
Chapter 749: Pseudo Immortal Execution Formation (Part 2)

"Sand..." Xu Yangyi slowly stepped onto the imperial garden covered with black and yellow leaves. The contact between his leather shoes and the dead leaves made a dry squeaking sound. It was like stepping on dried human bones.

The wind shuttles through the dead branches and leaves, like the wail of a ghost. The vermilion talismans on the coffins on the ground were lifted up, making a clattering sound.

The north wind blows through the flat forest, and the reed leaves rustle and the rain falls. Qinglin walks on the flat sand, and ghosts talk to each other alone at night.

He looked over and saw the tide of coffins spreading endlessly. Almost all the hundreds of thousands of people buried with the Daming Palace in the past dynasties were buried here. Unfortunately, death is not the end.

"Ka la la la la..." The wind got stronger and stronger, and finally, the first talisman was swept away by the strong wind, and then, the second, third... each talisman twisted into a tornado of talismans in mid-air. , then exploded with a bang, turning into hundreds of thousands of miserable green lights, rushing towards the four gates of Donghua Gate, Xihua Gate, Meridian Gate, and Shenwu Gate.

Xu Yangyi gently clenched his sword and looked around with emotionless eyes.

The river flows into the sea, and demons gather together. At the moment when all the green light disappeared into the four doors. The Shenwu Sect behind him made a loud noise, setting off a thousand spiritual waves.

The flow flew straight up three thousand feet. The spiritual energy turned into water and poured down. In the heavy rain, a monster with the head of a dragon and a snake's tail, a turtle's back and lion's legs, was entirely composed of spiritual light. Its eyes the size of a round table stared at the uninvited guest in front of him.

Not only that.

Above the Meridian Gate, flames soared into the sky. At Xihua Gate, dragons roared in succession, and countless rootless black lotuses bloomed in mid-air. At Donghua Gate, a dazzling white light was like the winter sun, so powerful that there was nothing in a radius of a kilometer.

The moment the four phantoms appeared, endless talismans spread under their feet, including the entire Forbidden City. With a loud bang of "Boom!", the rivers and seas calmed down, and light was banned in the void. The black and white spiritual tide on the ground was like a mountain torrent, covering an area of ​​thousands of miles in an instant.

"This is..." Mistertin was stunned, and the weapon spirit body suddenly flew out. He looked around in astonishment, and for the first time there was a touch of shock in his voice: "The Immortal Killing Sword Formation!?"

These four words made Xu Yangyi's eyes shrink. This name was so loud that it made his mood fluctuate.

"Impossible." He quickly suppressed the shaking in his heart and said in a deep voice: "If it is the Zhuxian Sword Formation, no one can break it now. This is at most a simplified version, and I don't know how many simplified versions it is."

With his hands in his trouser pockets, he tried to take a step. Wherever he saw it, there was a cloud of smoke, but within the smoke, there was that pervasive, mercury-dropping sword energy that was as dense as the stars in the sky, but it locked his heart. And his spiritual consciousness was completely blocked in the thick fog.

Changing several directions continuously, the invisible murderous intention follows him like a shadow, never leaving. He finally stopped, and his fingers slowly brushed the sword in his hand: "It's unexpected to be able to trap me in the body of a mortal who has never practiced."

"Little guy, don't be impulsive. Even in the simplified version, the power of the Zhuxian Sword Formation is absolutely extraordinary! And if your spiritual power is completely exhausted here, you will be born to raise two corpses, as well as the emperor himself. What are you going to do with it? Deal with him?" Mistertin warned cautiously, as if she had read his thoughts.

Before he finished speaking, Xu Yangyi shot forward.

Target, Shenwumen.

Mistertin is right, but if he doesn't rush through here, where will he come from?

The moment he jumped up, the entire formation moved.

"Chi chi chi!!" The waves in the black and white Tai Chi were turbulent, and the sound of breaking through the air resounded across the sky. Countless spiritual swords jumped up from the sea with terrifying sword energy, carrying dozens of meters long spiritual mist tails, if any Spirituality, locking onto Xu Yangyi in mid-air.

At this moment, time seemed to freeze.

On the top of the Forbidden City, an angelic figure is suspended in the air, surrounded by countless spiritual swords from all directions, intertwining the music of death. The aura is vertical and horizontal, casting mottled light and shadow around.

"Buzz buzz!" The three-foot green blade trembled, and in the next second, the sword light swept across Liuhe, and the shadows of the spiritual swords danced wildly in the mid-air, trying to turn everything in them into powder.

He is faster and the sword is faster! Almost in the blink of an eye, hundreds of sharp swords were already coming. Suddenly, at the moment when the sharp sword stabbed his back, a golden light shone, and a series of magnificent talismans opened, and two angel-like wings tightly wrapped him in it.

God King Pattern, activate!

"Ding, ding, ding!" The sound of the pipa playing continued continuously, and the God King's pattern formed a rune shield with a radius of ten meters around his side, and none of the surging swords could penetrate it.

Mistertin may not understand China's formations, and he doesn't know where to start. But it has absolutely rich combat experience. As long as it sees Xu Yangyi's movements, it can guess what he is going to do next. The moment he leaps into the sky, it has already been prepared.

Xu Yangyi, on the other hand, also did not slow down at all.

mutual trust.

"Armor of the Gods!" "Hymn to the God King!"

