
Chapter 755: Domination of the Body (I)

"The desire for profit is blinding, so I have to see clearly." Chunjun said without hesitation, but the claws of the white dragon relaxed slightly.

At this moment, a paper kite flew out of the storage ring, and Master Heishan's voice was filled with unbearable anxiety: "Fellow Taoist Wolf Venom, where are you now?"

One sentence caused ripples of peace in Xu Yangyi's heart.

"Already approaching."

"As soon as possible..." Master Heishan took a deep breath, and his voice was extremely heavy: "It has been... fifteen years."

The voice disappeared, and Chunjun said slowly: "What's down there, no one has ever gone in. Not even the master has gone in. There... rejects everything and destroys everything. Do you... really want to go down?"

Xu Yangyi turned his head and looked deeply at the other person: "It is a matter of loyalty to someone who is entrusted by someone."

"Okay!" Chunjun seemed to smile, and two golden lights flew to Xu Yangyi's hand: "Let's express our gratitude."

When Xu Yangyi looked at it, his eyes suddenly flashed.

Two small coffins where the baby is born and the corpse is raised on the ground!

This thing is so useful! After the golden elixir, you can cultivate the spiritual energy incarnation. After becoming a Nascent Soul, you can even cultivate your external incarnation! If the golden elixir only requires spiritual power, Yuanying's external incarnation is equivalent to another self. Although the strength is weaker, it can really save the original self from water and fire.

Imagine that I am trapped in a desperate situation, and the only one who can convey the message is my external incarnation. Because any incarnation outside the body has the magical power of his mind. It is closely related to the deity, as long as something happens to the deity. The first one to discover must be the external incarnation, especially since no one can tell who is the real body and who is the original body.

What's more, there is no precedent in history for the incarnation to be stronger than the real body.

"Why not keep it for him?" He did not put it away immediately, but asked in a deep voice.

"I... don't want him to follow the same path." Chunjun looked at the soul-fixing bead and said in a soft voice: "I knew from the beginning that Andre was lying to him. However, some things will always exist if you don't experience them personally. With that delusion, in the former emperor, this delusion may even become an obsession. "

Before he finished speaking, Chunjun made a backhand palm, and the whole cornucopia let out a slight buzzing sound. On the three legs, the liger, tiger, and dragon had a red light in their eyes, and they slowly rose up from the ground!

"Kakakakak..." The huge force shook the entire basement and roared. It was raised more than ten meters, revealing the huge hole below.

"Boom!!!" Almost at the same time, a terrifying heat wave came from below. It forms a scorching wind that is so powerful that it even makes money trees shake. Along the surface of the treasure basin, circles of scalp-numbing blackness spread rapidly.

"This is..." Xu Yangyi took a deep breath and turned into a black light and rushed down.

Nanming Lihuo...

He felt it again, the call from the bottom of his heart, the whisper of his blood, and he couldn't wait any longer.

bring it on……

The Tower of Babel, the heroic spirits of countless people, the dying entrustment of Mingguang Sect, and Nanming Lihuo, XYD, are all in the same place. And you... actually dare to stir the hour hand down here.

It's time for closure.

It's not pitch black below.

In an extremely distant place, a seemingly delicate red light appeared. Waves of scorching fire roared from below. It seems that...that is the alchemy furnace of Taishang Laojun, the Flame Mountain on the westbound way.

Far beyond all fire magical powers!

Not in feeling, but in nature, just like gold and copper of the same weight, they are fundamentally different.

One thousand meters... two thousand meters... five thousand meters! After going 10,000 meters underground, he suddenly let out a soft "Huh?" The body seemed to instinctively want to stop, but it didn't.

Starting at 10,000 meters, in the passage behind him, as he walked, golden eyes opened silently, like a night devil, watching everything about him.

In the firelight, everything that hits the eye is gray.

Below, at an unknown distance, Andre suddenly raised his head and looked up at the sky in disbelief.

"Bastard..." After a long time, he lowered his head and bit his lip. My heart was filled with shock.

how so? !

That little bastard named Zhu actually let someone in?

Is his guess about people's psychology inaccurate?

No... that can't be the case. He has long been unable to devour the emperors of the past, but he also knows that any emperor is crazy for immortality. He could survive... with the existence of the Soul-fixing Pearl, it would most likely come back a few hundred years later. In his speculation, there was no option for Zhu Changluo to open the cornucopia.

The cornucopia and the soul-fixing beads suppressed the monster beside him... He raised his eyes and looked over. Where he saw it, the huge corpse was lingering in the void. There were even pavilions and pavilions on the body, lush and green, with layers of white The hair makes it look like it's covered in frost.

