
Chapter 741: Dragon Vein (I)

The three of them dispersed. Xu Yangyi did not leave.

Not only did he not leave, he also observed the surroundings vigilantly until he was sure that there was no trace of spiritual energy, then he immediately took out a bottle of pills and swallowed them all without even looking.

Lines of spiritual power rose in the Dantian. Although it was small, it was better than nothing.

"What?" Yuchang asked worriedly, "Your spiritual power...has been unstable. What's wrong?"

Xu Yangyi adjusted his breath for a few seconds, and he could already feel that... his spiritual power was on the verge of falling. He fought fiercely with Di Yang Zhi, and then attacked Wei Chenyuan and Williams in a rage. The gap between one and the other is terrible. He knew very well that if he continued to mobilize his spiritual power as he did just now, his level would probably fall immediately.

"Your technique is very strange. You can't absorb the spiritual power? According to my inference, you will fall to the middle stage of Jindan after you take two more strikes at most. Your current state... is not good." Mistertin observed carefully. After thinking for a while, he muttered: "But, this is also an excellent opportunity. According to the wishes of Master Tianzai, this time all the golden elixirs will come according to the order. It is almost a group of two golden elixirs, which will reduce your pain. crisis."

Xu Yangyi thought for a moment and told the two weapon spirits about the Eternal Alchemy King, but concealed the matter about Jiuyao Xingluo.

The last star was the Xuanyuan Wuji Sword Formation. He had a vague hunch that it was best for no one to say anything about this kind of thing.

"That's right." After a moment of silence, Yuchang said after careful consideration: "Extreme exercises must have advantages and disadvantages. Your strength far exceeds your realm, and this is the advantage. The disadvantages may not be visible in low-level realms. But in high-level realms, It’s clear like you are now.”

"If you venture into the secret realm alone, your life should be guaranteed in your current state. But I'm afraid you will return in vain. This sudden change in the Chinese Dragon Vein is your chance."

"With your understanding of Taichu, as long as the partner's strength is strong enough, he will kill two chances of taking action. Facing two real people, the master still has no way to escape!" He said solemnly: "Not to mention... it was... Quetzalcoatl is seriously injured first. Great opportunities often hide in crises. This is an ironclad rule in the spiritual world."

Xu Yangyi nodded.

This was exactly what he had in mind. Even with his own strength, even at the early stage of Jindan, he can still compete with the real people who have just advanced to the late stage. And how many late stage real people are there in China?

After making up his mind, he turned into a ray of blue light and flew towards the practice court.

The Cultivation Court is located in the center of the imperial capital. It is an antique building with a very ancient style. It has stood in the center of the Chinese capital for hundreds of years without a single guard or accident, because everyone knows about it. Behind the Tianzi gate, which is almost never opened, sits the most powerful Jin Dan Zhenren in China.

"Brush!" The black light rushed straight into the practice court like a tide. The Qi Refining monk who was cleaning and pruning the branches and leaves in the court garden was immediately frightened and fell to his knees, trembling.

"What, what's going on?" "Why are there so many real people here today? What big event happened?" "The Golden elixir gathering...any time is a grand gathering of China. There was no notice today, but they all came?" "Something terrible must have happened!"

Xu Yangyi walked straight into the court. Everyone who saw him, whether they were monks on official business in the court or those who came to the imperial capital for business, all leaned aside in cold sweat and bowed.

As soon as he walked into the building, an elderly monk who had perfected the foundation of Dzogchen came up. He bowed his body respectfully and said with a hint of anxiety in his voice: "Welcome ancestor, Lord Wolfbane, please come with me. The other monks have already arrived." arrive."

Xu Yangyi followed him up and asked casually: "How many real people are there in total?"

"No more, no less, totaling eighteen including you."

Soon, when he pushed open a seemingly ordinary door, he felt a dizzy feeling, which was the feeling of a teleportation circle. When I opened my eyes, my eyes were already bright.

Huge conference room. It should be a hundred meters big. In the center, there is a huge conference table thirty meters long, with a high-end sofa in the back gilded with jade, and a figure sitting on each of the eighteen seats on the soft seats.

Some of them were in person, but very few. Most of those who couldn't make it were all incarnations resident in the imperial capital.

Eighteen thrones, eighteen kings.

That kind of attitude of strolling leisurely even though there are thousands of people there is enough to split the 100-meter conference room into eighteen turbulent countries.

This is a feeling that is difficult to describe. Although there are not many people here, it makes people feel a kind of tit-for-tat loneliness. It looks like eighteen snow-capped mountains towering into the clouds, cold and majestic.

Xu Yangyi sat down casually. Just as he sat down, eighteen rays of light flashed from the eighteen thrones at the same time, all converging on the center. Then...a black and white word "天" flashed in the center.

"Brush..." At this moment, a white light circulated, and the entire room was quietly submerged in the white spiritual light, and everything was swallowed up by the white light. All Jindan felt that the ground was sinking rapidly. All stood still.

After a few seconds, the surroundings turned dark. Eighteen thrones float in the air, surrounded by endless darkness.

