
Chapter 750: Pseudo Zhuxian Formation (Part 3)

Xu Yangyi did not answer immediately, but asked: "The price?"

Mistertin looked him directly in the eyes: "I will fall asleep."

"I can't stay with you for another hundred years. And you, using a power that you can't use at all, will fall into a coma without consciousness for three days. Believe me, little guy, Odin's power is beyond your imagination, even stronger than you have seen. It’s not something you can control.”

"Moreover, this is the best case scenario. Once your body cannot support the divine power, you will collapse on the spot." He glanced at Xu Yangyi: "I think that unless your body is doubled, you will not be able to withstand the power of this sword. "

Xu Yangyi still didn't answer. After a long time, he bowed to Mistertin: "How can I wake you up?"

In this situation, one must not be indecisive. His own spiritual power must be used on the edge.

Once, only once, the only opportunity to take action will not exceed six hours. Otherwise, the level will definitely decline.

And the opponents... there are four more!

"Send me to the Tower of Holy Sword." Mistertin smiled and said: "It's not difficult for you. Let me recover for fifty years and I can wake up again. The Tower of Babel itself is a huge magic weapon. It can. Nourish any treasure.”

"However, the premise of everything is that you can take over Odin's power. I will try my best to control it, but even if it is just a trace, you will..." He didn't finish his sentence and shook his head.

Just before he finished his action, Xu Yangyi's whole body suddenly erupted with a terrifying force. This force was so powerful that it even cleared the surrounding fog in an instant.

In the black mist, it seemed as if a crack in hell had opened. Mistertin's eyes narrowed slightly. This feeling... was even like seeing the prototype of the devil. Spiritual power, countless spiritual powers are twisted together, because they are so huge that they even blur the space. And these spiritual powers are gathering crazily on Xu Yangyi.

The turbulent black mist was like a tide, and after a few seconds, the black mist dissipated. Xu Yangyi looked at his hand. It was in such an unpleasant shape... If it weren't for the current situation, which made it impossible for him to use it at all, he would not show off his trump card.

"What now?"

All over his body, the pitch-black leaves seemed to be connected with muscles, and it was impossible to tell whether they were meat or leaves. Under the skin, it was as if an old tree had roots, with roots replacing the meridians. On the surface of the body, countless complex roots are outlined into mysterious talismans, and finally converge on the chest.

On his chest, a green crystal shone brightly, and even his eyes turned into vertical pupils.

"Half-demon?" Mistertin looked at him in astonishment for a moment, and finally landed on the crystal on his chest. He could feel that this was not something from a demon body, but... it had a feeling that he was afraid of... even close to the origin of the world.

"it should be OK."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Yangyi had already grabbed Mistertin and rushed towards Xuanwu.

Mistertin walked side by side with him. In Tai Chi, countless spiritual swords jumped out like snakes again. It softly said: "The brand of the God King."

"Boom!!!" As the four words fell, Mistedium erupted into light that reached the sky. This ray of light actually overwhelmed the four images and illuminated the entire Wanli Cave.

Everywhere in the Forbidden City is illuminated by this divine light, showing every detail and not a single blind spot. In the Golden Palace, Zhu Changluo was enjoying a drink. The next second, the dancing maids and concubines around him all raised their heads in shock at the golden light.

The underground world was finally illuminated by divine light. Let them see the sun that has not been seen for hundreds of years.

"What is this?" Zhu Changluo stood up slowly and gently held Chunjun beside him. Touched unconsciously, he lowered his head in shock.

Chunjun... is actually beating?

In the sword box, Chunjun was filled with joy, as if he had seen an opponent who could match him, the kind of excitement that comes from a warrior.

Zhu Changluo's eyes were slightly cold. He hated everything that was out of control.

Beside the couch, others were sleeping soundly, and this sound sleep actually made his sword resonate. A strange, greened mentality made an unknown fire surge in his heart for no reason.

"Brush!" The sword was shining brightly, and Chunjun was suddenly pulled out by him and placed in front of him. He narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the sword coldly: "You want to go out?"

Chunjun trembled even more.

"I don't allow it." Zhu Changluo laughed up to the sky and suddenly threw the sword to the ground. It plunged into the ground with a thump, leaving the sword hilt trembling.

With an unspeakable coldness in his eyes, he looked at everyone: "This world belongs to me."

"If I say no, whoever dares to move will be punished by the nine tribes."

His voice became softer and he looked at Chunjun, as if a lover was whispering: "Same for you."

"Even if he can reach Jinluan Palace, I will still be waiting for him here."

In the Forbidden City of Hades, the sky and the earth are transparent. Time seemed to slow down. In this mysterious slowdown, red runes spread from Mistatin's body. Then, Mistertin collapsed inch by inch and turned into dots of aura. The next second, the infinite spiritual light suddenly rolled back and condensed into another sword in his hand.