Two consecutive voices sounded, and Xu Yangyi's body was surrounded by a hazy golden light. Countless ancient runes shone, and a set of ancient armor instantly transformed into his body. The God King pattern was different from before, and this time it spread all over his body. His spiritual energy surged instantly and actually formed a black meteor.

A bit of cold light arrived first, and then the sword came out like a dragon. One person and one weapon spirit pulled out a golden and black splendid chapter in mid-air. The cold light at the top shines, reaching straight to Xuanwu.

Now that you have decided to go, there is no turning back!

In his pupils, the phantom of Xuanwu was getting bigger and bigger. However, at this moment, the huge dragon head suddenly lifted up and its mouth suddenly opened. Without giving him any time to react, a Jinghong sword light struck head-on!

Fast, in a flash, from nothing to something.

Fierce, covering a thousand meters, indestructible.

Xu Yangyi, who was in front of the sword light, suddenly felt a sense of crisis that he had not seen for a long time, and even his skin was aching. Misty Ting exclaimed, and almost reacted synchronously with Xu Yangyi, flapping his two huge wings and flashing to one side. The speed was so fast that a residual image was left in the air.

This sword light was too pure and too stunning, like a meteor across the night. It was the first time he saw such a terrifying sword light. Compared with this sword light, the current Xuanyuan Sword Master was just playing house. Wherever the sword light went, the void was like thin paper, and there was no obstruction. It broke through in unison, revealing the ugly and empty cracks behind.

"Boom!!!" With a loud sound that shook the earth, the thousand-meter-long sword light slashed directly into the black and white fog sea below, rolling up thousands of feet of waves. As the clouds and mist rolled, his eyes suddenly shrank.

In the black and white Tai Chi, there is a sea of ​​black and white lotuses.

Each lotus is the size of a person, and in it, there are countless sword servants standing!

In black clothes and tall hats, with pale faces, everyone is like clay sculptures and wooden carvings, posing a standard and impeccable sword move. White cranes spread their wings, flowers and willows, fleeting light and shadows... seemingly ordinary, looming in this turbulent black and white Tai Chi, it actually constitutes a heart-pounding murderous intent.

"Could this be..." Misty Ting also saw it and took a deep breath. Before he finished speaking, Xu Yangyi sneered: "It's just what you think, senior."

"Inside, there are hundreds of thousands of corpses in the Daming Palace as the formation base. I finally know what these coffins are used for. It's really a big deal."

However, before he could see clearly, the black and white Tai Chi was once again covered by dense spiritual energy, and at the same time... the entire sea surface was turbulent, and a series of turbulent sword lights pierced through the spiritual mist sea surface, like a meteor shower flying backwards, outlining the scene of destruction.

"Zheng!" Ten thousand swords rang out, instantly wrapping Xu Yangyi into a huge sword ball, and every inch of his skin was under the threat of the spirit sword.

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath and suddenly removed all his spiritual power. Almost at the same time, Mistin folded his wings and fell down suddenly with him.

"Boom boom boom!!!" At the moment of falling, countless black and white fireworks exploded above his head, and white and black sword lights raged wildly in the underground world, pulling out a terrifying shock wave.

And below him, hundreds of sword qi were also condensing.

"Get out!" Xu Yangyi shouted angrily, and at the same time, Mistin had already transformed into his hand, and a golden light fell down, and all the spirit swords below collapsed inch by inch.

Back to the starting point again.

Xu Yangyi stood silently on the ground, and the next second, the spotless shirt suddenly burst open. Revealing the white vest inside.

He was not injured.

It was the sword that almost made people feel stagnant. The distance was too close and the speed was too fast. The sonic boom actually broke through his spiritual shield. Ordinary clothes could not withstand the aftermath of the sword energy.

"There is the Tai Chi sword formation below, and above... Once you get close to the four symbols, you will immediately be counterattacked. The attack just now, even I am afraid that it is not just a minor injury." He did not attack again, just to test the reality. Nanming Lihuo did not enter the body, and the spiritual energy was terribly poor. He was not qualified to squander.

"Just now, it should be the sword energy engraved by the creator of this simplified version." Misty Ting said in a deep voice: "If you have enough spiritual energy, we can take the dumbest way to use up these sword energies and open this dead angle. But..."

He didn't say anything.

After a moment of silence, Xu Yangyi said thoughtfully: "Senior, have you noticed that as long as we don't attack, this sword formation will not be activated."

Misttin nodded: "Yes, this is a frog in boiling water. It will give people room for imagination. Once it drags on forty-nine days, he really ascends to the throne of the emperor, and his luck protects his body. He can make you unable to move with just one word. He can do whatever he wants to you."

Go forward and fall into the formation. Retreat and be sealed by the golden light. Unfortunately, his spiritual power is not enough, and the mutated spiritual energy is of no use to the dead.

It really feels a bit of a dilemma.

More importantly, time waits for no one.

"It's not that there is no way." After a few seconds, Mistin seemed to have made up his mind and said in a deep voice: "Unseal."


"Yes..." Mistin took a deep breath: "Unseal me."

"Remove all my seals... Let me return to the state in Odin's hands. Let alone this fake Zhuxian Sword Formation, even if it is a real Zhuxian Sword Formation, I dare to break through. I also have the sword energy sealed by Odin in my body."

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