
Chapter 754: The Golden Throne Room (Part 3)

"Bold!" Zhu Changluo smiled instead of being angry, stepped on the Seven Stars, and stabbed with the fifth sword. He was as graceful as a startling giant, as powerful as a swimming dragon. If in the mortal world, it would have been the sword of a top master.

At the same time, the sword in Xu Yangyi's hand erupted into a black brilliance.

Dust-free, dirt-free, pure and ultimate black, so black that it is so deep and dull. It swallowed up the Qilin Sword Qi that Chunjun slashed out, and in the next second, without even seeing the movement, it had already pierced into Zhu Changluo's chest.

Time seems to have stopped at this moment.

"Dang..." After a long time, Chunjun fell to the ground, but immediately flew up and surrounded Zhu Changluo. Countless yin energy surged out of the opponent's facial features.

"As expected..." Zhu Changluo grabbed the sword with his transparent hand, and his voice was infinitely bleak: "I... still can't compare to the monks..."

Xu Yangyi did not draw his sword. The other party did not need any pity. He chose not to merge the corpses of heaven and earth and died in battle as the last emperor. He should give him this honor.

It was not that mortals had never died in his hands, but for the first time, he felt that mortal lives were equally heavy.

"Buzz..." Chunjun shone with white light. At this moment, a man in white with outstanding appearance walked out of the white light.

With his golden crown, white clothes, and jade belt wrapped around his waist, he doesn't look like a swordsman at all, but looks like a good young master in troubled times.

He stepped down from the void and half-knelt in front of Zhu Changluo. Not a word was spoken.

Chunjun...recognize the master!

Silence, a mixed mood, emerged in Xu Yangyi's heart.

"I'm sorry." He finally said, "But you must die."

"I know." A stream of Yin Qi flew from Zhu Changluo's seven orifices, but his expression did not change at all: "But... I will not die."

He suddenly smiled: "Andre... that's a monster. If he and I were both princes, he would be the emperor. But, he didn't... he didn't pass by the emperor's house. He doesn't understand what the emperor's mind is."

He looked at the horizon leisurely, and the yin energy on his body became weaker and weaker: "The emperor is called a true dragon. Why? It makes the clouds spread rain, and hides in the clouds. No one can see my true face. He thought he understood me, but in fact... he didn't know me at all. don't know……"

"Listen..." He looked at Xu Yangyi, and Yin Gui's eyeless eyes actually took on a human color: "I have a treasure, called the Soul-fixing Pearl. As long as it is there, I will be resurrected again in hundreds of years." .Hehehe..."

He laughed, and his body began to disappear, turning into a monstrous black energy. The dragon robe fell to the ground with a bang, leaving only the area above the chest: "But... he doesn't understand..."

"You can defeat, but you cannot bully!"

"It is a capital crime to deceive the emperor! Come on... junior, follow my soul to see the final destination of that monster. It is under the crack of Jiuyou, and my soul-fixing bead is also there. He must think that I am not He will die, so I don’t dare to tell you the whereabouts of the Soul-fixing Pearl. Even if I knew he was there, I wouldn’t dare to take you there, or even tell you... Hahahaha!”

His figure completely disappeared and turned into a raging black light, rushing towards the dragon throne: "Wolfsbane, kill this deceiver for me! Cut him into pieces!"

Xu Yangyi followed immediately.

Zhu Changluo must sleep. Only by letting him sleep will the corpses of Tiantian Yang and the Four Evils disappear. But...the master must die!

Andre finally miscalculated. His wisdom comes from the personality he devoured. However, how could a master who had never devoured an emperor understand what the dragon was thinking.

The emperor can be defeated and die for his country, but he can never tolerate being deceived. Andre never told Ming Guangzong a word of truth from beginning to end. What was there to fear when Ming Guangzong turned against him before his death?

It’s just a matter of starting all over again in a few hundred years.

And... now, he really wants to kill it with his own hands. Kill this real monster who has caused trouble for thousands of years but is immortal.

Maybe heroes cherish heroes, who knows?

Chunjun's weapon spirit has disappeared and turned into a white dragon, protecting Zhu Changluo's soul. There was not a word from the beginning to the end, and he didn't even look at Xu Yangyi. Even though the other party must have felt the smell of fish intestines.

The dragon seat was cut open by Chunjun with a sword, and there turned out to be a deep passage below.

The entrance is very narrow, but the bottom suddenly opens up and is hundreds of meters wide. Bottomless. Waves of dark wind and the sound of ghosts crying came from the deep underground, making people shudder.

Ming Guangzong's soul rushed down, and Xu Yangyi immediately followed. But as soon as he entered the passage, he felt something was wrong.

Corpse energy.

Extremely strong corpse aura.

It's so dense that it can't be dissolved at all. If it weren't for the suppression of the Ninth Five Emperors, Qingling would have been a paradise for corpse puppets.

Moreover, he is very familiar with these corpse auras. His eyes flickered, and he suddenly said: "Four evil corpses?"

