
Chapter 747: Entering Qingling (IV)

Originally, he had planned to put down XYD and wait until he captured Nanming Lihuo to become eligible. Unexpectedly, he found clues to X here.

Narrowing his eyes, he suddenly rushed to the ground. A dark spiritual mist was pulled out in the sky.

"Boom!" The moment his legs stepped on the ground, layers of black mist spread like a shock wave, and an extremely hot feeling suddenly rushed from the soles of his feet to his meridians. Wherever he passed, the Dan furnace-shaped meridians let out a comfortable groan. Sections of meridians exuded a light golden sheen. Finally, the dragons gathered into the sea, and infinite flames suddenly spread out from his Dantian.

"Brush!!" The hot spiritual energy instantly burned hundreds of meters around to black. But strangely, when the flames passed by, a piece of ice spread on the ground.

In the distance, Master Heishan's eyes twitched slightly, and he murmured to himself: "This son... his aura is a bit weird. Looking back carefully, he didn't easily take my palm. It's that his aura has something almost Taoist. It feels...different than other monks, but it makes his strength even higher."

"And the flame aura just now was obviously not something he could control. But it broke out suddenly?"

Xu Yangyi didn't know what he was thinking, but looked at his Dantian in shock. Just now, he clearly felt a sudden jump in his dantian. The spiritual energy from all directions, like a long-hungry tide, finally found an outlet and rushed towards his Dantian like crazy!

"Could it be..." He took a deep breath, squatted down, and touched the ground under his feet inch by inch.

When the ice was cold, the ice with a radius of hundreds of meters shrank inch by inch. However, they did not disappear. Instead, they condensed into a huge ice lotus pattern thirty meters around Xu Yangyi.

However, under the ice lotus pattern, a hot feeling penetrated from unknown distance, making his fingers tremble with excitement!

Mistertin was connected to his spiritual consciousness, and the Mistertin he felt also felt it. The other party also looked at the ground in disbelief: "Fire turned into God...little guy, this place is incredible..."

"I know." Xu Yangyi suppressed the hunger in his heart and licked his lips: "Underneath, there is an innate spirit flame."

"Innate Spiritual Flame?!" Mistertin's spiritual consciousness was shaken wildly. In the past fifteen years, Xu Yangyi had told him about the counterattack artifact left by the ancestors of the Earth. It originally thought it was this, but unexpectedly it turned out to be the Innate Spiritual Flame. !

Innate, before heaven and earth, that is to say, it probably existed just after the earth was formed. Or, it is the only fire brought down by Prometheus. This word must not be used indiscriminately. Once the word "Xiantian" is mentioned, even a leaf is a treasure that can comprehend the principles of heaven and earth.

In the Age of Dharma Ending, too many inheritances have been cut off. The word "innate" has been deleted from almost all textbooks. Because it's simply not available. Even acquired treasures are extremely rare. It never thought that there was an innate spirit flame hidden here!

"You... know what this is?"

Xu Yangyi did not answer.

Nanming Lihuo!

He finally felt the other person again. Just now, the Eternal Alchemy King in his mind was trembling, and every word seemed to be surrendered. An indescribable desire urged him to go down.

"No...According to the coordinates of Obstacle. I don’t know what it is, but it can seal the firepower of the innate spirit flame. It’s because of its existence that the innate spirit flame has never been discovered.”

He straightened up and looked around. The Ming Tombs, the Ancient Cultivation Artifact, the Lord, and Nanming Lihuo are all in the same place. Is this really a coincidence?

While he was thinking, Mistertin was paying attention to everything around him. After a few seconds, the weapon spirit said in a deep voice: "Little guy, although I don't know how you know, but here... I'm afraid it's not simple."

"What you have under your feet is not the ground, but...spiritual power."

"Spiritual power?"

"That's right, a long time ago, during the last war of all realms, there were monks who could create things out of thin air. They almost entered the realm of gods. The things they created were almost exactly the same as the real objects. It was only us old guys. I can see some clues. I can tell you with certainty that what you are stepping on is the fabrication of a super monk who practices death magic. In the East, you call him a ghost cultivator."

Xu Yangyi looked around in shock. Some couldn't believe it.

Such realistic mountains and ground were actually created by a ghost cultivator! ?

Nascent Soul... was given a special attribute before his name, and he didn't know why. But he must not turn it into nothing, otherwise he would never have been able to leave Jerusalem. Above the Nascent Soul...can actually create the world?

What kind of state is this?

Mistertin's voice continued: "This is not a fabrication, but a ban. This should be an evil devil land condensed by the ghost cultivator when he died. For people, if they are not monks, they may die the moment they step on it. . But for ghosts, spirits, here in Eastern terms..."

He paused and said word by word: "This is the best corpse raising place that comes only once in ten thousand years."

"Little guy, according to your speculation, there is an emperor buried here. I bet that even if he couldn't practice before, his current state will definitely not be lower than the early stage of the Grand Duke."

Xu Yangyi did not answer, but slowly walked towards the towering city gate step by step.

There is no option not to go.

Nanming Lihuo, XYD's ultimate target, the master, actually all gathered here. He had a hunch that this might be the place where his karma was fulfilled.

