yuanying in the world? "Are you sure it's a Yuanying phenomenon?" "I'm not sure...but, it's too scary..."

In the air, the two true monarchs looked up. China, from Tibet to the imperial capital, passing through the Taihang Mountains, Hukou, Qinling Mountains, Huashan Mountain, Taishan Mountain... nine dragon-locking nails exuding extremely ominous yin energy were nailed to the territory of China. above.

In their eyes, on the ground of China, a giant golden dragon descended from Tibet along the Yellow River. Before reaching the mouth of the sea, the golden dragon raised its head. This giant dragon is completely composed of spiritual light. Every minute among the more than one billion people in China, a spiritual thread that can only be seen by the Nascent Soul floats out and merges into the golden dragon. At this moment, the nine points of black light on the golden dragon's body are like The nine poisonous snakes are so eye-catching.

"The thieves are so brave!" The two true monarchs sat cross-legged in the void, pinching their fingers quickly, which coincided with a strange frequency. After a minute, Tianzai's lowered eyes suddenly raised, and he looked at the land of China under his feet in disbelief. , who retreated to Yuanying with one word, his voice was filled with shock at this moment.

"The Last Emperor?"

"Zhu Ming?"

" is this possible?"

Thirty seconds later, Xu Fangyuan also stopped calculating, his eyes were shining brightly, he took a deep breath and looked at the ground.

"That's... so courageous!"

At this moment, a piece of gold floated in the sky, and the shadow of an old monk, Feng Xu Yufeng, stepped forward and grew lotuses. As he rose and fell, golden lotuses turned into auras and scattered all over the sky. Putting his hands together: "Amitabha, this old monk is late for retreat, please forgive me."

"Someone is usurping the sky." As powerful as Tian Zai, he did not give everyone a chance to reminisce. His voice was extremely heavy: "Using the sky and changing the earth, reversing the yin and yang, the last Nine-Five Supreme Being in China, the emperor's destiny protects the body, this is Zhenjun can’t figure out who he is.”

Xu Fangyuan pondered: "Now that things have happened, we can no longer hide our identity. A hundred years later, Zhenwu will attack. I think... it is better to reveal it later than to reveal it early, so as to give mortals some confidence. Why not take advantage of this time to mobilize all the people?" Find the golden elixir, the nine dragon-locking nails, and the nine Yin veins one by one!"


After saying this, gold, green, and black and white lights flashed in the sky, and the three of them disappeared.

"Who is the Hades Emperor you just mentioned?" In Dayang Village, it was also the first time for Williams to encounter such an unbelievable situation, locking the national destiny of a country... the flesh and blood of a hundred thousand people, reversing the yin and yang... This is too unbelievable. Even if he and Wei Chenyuan were experts in Qi Sect and Bagua, they had never heard of such a thing!

"The Emperor of the the Lord of the Underworld Emperor..." A trembling voice came from the side. Mr. Zhao Wu walked over with a pale face, his voice was trembling: "The dragon is imprisoned on the earth, and there is no sun or yin. As long as you enshrine the heaven and earth Raise two corpses, two spiritual beings from heaven and earth, and the yang dragon turns into yin, this... all the people in this country... will become ghosts!"

"And the person who planted the dragon-locking nails...he, he is the co-lord of the underworld for everyone!"

"Ha..." Wei Chenyuan and Williams both gasped.

Incredible courage!

What a courage!

Bizarre deaths in the imperial capital...

People have been disappearing for more than 20 years...

The sky is the sky, the earth is the sky, and Feng Weimin's report... In the end, it actually involved such an incident!

"Daoyou Langdu." Wei Chenyuan turned around anxiously, and just as he was about to speak, his brows were slightly frowned.

Xu Yangyi half-knelt on the ground, rubbing the ground inch by inch, thinking.

"Daoyou, did you remember anything?"

He didn't speak, but he did remember something... Dan Ling, who had a photographic memory, was fully utilized, and all the details of the past were connected together.

There is no doubt... This matter was planned by the master himself. Why? It's very simple. How can he be willing to destroy his thousand-year plan when the Tower of Babel destroyed it? Second, the war of all realms is coming, and this is the master's last chance! Otherwise, it will have to wait for another two thousand years. With Xu Yangyi's cultivation speed, two thousand years... is enough to pull it out of the Yin Dynasty and completely kill it.

