
Chapter 751: Sands of Time

Xu Yangyi looked over one by one. Behind them was an endless sea of ​​coffins. However, all of these coffins were opened and no one was in sight.

The power of this sword was so great that it almost cut the underground cave in half. The most terrifying thing was the degree of precision, just like a rain of swords appeared in front of a person, but after the rain of swords, it was not full of holes, but a few flies on the clothes were stabbed to death.

How terrible.

In his mind, a wave of dizziness came over him. He suddenly pressed his hand, and the right hand of the sword wielder trembled unrecognizable, and the blue veins jumped restlessly, and even pools of blood flowed out under the skin.

He gritted his teeth and did not let himself faint. This was the sequelae that Mistydin said. His body was completely unable to use this sword. This sword was at least more powerful than the Nascent Soul. However, he still carefully laid out some simple restrictions.

Just after arranging the last restriction, his eyes went black and he fainted on the ground without any image.

I don’t know how long it took, but he finally woke up. There was still silence all around. After feeling the spiritual power, his face suddenly became complicated.

Early Jindan...

The realm fell!

He sighed slightly. He had been very careful to save spiritual power, but he didn't expect that the realm would still fall. And there were at least three Jindan-level enemies ahead.

"If it is really necessary, then I can only show my true body." He sighed regretfully. He never wanted to have this feeling of being restricted in strength again. However, he couldn't blame others. He didn't feel anything wrong in the foundation-building period.

He stood up and adjusted his spiritual power. Unfortunately, his spiritual consciousness still couldn't go too far. He rushed forward like lightning.

Just as he took a few steps, he suddenly stopped. The Dan Ling in his mind was spinning, and a strange feeling lingered in his mind again.

Where have you seen it?

All around, there were lifelike corpses, drawing swords, sheathing swords, and showing swords. The postures were different, but they just made him feel an indescribable sense of weirdness.

The Dan Ling who remembered everything he saw would never make mistakes.

He fell back, and this time he did not move forward, but looked at the corpses one by one. But when he saw the second corpse, he could not help but take a deep breath, and his eyes suddenly sparkled.

Then he looked at the third corpse. Ten minutes later, he shuttled through the sea of ​​corpses like lightning, and looked at almost every position.

"Exactly the same?" He looked at the sea of ​​corpses in front of him with some surprise. Everyone here was exactly the same! Except for the different postures, there was no difference at all!

He waved his hand lightly, and a sword flew into his hand. He flicked his finger and dragon roared.

The magic weapon of the early stage of foundation building.

This time, he grabbed it with force, and the swords around hundreds of meters all made a mournful cry, and then all of them floated in front of him like the return of all swords.

His spiritual consciousness unfolded, and he swept the magic weapon in front of him like lightning. Then he took a deep breath.

Not only people...even the magic weapons are all the same!

No master of refining can refine something exactly the same! This is also the reason why magic weapons are precious! Magical weapons, the treasure of all magic, are precious because of their materials and the talismans inside. This cannot be replaced by machines at all, and must be carved with spiritual energy. One more stroke, one less stroke, a little heavier or lighter, the effect is different.

He quickly looked through the two hundred swords, the appearance and the talismans inside were exactly the same. This is just a magic weapon in the foundation-building period, he didn't think it could escape his spiritual sense.

"So... what are these things that seem to have come out of a mass production factory?" He looked at the Forbidden City with a dim gaze: "Not only magic weapons, but even people can be "mass-produced?" It seems that there are really some incredible things hidden here."

However, at this glance, his eyes suddenly moved, and he slowly raised his head. After a few seconds, his expression finally changed from calm to moved, and he looked up at the sky in disbelief.

Just above, a clock as huge as the Forbidden City was almost painted by golden light.

Every line was an extremely complicated talisman, and carefully distinguishing it made him feel dizzy. The hour hand, minute hand, and second hand exuded an indescribable sense of majesty. The golden light was so vast and sacred that people were no match for it.

The four golden spiritual lines, which even gave him the feeling of seeing four little greens, slowly moved towards the center. It would probably take only a few minutes for them to fit together perfectly.

"I broke through the Shenwu Gate, and the first one appeared. I broke through the Zhuxian Sword Formation, and all four light columns appeared? What on earth is this?"

Just as he was puzzled, an indescribable throbbing suddenly came from the golden elixir in his chest.

The light was on.

The Liuhe Causal Lamp, five small lights, and one big light. The light in the center had only a little light from beginning to end, but at this moment, it actually jumped up an inch!

"This is the war of all realms, the biggest cause and effect on earth. Does this mean... it is related to the clock above your head?"

His eyes turned cold: "Ming Guangzong cannot know about the war of all realms, which means... Master, is this your work?"

Above the sky, the huge clock was shining brightly. In the four doors, four golden spiritual lines were drawn slowly. Five minutes later, with a light "hum", the whole clock burst into a light that was difficult to look at directly.

