
Chapter 753: The Golden Throne Room (Part 2)

It was so similar to the last time he traveled to three provinces, but this time, Xu Yangyi didn't have a trace of leisure and elegance. The time of billions of people on the earth was just with him and the master of Montenegro.

He had no reason to retreat.

In the war of all worlds, the earth also has no retreat.

He also didn't see that in the golden elixir, the Liuhe Karma Light was shining brighter and brighter.

Cause and effect, cause and effect, cause and effect. The earth was preparing for war because of him, and he resorted to the war of all worlds around the world. Now, everything he does for the earth is a great cause and effect.

Heaven and earth are the reverse journey of all things; time is the passer-by of hundreds of generations. How many golden elixirs have been wasted and it is difficult to find their own cause and effect. In fact, sometimes it’s not that you can’t find it, but that you find it and don’t dare to push yourself until the last moment. In the choice between justice and self, I chose the latter.

Heaven and man compete, if you don't advance, you will retreat.

"Master! The Baohe Palace has been breached!" "Guan Family! Leave quickly! The Zhonghe Palace has also been breached!!"

There were screams in the Golden Palace. Zhu Changluo held the pure Jun in his hand and waved it casually. The pure Jun did not resist this time and slit the throats of several ghostly eunuchs and concubines around him.

"The king dies in the country, and the emperor guards the country. This is the order of Taizu Taizong. Now you dare to persuade me to escape from the battle? Become the emperor of the Southern Song Dynasty?"

He glanced at everyone with contempt and sneered: "Shameless."

In Xu Yangyi's eyes, the Jinluan Palace was already in front of him. He didn't even feel what was inside, and had no intention of retreating. He raised his body tens of meters and rushed straight to the Golden Palace.

No matter what, never back down. This is your own path, your own righteousness, and a battle of ideas.

"Crash!!" The antique door was slammed open by the violent black spiritual energy, and all the windows were blown and made a loud noise. It's like the arrival of death.

Here, it's pitch black.

Although countless candles were lit, it felt as eerie as hell. Tall candles illuminated the Jinluan Hall brightly. There was only one person in the hall, and the rest of the place was full of clothes pierced by swords.

After a few seconds, the door and window stopped buzzing, and as he walked into the Jinluan Palace against the light, the long sword in Xu Yangyi's hand dragged sparks on the ground.

"Mingguang Zong, I am here to kill you."

Opposite him, sitting on the Nine Dragons Throne, was a middle-aged man.

The drunken lying golden dragon collapses, gently shaking the jade bone fan. There is a golden silk dragon-wing crown on the head, and he is wearing an embroidered dragon robe with a coiled collar and narrow sleeves. His appearance is not outstanding, but sitting there, he seems to be sacred and inviolable, and his invisible aura can make people all over the world worship him.

His face can no longer be seen clearly. He is a strange spirit. His whole body exuded a strong aura of death. Holding a cup in one hand and a sword in the other. The other party slowly stood up.

"Where did I lose?"

There was no answer, because at this moment, a third "click" sounded in the sky.

Three years have passed!

It was very light, but it resounded in Xu Yangyi's heart. A real man should do something and not do something, and he should also take responsibility. He was the one who told the world about the War of All Realms, and now, this is his result. He didn't want to escape, and he couldn't escape.

Without answering the other party's words at all, his figure had turned into a dark storm, and wherever it passed, the Jinluan Palace was cracked inch by inch. In the middle of a ravine torn by violent spiritual power, a bit of cold light followed like a shadow, piercing Mingguang Zong's chest.

On a full moon night, on the top of the Forbidden City, a sword comes from the west, and a fairy flies from the sky.

"Dang!" However, what greeted him was a bright sword light, a pure white sword that automatically took Xu Yangyi's sword without any wind.

"I advise you not to act rashly." Zhu Changluo didn't seem to be annoyed at all. He opened his right hand and two small coffins appeared in his palm. Made of pure gold with complex craftsmanship, one is engraved with the word "sky" and the other is engraved with the word "earth".

"You'd better sit down. I am the real last emperor, and I grant you the right to sit down." He turned his back, not caring about the sword Xu Yangyi pointed at him: "If you don't want to... I can only integrate these two things. "

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath, suppressed the killing intent in his heart, and leaned against a coiled dragon pillar with his sword in hand. Zhu Changluo was sitting on the dragon chair, and a glass of wine came to him: "The luminous cup of grape wine, I give you this cup."

Xu Yangyi picked up the wine glass and drank it in one gulp.

There is no need to rush... If Zhu Changluo really makes a desperate move and the two bodies of heaven and earth merge into one, he will not be able to afford it.

The tightrope of time is slowly tightening and relaxing. One wrong choice on his part may lead to ten years of calamity for the common people.

"Good wine." It smelled mellow in the mouth, like a flame shooting directly into the pubic area, but there was no trace of alcohol. He said with a half-smile: "I would also like to toast you a drink, so that you don't have to go west to Yangguan without an old friend."

"I have a story." Zhu Changluo also drank it all in one gulp, tapping his hand lightly with his fan: "A...story that I have hidden for a long time."

