
Chapter 743: Twenty Years of Change

Master Gu Song looked at him deeply for a few seconds, then cupped his hands and said, "Take care."

"Take care." The two of them left separately.

No one stopped, and eighteen rays of light dispersed over the imperial capital in an instant.

Xu Yangyi knew that this last day was the time to prepare for all real people. Every day of the seven or seven forty-nine days was extremely precious. As soon as he came back, he immediately found Mao Baer and solemnly told him that everything from now on would be left to him. Be sure to make arrangements for the previous members and give them what they need. And be prepared to accept the dependence of the family behind them.

Second, contact the Tagule family again. Third, organize a trade team to Kaiyunjie as soon as possible. Fourth, he took out all the refined elixirs that he could no longer use and asked the other party to sell them immediately. Fifth, we must protect the safety of Chu Zhaonan and Zhao Ziqi.

There is no other way, I have to support people, I don’t have any money and I don’t feel confident.

"You don't have any family attachment, BOY." Mao Baer wore glasses and a suit he ordered from someone unknown. He wrote quickly in his notebook, with his legs crossed and holding a cup of coffee, looking like an elite dog warrior. : "Young, too young. Do you know how many things you have caused when you come back? You have caused all kinds of troubles. The government is now waiting to see which family will attach itself to you! The fine does not dare to be sent to you, so naturally it will be sent to the subordinates. Your family!"

"Who has such a big heart to wipe your ass? If you want someone to join you, that's fine! Wait a few more years until everyone forgets that you owe the government hundreds of millions! Or wait two years for your elixir to be fully developed Let's talk about it later!" Mao Baer became more and more excited as he spoke. He seemed to have seen a lot of gold coins flying away. He jumped on the sofa and pointed his paws directly at Xu Yangyi's heart: "Even if you don't think about yourself, We have to think about our children! Is there a father like you who leaves no inheritance and no debts?”

Three seconds later, with a scream, a fat, suspicious-looking canine figure turned into a shooting star in the sky.

That night, Xu Yangyi made final preparations. When he formed the elixir that day, he specially selected two pieces as congratulatory gifts from everyone.

"It's a pity that Qian Shui Ningbing can't be refined. Otherwise... I will be more sure of entering Qingling this time." He sighed regretfully. In addition, I am afraid that the secret of XYD will have to be let go.

If the country does not exist, how can the hair be attached?

It was already eleven o'clock at noon the next day, and he turned into a black light and rushed towards the Ming Tombs.

Master Jin Dan was so fast that in the blink of an eye, he had arrived at the outskirts of the Ming Tombs.

The Tianshou Mountains, a world wonder that used to be crowded with people, now probably have tens of thousands of soldiers, with chains covered with talismans, blocking the entire forty square kilometers of the Ming Tombs. In the forty-kilometer-long blockade... densely packed runes gathered from each chain to form a huge light shield. Around the shield, temporary tents were stationed like hills, one after another.

"Mountain-protecting formation?" Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed slightly. Not only that, it was an extremely powerful mountain-protecting formation that even his spiritual consciousness could not penetrate.

When a dark cloud came from the sky, the people in the garrison immediately understood that it was a real person coming. The mortals looked at the black tide in the sky with envious but unclear eyes, while all the monks were stunned for a moment, and immediately knelt down in the room. There were even young monks whose faces turned red with excitement, "Welcome Master Xu!" "Welcome the ancestor of Wolfbane!"

This is a real person who changed the world in ten minutes. Among the younger generation, he is simply the most popular idol right now.

The three-thousand-meter black mist in the river and sea condensed light, condensing Xu Yangyi's figure at a speed that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye. When they landed, three colonels had already walked out of the temporary command post in a huge tent about two hundred meters tall.

"Master Xu." The three of them performed a military salute: "According to the instructions of you and Master Tianzai, the Ming Tombs, which are forty kilometers away, have been completely surrounded. This is Colonel Gongshu Yi of Gongshu. We have taken out the latest Equipment, be sure not to let anyone out.”

Gong Shuyi bowed deeply and with unusual sincerity: "Master Xu dares to take risks with his great Taoist oath. For this courage, monks all over the world will remember you."

Xu Yangyi nodded casually: "Has the Black Mountain Master arrived?"

The colonel who spoke first shook his head, and the three of them exchanged glances very quickly. Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows: "What? Is there a problem?"

"Master Xu." Gongshu Yi said in a deep voice: "It's... not very convenient here. Please come with us."

Entering the big tent behind you, this is obviously a temporary dispatch center, with various horizontal and vertical section maps of the Ming Tombs. He was sensitively aware of at least five defensive formations, all of which were of the Xudan level. Inside, monks or mortal researchers in white coats were rapidly operating in front of rows of complicated instruments.

"We found a very strange piece of information." The colonel said after careful consideration: "In the past twenty years... the residents near the Ming Tombs have dug up some incredible things. How should I put it, some... should only exist in The stuff of legend.”