The wind blew suddenly, and it seemed like a crack in hell. Some small stones, broken bricks and tiles around it floated up as if they were weightless, and slowly moved towards the vortex in the sky. Forming a strange whimper.

Around the clock, star maps suddenly appeared, including the zodiac and other constellations. The stars shone, making this vortex gorgeous and noble. The hour hand, minute hand, second hand, and everything in between all blurred and slowly rotated towards the center. The stars pulled out brilliant light, forming a blurred blue light in the center of the vortex.

"Ka Ka Ka..." Xu Yangyi's meridians rang in his body. He felt that there was an indescribable attraction in this blue light, as if telling him that he belonged in it. There was his true home.

He closed his eyes, felt it carefully for a few seconds, and suddenly opened his eyes to look at Dantian: "Flower in the mirror?!"

"This is... the spiritual power of the upper realm! This... is a teleportation array? It leads directly to the upper realm!"

In the Jinluan Palace, Zhu Changluo and the concubines looked up at the sky. That vortex of tens of thousands of meters, equivalent to the Forbidden City, was so conspicuous. The majestic spiritual power that did not belong to this world and was higher than this world, even though he was once the master of destiny, was blown up by the wind.

He was fine, the concubines and eunuchs around him were already holding the pillars tightly, their hair swinging and long hair flying.

"Finally appeared?" He tapped the railing lightly with a sneer on his face: "Only you know that I have set up the Zhuxian Sword Formation. I thought you could endure this fishing line for a long time."

"But, you are not a fish, how can you know the joy of fish?"

"Boom boom!!" With a loud earth-shaking sound, when the vortex rotated to the extreme, it did not produce an explosion, but a magnificent sea of ​​runes. The breath of Xu Kunlun was like a big knife sweeping across the field. Wherever it passed, even the trees bowed down.

After the strong wind passed, the sky returned to silence again. In the center of the clock, a white figure slowly appeared.

This was a young man, in the middle stage of the Golden Core, and his strength was not strong. But... there is a breath lingering on his body that is exactly the same as Xu Yangyi's current one.

The aura of the upper world after the transformation of the flower in the mirror!

This is an envoy from the upper world. Someone opened the portal to the upper world by some unknown method and induced an envoy to come!

The man looked around and frowned slightly. Then, as if he sensed something, he looked at Xu Yangyi with some doubts. He glanced at him lightly, put his hands behind his back, and raised his chin contemptuously: "Are you the apostle from the lower world who will take over this real person? Is the earth going to apply for the qualification to fight first?"

Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows and did not answer.

"Ignorant boy." The young man smiled slightly, the smile was very light, but it contained the arrogance of the upper world: "Seeing the envoy from the upper world, are you so excited that you can't speak?"

"This real person allows you to stand and talk."

"Hehe..." At this moment, a strange voice filled the air. The young man restrained his smile and looked directly at Xu Yangyi: "Jindan of the Lower Realm, although I don't know how you will welcome the special envoy from the Upper Realm. But I can tell you responsibly that I am quite dissatisfied with your reception."

"Hahaha!" From all directions, the weird laughter became more intense, echoing like a bell. After a long time, the laughter stopped, and he looked at the young man with a hint of pity: "He is not the envoy who welcomes you."

The next second, the young man looked at his Dantian in disbelief, where a gray-white tentacle pierced his body like a gun.

Not only him, Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed.

So fast...

This tentacle pierced out from the wall, without any sign, without any spiritual power fluctuation.

"It's me who welcomes you." Andre's voice was extremely comfortable: "I forgot to tell you, my name is Death."

"Puff!" The tentacle was pulled out, with a golden Jindan on the top, and it shrank into the wall softly as if it had no bones. The young man looked at his Qihai in disbelief, and blood gushed out from the corner of his mouth. Just when the vortex above his head was about to disappear, a ray of light suddenly shot out from his brow!

"Swish!" As fast as lightning, it could not be stopped at all, and it sank directly into the vortex. Then, he stared at Xu Yangyi, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end, he just moved his lips slightly.

Xu Yangyi saw clearly, those were four words.

You're dead.

In an unknown distance, in a towering building, a pair of old eyes raised.

Around his eyes, there were pieces of star maps, vast and boundless.

Above the star map of the solar system, a crystal butterfly flew out and landed on his fingertips.

He listened attentively for a few seconds, frowning slightly: "Does the Bugui Realm apply for the qualification to fight first?"

Beside him, a young but respectful voice asked: "Grandmaster, do you approve it?"

The man called the Grandmaster tapped something with his fingers, and after a long time he said lightly: "Hey... This Bugui Realm is not as simple as you think. Even if the seven realms come together, the other party is not afraid."

"Approve it."

"Notify the Zhenwu Realm to prepare for the battle first. This war of all realms will be kicked off by them."

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