
Chapter 756: Domination of the Body (Part 2)

In the cave, Xu Yangyi was already moving at lightning speed, but his face was absolutely calm.

Ice and fire, at this moment, interweaved into a war song of killing. The black fog was like the king of death, shooting towards the bottomless abyss.

I don’t know how long I flew, at least tens of thousands of meters. Suddenly, a red light below was quietly covered, and then, boundless, a gray-white sea tide, mixed with golden eyes, rushed up from below like a tsunami.

"Finally took action personally?" With a calm heart, the black light in his hand turned over. Since the master took action, it also meant that it was getting closer and closer to where it was.

"Swish!" Shadows rushed up crazily, like the aliens in the movie, swarming in and splitting from it, and countless tentacles formed a huge net full of sharp teeth in front of Xu Yangyi.

"Boom!" However, Xu Yangyi's speed was faster than them! His figure did not pause at all. Just before the tentacles closed, a bright red karmic flame lotus slowly rotated in the center of the passage.

This red lotus was stronger and hotter than before. I don't know if it was because it was close to the Nanming Lihuo. In its rising flames, countless phantoms of flowers, birds, fish and beasts were created and disappeared. The one-meter-long karmic flame lotus slowly bloomed in the cave that was like a venomous snake.

The next second, with a loud earth-shaking sound, the hundreds of meters wide passage could not accommodate such a terrifying explosion. A ball of hot fire spread along the passage to both sides, and the world turned red.

"Zizizizi!!!" Countless Taichu screamed and waved, shrinking like withered vines in the flames, but Xu Yangyi knew that this alone could not kill this monster.

In the long contact, he had already understood that either he would kill Taichu to the point where he could not split and reborn. Or, he would freeze it directly.

"The Third Eclipse of Apocalypse." He clenched his hands suddenly, and a piece of ice spread out from under his feet, freezing all the flames just now. Those extremely tenacious Primordial Beings all turned into ice sculptures, and his figure was already leading the way.

Faster... faster.

Below, Andre's eyes flickered, holding a glass of red wine in his hand, and his face showed the joy brought by destruction.

He saw the red light of the red lotus of karma far above.

"Are you anxious? Are you panicking? I can even imagine the helpless expressions on the faces of those so-called leaders now." After drinking the red wine in the glass, he turned his head to the other side, as if to say to someone: "And those inferior and stupid pariahs, pathetic creatures, are like duckweed on the rotten lake. They will never think that everything will start in a few hours."

A cold snort came.

Andre didn't care at all. He smiled and murmured to himself: "Thank you so much, Zhu Changluo... If you didn't have the heart to become emperor, how could anyone come in and open the ban of the Land of Eternal Night? I'm afraid that you are so naive that you won't know what the Ming Tombs are built on until you die?"

He clicked his tongue twice: "Don't blame you, it's the limitation of your vision. The garden of the lower life form is just a cesspool of the super life form. As a maggot, you are very responsible. I am also very satisfied."

He looked up with a murderous intent: "As for you..."

His body swelled up rapidly, and eyes appeared on his body.

"You are not a maggot."

Countless tentacles arched him to a height of hundreds of meters, as if he was the most evil pistil in the blooming devil flower.

"You are a cockroach."

"Today, let me put an end to everything with you... I have waited for this day for too long."

As soon as he finished speaking, his body turned into a huge piece of meat in the endless whistling sound and flew towards the passage.

"I, the 3072nd Lord, numbered as Silence, hereby officially announce your destruction!"

"Boom!!" The tentacles rushed into the upper passage like a tide. In the early stage of the Golden Core, he seemed to have seen the dawn of his revenge.

In front of him, the light was getting bigger and bigger. Xu Yangyi knew that it was approaching the bottom. However, at this moment, an extremely powerful aura in front of him rushed upwards with a strong murderous intent.

The two sides rushed at lightning speed. Behind Xu Yangyi, a blood moon slowly rose, pulling the hundreds of meters of passage into the blood of killing.

There was only each other in the pupils of both sides, and neither side gave in.

In the passage, the huge shadow became more and more obvious, and the whole cave rumbled because of the huge body crawling over. A few seconds later, hundreds of meters in front of Xu Yangyi, the true face of the demon finally appeared in the shadows.