"That's just one of them." Chunjun, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke: "It's a gift from Andre to the master, to stabilize the soul. That... is a very scary thing. Even I can't see through that thing. The face of the finger itself.”

Without opening a word, one person and two spirits rushed down like lightning.

Xu Yangyi was so anxious that he no longer knew how many times the clock had rang. The depth below was bottomless, and he felt a rare feeling of anxiety.

Ten minutes, twenty minutes, half an hour passed, and he finally couldn't help but ask: "How long?"

Chunjun seemed to glance at him: "You are upset."

Before Xu Yangyi could speak, he continued: "In the Daming Palace, all corpse energy comes from the ground. I... was buried with the master. The master used a treasure to suppress the monsters below. He also put his Soul-fixing Pearl There. Andre understood the emperor's desire for immortality, and he believed that the master would not reveal his final weakness no matter what."

He took a deep look at Xu Yangyi: "What's down there? I don't know, and neither does the owner. Andre... it's very scary. If you go down with this kind of mentality, you probably won't be able to come out alive."

One word was like ice water on the stove, completely extinguishing his anxious mind.

That's, I'm the only one left.

It was impossible for Chunjun to allow the second person to enter here. Mingguangzong asked him to do it. He also had the aura of other holy swords in his body, which none of these Black Mountain masters had. In other words... he has to walk the rest of the way alone.

The burden is on him, no matter how urgent it is, he must not lose control.

After taking several deep breaths, he suppressed the murderous intention in his heart. He no longer thought about how many years had passed by the clock, and his heart flew downwards like still water.

The passage down seemed to be endless. Xu Yangyi had no idea how far he had flown, perhaps several thousand meters, perhaps nearly ten thousand meters. Just when he thought it was a bottomless pit, a bright golden color suddenly appeared below.

"Ding ding ding..." An extremely weak sound came, and then it became louder and louder. Rays of golden light shot up from the ground and approached them very quickly.

Golden copper coins, magic weapons, all kinds of wine, horses, even countless armors, and... living people!

It's hard to count how many there are. It seems that the treasure house of the Forty Thieves has been opened below. There are hundreds of items related to and unrelated to practice. The tops of their heads have turned into holes as big as the eye of a needle, like a black hole. All these things wrapped in golden light were sucked up.

"Is this?" Xu Yangyi looked at everything in front of him in astonishment. He had experienced so many secret realms and had never seen such a strange scene before.

"Almost there." Chunjun didn't answer him, and Zhu Changluo's soul also accelerated. The longer the soul left the body, the longer the recovery time. Something below, like a magnet, attracted him to fall.

I don't know how long it took, but Xu Yangyi's eyes suddenly became clear. The scene below completely stunned him.

This passage that stretches for tens of thousands of meters ends here. This is a cave with a radius of one kilometer, without any sculptures, and surrounded by jagged rocks. the center of the cave, there is a tripod made of gold!

The dragon, lion and tiger are the most traditional three-legged tripods in China. The tripod is engraved with flowers, birds, fish and insects, and there are even scenes of Dayu controlling the floods, Nuwa mending the sky, and Gonggong touching the mountains.

Big, extremely big, this golden tripod is at least hundreds of meters in size, and the feet of the tripod are completely sunk into the soil, and the belly of the tripod completely blocks the entire lower part. A series of misty spiritual lights and pure white spiritual mist surrounded the cauldron, and in the belly of the cauldron, there was a towering tree full of money!

Under the big tree, there were dozens of coffins, a group of horses, hundreds of jars of wine, and a dazzling array of things, almost exactly the same as the things that flew out just now!

On the top of the tree, surrounded by endless copper coins, a black and white bead shaped like Tai Chi was emitting an indescribable spiritual power. It was neither yin nor yang, neither life nor death. The majestic corpse energy below was actually Inhale more than half of this small bead.

"This is..." After a few seconds, Xu Yangyi came back to his senses. A name that he had never thought of suddenly jumped out of his mind. He said it without thinking about it: "Treasure pot?!"

"That's right." Seeing Mingguang Zong's soul entering the Soul-fixing Pearl, Chunjun's voice showed a softness that was imperceptible. Suddenly, several of Xiaolong's claws had quietly clenched, and terrifying sword energy condensed in them. The voice was calm: "The Soul-fixing Pearl can stabilize all souls. With it, almost all inner demons can be avoided, and no one can take it away."

Xu Yangyi didn't speak.

Chunjun continued calmly: "There is only one cornucopia in the whole of China. As long as you put anything in it, no matter what it is, even a living person, it can be copied. It just takes a long time. Even your It is a spiritual treasure, and it can also be used to copy spiritual treasures. However, it has no spirit. It is just a natural magic weapon. It has not even been refined."

Chunjun looked at Xu Yangyi quietly.

Xu Yangyi smiled casually and looked at Xiaolong: "Your test is very straightforward."

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