
Chapter 744: Entering Qingling (I)

Xu Yangyi did not speak for a long time before he said: "Call up the scene inside the shield."

The picture immediately appeared in front of Xu Yangyi, but everything was different.

Tianshou Mountain Range, this world cultural heritage site, a 5A-level scenic spot, is already full of ghosts. A series of chilling Yin Qi slowly emerged from the ground, forming a cold sound of ghosts crying and wolves howling. The strong Yin wind even formed a black vortex of dozens of kilometers in the sky.

A little bit of pale green nether fire floated around the mountains, and the ghosts visible to the naked eye hovered around a red light that was only a few meters thick and reached the sky, forming a ghostly tower of Babel.

"How can this be called the Thirteen Tombs..." Xu Yangyi narrowed his eyes slightly, and his hand gently passed through the light curtain: "Isn't it Lanruo Temple?"

"In one day, even to this. It seems that... the master and his allies have also begun to try their best. Yes..." His eyes were indifferent: "In less than 160 years, who... is not trying their best?"

You, me, and... the earth and the Zhenwu world. There are also the vast and boundless heavens and worlds.

"I will go in first. If Heishan Zhenren comes in, tell him that I have arrived."

After saying this, he flashed and appeared in front of the mountain protection formation.

He took a step forward and merged into the mountain protection formation like mist.

"Roar!!!!" Just as he entered, a thick black storm rushed out like a landslide and tsunami.

In the storm, it seemed to carry the wailing of tens of thousands of people, mixed with all kinds of unspeakable evil. "Shua La La..." Xu Yangyi's clothes were blown wildly. Like a huge rock in the middle of the river, he stood still.

After a few seconds, he opened his eyes and looked around calmly.

Two worlds.

Outside the magic circle, the sun was all over the sky, and inside, it had become a hell of hell.

The tree wanted to be quiet but the wind did not stop, the gloomy wind howled, and countless gloomy winds even gathered into a strange black and white figure, blowing over Tianshou Mountain.

At this moment!

As if sensing his arrival, thousands of golden lights actually broke through the black fog and flashed!

"Swish!" In the golden light, there was a faint sound of dragon roar, and the whole space was shaking slightly. Then, a mausoleum, a rootless lotus floated up, one split into two, two split into three, three into infinite, and these lotuses were blood-red!

"This is..." Xu Yangyi suddenly felt that this scene was familiar, and looked deeply in the direction of the mausoleum: "Changling? Zhu Yuanzhang's mausoleum?"

No answer, then, Xianling, Jingling, Yuling, Maoling, Tailing, Kangling, Yongling, Zhaoling, Dingling, Deling, Siling, and even the last Qingling, all burst into blood-red light. Like the twelve zodiac signs, standing in Tianshou Mountain.

At this moment, the wind seemed to have lost its voice, and everything was silent.

Xu Yangyi looked at his right hand in astonishment, where a talisman was slowly disappearing. And the figure of Yuchang, without being summoned by him, actually floated out slowly, and the figure that condensed into Yuchang on the opposite side looked at him in surprise.

"This..." Before he finished speaking, a dark chain appeared on Yuchang's chest with a clang. It was orchid-colored and shone with an evil sheen.

"Dangdangdang!" Five light sounds were heard, and five chains bound Yuchang's five limbs. The next second, Yuchang seemed to be dragged by something unspeakable, and retreated rapidly, instantly disappearing in Qingling.

Changes happened in less than three seconds!

Feng responded to the call, and the cold cry rang in his ears again. Mistydin was shocked and his figure also flashed, looking at everything in front of him in disbelief.

The air seemed to be filled with the words that Yuchang had not finished saying. The speed was so fast that even the black light that was dragged away remained there, forming a dazzling afterimage.

"What happened just now?"

Xu Yangyi did not answer, and slowly stroked his hand.

He remembered why that scene looked so familiar. When Yuchang was not yet Yuchang, but only half of the living emperor's weapon, he first got the other party from the snake demon. It was the same, with golden gauze all over the sky and rootless lotus appearing.


He stroked his blank right hand with some annoyance. Yuchang himself had a great relationship with Ming Guangzong. Now he had just stepped into the Ming Tombs, and in less than three seconds, the other party actually deprived him of one of his trump cards.

"A show of strength?" He pondered and looked at the evil world around him, with murderous intent in his heart.

He and Yuchang had come all the way, and he didn't think that Yuchang could be deprived. However, Yuchang, who became the spirit of the weapon, was actually done by the other party!

It took only three seconds, so fast that he didn't have any reaction time!

"Andre, is this your work?"

"Little guy." Misty Ting carefully felt the surroundings: "Don't be careless... I can feel that there are two extremely powerful pressures here."

"One should be the level of a national defense artifact... but it is much weaker than China's national defense artifact. If the national defense artifact is also divided into three levels, A, B, C. This national defense artifact is C, and China's is at least A+." He paused: "But... even if it is C, it is also a divine weapon to protect the destiny of a country."

"The other... I feel..." He took a deep breath: "Even... it is above this national defense artifact!"

"What are you going to do?"