This is a complete plant sword.

The Sword of Xie, the first sword in Norse mythology. The God-Slaying Sword. Its body is not a sword blade, but formed of twisted branches, from thick to thin, covered with golden talismans.

It looks ordinary, but Xu Yangyi can feel the surging spiritual power in it while holding it.

"Buzz buzz..." The void trembled as the body passed by, and a majestic figure appeared behind him. The moment he appeared, Xu Yangyi's whole body trembled.

Strong... indescribably strong, that kind of extreme power, violent power, instantly spread all over his body, tearing every inch of his muscle. If he was still in human form, he was sure that his body was basically useless now, and he would not be able to get out of bed for at least half a year. He also needed to use excellent elixirs to nourish himself.

Even now, this terrifying spiritual power flowed through every meridian of his body like a knife, all rushed to his arms, and merged with the talismans that spread up.

At this moment, Xu Yangyi's spiritual consciousness became blurred, as if he was Odin, the Supreme God King of the Nordic countries. All under heaven is the king's land, and all the people are the king's subjects.

Gently raised his hand and swung a sword, as if he had a telepathic connection with Mistindin, and the blurred shadow of Odin behind him, and said in unison: "The sword of God."

Four words, ordinary. But it was like a big bell, making the whole underground roar. It was like an earthquake.

At the same time, the Xuanwu on the opposite side opened its mouth again, and with a loud bang, a sword light that broke through the air suddenly came.

This sword, the sky was cloudless.

This sword, surpassed the previous one, and cut through the void.

However, this sword was met with the sword energy of the first god king in Northern Europe.

"Boom!" A golden sword light covered an area of ​​10,000 meters! The entire ground was illuminated transparently. This sword can no longer be seen, because wherever it passes, where the light is, it is all sword shadows. Its power can no longer be felt, because at the moment of activation, it instantly swallowed up the Xuanwu and its sword light.

Ten thousand miles of waves, thousands of miles of divine light, the sun and the moon are not clear, and the stars do not flash.

God said, let there be light. So there was light.

God was angry, saying that it cannot exist, so it cannot exist.

A sword light chilled fourteen states!

In the Golden Palace, Zhu Changluo looked normal, holding a wine glass, but did not drink, just looking out the window with some obsession.

This light...

The long-lost light...

And under the light, I can't even see my own shadow. Is he still the emperor of the Ming Dynasty who said what he meant and killed millions of people when he was angry?

From the beginning, he didn't know whether he was right or wrong. Until now, he has been following his heart.

He drank the wine in the cup in one gulp and slammed it heavily on the table. The divine light from the outside world illuminated a hall of evil spirits. He suddenly felt extremely lost and said slowly: "Emperors in ancient times were all lonely, only drinkers left their names."

No one dared to answer.

After a long time, he said calmly: "Wei Zhongxian, Liu Jin, Wang Zhi, Wang Zhen."

"I'm here."

"Lead the East and West Factories and the Jinyiwei to attack." He paused and emphasized his voice: "Defend the Qianqing Gate to the death."

"Yes." The four eunuchs saluted and said carefully: "But... Master, are you worrying too much? The Zhuxian Sword Formation is the formation passed down by the immortal master. This... is broken?"

"Are you teaching me how to do things?!" Zhu Changluo stood up suddenly and looked at the people below coldly: "Now... don't you regard me as your master?"

"Your Majesty, calm down!" "I'll go right away!"

In the outside world, everything is the same.

The only thing that is not the same as before is Xu Yangyi.

The Mistydin in his hand has turned into a little light and disappeared, and has become the sword again, but he can feel that the spirit of the weapon in it has fallen asleep. He tried to call a few times, but there was no response.

Another thing that is not the same as before is that everything around is quiet. The four phantoms remained, and the black and white spiritual mist sea below was still surging, but it was eerily quiet.

Mistydin turned into a rune and entered the back of his left hand again. At the same time, a slight sound suddenly sounded in the huge cave.


Then, there was a continuous "kaka" sound. The entire underground cave was actually scratched with a huge sword mark starting from the center! It seemed to split the cave in half!

A series of terrifying spider web patterns spread from around the sword mark. The next second, the deafening collapse sound finally became the main theme, and it sounded like thunder in the entire cave. "Boom..." Between the collapse of rocks, dust rolled, and the waves hit the shore. The four looming phantoms all let out a mournful cry. The four city gates were almost turned into dust in an instant without any struggle. Disappeared together with the four phantoms.

The talisman formation in the sky slowly faded, and the ten thousand meter fog sea below finally began to fall apart.

"Shua La La..." The river rolled back, the clouds and fog dispersed. After the black and white separated, there were corpses standing all over the ground. Holding a long sword, he showed various magical moves and stood there like a sculpture.

The power of a sword. The God King was angry.

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