"This is the only way to get here...Zhu Changluo actually opened the cornucopia?" He stood up with a ferocious look on his face. He also felt the figure that disgusted him so much that he wanted to kill him every day and every night. , is shooting towards the bottom.

"Isn't he afraid that this kid will take his soul-fixing bead? Chunjun would actually allow it? This is calculation will not be wrong...what exactly went wrong!"

"But..." The light behind the glasses was filled with cold murderous intent: "If I read it correctly, why did you suddenly reach the early stage of the Golden Core?"

"If you are in the mid-term, I am still afraid of you three points, just in the early stage - this is really wonderful news. I think we will end it here."

With his roar, countless shadows surged in the entire space.

Those were huge and huge hands, gray eyes, golden eyes, with the color of killing, and with his scream, they rushed up like a tide!

"Like that stupid emperor who has always been fooled by me, you will spend the rest of your life here like a lowly dog." He retracted his hand and snapped his fingers: "Oh, by the way, I have another game. A special gift for you."

"It's called: Race against time."

Behind him, something "clicked", and with each sound, the second hand went faster by one minute.

"Stop..." With a violent gasp, an old voice gritted his teeth and said, "Otherwise... I will kill you at the end of the world!"

"Only if you come out." Andre glanced in one direction with contempt: "Tsk tsk... It's so miserable. The heroic spirit of the earth is hiding here and lingering. You still dare to threaten me? What qualifications do you have?"

Outside, at the gate of the Qianqing Palace, the formation in front of Heishan Zhenren was already in ruins. Suddenly, two consecutive "clicks" came into his ears.

"How could it be?" He suddenly looked up at the sky, but found that... the speed of the second hand began to accelerate rapidly!

"Click... click... click..." Five minutes, three sounds. After a few seconds of stunned silence, Heishan Zhenren turned into a black light and rushed towards the Golden Palace frantically.

What happened!

How could this happen? He failed?

China, Hidden Dragon Base. The Heavenly Dao Intelligence Brain above his head suddenly turned on and said in a cold voice: "Abnormal spiritual energy fluctuations detected, repeat, abnormal spiritual energy fluctuations detected. From outside the Earth's atmosphere..."

"What?" "How is it possible? Where are the coordinates!" "Here, but, but this coordinate... could it be..." "Fuck! What the hell is this!!"

Five minutes later, the door of the busy central room was pushed open, and a three-star admiral walked in with a gloomy face. The people around him asked for luggage, but the admiral who usually paid great attention to military etiquette said nothing, and almost ran to the screen in the center of the room.

"What's the situation?"

"Not optimistic." A woman in a white coat gritted her teeth and said, "I don't know why... Jing Zhongyue started to absorb spiritual energy crazily more than ten minutes ago, and now... the time it takes to complete... has suddenly increased by 3%! In these ten minutes!"

"Bang!" The admiral slammed his fist on the table. This feeling of having no place to use his strength... He didn't even know where the problem was!

Could it be... that the war with the Zhenwu Realm will start in a few dozen minutes?

But... the Earth is totally unprepared now!

Various projects have just been launched, how can we be enemies with the Zhenwu Realm that has a star destroyer?

"Give us some more time... please..." The white-haired admiral lowered his head at this moment, saying words that he did not believe.

At the same time, major countries around the world, Russia, Japan, the United States, Germany... Prime Ministers, presidents, all received an incredible super-urgent message.

"The space channel on the back of the moon has been strengthened! It has now expanded to a hundred meters!" "The global spiritual energy is moving towards the moon in the well, oh... Mr. President, please don't ask me, we don't know what happened." "Its completion is soaring, we can't stop it at all!" "I have to remind you that a hundred-meter space crack is enough to accommodate a single combat unit."

In Huaxia, Chairman Gao quietly put down the microphone. In front of him, an emergency telephone conference of all global leaders was being held.

"Prepare to start the black box." He struggled for a long time in his heart, and finally gritted his teeth.

Even if the moon is broken, the battlefield must not be placed on the earth.

The black box related to the launch switch of all nuclear weapons on the earth. The number of nuclear weapons in major countries now is enough to blow up the earth several times.

In the Vatican, Mecca, Greece, several pairs of old eyes looked up at the sky. In the Huaxia Cultivation Court, Tianzai Zhenren looked up at the sky and sighed: "Life is like dust and dew, and the way of heaven is long and long... Man's calculations are not as good as God's calculations."

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