After a few seconds, Xu Yangyi licked his lips: "Kill in."

"Yuchang, you are both a teacher and a friend to this real person. If you dare to touch the people around me, you will be killed without mercy."

"Well said." At this moment, a magnificent voice suddenly came from the sky, and a golden light shone above the mountain protection formation.

A strong pressure came from the golden color, as if golden ink appeared on the white light shield, and then a team of dozens of people came in a long line.

In front, three one-horned green bulls pulled the cart, each of which was a hundred meters long and green, but covered with lotus patterns. A strong aura emanated from them. These were actually three great demons in the realm of virtual dan!

However, at this moment, they were extremely respectful. Chains were pulled out from them, dragging a chariot with a radius of twenty meters behind them!

The canopy was in front, and a ten-meter-long curtain hung from the canopy. The whole chariot was carved with dragons and phoenixes, and it was magnificent. However, if you look closely, every carving is composed of talismans. With every meter driven out, the golden aura was like a dream. That... was the fairy spirit emitted by the SS-level magic weapon condensed together.

The whole car was actually made of SS-level magic weapons!

On both sides of the car, there were forty people holding swords, spears, pestles, mirrors... There were thousands of precious lights and auspicious auras. As the car slowly drove in, the sky was cracked with deep black marks wherever it passed. It was actually unable to withstand the power of the chariot and was crushed into a broken void.

"What a big battle." Misteding disappeared in Xu Yangyi's left hand the second the car appeared: "It seems that the other party doesn't take you and this place seriously at all."

The majestic convoy stood upright above Xu Yangyi's head. The person in the car said lightly: "What you said just now is right."

"But why?"

"One soldier dared to break into the nine Yin veins. Master Xu is really bold." The figure seemed to move casually: "Why not, Master Xu show me how to break the ban of the Thirteen Tombs?"

Black Mountain Master.

The Golden Core Demon King who has been famous in China for hundreds of years!

It can be said that 90% of the Chinese cultivators of this generation grew up listening to his stories. In the hearts of most cultivators, this is the real heaven. The power of the accumulated Jindan, and the hundreds of years of guarding Bohai, even if Xu Yangyi has the reputation of being the best under the Jindan, 90% of people will definitely lean towards Heishan Zhenren.

This is the difference in background.

Xu Yangyi's eyes swept across the opponent's chariot, and then looked at the forty magic weapons held by forty people. Each of them was filled with a majesty that he dared not say could kill instantly, far superior to the two magic weapons in his hands. This alone proves that the opponent's Jindan for hundreds of years is not a false person under the reputation.

"Very strong." Misty Ding said affirmatively: "Almost a nominal prince, but... the strength is likely to be above the nominal prince. China is full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers."

"Heishan Daoist Fellow." Xu Yangyi replied lightly, he is definitely not the kind of person who would put his face in cold buttocks.

"It's Heishan Zhenren." The chariot was high above, compared to the luxurious lineup that made most cultivators and even Jindan Zhenren ashamed, Xu Yangyi below was alone. If it weren't for the overwhelming pressure of the golden elixir beside him, he would probably be worse than the coachman in front of the carriage in the eyes of outsiders.

Heishan Zhenren didn't even bother to lift the curtain: "The word daoist is used to refer to friends of equals. Could it be that Langdu Zhenren is so arrogant that he thinks that all daoists are daoists?"

He seemed to smile: "You are really so proud."

"Really?" Xu Yangyi spoke calmly, and before he finished speaking, endless fire rose from all directions, and the terrifying temperature made the space blurred.

The next second, endless fire lotus appeared in the air, with a sharp whistle, and suddenly rushed towards the Qing Mausoleum in the center.

"Boom!" The three thousand meters of fire purgatory, even the ghosts in the air were frightened by the fire of the purgatory and flew around, and the space became red. In the raging fire, a "crackling" sound rang slightly.

That was the protective ban of the Thirteen Tombs.

The people that Heishan Zhenren dared to bring out were definitely carefully selected. However, at this moment, the faces of several cultivators changed.

"Inflation?" Xu Yangyi glanced at the chariot coldly.

There was silence for two seconds, and a sneer came from the chariot: "Nothing special."

"Boom!!" Before the words fell, a giant hand fell from the curtain, composed entirely of golden light, majestic and sacred. Wherever it passed, rootless lotuses swayed in the air. In an instant, there was a humming sound that shook the sky and the earth. The ban that had been burned by the ten-sided karma flames was instantly destroyed.

"Pala!" A series of crisp sounds, the space shook slightly, as if a layer of frosted glass was pulled away, and the Thirteen Tombs below became clearer.

"It's just a trick, he didn't want to stop us with this thing. It can be destroyed with a backhand. Who is the real wolf poison showing such a big battle?" A whisk slowly lifted a corner of the curtain: "To demonstrate to me?"

"Let's go." The curtain fell, and the chariot turned into a dazzling golden light and rushed straight to the Qing Tomb. The indifferent voice of Black Mountain Master resounded through the sky: "If you want to go in, just follow me for two steps. If you don't want to go in, it doesn't matter whether you are here or not."

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