
Chapter 757: Domination of the Body (Part 3)

However, it missed Andre's feeling of being in control of everything.

"Boom..." The black air in front was like a sword, rushing straight into the ground. The passage hundreds of meters behind was completely blocked, and the huge gray-white body rushed through, crushing all the gravel into powder in an instant.

"From the moment you saw it with your eyes, you saw an illusion. What you thought I was was not the real me."

"Guess, am I real now?"

Countless golden eyes almost burst out with anger, and as soon as they met... As soon as they met, they fell into a disadvantage again! In such a humiliating way! Obviously, their realm was higher than the other party.

"Stop... inferior life!"

Ignoring it, the battle royale drama continued to play out in the chase, getting closer and closer to the bottom, and the hundreds of eyes of the master reflected Xu Yangyi's back, and finally a panic appeared in his heart.

Why did it go to the trouble of rushing into the passage?

Because... he didn't want the other party to go down! Even he was unsure about what was below. If there was any unpredictable change, it might really fall to the origin.

The cave in front of them was getting bigger and bigger, and the red ocean inside could be seen clearly. The master's body trembled slightly. Although he was not Andre, he learned one thing, that is, he must eliminate any "possibility," and only "absolute" is true.

"Cockroach..." His body trembled slightly, and he actually stopped, and his golden eyes were bloodshot: "You will regret going against the will of perfect life..."

Before he finished speaking, his whole twisted body suddenly opened! Inside, an eye several tens of meters long rushed out with meridians!

The real body!

The vertical pupil was covered with bloodshot, and a bloody mouth like a skull divided the eye into two halves. The speed was much faster than before, and even only a red afterimage could be seen in the air.

"Boom!!!" A black light turned into a black lightning spear, with a radius of more than 200 meters, completely occupying the passage, and the tip of the spear pointed directly at Xu Yangyi below!

Just a few thousand meters... Once it can intercept the opponent before rushing down, then... it will make the opponent live or die!

With a deafening roar, black lightning destroyed La Xiu, and Xu Yangyi, who was at the tip of the gun, was instantly turned into dust. But immediately, a mocking voice came from another place: "The accuracy needs to be improved."

In all directions, the vague feeling that made the master furious appeared again, and this time it finally dissipated completely. He saw clearly that he was actually climbing up and hitting in the opposite direction!

"This bastard... can actually distort people's senses!" The eyes behind it stared at the phantom spirit. This is obviously a larva. What kind of larva is it? How can it have such a characteristic that makes it confused?

However, it can't care about these now. After a roar, it rushed down frantically. I wish I could smash the shadow in front of me into pieces!

"Hua La La" All the gravel turned into dust as the two passed. There was a black light in front, and a huge figure hundreds of meters behind was overwhelming, less than two kilometers away from the bottom. The red in the eyes grew bigger and bigger.

Xu Yangyi sprinted at full speed. Under the red light, he found that the cave had already shown a strange purple-black color here, and some abrupt rocks began to appear in the passage. On these rocks, there was an extremely strong corpse gas!

"What on earth is this?" He looked at the ground under his feet that had begun to turn into rocks, and he didn't dare to touch it easily. On these rocks, there were actually some genius treasures that could only grow with Yin Qi, Yin Zhi, Corpse Flower... At the lowest, they were all S-level treasures.

"I don't know how many years have passed here, and Yin Qi can actually grow natural treasures?"

He looked back and saw that the eyeball floating in the air, which was almost pulled into a phantom, was also avoiding these rocks, and even a tentacle became cautious.

Almost at the same time, with a scream of "Zizizizi!", the whole cave was buzzing. The eyeball itself is the pistil, and the scarlet tentacles are full of eyes, teeth, and sharp mouths. It can't be described as a living thing at all. Behind him, it bloomed like a devil's flower. Blocking the entire passage.

It was several times faster than before. The net of hell was overwhelming. Xu Yangyi took a deep breath, looked at the exit of the passage less than a hundred meters ahead, gritted his teeth and stepped on the black rock.

A terrifying Yin Qi rushed into his mind, screaming, roaring, and all kinds of ominous sounds sounded in his mind. He almost hugged his head and yelled. I don’t know what kind of stone this is, the Yin Qi is so strong that it can directly break through the shield of Jindan Zhenren.

But what’s even more weird is that the tentacles, which are only a hundred meters away from his back, suddenly stopped.

"You..." The master was full of resentment. These things... It didn’t dare to touch it. This lowly life form actually dared to touch it.

At this moment, Xu Yangyi rushed with all his strength and jumped out of a hundred meters directly. The black spiritual energy burst out from the exit like a fountain. The master reacted like lightning. Countless tentacles carefully bypassed the black rock and rolled out madly at the same time, but rolled nothing.