It cannot be judged by the appearance of any creature. All the objects and humans it has swallowed are tangled into a huge piece of meat, like a huge brain. Two asymmetrical eyes stare at the person in front of it. Tentacles grow all over its body. Human faces, wailing or in pain, appear on its bloated body.

There is no elegance, no beauty, only endless evil thoughts and extreme darkness entangled with desire.

"Zizizizizi!!!" When the two people's eyes met, the master let out a shocking roar. It was the murderous intent, hatred, and pleasure in his heart that intertwined and made it unable to hide the cheers.

"Maggot." Countless faces on its body roared at the same time: "How many years... How many days... I have been waiting for today every day!"

"After being imprisoned in the dark Tower of Babel for two thousand years, you dare to step into this forbidden area... Close your eyes quietly, and let me grant you death!"

"Boom!" As soon as the voice fell, the whole body and face burst out with black light, and big mouths dripping with saliva opened from any unimaginable place, and scarlet tongues rushed out along the black light.

"Apocalypse Six Eclipses!"

The blood moon behind him burst out with a heart-shaking red light, but this time it had no effect at all. Those tongues broke through the red light directly and all wrapped around him!

"Zizizizi!!" The master screamed with extreme excitement. That's it... That's it! This lowly life actually killed his most important clone in the Tower of Babel. Two thousand years of waiting... was wiped out in a glance from Quetzalcoatl... Even if he died ten thousand times, he would not be able to atone for his sins!

"Ka La La..." Xu Yangyi showed an unbelievable look on his face. In the eyes of the master, it was as if the dish was sprinkled with spices, which moistened his heart. His short hands involuntarily grasped the four walls, filling the entire passage. The excessively strong pleasure made his body tremble.

Tentacles and tongues tightened tightly, and blood marks were already on Xu Yangyi's body. The countless golden eyes on the master stared at the other party. Just let him die like this?


Too easy... too cheap for this lowly creature!

"I once said that I would give you eternal life. Now, I am ready to fulfill this promise. Of course, in a form that is completely controlled by me." As if the center of the brain opened, a pale tentacle stretched out: "I will let you watch the destruction of the earth with your own eyes, watch the sand of time reach zero seconds with your own eyes, and watch everything you care about turn into dust with your own eyes... Only in this way can you barely redeem your sins."

"The sin of provoking perfect life."

"Pah!!" At this moment, Xu Yangyi's whole body exploded, but not a drop of blood flowed out.

The master was stunned.

No... This kid is as tenacious as a cockroach. As a golden elixir, he has even prepared to face the opponent's violent counterattack... Why... suddenly exploded?

Xu Yangyi's damaged body turned into a stream of spiritual light. Almost at the same time, a voice sounded behind him, and it was getting farther and farther away.

"Do you know..."

"I particularly like your current form."

"I told you in the Tower of Babel that you'd better keep the form of Andre. Now, without the support of the legion commander, you are just a reckless man with a realm."

"It's not your fault. I heard that you are a CPU-like existence in the Taichu Legion. You are a mouthpiece without much wisdom. You dare to claim to be a higher life. It's ridiculous."

"Boom!" These words pierced the scene that the master was most reluctant to recall like a needle. There was almost a raging fire in his countless eyes. He turned his head suddenly, and a surging black gas was gradually moving away.

The master was stunned for a second.

Then he turned his head again and looked at the original place like a cannibal. There, a small butterfly slowly flew up. And around him... everything began to blur and blur, as if he had fallen into a long dream.

The next second, the master's heart was filled with ghosts!

Below... must not be seen! Absolutely not!

That... may be the final secret of this world. The remaining puzzles in the Tower of Babel are all here!

The secret of Gu Xiu, the secret of the war of all worlds, everything is below!

"Boom!" The huge body turned upside down, without saying a word, and rushed into the depths like a bulldozer.

"It's called Phantom." Xu Yangyi's voice came slowly from the front, provoking every nerve of it: "Since entering the passage, Phantom has been in front of me. It is useless for the dead. But... for all living objects, it can allow him to enter an extremely powerful illusion."

If there are teeth, the teeth of the master must have been bitten to pieces!

But... he can't turn into Andre, and Andre's form has no combat power! Now once it turns into Andre, it doesn't even have the strength to rush down to stop the opponent!

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