
Chapter 745: Entering Qingling (Part 2)

Golden light was like a tide, forty attendants, a magic chariot, and a great demon of the Void Pill rolled over Xu Yangyi's head. He felt someone glanced at him lightly, raised his eyebrows slightly, and glanced at the sky indifferently.

In the black sky, the pomp of Heishan Zhenren was like the Milky Way in the sky, stretching for a hundred meters. On both sides of the carriage, a young man in ancient costume retracted his gaze and bowed respectfully to the carriage: "Ancestor, this Wolf Poison Master is not that good. He is just like a three-year-old child in front of you. I really don't know who gave him the title of the first person below the Nascent Soul."

A sneer sounded in the carriage: "These days, there are many people who flatter themselves. He dares to respond to whatever others say. Just now, the Jindan, the foundation is not stable, and there is no public opinion? You should also learn the methods of the masters, hehe..."

The young man sneered at the bottom, changed his face like turning a book, and said respectfully to the carriage: "Haha, I can't learn the methods of this Master Xu. I heard your legend and rushed to the Jindan by chance, but today I met you and didn't show any courtesy. I really don't know the difference between respect and inferiority."

Black Mountain Master didn't speak for a long time before saying lightly: " It doesn't matter if you say these words in front of this real person. If you say them in front of Xu Zhenren, he will kill you in a flash. Fifteen years ago, I heard that he broke into three provinces and fifty-one cities, and was said to have defeated old man Gusong. Regardless of how true or false it is, he should still have some strength. "

"You don't know the truth?"

Heishan Zhenren smiled calmly: "Why does this real person want to know about a younger generation?"

"No matter what, he dared to stand up and say those words in the Zhenwu world, this real person gave him some face." He paused, as if he glanced down calmly: "But it doesn't mean that he can take it for granted that he is on the same level as this real person. Even old man Tianzai may not dare to say this."

He stopped talking and looked at the Qingling in front of him. All the restrictions of the Thirteen Tombs collapsed, and only above the Qingling, a red light column penetrated the sky and the earth, which was where the dragon-locking nail was.

And a black tide, without paying any attention to him, had already rushed over like a tsunami.

"Long live the master." At the same time, in a magnificent room, a respectful voice whispered to Zhu Changluo who was lying on the dragon couch: "Foreign enemies invade the border, please give orders."

No answer, in front of him was a golden silk curtain with carved dragons and embroidered phoenixes, and the figure behind was vaguely visible, building a barrier called awe between the visible and invisible.

After a long time, Zhu Changluo's voice slowly sounded: "My dear, have you seen a dynasty at its end?"

"The master's dynasty will surely last for a long time and be extremely prosperous."

Without answering his words, Zhu Changluo said lightly: "Once the hero draws his sword, the people will suffer another ten years of disaster. Tell me, am I this hero, or this people?"

The person in front of him was sweating profusely and touched his head to the ground. This sentence could not be answered.

After a long silence, Zhu Changluo's voice sounded again: "So-called heroes, all the chaos in the world in all dynasties were caused by so-called heroes. Without heroes, there will be peace for all generations."

"Since they are eager to die, then... I will send them on their way. Kaitian Yinzhen, as long as they can stop them for 49 days, when I ascend the throne, I will definitely kill all the so-called heroes in the world."

Outside world.

The gray-white city walls and the vermilion attic are somewhat similar to the ancient bell towers, but the area is much larger. However, this towering ancient building is now full of ghosts, and countless ghosts visible to the naked eye are surrounding and screaming beside the red light column. The whole attic and the window lattices emit a thrilling red tide. It seems like a hell that imprisons the devil.

The chariot turned into the Milky Way and rushed straight to Qingling. Xu Yangyi's black tide was not far behind. Just when they rushed in front of them, the whole Qingling suddenly burst into a blood-red color, and a heart-shaking murderous aura came like a landslide and tsunami.

"Boom!!!" The blood-red color instantly dyed the world, as if the battle of Sarhu that laid the foundation for the fall of the Ming Dynasty, with corpses piled up and grass and trees smelling, and blood flowing in the river.

The murderous aura that made people's scalps numb, the bloody aura, permeated the sky and the earth, and made Xu Yangyi and Heishan Zhenren's chariots stop almost at the same time.

"Dragon-Tiger Heaven Yin Formation?" Heishan Zhenren's voice appeared in surprise. A series of blood-red talismans spread from the top of Qingling to the ground, and then involved all the other twelve tombs, forming a blood-red formation here: "This formation is still circulating?"

"What is this?" Xu Yangyi said in a deep voice.

True Man Heishan didn't want to answer him, but Xu Yangyi was the only one who was qualified to talk to him. His voice suddenly became weaker, and he said indifferently: "One of the twenty-eight constellations, it can block the Void Pill and below. The refining method is extremely demanding, and it cannot be achieved without the flesh and blood of hundreds of thousands of people. It can be called the most yin and evil killing formation."

Void Pill?

Xu Yangyi looked at the blood-red ocean in front of him with a deep thought. He really didn't know if he could get through the Void Pill. The most terrifying thing about the Void Pill is not its strength, but the power of the Nascent Soul, which is too uncomfortable to suppress the Golden Pill Realm.

"Power?" He said in a deep voice.