"Boom!" Just as he rushed out of the passage, an indescribable heat came quietly. It was like coming to the alchemy furnace of Taishang Laojun, and it was like walking to the Flame Mountain. It seemed to ignite the space.

The terrifying Yin Qi in his body was raging, as if it was going to tear him apart, and the terrible high temperature on his body was pervasive. Xu Yangyi felt like he was about to split apart. He just flew halfway and fell on the black stone below. But he immediately bit his tongue hard and flew into the air again.

"Zombie!!!" There was a roar like a tide in the passage behind him. The body of the master, which was tens of meters long, poured out and lay on top of the cave. Tentacles stretched out from behind the eyeballs, making it fixed on the wall like a spider. Some red eyes stared at the man in front of him.

He was actually rushed in...

He was a level above his opponent, yet he didn't stop him.

"I've been wondering from the beginning why you rushed into the passage." Xu Yangyi took out the elixir to stabilize his spiritual consciousness and drank it. While adjusting his breath, he quickly flew away. His chest heaved a little and he looked at the master: "There, is Your most disadvantaged position is that you cannot move around, even if you are at a higher level than me, you will not be able to kill me."

"If you think about it this way, there is only one answer. That is, there is something down here that you cannot control." He turned his gaze to the entire huge and boundless cave: "Let me see what it is."

The first thing that comes into view is the black rock.

They spread out from the entrance of the cave, forming a line of suspended rocks, spreading all the way to the center...a huge corpse!

This is not a stone.

But a finger of the corpse!

Thousands of meters high, standing tall against the sky and the earth, lying in the void. The tip of the index finger of his left hand was right on the passage they came out of. The whole body exudes an extremely strong Yin Qi, which seems to be condensing into substance. Shady trees, patches of shady grass, and even some ancient and dilapidated buildings were all built on the giant. Some blank spaces are covered with white hairs.

Xu Yangyi just stepped on the opponent's fingertips and rushed in here.

Under the corpse was a majestic sea of ​​magma. Even if he used spiritual energy to isolate it, he felt his sweat evaporate instantly. The magma sea was tens of thousands of meters in size, as if it was refining the corpse.

"Ha..." Even Xu Yangyi, who was well-informed, couldn't help but gasp at this moment. Is this really a corpse? Not an ancient giant race? Kuafu? Whose corpse could be so huge?

Suddenly, the entire cave...opened countless eyes.

Countless... golden eyes with vertical pupils all looked at Xu Yangyi.

"Why are you just unwilling to die?" The Lord has completely calmed down: "You have stepped into a taboo realm, and there is no possibility of you getting out alive. I am divining for you because your miserable story has appeared in my mind. Death."

"Be swallowed by me, become a part of me, helplessly, slowly, scream in agony, and return to this hell that never sees the light of day."

"Time, thirty minutes later."

Xu Yangyi sneered and continued to look around.

The tens of thousands of meters of underground caves have been filled with Taichu. They were all over the rock wall, as if they were stomach pouches. In many places, we can even see human hands extending out of Taichu that have not yet been digested.

"This is..." Xu Yangyi's mind suddenly flashed: "Taisui?!"

Before coming down, someone told him that countless Tai Sui appeared here. However, the appearance of the clock made him forget this. Seeing this, he remembered why he had never seen a Tai Sui from beginning to end.

Everything...has gathered here.

This is the ultimate evil on earth, the nest of demons.

"Tai Sui will only appear if the Emperor Star moves. I really have to thank that idiot Zhu Changluo... If he hadn't had this heart, I really wouldn't have been able to find such a good supplement." The Lord looked around and murmured Said: "Inferior life, you don't even have the chance to kneel down and beg for mercy. Two thousand years of opportunities were destroyed in your hands. After twenty years of repair, I finally separated my clones and created endless Tai Sui. You Do you feel that these cute little things are very suitable for my body?”

Not it...

Xu Yangyi withdrew his gaze and continued to scan. Tai Sui was not the reason why the master was afraid of him coming down. Then... what is it?

Just as he glanced at the corpse's chest, his eyes suddenly jumped. With almost no thought, the body instinctively shot away!

that's it!

On the chest of the corpse was a huge depression, bottomless, with darkness underneath. However, a group of majestic spiritual energy, with a scorching wave, even suppressed the turbulent magma in the entire place, sinking and floating weakly in it.

More powerful than magma.

Hotter than fire.

It was an extremely difficult feeling to describe, as if seeing it, I saw the first ignition and the first light when the earth was formed.

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