Xu Yangyi nodded, and the colonel raised his chin. Immediately, a 13-year-old man came up with a red box, about one foot in size.

The box opened silently, and inside was an extremely strange-shaped, yellow-white, and somewhat transparent object.

"Meat Ganoderma." Before Xu Yangyi could ask, a white-haired scholar beside him stood up from the instrument and reached the realm of Xu Dan. First, he bowed deeply to Xu Yangyi: "Master Xu, you can consider joining the Ministry of War. You have many fans among soldiers now. To be honest, those ten minutes that changed the world will definitely be remembered in history. Your courage and courage, It’s admirable. It’s such an honor for this junior to see Tianyan.”

Xu Yangyi smiled and nodded in return.

The feeling of being a celebrity...that's why he never goes out.

"This is Professor Zheng Boyuan from Yinlong Base. Yinlong Base is a special secret department of the military. Professor Zheng has been engaged in spiritual research for nearly 150 years. His IQ is as high as 286." Gongshu Yi immediately introduced.

Zheng Boyuan straightened up, his expression already very solemn, and said in a deep voice: "Compendium of Materia Medica is regarded as the "highest grade of the classic", and its effect is 'long-term food, light body, immortality, longevity'. According to the record of "Shen Nong's Materia Medica": " Ganoderma lucidum is non-toxic, tonifies the heart, replenishes essence and energy, increases wisdom, cures knots in the chest, and takes long-term use to lighten the body and prevent aging. "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" calls it "seeing the flesh", "gathering the flesh", and "sealing". However, I think it also has a name that is most familiar."

He took a deep breath, his body shook for no reason, and he said word by word: "Taisui."

Xu Yangyi pondered: "What's so weird?"

"Tai Sui is not weird. The God Star in the sky shines, and Tai Sui must appear on the ground. As the Emperor Star moves to the mid-heaven, Tai Sui 'organizes and differentiates' and spreads across the emperor's territory. In other words, Tai Sui and the Emperor Star appear at the same time. It represents the end of a dynasty, or... the change of the dynasty." Zheng Boyuan pursed his lips with a hint of fear on his face: "The weird one... is the Tai Sui of the Ming Tombs."

"Please look at this."

He waved his hand, and a screen of light appeared in the room, with rows of data flashing on it. Xu Yangyi looked at it for a few seconds, and his expression became serious.

Twenty years ago, from January to September, seventy-two Tai Sui were unearthed.

In the last three months before the 20th, one thousand and eighty-three Tai Sui numbers were unearthed!

For the next nineteen years, three hundred Tai Sui pieces were unearthed every year!

"This number is so weird. The number of Tai Sui in the whole country can only be counted with fingers. But the Ming Tombs... In the past 20 years, I have not seen it. It is so weird that it makes people crazy. There are so many Tai Sui... ..." Zheng Boyuan's face turned pale: "What happened below?"

"But... this is not the most important thing!" Zheng Boyuan calmed down and waved with his face still pale. Not far from them, there was a row of three-meter-high petri dishes, with iron pieces sinking outside.

Xu Yangyi didn't pay attention here at first, and didn't dare to be interested in any data-based things. However, when the protection of the petri dish that blocked his sight sank, even he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Eight Petri dishes.

Eight Tai Sui!

These eight Tai Sui are completely different from the ones in the previous box. They are... four to five meters high and about one meter in diameter.

The shape is weird, even ferocious. But...this didn't surprise him.

What shocked him was... there was someone among these eight Tai Sui who were several meters tall.

Two or three people were swallowed by the twisted Tai Sui and wrapped in it. They had been digested so badly that their true colors could not be seen at all!

"Tai he eating people?" He took a step forward, and a monster immediately appeared in his mind.

is it...

This must be it!

It... was cut down to the realm by Quetzalcoatl and has gone completely crazy.

Time waits for no one, and he can't wait any longer!

"It's just a fantasy..." Zheng Boyuan walked to Xu Yangyi's side. Even though he had looked at him countless times, he felt the dark wind behind him at this moment: "Below the Ming Tombs... what happened? The longevity medicine actually eats people? This It’s simply incredible!”

"Zhenren Xu." The colonel took a step forward and said in a voice that could only be heard by two people: "In the past twenty years... not a single living thing has been scanned in the entire Tianshou Mountain. And..."

He took out his mobile phone and handed it over. Xu Yangyi took it and took a look. It was an infrared scan of Tianshou Mountain. The mountain range was still the same, but there were...almost thousands of red dots on the mountain, climbing towards one place.

"These... are all Tai Sui." The colonel gritted his teeth and said: "We caught a few of them, and after dissection, we found that there was everything inside... This is not Tai Sui, this is a monster! It is definitely not some longevity medicine! They... are devouring it. The entire Ming Tombs, and the center they climbed to is Qing Tomb!"

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