"If calculated by the unit of spirit, it is about 700,000 spirits." True Man Heishan didn't say anything this time, and looked at the blood curtain with some solemnity: "If according to the rumors of you in the outside world, you have 500,000 spirits, and this True Man has more than 500,000, it is more than enough to break it. It will take about a week. But..."

He retracted his gaze and smiled arrogantly: "Do you really have 500,000 spirits?"

Xu Yangyi sneered, and the next second, a black light rushed towards Qingling.

The black light was like a tide. Wherever it passed, the entire space collapsed like tiles. Pieces of space debris burst out from Xu Yangyi's feet like a tide and flooded towards Qingling. The black spiritual energy made the remaining grass and trees in the Thirteen Tombs wither in an instant. But just as it approached Qingling, not only was there no obstruction, but there was a loud earth-shaking noise, and the entire Qingling suddenly collapsed.

There was a sudden silence in the carriage.

It was extremely embarrassing.

Just now, they were still saying that it would take a week to break it together, but it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Wait." Xu Yangyi's eyes moved slightly and looked at the entire ruins: "It didn't start?"

There was silence in the carriage for a moment. Suddenly, a golden light rose, and a short figure seemed to walk out with wind and thunder.

He was only about 1.23 meters tall, wearing a bright red robe embroidered with five animal patterns. He was not even a teenager, but a child. He had a sky-high braid and a circle of gold locks around his neck. He didn't look at Xu Yangyi, but flew directly to the ruins.

Is this the real body of the famous Black Mountain Master? Xu Yangyi looked at him without hiding his eyes.

"Put away your eyes, Wolf Poison." As if sensing his gaze, Black Mountain Master turned back coldly.

Xu Yangyi smiled calmly. Shrugging, he said that he had no intention of making fun of him.

But this action, in the eyes of Black Mountain Master, became a provocation. Shrugging, does this mean that the other party doesn't care? Does he not care about his warning?

A red cloud that was extremely disproportionate to his body flew towards the ruins, but he backhanded a palm. Just above Xu Yangyi's head, a dark brown talisman suddenly appeared.

Branches spread rapidly along the talisman, spreading branches and leaves. In an instant, a piece of spiritual light vines intertwined into a giant hand that held up the sky, covering an area of ​​300 meters, and grabbed Xu Yangyi's head!

Before the hand arrived, the spiritual pressure arrived first. He was indeed the "former" first person under the Nascent Soul, a great demon who had lived for hundreds of years. The spiritual pressure was so heavy, the spiritual power was so condensed, and before the palm fell, the terrible spiritual pressure was like a storm, blowing Xu Yangyi's clothes all over.

"Stronger than Wei Chenyuan?" Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed: "Same realm, but about a quarter stronger? He is worthy of being the Black Mountain Immortal."

Beside the carriage, all the foundation-building cultivators lowered their heads, but their eyes were fixed on Xu Yangyi.

"The Black Mountain Patriarch has taken action." "The new first person under the Nascent Soul, the ancestor must have a grudge against him." "I don't know if this real person can withstand it." "Don't we know that we have been following the Black Mountain Immortal for a long time? There are very few people in China who can take the real person's palm, even the Gusong Immortal can't do it." "Hehehe... The new Jindan can take the ancestor's palm? Others don't know, don't our personal guards know?"

The next second, all the voices stopped abruptly.


A thunderous sound came from Xu Yangyi's hand. It was also a spiritual vine and a giant spiritual palm. Xu Yangyi looked straight at Heishan Zhenren, without even looking at the top of his head. He raised his left hand and shook the giant palm in the sky.

Amid the loud noise, circles of dark spiritual energy spread, and Heishan Zhenren's giant palm collapsed inch by inch.

"Zizi..." A foundation-building cultivator widened his eyes, and the magic weapon in his hand trembled. He looked at Xu Yangyi in disbelief.

"He...took the palm of the ancestor?" "This is impossible... Once Fuyun Zhenren asked to see the ancestor, he didn't catch a palm..." "And...and he didn't retreat even a step? Instead, the ancestor's magical power collapsed?"

These words were not spoken, but they exchanged horrified eyes, but in an instant, they understood each other's thoughts. Everyone understood what the other wanted to say.

Is he really the first person under Yuanying?

This might... seems to be no less than the ancestor...

Xu Yangyi's eyes were calm, but his heart was already burning with anger.

He recognized the identity of Black Mountain Master, but that did not mean that he would let the other party ride on his head. Now he had to take action, but God knew how precious the spiritual energy in his body was, and he would lose it every time he took action!

"Little guy!" Feeling the fluctuation of spiritual energy in his body, Mistyting immediately sent his spiritual consciousness: "Don't be impulsive! What do you want to do! Do you know that you can't use your spiritual power at all now!"

Xu Yangyi did not answer, but backhanded a palm to expel it.

Black air penetrated the sky, overwhelming. It also appeared above Black Mountain Master's head, with the same spiritual power and the same spiritual pressure.

"Plop! Plop!" All the waiters around the carriage immediately knelt down in cold sweat. Black Mountain Master would suppress the spiritual pressure on them, but Wolf Poison Master would not.

The terrifying feeling from the golden elixir instantly filled their hearts. Even if they had not yet reached the golden elixir, they could see that this palm was no less than the previous one.

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth!

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