Soon, he walked to the city gate. Heishan Zhenren was suspended in the air more than ten meters high - they could only fly so high. Since they entered the Forbidden City, a very strong air ban has enveloped this place.

Heishan Zhenren looked at him calmly without any impatience. At this moment, the city gate, which was 20 to 30 meters wide, made a roaring "click" sound, and a gloomy wind whistled out of it. The city gate opened wider and wider. Not far away, with a burst of Xiluolu's horse neighing, and then... the ground suddenly trembled slightly.

At first, it was still a slight tremor, but after a few seconds, the sound of "boom..." was like a tide and thunder, and the gravel on the ground was jumping, like a small earthquake!

Cavalry charge.

And... there are definitely a lot of them! This kind of vibration can only be achieved by at least tens of thousands, or even tens of thousands of war horses charging together!

However, there was no one at the gate of the city facing it! The ten-mile long street inside was brightly lit, but there was no one there.

However, on the mottled ground, shadows overlapped with each other, there were prostitutes soliciting customers, vendors selling goods, and scholars talking loudly... Without exception, all of them were wearing ancient Chinese costumes. The most frightening thing was the rows of cavalry figures that were galloping at lightning speed!

"Boom!" Everyone was holding a weapon like a long sword, with a cold light piercing the bones, and the sword shadows hanging in the air. There was no shouting, no roaring, only the kind of charge that oppressed people's hearts, stepping on the drumbeats of harvesting lives like a tide.

The torrent of steel, the tide of killing. The Yin soldiers borrowed the road, and time intertwined for eight hundred years.

Xu Yangyi and Heishan Zhenren's eyes became completely cautious, and the two golden elixir spiritual consciousnesses burst out, and all invisible things could not escape. Under the spiritual consciousness, countless soldiers and horses rushed out of the city gate like a tide, all dressed in black, wearing black tall hats and white lapels, neat and uniform.

"Woo woo woo!" On the top of the city, a desolate horn sounded suddenly, hundreds of flags fluttered in the cold wind, and with the continuous "sizzle" sound, rows of bows and arrows shone with emerald green flames, all pointing at them. Like a green tide.

Ya Zhang bid farewell to Fengque, and the iron cavalry circled Longcheng. The snow darkly carved flags and paintings, and the wind was mixed with drums.

No pause.

From the moment the cavalry rushed out, there was no pause, and they rushed straight to the place where the two were. From the moment they fell, there was no reconciliation here.

The forty magic weapons beside Heishan Zhenren were like peacocks spreading their tails, with thousands of precious lights. He said in a deep voice: "You, or me?"

"Me." Xu Yangyi said slowly while looking at the city gate.

"Confident." The two exchanged words briefly. The next second, five brilliant lights shone beside Heishan Zhenren, flags, drums, seals, mirrors, and stones. Five magic weapons with red, blue, gold, green, and brown lights flew out and circled behind him.

"It rains heavily, but it doesn't moisten the rootless grass."

As this sentence was spoken, the five magic weapons behind him slowly rotated, and unexpectedly, a blue sky was reflected in this underground.

"The prototype of the domain!" Misteding whispered in his spiritual consciousness: "This Grand Duke is very powerful. For those who can comprehend the prototype of the domain in the Grand Duke, it is basically only a matter of time before they become princes. I just don't know if he can live that long."

Above the blue sky, white clouds floated, gathering into a group of immortal phantoms, hiding endless murderous intent.

Heishan Zhenren flicked his long sleeves: "The Tao is broad, but it can save those who are determined."

"Boom!!" Just as the voice fell, this light flick seemed to be more than ten thousand pounds! Even the sky was broken!

Pieces of illusory sky collapsed, and wherever they passed, the ground roared. Circles of terrifying shock waves spread in all directions with the sound of buzzing morning bells and evening drums. However, at the same time, all the ghost soldiers began to change their formations!

Cone formation.

Eight extremely powerful ghost soldiers, wearing unique armor, rushed to the front. Behind them was an endless sea of ​​cavalrymen galloping on horses. Facing the magical power of Heishan Zhenren, who was once the first person under the Nascent Soul, they did not dodge or avoid it. All the cavalrymen except the eight ghost soldiers slowed down in unison, and black yin energy merged into the bodies of the eight ghost generals like a group of ghosts entering the sea. In an instant, these eight evil ghosts began to expand wildly.

Ten meters, twenty meters, thirty meters. When they rushed to less than a hundred meters away from the two, they had become eight hideous faces, surrounded by yin energy. Seventy-two arms, thirty-two eyes, like Shura descending.

"Greed!" "Punish!" "Evil!" "Anger!" "Anger!" "Lewdness!" "Cruelty!" "Poison!"

Eight vague voices came out of their mouths, and then, thirty-two eyes were all aimed at Heishan Zhenren. The eight heads of the two people in front opened their big mouths filled with Yin Qi, and eight layers of black light condensed.

At this moment, the realm of the eight Yin ghosts actually reached the early stage of Jindan! And the tens of thousands of Yin spirits behind them, with a scream, all turned into green ghost fires, and flew backwards towards the Forbidden City of the Netherworld like fireflies on a summer night.

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