
Chapter 748: Pseudo Zhuxian Formation (I)

The previous chapter was modified. Please read it in accordance with the previous chapter.

The manuscript was swallowed on Sunday. The previous chapter was written temporarily. I thought it was good at the time. Now I think some parts are still wrong, so I spent an hour yesterday to modify some of them.

As I said, what I wrote is definitely not the best, but I will try my best to write the best I can.


When masters communicate, sometimes they don’t need words, and it is also a further test of the other party. See if the other party is qualified to fight side by side with you.

In the conversation between him and Heishan Zhenren, Heishan Zhenren asked who would take the head of Ming Guangzong and kill this ancient emperor hundreds of years ago. Instead of asking who would take this battle.

They don’t take tens of thousands of ghost soldiers seriously. The enemies in their eyes are definitely not these little ghosts who are just filling in the numbers.

"East Factory, West Factory, Jinyiwei." Black air rushed straight to the city gate, Xu Yangyi said in a deep voice: "Once they appear, it means that Ming Guangzong can no longer hold on."

"When do you think they will appear?" Misteding asked in the black fog.

The sword light shone, as bright as autumn water, and Xu Yangyi replied: "It depends on who the opponent is."

"If it's me, I promise, it will be soon."

"Roar!!" At this moment, there was a roar above his head, and dozens of giant claws condensed by Yin Qi grabbed him on the head, but he did not stop at all.

Heishan Zhenren was the shield that protected him from rushing in, and he was the sword.

Just when the giant claws fell ten meters above his head, a white flower bloomed in the void, and then the roots spread wildly, condensing into a huge wooden shield in less than a second. After a loud bang, the Yin ghost didn't even scratch the shield.

"Woo woo woo!!" Before the next hand attacked, the flags on the Shenwu Gate flashed and the horns blew. The next second, arrows flew like locusts, and even the surrounding caves were reflected in a miserable green color.

A little bit of ghost fire arrows covered the sky and the sun, and the power was even greater than when he broke into the three provinces! Wherever he passed, it seemed that the air was burning.

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath, and instead of retreating, he advanced. The black spiritual energy seemed to have given him wings to harvest lives, and completely revealed the fangs of Jindan Zhenren.

Since the work has been assigned, you have to trust the other party completely.

In an instant, the arrows were on him, but just ten meters away from his body, countless spiritual flowers appeared strangely, blooming in the void, and the vast sea of ​​arrows could not enter.

Just under the sea of ​​flowers, a bright sword light was like a dragon, simple, but not procrastinated. Extreme speed, but never deviated.

"Clang clang!"

Draw out the sheath and put away the sword. The sound is like a dragon's roar.

Time seemed to stop at this moment, leaving only the stunning sword light in the air, which cut down from the Shenwu Gate and split it into two. At this moment, the afterimage of the sword light is still in the air.

No one can see the movement of this sword clearly.

"Fake is fake after all." Xu Yangyi said calmly while pressing the hilt of the sword.

The next second, there was a loud bang, and the Shenwu Gate dozens of meters away turned into fragments all over the sky. In the rain of smoke and debris, countless green ghost fires screamed and floated, and the entire Shenwu Gate was cut into two parts by this sword!

"Master." In the magnificent hall, Zhu Changluo gently shook the mud gold folding fan, with jade as the bones and silk as the surface, and a faint fragrance. He raised his head calmly and looked at the ghost in front of him calmly: "Speak."

"The enemy, the enemy, has, has broken through the Shenwu Gate and entered the Imperial Garden."

Zhu Changluo snapped the folding fan.

As expected... But at this moment, I heard it, I was so unwilling.

Hate... Hate that I can't practice, let the other party drive straight in, but I can't leave here at all! I hate Andre's betrayal even more. Not only did he turn against me when the time came, but even the intelligence was wrong!

"Of course, I have worked hard for hundreds of years. I have survived even when Xuanyuan Sword slashed me. How can you rely on me?" He took a deep breath and tapped the fan in his hand gently: "Start the Zhuxian Sword Formation."

The people left, and he took a sip of the slightly cold tea. No one could see, and his fingers trembled slightly.

"Pah!" After a few seconds, he smashed the teacup and stood up with gritted teeth. His breathing was a little rapid, and the bright yellow dragon robe could not reduce the rage suppressed in him.

"Damn it..." He clenched his hands in the dragon robe. Yes, he was still somewhat confident in the defense of his palace, but... there was not enough time!

He was not unaware that there were strong and weak Jindan Zhenren, but this time there were two Zhenren, and next time... I'm afraid there will be several! More than a dozen! It may even attract the legendary Yuanying Zhenjun!

How much wealth does he have to carry?

Andre opened his most important mountain protection formation, and the other party was able to march straight in. He still had the East and West Factory, and the Jinyiwei, but... could they really defend against the impact of more than a dozen Jindan or even Yuanying?

He didn't dare to think.

"Only... let them not get out." He took a deep breath and sat down. He knew very well that now, he had to cut the Gordian knot with lightning speed, otherwise... if it was leaked out, his hundreds of years of planning would be completely over.

"Master! Master!!" At this moment, a eunuch rushed in hurriedly, his head like pounding garlic: "Master, it's not good!"