Before Xu Yangyi could speak, he seemed to have been holding back for hundreds of years. He looked at the carved beams and painted buildings and the majestic roof of the Jinluan Palace, and said slowly: "I don't know why I woke up."

"But when I woke up, it was not like this here at that time."

"This mountain is not a real mountain. It is a mountain that Taizu asked the great monks to move. This is because this is the last dragon vein in China. However, this dragon vein was knocked out of a huge hole by something unknown." He Lifting up the gorgeous dragon robe, he pointed to the sky: "That's it, I should have seen it too."

"Don't ask me how it was formed, what caused such a big hole here. I don't know, but I know..." He picked up the wine glass and played with it gently: "There is a place here that I can never go to. That... is the Nine Netherworld, the abyss of the underworld. Moreover, the one who opened it should be the same monster that caused such a big hole in Tianshou Mountain."

"I blocked it with some treasures." He mentioned it casually and changed the subject: "For hundreds of years, I resurrected the people buried with me one by one, and then... I waited for my sons and grandsons to come here one by one. Until... I met it."

Xu Yangyi pondered for a moment: "Andre?"

"You know it?" Zhu Changluo suddenly raised his head and looked at Xu Yangyi with fiery eyes: "It is a devil, you are right. It... even came here earlier than me. It has been hiding in that Nine Netherworld crack. Until I built the Daming Palace, it finally appeared."

He poured himself another glass Jiu, mockingly said: "It told me a lot of things, I have no choice but to believe it. The separation of Yin and Yang is not a lie, I can't walk out of the ground at all. In hundreds of years of trial, I also know some of its details."

"This devil is not a creature of our world. I believe in my own eyes. Although it is on good terms with me, in its eyes, I am probably one of the ordinary beings. And it... was brought here because something knocked open this dragon vein." He leaned forward slightly, as if laughing: "Twenty years ago, it suddenly became extremely smart. That was the wisdom of a demon. But it was suddenly seriously injured and had to walk out of the crack and ask for help from me."

"It thought it knew everything about me. However, I am a generation of emperors, how can it read the emperor's mind." He laughed, threw away the wine glass in his hand, and picked up the Chunjun next to him: "The rest of the story, if you can kill me, I will tell you."

"Come, madman who wants to kill the king, let me try the three-foot green sword in your hand."

Xu Yangyi looked deeply at Ming Guangzong.

He was not good at Tiandao history, and he did not know how Ming Guangzong was evaluated in history, but the man in front of him, or the male ghost, was not cowardly or stupid.

As a generation of emperors, being killed in the Golden Palace was a great shame. However, the other party did not escape, nor did he choose to merge the two corpses of heaven and earth. He did not know whether it was because he finally found out that Andre was just using him as a pawn, or the dignity of the emperor could not tolerate his soul parasitizing on two corpses. This may always be a mystery.

However, the other party still did it.

He stood up, drew his sword, held the hilt with both hands, and bowed slowly: "Master Langdu, Xu Yangyi, waiting for your instruction."

Zhu Changluo Chunjun pointed obliquely: "The fourteenth emperor of Ming, Ming Guangzong, is here."


In the Golden Palace, only the candlelight was swaying.

The next second, the two drew their swords at the same time. Chunjun did not pause for a moment, and a snow-white sword light flashed in the air. With a noble and unparalleled aura, he and Zhu Changluo merged into one and slashed a blow similar to the golden elixir!

A mortal, without any spiritual power, and a spiritual body, can actually be as powerful as the golden elixir.

The body and the sword merge.

"Great, great!" Zhu Changluo laughed: "For hundreds of years, Chunjun is the first time that I agree with you. Wolf Poison, die!"

"Swish!" He turned around and swung another sword. It can be seen that he has deep martial arts skills. Although it is the skills of a mortal, what he holds in his hand at this moment is Chunjun, one of the ten holy swords. The sword energy penetrates the air, and the surrounding candles are extinguished.

"Dang" Xu Yangyi easily took the sword, but there was no trace of ridicule. For some reason, he even had a trace of sympathy and respect for the last emperor in front of him.

"Kill!" Zhu Changluo laughed up to the sky, and swung three swords with extremely tricky angles. The three sword energies directly destroyed the entire Jinluan Palace, and even Chunjun was ringing.

However... it was still too slow.

Xu Yangyi took three sword strikes and still did not fight back. Zhu Changluo stabbed with a sword, which was already full of anger: "Wolf Poison, why is this happening!"



"Put away your cheap sympathy. I am the emperor, and I own the four seas. When will it be your turn to be pitiful!"

This sword roared and ran, and the sound was like thunder. The pure white sword light turned into a white phoenix, and rushed out of the hall with a hiss. Wherever it passed, the ground cracked.

"Puff!" A blood arrow shot out of Xu Yangyi's right shoulder. The wound was not deep and did not hurt. The opponent did not understand the use of spiritual power at all. Just this mortal skill, no matter how profound it was, could not hurt him.

At this moment, the fourth "click" sound came. Like a death knell for the soul.

The fourth year...

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath and pointed his long sword diagonally: "I'm sorry."

"I will send you on your way."

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