It can't wait for two thousand years.

So, this time it is the general trend, and it has to take the lead. Before the arrival of the Zhenwu Realm, it must make a conclusion with Xu Yangyi. At the same time, he stayed for at least a hundred years to plan how to enter Xu Kunlun during the war of all realms.

"Of course... its body should have woken up only after the Tower of Babel appeared. All the disappearances occurred at the same time as the Tower of Babel, which can prove this. How could he gather 100,000 flesh and blood and brew for 500 years? Unless..."

His eyes flashed: "He... has helpers!"

He suddenly thought of two crucial details.

Daming Palace, 100,000 eunuchs. Every generation was buried with the emperor, 100,000 eunuchs... 100,000 Yin people's flesh and blood...

These two numbers are so coincidental that people can't help but pay attention!

Second... Wei Zhongxian left him decades ago. Since he recognized himself as the master, why did he leave? According to the ancient concept, the master humiliated the servant and died, where did he go?

Unless... the real master is not dead!

Yes... Yes! I don't know if it was Ming Shenzong or Ming Guangzong. The other party was able to attract Xuanyuan Sword to kill, and it seems that it was not just for the imperial weapon. And...

"It is very likely that there is still a real last emperor." His eyes were stern: "And, it should be in the Ming Tombs! Apart from here, they have nowhere to hide!"

Third, that is, Master Zhao Wu once said that to disrupt yin and yang, someone who can represent China must speak. He guessed many people at the time, but he didn't guess the dead. If one of the two emperors is not dead... then everything makes sense!

There is a perfect explanation for both the motive and the practice!

"The Ming Tombs." He raised his head and said in a deep voice: "Master Zhao Wu, you pass on my real oral order, immediately mobilize the troops that the emperor can mobilize, and completely ban the Ming Tombs!"

"Especially the tombs of Ming Shenzong and Ming Guangzong!"

"Okay!" Master Zhao Wu agreed immediately, and then whispered: "What if...someone doesn't listen?"

Xu Yangyi's hand flashed with green light, and Misty Ting responded: "Kill."

"Whoever doesn't listen, I will kill him."

After Master Zhao Wu went there, less than ten minutes later, a black and white air condensed in the sky.

"Hua La La..." The black and white spiritual energy was like a tide in the sky, covering tens of thousands of meters in radius. On the black side, everything was withered and silent, and on the white side, winter turned to spring. The rotation of black and white actually formed a cycle of life and death.

"The light shines for thousands of miles..." Wei Chenyuan was stunned for a moment, and immediately bowed, his voice was extremely excited: "Greetings to the Yuanying Zhenjun!"

"No need to be polite." Tianzai's voice came slowly from Tai Chi. There was no fluctuation of spiritual energy. The three people only felt that the space of 10,000 meters around them was instantly isolated.

"Master Wei, Master Langdu, listen to your orders."

"Yes!" Both of them clasped their fists.

"Return to the cultivation court immediately. Someone is rebelling against yin and yang and trying to tamper with the destiny of China. All Jindan Zhenren gather together. This is the fifth Jindan Conference of China. This Zhenjun will assign tasks to each person."

"In an emergency, this Zhenjun can only tell you that Taihang, Hukou, Imperial Capital, Qinling... a total of nine places, only Zhenren can enter. At this time tomorrow, I hope that all Zhenren will put China's motherland first and come to respond to the call."

After speaking, the black and white colors dissipated with the wind. The sense of reincarnation between heaven and earth disappeared at the same time.

Xu Yangyi's eyes moved slightly. This is Yuanying Zhenjun... There are still more than 160 years before the war of all realms. Finally... Yuanying Zhenjun can't sit still?

Yes, in the face of the life and death decisive battle that concerns the survival of the earth, no one can still be seen without a trace.

He can imagine that in the next hundred years, the sleeping old monsters, the ethereal Yuanying Zhenjun, and the Jindan Zhenren who are practicing will appear more and more, all gathered under the flag of the earth.


He withdrew his thoughts and looked at the dragon-locking nail on the ground.

Well... Since you are now forced to end it, I will give you a complete end.


I sent it in the wrong order yesterday, and it has been corrected

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