"Get out!!" Ming Guangzong, who was extremely irritable, smashed a teacup on the other party's head. Master is not good? Looking for death!

The other party was stunned for a while, and finally reacted this time. He kowtowed desperately and said in a trembling voice: "Shenwu Gate... Shenwu Gate is broken..."

"I know." Zhu Changluo said lightly.

"Master...Shenwu Gate...seems to have changed a bit. I should see it yourself..."

Outside the palace, the black mist transformed by Xu Yangyi had already passed through the collapsed Shenwu Gate. But at the same time, the ruins of Shenwu Gate behind him suddenly moved.

It was not the kind of trembling of collapse, but the opposite. All the collapsed stones shook from the ground, like a huge fountain, spraying up from the bottom with strong horsepower. In less than three seconds, a magnificent golden light rushed straight into the sky from below!

It was only as thick as an arm, but it revealed an indescribable majesty, and the surrounding yin was lingering. However, this yin was completely different from Zhu Changluo's yin! These yin...actually made people feel a sense of the glorious righteousness.

"What is this?" Heishan Zhenren was stunned. Shenwu Gate...seemed not to be a checkpoint, but a ban. As the ban was broken, something below...was awakened?

Xu Yangyi turned around suddenly, his eyes narrowed. This golden light was very thin, but the quality was quite high. He had only felt such a terrifying aura on Xiaoqing, and this aura... seemed... to be even stronger than Xiaoqing!

"Sha..." In silence, the golden light column paused slightly, and then moved slowly, as if someone was holding a pen and sketching something.

Golden lines rotated under the pen, and rootless lotus flowers bloomed in the void, depicting mysterious runes in the air.

In the Golden Palace, Zhu Changluo's eyes were like torches, his hands were placed on the vermilion lacquer corridor, and his hands were tightly holding the corridor, with yin energy surging above.

Beside him, several concubines in gorgeous clothes looked at the golden light in the distance and smiled sweetly: "Your Majesty, you are still thoughtful." "What kind of formation is this? I don't know it." "With the Majesty here, they will definitely come and go."

Zhu Changluo did not reply.

He just felt a chill in his heart.

No... this is not his handwriting! He didn't know what it was! How could there be such a thing under the Shenwu Sect!

He returned to the Yangxin Palace amidst the flattery. Without a word, he pulled out a sword shining with cold light from under his pillow.

The sword body is long and narrow, and the hilt is coiled with dragons and phoenixes, noble and unparalleled. An emerald as big as a baby's fist is crystal clear. On the hilt, the two characters Chunjun written in a flying dragon and phoenix dance seem to be carved by heaven and earth, which makes people feel afraid.

Chunjun, one of the ten holy swords, the noble sword, the unparalleled sword, has always been in the imperial family.

Even he had to hold the sword himself this time. Cut the opponent's throat, or cut his own throat. He had a hunch that this time, he might have become someone else's bait. And the line to hook the fish has not appeared yet.

"Andre..." He gently brushed Chunjun with his fingers, and said in a deep voice: "It seems... you have done a lot of things without telling me..."

At the Shenwu Gate, Xu Yangyi looked at the golden light, frowned and took a step forward, but a dazzling golden light curtain suddenly lit up. Countless talismans lingered around, and from both sides of the spiritual light, the light curtain spread like a tide. Every brick and tile shone with a sacred luster wherever it passed.

"I'm trapped inside." He retracted his hand. His intuition told him that this formation was very powerful. If he wanted to break through by force, he might not be able to do it now.

Misteding's spiritual consciousness was silent. He knew Xu Yangyi's true strength, and the other party directly said that he was trapped inside. He could imagine how difficult this formation was.

"It's been prepared for hundreds of years, and it's really extraordinary."

Xu Yangyi smiled: "Maybe... it wasn't done by Ming Guangzong?"

"Huh?" Misteding was surprised.

"I just remembered something." Xu Yangyi said as he walked - he could no longer fly. After entering the real Forbidden City, even if it was a replica, the powerful air ban prevented him from flying: "XYD points here, the master is also here, the earth's treasure is still here, and the innate spiritual flame is still here. My causal lamp is also lit here. Is this really a coincidence?"

Mistdin pondered for a while and became serious: "Yes, there may be another mystery here. It's not just as simple as it seems on the surface."

"Anything that is not simple must be connected by a thread." Xu Yangyi has completely calmed down, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes: "He locked me in, how could he know that this real person didn't want it to escape at all."

"The prison of the trapped beast, let's see whose fangs are sharper."

Mistdin seemed to smile: "Whose fangs are sharper, I'm not sure, but I'm sure they must have many more people than you."

As soon as they finished speaking, they had turned around the screen wall of Shenwu Gate. Entered a huge garden.

In front of me was a field of withered vines and old trees, covering tens of thousands of square meters. Although it was covered with dead branches and leaves, it was built in a very unique way. There was even a large lake. Covered with rotten green duckweed. But the most bizarre thing was the coffins that filled the entire "Imperial Garden"!

Dark and boundless, the most ordinary black coffins, but all of them were covered with a vermilion talisman.

The wind howled, the former Imperial Garden, today's burial ground. The sea of ​​coffins like a black grassland told the story of the final madness of the Daming Palace.

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