"It's interesting." On a throne, sat a man of short stature, like a soul, obviously an incarnation. One hand held his cheek at an angle, and the other hand held a cup of fragrant tea, and he slowly said: "Fellow Taoist Tianzai, since you are already here, why don't you come out and see me?"

Golden elixir Dzogchen... almost virtual infant!

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed slightly. This was the first real great monk he had seen in China whose realm was almost as good as Antonio's.

Don't know who it is.

As soon as he finished speaking, in the center of the eighteen thrones, a black and white lotus slowly bloomed, one layer black and one layer white, exuding an indescribable power of life and death. In a moment, it turned into spiritual light and dispersed, and Tianzai's spiritual body had already appeared on the scene.

He is dressed in ancient costume, with chicken skin and white hair, which is extremely lifelike. He has white eyebrows and a long beard, with a Taoist style and a Taoist bun on his head. The clothes on his body are also the most ordinary common clothes. But the moment he appeared, the spiritual power of the eighteen golden elixirs in the entire room became a little unstable.

"Zhang Sanfeng..." Xu Yangyi pursed his lips and looked deeply at the old man. Grandmaster of Tai Chi... Nine Yin and Nine Yang, I can't believe that he has lived from the Yuan Dynasty to the present.

"Everyone, the situation is urgent, I won't say anything more." Tianzai nodded slightly in all directions, his voice solemn: "Do you... know why the practice court has never been moved?"

" you know where this place is?"

No one spoke.

Tian Zai continued: "If it weren't for the giants in charge of the Chinese cultivation world, it would be impossible to reach here, and it would be impossible to know the secrets here. If it weren't for the sudden change of today's vision, even if the fellow Taoists here are real people, I'm afraid they will never be able to reach this place. Can't get here."

As soon as he finished speaking, he pointed to the sky and the ground. The movements were light and easy, but there was an indescribable Taoist charm.

With this simple finger, the layers of black clouds under his feet suddenly split apart, as if a terrifying crack had been opened in this huge and endless world.

And in the sky, there were ripples, and they began to slowly become transparent. From here, it looked like it was underneath the practice court.

But...between them and the lower part of the practice court, there is an extremely terrifying spiritual power. The light shines through, and the naked eye can see that circles of black ripples in mid-air spread like shock waves in all directions, boundless, and at the end turn into black talismans all over the sky, stabilizing the space.

In the center of the shock wave, a hazy figure sat on the ninth grade black lotus platform. No man or woman could be seen, no realm could be seen, only the meaning of vicissitudes of life remained. With the power of one person, he stirs up the black tide with a radius of ten thousand meters, stars hang down on the vast plains, and the moon surges into the river.

Just when Xu Yangyi saw this figure, Yuchang and Mistertin on the backs of his hands trembled almost simultaneously. He immediately said in a deep voice: "It is said that there are two spiritual treasures in China, one is the national jade seal in the hands of the chairman, and the other is under the practice court. Could this be the spirit of the spiritual treasure?"

A few seconds later, Mistertin's spiritual consciousness came over: "Yes... I can feel that this is an extremely powerful spiritual treasure. It may be older than me, and about the same as Mr. Yuchang." It... looks like a scale?"

At the same time, the figure in the void that almost blended into the darkness seemed to move. Tianzai glanced at Xu Yangyi in surprise but calmly, saying nothing.

At this moment, a sound of taking a deep breath came, and Xu Yangyi was stunned. What could possibly surprise the well-informed Jin Dan Master?

Looking down, he gasped in the next second.

Underfoot, the black abyss has cracked open layer by layer, and layers of black clouds are like intertwined mountain peaks, and in the bottomless abyss...

There is a huge one!

I don’t know its length, I don’t know its height, I don’t know its radius. The whole body is golden, composed of an extremely mysterious energy and golden light. Pieces of golden scales and a strip of long white hair on its back. When people compare it, it is like an earthworm compared to a giant tree!

"What is this?" Master Gu Song's eyes were blank for a moment, and he asked in a deep voice after a long time.

What on earth is this?

Being under the Cultivation Court, protected by spiritual treasures... No, there is such a behemoth hiding under the Cultivation Court?

Tianzai did not answer directly, but rolled his sleeves: "Fellow Taoists, this... can be said to be the last secret of my country. Let's go down and take a look?"

"Except for today, you should never see this scene."

No one spoke, and eighteen figures stood up from the throne and shot down like lightning.

Xu Yangyi did not fall behind. The further down he went, the more he realized how big that huge body was. He was no bigger than a piece of scale armor! The huge body in front of him was like a mountain range!

He fell a hundred meters away from his body and sighed deeply. Except for Quetzalcoatl, he had never seen such a huge thing. As for Quetzalcoatl, that kind of monster that circles the earth can no longer be described as big.

"Boy!" Yuchang and Mistertin suddenly said: "Be careful!" "This thing is alive!"

Live? !

Xu Yangyi pursed his lips and retreated tens of meters as if his body was almost electrified.

He looked from left to right, looking at the section revealed. It was probably at least a thousand meters in diameter, and he had no idea how long the body was. Such a monster... is actually alive?

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